On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Livonia held its 1,1331d Public Hearings and Regular Meeting in the Livonia City
Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Ian Wilshaw, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: David Bongero Sam Caramagno Glen Long
Betsy McCue Carol Smiley Peter Ventura
Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: None
Mr. Mark Taormina, Planning Director, and Ms. Margie Watson, Program
Supervisor, were also present.
Chairman Wilshaw informed the audience that if a petition on tonight's agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the City
Council who, in turn, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as to whether a petition is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating petition. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If a
petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become effective
seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission and the
professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon their filing. The staff
has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying resolutions, which
the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the outcome of the
proceedings tonight.
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 2018-
10-01-09 submitted by Livonia Hotel Group, L.L.C. pursuant to
Section 23.01 of the City of Livonia Zoning Ordinance #543, as
amended, requesting to rezone the property at 19265 Victor
Parkway, located on the west side of Victor Parkway between
Seven Mile Road and Pembroke Avenue in the Southeast 1/4 of
Section 6, from C-2 to C-4 I.
November 27, 2018
Mr. Taormina: This is a petition to rezone property located on Victor Parkway
north of Seven Mile Road. This is the former site of Doc's Sport
Retreat, which is on the west side of the road with frontage both
along Victor Parkway as well as 1-275. The current zoning of the
site is C-2, General Business. The proposed change would
rezone the property to C-4-I, which is the high-rise commercial
classification. This classification would allow for buildings to be
over two stories in height with a maximum height of six stories.
The property is 3.2 acres in size. Looking at the surrounding area,
immediately north of the subject parcel is Los Amigos Don Juan
restaurant as well as Dave & Buster's Arcade and Bar. Both of
those properties are zoned C-2, General Business. To the south
is a stormwater detention basin for Victor Corporate Park. To the
east across Victor Parkway are single family homes zoned RUF.
To the west is the 1-275/1-96 Expressway. The purpose of the
rezoning would be to allow for the redevelopment of the site with
a five to six story hotel. Hotels are treated as a permitted use
within the C-4-I district. The conceptual plan presented with the
application shows how the site might be developed should the
change of zoning move forward. This plan shows a building that
would be centrally located on the property. It would be about
133,000 square feet in size, contain roughly 220 rooms and would
provide parking both along the west, north and east sides of the
building. This site is subject to cross access and parking
agreements with both of the commercial properties to the north.
The Future Land Use Plan designates the subject property as
commercial, which corresponds to both the current as well as the
proposed rezoning. We have some renderings which I'll let the
architect describe. With that, Mr. Chairman, I can read out the
departmental correspondence.
Mr. Wilshaw: Yes, please.
Mr. Taormina: There are several items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated October 31, 2018, which reads
as follows: "In accordance with your request, the Engineering
Division has reviewed the above referenced rezoning petition.
We have no objections to the proposed rezoning at this time. The
existing parcel is assigned the address of 19265 Victor Parkway.
The legal description provided by the petitioner appears to be
correct and should be used in conjunction with his petition. The
existing parcel is currently serviced by public utilities, but the
information submitted does not show proposed connections or
calculations, so we cannot determine impacts to the existing
systems at this time. At the time of plan submittal for permitting,
the owner will need to provide proposed flow calculations for the
sanitary sewer and water service connections to determine if
November 27, 2018
there is capacity in the existing lines to service the proposed
project. We will provide a detailed review once full engineering
site plans have been submitted for approval. Storm water
detention has been provided for the parcel with the previous
development. The owner will need to determine if the provided
detention is sufficient for the additional runoff from the proposed
project, or provide additional detention as required by the Wayne
County Storm Water Ordinance. It should be noted that the
developer will be required to obtain permits from MDOT for any
work within the 1-275 right-of-way."The letter is signed by David
W. Lear, P.E., Assistant City Engineer. The second letter is from
the Treasurer's Department, dated October 31, 2018, which
reads as follows: "In accordance with your request, the
Treasurer's Office has reviewed the address connected with the
above noted petition. At this time, there are no outstanding
amounts receivable for taxes. Therefore, I have no objections to
the proposal." The letter is signed by Lynda Scheel, Treasurer.
The next letter is from the Finance Department, dated November
2, 2018, which reads as follows: "I have reviewed the addresses
connected with the above noted petition. As there are no
outstanding amounts receivable, general or water and sewer, I
have no objections to the proposal."The letter is signed by Coline
Coleman, Chief Accountant. That is the extent of the
Mr. Wilshaw: Are there any questions of the Planning Director? Seeing none,
the petitioner is here. We will need your name and address for
the record please. Again, I always like to remind everyone that
what we're dealing with tonight is the rezoning request. We're
going to focus mostly on the issues of zoning. There may be
some discussion about the conceptual site plan, but it is only
conceptual at this time.
