July 2S, 1949
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Livonia. Township Boning
Commiseion, held in the Township Hall, Thursday, July 28th, 1949,
Members present: Carson Johnston, George Bentley, Walter
Russell and Attorney William Brashear,
The meeting was called to order at 8 PM by Chairman Johnston,
A petition filed by Mr. C. C. Heise was received for a change
in Zoning from an RUFC classification to an R-3 classification on the
following described property:
That part of the N.E. 1/4 of Sec. 1 described
as beginning at a point on the S. line of Base Line
Road, distant West, 1671.48 feet and South, 60.0 ft.
from the N.E, cor of Sec. 1, and proceeding thence
south 163 ft; thence West, 115.90 ft. thence North,
163 ft. to the S. Line of Base Line Rd,; thence East
along said S. Line, 115.90 ft. to the point of the
On motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Bentley, this
petition was accepted and Attorney Brashear requested to arrange fot
a public hearing at the earliest possible date,
A petition filed by the Kenedy Building Products Company was
received for a change in Zoning from an Ft-1 to a C-2 classification on
the following described property:
Lots 54 to 60 inclusive, of Schanhite's Marquette
Manor Subdivision of part of the East 1/2 of the Southeast
1/4 of Sec, 25, T 1 S, R 9 E, which lots are on the West
side of Inkster Road and situated just north of the first
alley North of Plymouth Road.
0n motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr, Bentley, this
petition was accepted and Attorney Brashear requested to arrange for
a public hearing at the earliest possible date.
The petition of William Wolfram was received for a change
in Zoning from an RUFB to a C®1 classification on the following
described property:
The Northeast 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 of Sec. 26,
to a depth of 300 feet from the property line on
Middlebelt and Schoolcraft Roads.
0n motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Bentley, this
petition was accepted and Attorney Brashear requested to arrange for
a public hearing as soon as possible.
Meeting of July 2Sth, 1949i Page Two
The petition of Anna B. Slapinska was received to extend
1The present C-1 District on the South side of West Sixe Mile Road
running West from Inkster Road, to the Westerly limits of Lot
numbered 147 of Park Woods :Subdivision of the Northeast 1/4 of
Sec. 13, and to change the zoning classification of the above
extended area, including Lots 147 and 148 of said subdivision,
from R-1-B to 0-1 classification.
On motion by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Bentley, this
petition was accepted and Attorney Brashear requested to arrange for
a public hearing at the earliest possible date,
There being no further business to come before the Board,
the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Johnston at 8:35 P.M.
ston, Chairman
George N. Bentley, Actingi Secy.