25„ 1948
Minutes of a special ; of the Livonia Township Zoning
Boerd., held in the Township }Tail, Friday, June 25th, 1948.
The meeting
N. Bentley, at 8 P,!.
Members present: Mr. Bentley,, Mr. Robert RHO ey, {:4r, Walter
Russell and Attorney John Ambrose.
This meeting is for the purpose of reviewing the minutes of
the Public Hearing held June 24th, 1948, in which the petition of
Mrs, Mable Sharpley was considered for change of Zoning from
AC-1-0 and 0-2 requirements to a M-1 requirement, on the following
described property:
ed to order by Acting Chairman George
The Northeast Quarter and the Past.One-Half
of the Northwest Quarter of Section 35, being
further described, as that area bounded on the
North by Plymouth Read, .on the Bast by Middle -
bolt Road, on the South by the continuation of
West Chicago Road and on the West by the East
boundary of the adjacent AG-1-B Zoning District,
all located, in Section 35.
Also, to discuss the advistbili:ty of amending the Zoning
nee to include the following changes:
1. Section 2. DRFIWITIONS - to be amended to
'add. Paragraph 2.45.
2.45 HORSE RACING CENTER. .A horse racing
center shall include track, appurtenant buildings,
structures, stables, parking and other eacil1ties
necessary to maintain and operate a track for ,
horse -rasing, with wagering by pari-mutuel or
auction pool methods on thresults of such
races. Provided, however., that the area there-
fore shall consist of not less than 200 acres
of land.
2. Section 13. M-1 DISTRICTS - LIGHT INDUS*
TRIAL, PARAGRAPH 13.01 (b) - to be amdnded to
add thereto a new use called "Horse Racing Center".
After discussion pro and con for a matter of three or four
hours, a motion was made by Mr. Rewey that Mrs. Sl rpley's petition
for change in zoning be granted. Seconded. by Tr., Russell; Lotion
Thts Board so recommends to the Township Board, based on the
following reasons:
Img of June 25, 1940 - Page Two.
Most of the objections made at the mutt appear
to he against horse racing in any form in this State, and, in
particular, where bettingis permitted. We respectfully submit
that this is a matter for the State of Michigan to decide and not
this Board. Further, the objections to odor, noise and attraction
of riff -riff, etc., brought up, seems not to be borne out, as
evidenced by C. Kenneth Riddle, Mayor 'of.Ocean Runt, N.'J., whose
own area now has a similar race track.
2e The need for more income for the Township. our
schools, because of the greath growth in population, need almost
continual expansion, also more facilities for manual tracing,
gymnasium, play ground and entertainment equipment. We need
more water and sewerage disposal in order to attract industry
which i; so badly needed if we are to enjoy continued growth and
3- flawed on the response received at the hearing, it
appeared tint a large majority were in favor of the proposed
It was also moved by Mr. Rewey and seconded by Mr. Russell,
that the Amendments to Sec. 2 and Sec. 13 in the ;toning Ordinance
he adopted, Motion carried.
Actin k Chairman Bentley adjourned the meeting at 11150 P.M.
C. W. J5 ton, Chairman
George 11'a Be ntic y, 3eerqtta.ry