Tim Ponton, Stonefield Engineering and Design, 28454 Woodward Avenue, Royal
Oak, Michigan 48067. Good evening Chairman, Members of the
Board. I am the owner of Stonefield Engineering and Design. We
have been retained on this project along with the project architect
to lead the design. When the applicant first sent over this site and
we started finagling with some of the design and working through
some of the site constraints, we found that there were a couple
of items that led to the ultimate request for the rezoning from C-2
to C-4-I. I think Mark did a good job summarizing, but just to add
onto that. An important point to notice is that we do have a limited
lot width of just under 140 feet. With that being said, there is not
that much area to place the building, also with the ability to allow
for safe fire circulation. Adding onto that, the elevation of Victor
Parkway as you go south, at the northern end of our site, the
November 27, 2018
elevation is approximately 762, and at the southern portion of our
site, is about 753. So it's an 8 to 9 foot change in elevation overall.
We're in front of you tonight essentially trying to change the height
associated with what's permitted at this site. It is consistent with
surrounding patterns of the neighborhood. There is a similar
zoning just a couple of properties away, which is Embassy Suites.
It is also C-4. In addition to those constraints, the visibility aspects
from the highway. Even if we were to do a six-story building, it
would still appear one story lower than the property one site to
the north. As you get a couple of more properties similar to where
the Embassy Suites is, they are almost 20 feet higher in elevation
than we are. To the south is the retention basin and then the
bank. In addition to that, the other properties are located much
closer to the actual highway than our property because what we
have behind us is the jug handle on/off from the exit ramp
associated with the highway. So we're a couple hundred feet
away as you can see on the screen as compared to the other
properties that are in the surrounding neighborhood. Those are
the main reasons for the request, and we're happy to answer any
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, Mr. Ponton. Do we have any questions of our
Ms. Smiley: The Engineering Department mentioned the 1-275 easement.
How much of that is involved on your property?
Mr. Ponton: There are a number of different easements that are located on
our property to the north and along the highway parcel that we're
contending with.
Ms. Smiley: So you're aware and you've made arrangements not to infringe
on those easements?
Mr. Ponton: Right.
Ms. Smiley: Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Any other questions for our petitioner? Is there anybody in the
audience that wishes to speak for or against this item?
John Kaounas, 19533 Victor Parkway, Livonia, Michigan. I'm the owner of the
building north of this property. I agree to rezoning it. I think it's
going to help us. I have a restaurant next to it. So I do approve, if
you guys approve it. That's what I want to say.
November 27, 2018
Mr. Wilshaw: Thank you, sir. We appreciate you coming and offering that
Mr. Kaounas: Sure. Thank you.
Mr. Wilshaw: Anybody else in the audience wishing to speak for or against this
item? I don't think any substantial information was added to bring
the petitioner forward again unless there is anything else you
would like to say. Are there any other questions or comments
from the Commission? We can go ahead and close the public
hearing, and a motion would be in order.
On a motion by Long, seconded by Smiley, and unanimously adopted, it was
#11-76-2018 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held
by the City Planning Commission on November 27, 2018, on
Petition 2018-10-01-09 submitted by Livonia Hotel Group, L.L.C.
pursuant to Section 23.01 of the City of Livonia Zoning Ordinance
#543, as amended, requesting to rezone the property at 19265
Victor Parkway, located on the west side of Victor Parkway
between Seven Mile Road and Pembroke Avenue in the
Southeast Y4 of Section 6, from C-2 to C-4-I, the Planning
Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that
Petition 2018-10-01-09 be approved for the following reasons:
1. That the proposed change of zoning is compatible to and in
harmony with the surrounding land uses and zoning districts
in the area;
2. That the proposed change of zoning is consistent with the
developing character of the area;
3. That the proposed change of zoning would provide for the
development of the subject property in a manner that is
appropriate with its size and location; and
4. That the proposed change of zoning is supported by the
Future Land Use Plan which recommends commercial use
in this area.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above hearing was
given in accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended.
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
adopted. It will go on to City Council with an approving.
November 27, 2018
ITEM #2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1,132nd Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Mr. Caramagno, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of
the Minutes of the 1,132nd Public Hearings and Regular Meeting
held on October 30, 2018.
On a motion by Smiley, seconded by McCue, and unanimously adopted, it was
#11-77-2018 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 1,132nd Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commission on October
30, 2018, are hereby approved.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Smiley, McCue, Bongero, Long, Ventura,
Caramagno, Wilshaw
NAYS: None
Mr. Wilshaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 1,133rd Public
Hearings and Regular Meeting held on November 27, 2018, was adjourned at 7:16
Sam 41'ramagno, Secretary
/rte -
Ian Wilshaw, Chairman