Oct. 27th. 1949
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Livonia Township
Zoning Commission, held in the Township Hall, Oct. 27th, 1949.
Members present: Carson Johnston, George Bentley and Walter
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Chairman Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simpson of 29130 Morlock, qppeared before
the Board for information regarding business along Middlebelt.
Information given by the Board seemed satisfactory.
Mr. Waring appeared before the Board with regard to
changes in Zoning.
It was proposed that the requirement for an "A" home in
the case of a two story residence, be changed from an 800 sq.8t.
requirement for the first floor to 624 feet.
It was suggested by Mr. Waring that upon the placing of a
new subdivision, the Zoning Commission be called upon to give
their opinion upon the subdivision.
Chairman Johnston agreed to meet the Township Board and
arrange a meeting with Mr. Waring and the Zoning Commission.
A copy of the Zoning Ordinance changes since inception to
date was given Mr. Waring.
On motion by Mr.Russell, seconded by Mr. Bentley, the
meeting was adjourned at 9:10 P.M.
C. Wacinston, Chairman
George N. Bentley, Acti Secy.