MAY 15-1942
Final hearing held by the Livonia Township Board in the Township
Hall, as advertised in the Livoni.an.
Zoning Board members present were as follows:
Carson Johnston; Chairman
George Bentley
ysilliatn Fenske
T. Glenn Phillips
R. Kenneth. Parker
Also, Township Board members present were:
Jesse Ziegler, Supervisor
Harry S. Wolfe, Clerk
Homer Biddinger, J.P.
Joseph Grace, J.P.
Mr. Ziegler, Supervisor, called the meting to order at 8:20 P.M.
and introduced Carson Johnston to the group.
After a short talk Mr. Carson Johnston asked Kenneth Parker,
Assistant of T. Glenn Phillips, Planner, to explain the plan as set
up by the Zoning Board after holding four weetings at various times
in different sections of t he Township, before su bmitting same to the
Township Board.
During the discussion, Mr. and Mrs. Lerch of 9916 Wayne Road
asked if business places could be put on Mayne Road. Mr. Parker
explained that that area had been zoned to small farms, and that
business places could not be placed on property south of tba
business property fronting on Plymouth Road without having a hearing
before the Board of Appeals, in which case all parties near the
property affected will have notice and have a chance to object.
Mr. Parker explained the plan in detail and asked if there
were objections to the plan as sci up.
There were no objections and Mr. Parke r turned the meeting
back to Mr. Johnston.
Mr. Johnston explained that it was not the in tent ion of the
Planning Board to be unjust or too strict, but only to protect
values and make Livonia 'Township a better place in which to live,
and turned the meeting back to Mr. Ziegler, Supervisor.
Mr. Ziegler asked if they e were any raore qua sti.ons. Mr. May
of the Pere Marquette Railroad said that he had thou ght tha t a
greater amount of pro party would have been set up for industry
along the railroad.
Mr. May said that he would like to see more property set up
as industrial but if the Planning Board could not agree, there was
not hing.more he could say.
There being no further questions, t he meeting was adjourned
at 9•40 P.M.
Asst . Secretary