HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 1970-06-09 8874 MINUTES OF THE 218th REGULAR MEETING AND A PUBLIC 'HEARING HELD BY THE CITY PLANNING COMMIgSION OP`THE CITY OF LIVONIA On Tuesday, June 9, 1970, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia held its 218th Regular fleeting and" ' Publfn Hearing at the Livonia City Hall. Mr. Raymond Tent, Chairman, called, the Public Hearing to order at approximately 8 :30 p.m. with approximately 150 interested persons in the audience. Members Present: Raymond W. Tent Francis Hand Charles Walker Joseph Talbot Marvin Moser Members Absent: H. Dow Tunis, Joel LaBo Messrs. Don Hull, Planning Director; John J. Nagy, Assistant Planning Director; H. G. Shane, Planner III, of the City Planning Department; Harry C. Tatigian, City Attorney were also present. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-1-9 by Gordon-Begin Company requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt Road between Meadowlark and Schoolcrakt Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24 from R-1-A to C-2. Mr. Tent stated a letter in the file dated April 14, 1970 from Mr. Strasser, City Engineer stated there are several engineering problems one of which is the Blue Drain which must be closed or relocated; also the need of 27' acquisition of additional right-of-way on Middlebelt Road, There are no utility company letters in the file, he added, and further stated that no development plans have been Submitted by the petitioner. Mr. William Ponder, Attorney for Gordon-Begin was present to represent petitioner. Mr. Ponder stated that inasmuch as the second item on the agenda is an adjacent parcel to that described in this petition and it/jail owned by Gordon-Begin he would discuss both petitions at this time so as to not repeat himself. He discussed Mr. Wilson's property to the south which is zoned R-7 and the commercial piece at the corner; the total land area involved is 16 acres, with approximately 5 acres to be rezoned C-2 and 11 acres for multiple zoning. Petitioner feels this is the best use the land can be put to because of the major thoroughfare and with Schoolcraft being turned into a highway. The 11 acres would be 125 units; a multi-million dollar venture. They are not ready with plans for the C-2 but feels it is good future planning to request the zoning now for future development. Mr. Tent stated that with regard to the C-2 parcel that this would be a high commercial use and the Commission must have a proposal or recommendation. He asked what the petitioner has in mind for this parcel. Mr. Ponder stated he understood they want specific site plan but the petitioner is planning for the future and does not know as yet what they would do with it. 8875 Mr. Tent stated that the Planning Commission just completed a Commercial Study which shows that there is much C-2 not being used as previously builders. received zoning and did nothing with it which has resulted in an over abun- dance of C-2 in the City. Mr. Hand stated it is difficult not to consider both petitions because to successfully pass on one would leave an odd shape piece. If the C-2 were approved and not the R-7 he asked what petitioner would do with the land. Mr. Ponder stated they would have to put in homes in accordance with present zoning if approval is not received for the R-7. Mr. Walker stated they must look at the whole undeveloped land area beginning with Schoolcraft; the fronting is Commercial which is logical because it is an expressway; when you move north R-7 is reasonable because it abutts commercial and goes into residential on the other side. His concern, he added, is if he lives there he would not want that type of environment around his home - it would be spot zoning. This has been reviewed with the land owners and with the home owners and he feels this is not a reasonable request and will not add any value or aesthetic value to the land. Mr. Harrison Mercer, a resident of Lawr-El Subdivision reviewed the entire history of the land in question and the many petitions previously offered and their failures, and referred to the many developments in the area; i.e. the peanut butter factory, Livonia Eall, etc. which is far from the residential city which they were promised. Re stated as a resident he opposes both petitioners 100% but if an idea were to be proposed to beautify the area they would be interested. Mr. Tent advised him that the Planning Commission is here for just that purpose to take all matters into consideration and do what is right. Mr. Wilson, 859 Fo:: Run, Bloomfield Hills stated he represents one of the owners of the property immediately to the south and does not object to the petition to rezone to multiple dwellings but does object to the spot zoning of Commercial requested in the companion petition. Mr. Bud Flora, President of the Compton Village Association submitted petitions on each of these petitions signed by the home owners on Meadowlark and Alexander - all Compton Village plus home owners across the road. He added he purchased his home feeling it would be a residential area. Mr. Tent stated that there is a moratorium on multiple dwellings at the present time; according to histopinion if R-7 is granted petitioner could not process the site plan until this period is up. Mr. Tent stated this matter would be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser, Acting secretary announced that Petition 70-5-1-15 be Gorden-Begin Company requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt Road, north of Schoolcraft Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24 from R-1-A to R-7. Mr. Tent advised the audience that this is the companion petition,._ to the one just heard and the corments made therein correspond to this petition also. 11; 8876 Mr. Tent stated this also has the engineering problem with reference to the Blue Drain and the right-of-way. Mr. Hand asked if the multiple dwellings would be 2 story. Mr. Ponder replied, yes - garden type dwellings that under the ordinance they could put 10 to 12 units per acre. There was a show of hands in the audience to how many persons were interested in these petitions and objected to same - approximately 40 persons raised their hands. Mr. Tent stated this matter would be taken under advisement. The acting secretary announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-4-1-14 by James Bonadeo requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Levan Road between Roycroft and Five Mile Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17 from R-2 to P.S. Mr. Tent stated a letter in the file dated May 7 from the City Engineer showed no problems; however, a letter from a property owner, J. M. Gallo, 36215 Roycroft, dated May 27, 1970 objected to the petition. 