Oct, llth_,- 72949,
Minutes of the meeting of the Livonia Township Zoning Commission
held in the Township Hall, Tuesday, October llth, 1949,
Members present: Carson Johnston, George Bentley, Walter Russell,
The meeting was caviled. to order by Chairman Johnston at 8 P.M.
This meeting is a Public Hearing to consider petitions for change
of Zoning. Mr. Bentley reads the Legal Notice of Public Hearing,
Petition No.1 of Mr, and Mrs. Carl 0, Heise,- requesting a, change
in Zoning from an RUC classification to a 0-2 classification on the
following described. property:
That part of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec, 1, described. •
as beginning st a point on the South line of Base
Line Road distant West, 1671.48 feet and South, 60.0
feet. from the N,E. corner of Sec. 1, and proceeding
thence south 163.0 ft.; thence West, 115.90 ft.
thence North, 163.0 ft, to the South Line of Base
Line Road; thence East along said South line,
115.90 ft. to the point of beginning,
No one present objected. to this change.
On motion by Mr, Bentley, seconded by Mr. Russell, the above
change was recommended. to the Township Board,
Petition No.2 of Mr. Ray Owens, requesting a change in Zoning
from an PUFO classification to a. 0-2 classification on. the following
11 sc ibed props.cty
That part of the n,L+'., 1/4 of Sec, l described
as beginht.ng at a point on the South Line of Base
Line Road, Distant West 1787,38 ft, and South, 60 ft.
from the N,E, corner of Sec. 1, and proceeding thence
South 123 ft.; thence West 40 ft.; thence North
123,0 ft. to the South Line of Base Line Road;
thence East along said South Line, 40,0 ft, to the
point of beginning.
No one present objected to this change.
It was moved by Mr, Bentley that this change be approved and
returned to the Township Board for their consideration, with the
recommendation. that the depth. of 123.0 ft. be changedto 163.0 ft.
to coincide with the depth. in Petition No,l, Seconded by Mr.
Russell, Motion carried.
Petition No.1 of Kr, William Wolfram, requesting a change in
`Zoning from an RTTFB classification to a 0-2 classification on the
following described property:
The Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of. Sec, 26
to a depth of 300 feet from the property line of Middle -
belt Road and $choolcraft Road,
MeetIn.g of 'het l1949 Fap:e Two
No one present objected to this change.
On motion. by Mx. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Russell, this change
was recommended to the Township Board.
Petition No.4 of Ner. and Lrs, Edward B. Lievois, requesting a
change in Zoning from an RUM classification to C-1 classification
on the following descirtbed property:
The Test 1/2 of Lots 56, 57, 58 and 59 of
iohany Subdivision of the rest 1/2 of the West
1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 12,
No on i,=eoent objected to this change„
On motion by Mr, Bentley, seconded by Mr, Russell, this change.
was recommended to the Township Board.
There being; no further business to come before the Board, on.
motion by Mr, Bentley, aeoonded by MT, Russell, the meeting was
adjourned. at a : 25 P ,M ,
hnSgon, Chairman
r orge N.Bentley; Acting