August 25, 1.9Lia.
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Livonia Township Zoning
Commission, held in the Township Hall: Thursday, August 25, 1949.
This meeting is also a public hearing to consider petitions for
change of Zoning.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Johnston at 8:30 PM,
Members present: Carson Johnston, George Bentley, Walter Russell
and Attorney William Brashear,
Petition No.1 was entered by Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Heise, and was read
by Mr, usse , requesting a change in Zoning from an RUFC requirement
to R-3 requirement on the following described. property:
That part of the N.E, 1/4 of Sec, 1 described
as beginning at a point on the S. line of Base Line
Rd, distant West, 1671.48 feet and South, 60/0 ft
from the N.E. cor of Sec, 1, and proceeding thence
south 163.0 ft. thence West, 115.90 ft. .thence
North 163,0 ft. to the S. Line of Base Line Rd.;
thence East along said S. Line, 115.90 ft. to
the point of beginning,
Mr. Erashear reads the Rs-3 requirement from the Zoning Code.
Mr, Heise states that the house on this property is a. large
building, and. they felt that the upstairs rooms could be remodeled
into a flat to house another family ® but that the present zoning does
not allow multiple dwellings.
Mr. Ray Owens, an adjoining property owner, was present and stated
he was opposed to the change to R 3 m that if any change was made it
should be to 0-1 or business frontage.
Chairman Johnston stated, after discussion, that this petition
would be taken under advisement and that Mr. Heise would be notified of
the final decision of the Township Board,
Petition No,2 of the Kenedy Building Products, was read by
Mr, Russell, which requests change in Zoning from R-1-0 to C-2 requirement,
on the following described property:
Lots 54 to 60, inclusive, of Schanhites
Marquette Manor Subdivision of part of. the East
1/2 of the Southeast 1/4 of Sec. 25, Town 1 South,
Range 9 East, Livonia Township, Wayne County, which
lots are on the west side of Inkster Road and situated
just north of the first alley north of Plymouth Road.
Mr,Ken.edy was present and stated this property had been used as
a cement block plant and was in, a non —conforming area, Mr. Kenedy stated
he intends to manufacture porcelain building fronts and since this
property adjoins a 0-2 district, believes it should be changed so that
he can operate his business according to the Zoning.
Meetif Augustth, 1949 -Page Two,
No one was present to object to this change.
On motion by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr, Russell, the above
change was recommended to the Township Board.
Petition No.3 of Mr. Wm. Wolfram for a change from RUB require-
went to 0-1 requirement on the property described as follows:
The Northeast 1/4 of the Northeast 1/4 of
Sec, 26, Livonia Township.
The petitioner was present and stated that they require a 092
classification, and discussion followed. on the 0-1 and. 0-2 classifi-
On motion by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Russell, this petition
was denied without prejudice until such time as action can ben taken
on a petition on 0-2 classification.
Petition No.4 of Mrs. Anna B. Slapinska, to extend the present
0-1 district on the south side of West Six Mile Road, running west from
Inkster Road, to the westerly limits of lot numbered 147 of Park Woods
Subdivision of the Northeast 1/4 of Sec. 13, Town 1 South, Range 9
Bast,and to change the zoning classification of the above extended
area, including Lots 147 and 14g of said subdivision, from R-1-B to
Mr. Randall Kohler was present as Attorney for Mrs. Slapinskas
and explains the reason for this change - reads from the recorded
restrictions of the property. That while this property was zoned for
residential purposes by the Township, the recorded restrictions state
that it can be used for business.
About 12 adjoining property owners were present, including
Mr. Moore, 27510 Whitcomb and Mrs. Rule, 16854 Rougeway, Both stated
their objections to the change ® that their property adjoined on the
rear of the house in question and they did not want a repitition of the
trouble they had when the house was operated for business previously.
Considerable discussion followed, and Chairman Johnston asked
for a showing of hands ® 10 were against the change, one for it.
Mr. Bentley moves, that,since there was a probability of a
lawsuit being filed on either side, this petition be denied. Seconded
by Mr, *ussell. Motion carried.
Mr,. Waring of Waring & Johnson was present to discuss with this
Board the recording of the changes in the Zoning from time to time into
the Zoning Code Book.
Mr. Waring also stated that other townships were setting up
ordinances to control parking, and. that they had a table prepared show-
ing what the parking needs were for certain businesses.
Meetin&of August 25th, 1949 = Page Three
Another point was the fact that a Township could adopt, as
part of the Zoning plan, a. sixty foot set —back for business areas,
Discussion on brir4.ng the Zoning Maps up—to—date. Mr, Brashear
suggests getting a written estimate of the cost to present to the
Township Board,
Chairman Johnston suggests that the members of the Board get
together on a list of the changes that have been made, and report •
same to Waring and Johnston.
Mr. Bentley moves that Waring & Johnson be requested to
prepare a map containing the ch,ng;i in Zoning, also all amendments
to the Zoning Law that have been made. Seconded by Mr, Russell,
Motion carried.
Mr. Waring will prepare an estimate of the cost for the
Township Board.
Discussion now on the petitions for changes in Zoning, with
the following recommendations for the Township Board:
Petition No.1— On motion by Mr, Bentley, seconded by Mr. Russell,
this Board recommends to the Township Board that
this petition be denied.
Petition No.2On motion by Mr. Bentley, seconded by Mr. Russell,
this Board recommends this change in Zoning.
Petition Noj— This petition was denied without prejudice.
Petition No.4— On motion by [Kr, Bentley; seconded by Mr. Russell,
this Board recommends to the Township Board that
this petition be denied,
There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned by Chairman Johnston at 10:30 P.M_,
On, Chairman
Georges N. Bentley, Actin Secy.