1E: Mr. Bonadeo was present but stated he was not prepared. Minutes through item #3 were taken by Planning Commission secretary. Concluding statement by Mr. Tent that item #3 would be taken under advisement. At this point during the Public Hearing the recording secretary became ill and Mrs. Phyliss Tent continued with the meeting. 8877 Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-16 by Trinity Park Inc. requesting to rezone property located east of Middlebelt Itoad between Jamison and Barkley Street in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, from RUF to R-9. Mr. Tent reviewed the file and indicated there were no objections from the utility companies relative to this petition. However, there was a leter on file from the City Engineer indicating right-of-way dedication would be required on Middlebelt Road. Mr. Tent stated this is identical to a petition submitted on January 14, 1969 for Senior Citizens use under the multi-family zoning. Mr. Tent further stated that in order to apprise the audience of the nature of this petition he would like to mention that this petition was adted on by the Commission on February 28, 1969 at which time a split vote approved this petition. Those voting in favor of were Messrs. Walker, Heusted, LaBo, and Wrightman, Those opposed were Messrs. Colomina and Tent. This petition was then forwarded to the Council and was vetoed by the Mayor on June 13, 1969. The Council sustained the Mayor's veto with the following vote: to sustain; McCann, Nash, Ventura. Voting to over-ride veto: Millan, Kleinert, Raymond and McNamara and the Mayor's veto was sustained and the resolution failed for lack of five affirmative votes. Mr. Robert J. Marshall, President of Trinity Park Inc. read a letter addressed to "Interested Citizens". Mr. Kronf n_escnted to the Comuission the petition on behalf of Trinity Park Inc. ani ev1ained the r.atu-e of the petition and the fact that the zoning now would be the R and the nature and scope of the petition is identical to that submitted in February. Mr. Hand questioned Mr. Kropf, attorney, whether he had plans on this proposal. Mr. Krc,nf s:ic' they were not available right then. Mr. Moser aeked Mr. Kropf if the CLty would derive tax monies from this apart- ment. Mr. Kropf said yes. Mr. Krcpf also stated that they have even received help from a congressman. Mr. Flora, President of Compton Village Civic Association spoke to go on record as opposed to petition for rezoning. He said they presented their case last year to Council. Mr. Flora listed their objections as follows: 1. Traffic on Middlebelt is already very bad during peak hours and during racetrack hours. 2. It will add density to the area. It will involve over 900 people. 3. City services will be required to service this apartment complex. 4. Value of homes of abutting property owners is a concern. Barkley homeowners abutting are 100 percent against it. 5. Question whether Trinity Park has interest of elderly in mind because t; of distance of shopping, medical, etc. Mr. Flora read a traffic count done in 1966 stating there were 50,000 cars on Middlebelt between Schoolcraft and Five Mile in a two-day period. Also, they have obtained 374 signatures opposing Trinity Park petition. Mr. Flora raised a question concerning what he termed the "disability aspect" of this proposed facility. Mr. Marshall stated all persons occupying proposed apartment would be able bodied and there was no connection between the convalescent home and the apartment. 8878 Mrs. Paul Little, a resident on Barkley stated her .objection was that living rooas on Pa.rkley wou109i_rectly facing this project. Mr. Talbot said he thouc'it is would be better to look at a well landscaped building rather than v=cai.t property with weeds. Mrs. Little said, "yes, if it was well kept up". Mr. Flora seoT-e a'ni_n. He is afraid of a precedent being set with acceptance of HUD f�.__. 'ae vt �i. .ng . Mr. Bill Patch of 29141 Oriole asked who would pay the taxes on the property. Mr. Hrop: eaicl the Trir. _ty Park Coeoration. Mr. Charles Seraffa of 29055 Lori St. objected because of the houses so close to the proposed apartment. Yr. Co?c;' ^a. stated tare were 6c churches in Livonia. How much property the churches .,.t,.. ...:i, how :r:.,ch of is vacant. i•Ir. Hand aske; Yr. Marshall the cost of renting units. Mr. ::arch-111 said :'S'3.00 a month for one person, $100.00 for two people. Mr. Teet reeked for a cher,/ of hands of those living adjacent to this pro erty. (50) Mr. ITalker :s:ce l ile. Irsrshell land is owned by the church. Mr. Marshall Li stated this is Os total remaining __end the church owns in this area. Mr. Charles Escanderian spoke in favor of the proposal because of his mother. He weal_d like for her to be Eh'e to live there. He said the people should ask themselves "is this worthwhile and do people need it or not". He further stated that if s_ .natures in fav:i:_ of this petition are what is required he could get retry signatures from all_ll over the city. _ Mr. Tent said we are net playing a game of signatures. The signatures that we are i teeect_ecl iz are those c'autt_ng the property in question. Therefore, any thou hts of getting sigeaturos