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Minutes of meetLnr: of the T,yvonia Township Planning Board, held at 15010 Auburndale, Liv'on`frr township, Wayne Col*ntyp Mich. Sep. 0th. 1945. Present Chairman n Parson Jonngton, CoL. Isbell, Mr. W. N, entley , Mre Wm f'en-ke and Engineer Johnson and Attorney cl J. F. Ambrose. ARet,3t:L r'}f", wasrolled to order ati'•?.% _7m.6 The Boar^d read a catetion „eimi2itted by iflr, and Mrs. 1aByatt of. 30060 FAve stile Road and er 'Fit '°therm property owners regarding changing prorerty from Middle salt road north of Five. mile Road from Otporto mist and Puritan on the north. This petetion was `-ven favorable consideration and Engineer Johnston was requested to change this ,area on the proposed new zoning map from proposed: Ass,. I-c to /A,.r 1 ZS.. This 1P,as done on a motion by Mr. Wtri. Penske seconded .fir._ Ga T, Isbell, Motion carried. Mr, r N. Bentley was not present when the motion was made but upon his arrival_ a few minutes leter endorsed this action. !r letter froin Mrs. R. W. Hedges was rears regarding °hanging area in. Section eleven. It wna moved by TTr. Gs la, i_,en.tley and seconded, by Nr. `'t'rn 'en`. iro that a letter be written to Mr a `hedges by3ocretayy Isbell advising him that apetet_lon signed by a majority of the property owners in tine area from from SIx mile Road to the line of Pick -ford and from Middle P,el.t to on the east to Merriman on th e . north , would. be de&irablo, Motion rarriedo (carbon ceapy of the ecretery's letter attached to these minutes) t letter from rnrn Thos/ T' O'Connor, attached to these. minutes VMS read regarding 160 .acres on ts,o W. corner of Six. mile and inkster Ponds now zoned on proposed new map as R. ;r _ e-13o This rattor WAS discussed. at length card on motion by Mr, Bentley seconded by G. Y, Isbell it was agreed_ to zone that portion of section thirteen from Inkster Road went to Forr .Son and fron extension. of puritan west to Ra.rr.ison :ito thense north to fltx mile iRoad as R-1 L instead of proposed v 11, _ . Motion carried. A petetion was ead regarding ribout 1600 feet fronting on the North Wide pf iPlymouth. Road lying between Farmington.and Stark Roads, signed lr r Julia Cieby and eight other s lgnators, requesting that said, property am well as the sano frontage on. the south silo of P1yinoi th Road by changed on proposed new zoning map from e c.-2. district to c-1 o On moth. by Mr. 13emtley, seconded ty Mr® Pen.=.eke, it was moved that property inquestion. fronting ranting on both the .north and south sides of Plymouth Road. between. :oinf, three hundred feet east of Farmington Road to a point eppro.rz.Lriotely 100 feet went of Wayne. Roadand a strip along Jterk Road for about three hundrod feet be changed. on proposed new zonin., map from C-'2 to a G 1 district. Motion carried., The ?matter of a. patetion. by residents of Moden n Park Village naS next discussed, It was .towed. by Mre Bentley) seconded by Mr, Henske that !-he proposed, new zoning map be changed, covering that tract directly .at' of. I ld.en ParkVillage) eytending south, to Plymouth Road - west to the enet boundary line`F of the Ryder arm (1/4 section line) and north to a co at inuation of concord st. from. an Ltd;-1 distr^i.ct to to an R-1 171 tdintriot, thus conforming with the „present zoning ordinnnceo Motion. serriedd Sono 20, 194 it wim moved by i.Tr Penske, seconded by Mr, 5sntiey to than o tbm proposal nmw zonln map coloring that part of Section twenty eight hounded on t he north by the P. 7L 717, on the south by the continuation of Concord St. on the E st '*y Stark Foad= and ea the West by the east quarter sectlonl_i_ne of section 20 to en. m f, district, Motion carried, ne letter presented. to the ,Board at. the public Rearing held at St, Micha&1's parish Hell on t. G 30th, signmd by Newman FarMS, Inco Was lean and d, s .ussada This waiter was deferred until such. ti mo Ral Attorney Atone and. Engineer Johnson cen look up the State of M, chi;an. laws go;;ornin street platting; end. the Township plett7n regulations. motion by Mr Pensbm, seconded by tiffl Isbell it was t1..ovod to r 7 )urn until Thursday Evening, &apt 27th at 2 745 at either the Township Fall on the Livonia von e Townsht Red 7ross Headquertors, to t, he event <bo T'_w _..h.ip Hall is not ?va iJahl©c Motion carried.