March 27, 1942
Hearing held by the Livonia Township Planning Board as
advertised in the Livonian.
This hearing was held for the purpose of hearing any
objections or suggestions made by any property owner in
Livonia Township.
• Mr. Carson Johnston, Chairman of the Planning Board, opened
the meeting at 8:15 P.M. Mr. Johnston explained to the group
that the Board had been very careful to set up a plan for zoning
the Township, and were at this time submitting before the people
a proposed plan.
At this point, Mr. Johnston introduced Kenneth Parker, Assoc-
iate of T. Glenn Phillips, Planning Consultant employed by
Livonia Township.
'Richard Smith, owner of a farm on I!4iddlebelt, asked what was
the meaning of light industry.
After Mr. Parker read from the proposed ordinance, the
industries that would be barred (like tanneries that produce
objectionable odors) in such an area, Mr. Smith said that the
plan was 6atisfactory to him.
The question came up regarding the new airport, proposed by
some County officials, the said area proposed being Sections 14,
15, 22, and 23.
Mr. Jobnston asked the group how they felt about having this
area taken over for an airport.
Nearly all of the group seemed to object to raving the airport
in the Township.
Z0N111G FEARING March 27, 1942 (font i_nued)
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Asst. Secretary