March 301 1950
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Livonia Township Zoning
Board., held in the Township Hall, March 30th, 1950.
Members present: Carson Johnston, George Bentley and. Attorney
William Breshear.
Chairman Johnston. opened the meeting at 8 P.M.
The petition of Mr. Rhos. •Braccina, 33935 Schoolcraft, for
change in zoning on the following described property is to be
referred to the Township Board for their approval and subsequent
instructions to Attorney Brashear to advertise for hearing:
A. certain parcel of land on the Southwest corner of
Stark Road and Schoolcraft Road described as follows:
Commencing at a point where the West boundary of
Stark Road intercepts the South.•bou.ndary of School -
craft Road, thence running West along the South
boundary of Schoolcraft Road for a distance of 851;
thence running South on a line perpendicular to
Schoolcraft Road. for a distance of 1501; thence
running East on a line parallel to Schoolcraft Road
to r. point at the intersection of said line. with the
Westerly boundary of Stark. Road; thence North along
the Westerly boundary of Stark Road. to the place of
beginning r to be changed. from AG-,1-B to C-1 classi-
Because of the t*.me necessary to advertise the changes in.
Zoning to come u.p before this Board in April, it was moved by
Mr' Bentley -,-and seconded by Mr. Johnston, that the April meeting
be held .April 28th Motion carried.
Disc"ssion. following on the petition to change the building
size codefrom "C" to "B" in. New Detroit Subdivision and property
adjoining to the West.
On motion. by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Johnston, this petition
was referrer.. to their Township Board for approval.
There being no further business to come -before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M. by Chairman Johnston,
Approved: Geo. N. Bentley, Acting Secretary
G.,, W. Johnston.,9 Chairman
Walter Russell, Member