thnougleout the City for this facility would not be as influential as the 374 signatures from directly affected people. Mr. Eric T:c72'-osh who lir s at 1'+1.0 :-Icrrison end Martin Belisle, 14963 :savour also spoke. Mr. Teut stated the petition will be taken under advisement. Mr. Mose_, Acting Secretary a:}eounced the next item on the agenda is r et'ti^ 71-5-1-12 by Alr-i R. Kramer requesting to rezone : Cp2Y•..y loc._.tad on the east side of Middlebelt between Terrence ar 1 Surnyc el e in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, from P.?T._ tc C-2. t? Mr. Tent stated that a _letter fro:: the Engineering Dept. indicated no engineering problems. There wee no correa;.ondonce from the utility comoanies. No develop- ment rime.; for the :efts in c1uestie . Mr. K:are_ was present and is a resident of Livonia. Also is president of the -- company. He stated the nurpose of acquiring this land is to build a showroom and warehouse. '.'_his is a carpet and linoleum business. He said his showroo 8879 1[1: would be similar to the Hearthside Furniture on Middlebelt. They would like to occupy building by end of the year. Mr. Hand asked why this particular site. He wanted to know why it was necessary to locate on a heavily travelled road. He asked if there was some property vacant on Broadmoor. Answer: yes, zoned RUF. Mr. Colomina said C-2 just south of that property is vacant. He stated this is an example of strip zoning right down the mile roads. Mr. Colomina stated he objects to taking residential property and then rezoning it commercial. Mr. Moser asked about a ravine in that area. Mr. Kramer said it is an ab andohed drainage ditch. Mr. Thomas George spoke spying he owns the C-2 property just south of this site. The drainage ditch drains his property. He does not want that ditch closed off. Mr. Andrew said Mr. Kramer has been working with his office to find land. He stated the Kramer Company is an old established company, and would be good for Livonia. Mr. Andrew stated it is not strip commercial development in the strictest sense of the word. Neither is it spot zoning. He encouraged Mr. Kramer to purchase Lot 214A. This land will go commercial in the future. Mr. Tent said the Commission has not received any plans on which to base a , judgement. He said further that the petition would be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-4-2-9 by Boron Oil Company requesting .a waiver use permit to construct a gasoline service station on property located on the southeast corner of Eight Mile Road and Middlebelt Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 1. Mr. Norman Hyman, 2290 First National Building, was present to represent the petitioner. Also present was Mr. Jack Mesker, Boron representative in charge of site development for this area. Mr. Hyman stated the land was properly zoned. They are in compliance with existing requirements. He stated drainage, etc. , can be worked out. They will be glad to comply with any other requirements. They have obtained signatures from four of the five nearby residents. The fifth resident was out of town. All others within 400 feet have signed and their signatures are on file. Mr. Hyman stated that as it is now the Jackson Hamburger Stand blocks visibility since there is no set back. Boron would be set back and would improve visibility. A traffic count has been made on the corner. During normal traffic there are 200 - 250 turn move- ments at this corner. Close to 300 at rush hour. Boron stations are company owned and not boarded up while looking for new tenants. Stated that Boron would remove station from property in case their representative goofed and lot was not suitable for a station and that land would be levell6d. Mr. Hyman pointed out the advantage of tax base. He mentioned the impact on traffic conditions. That the facts speak for themselves. He said that 85% of people who end up at stations do so randomly. Stations do not generate traffic. Schools and such have a greater fire risk than service stations. Mr. Tent mentioned the number of stations in the area in response to the comment that this type of business was needed in this area. Mr. Hyman responded that it is their right to try to locate wherever they choose and not the Planning Commission's to tee? them. He stated further that the service station would be torn down if the business doesn't do well. 8880 Mr. Colomina mentioned to Mr. Hyman the number of stations already in business saying even if Boron does well, what if the stations across the street are run out of business. We still wind up with Vacant stations in the City. Mr. Hyman says there are no vacant stations at major intersections. He said housekeeping is rigidly enforced at Boron Stations. Mr. Tent mentioned that due to so much competition, some stations try to take on other projects such as truck rentals, trailers etc. Mr. Hyman said there would be no request for anything of this nature. Mr. Walker stated we must be aware of future development of land in that area. He wondered about what land left in whose ownership in view of the future. Mr. Hyman said they have opportunity to lease from the property owners. He pointed out the landscaping on a map. Mr. Tent said if there was no further discussion, the petition would be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-3-4 by Owners and Interested Parties of Coventry Gardens Subdivision requesting the vacating of a twenty-foot wide public alley located west of Farmington Road between Five Mile Road and Poycroft in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16. Mr. Tent read a letter from Mr. Strasser stating there were no engineering problems, but that a 20 foot easement should be retained. Also letters from Edison and Michigan Bell regarding retention of easement rights. Mr. Charles Allen, Sr. of Coventry Gardens, spoke in favor of the petition for the subdivision in voicing their objections because of refuse, bottles, teenagers noise at all hours of the night. Mr. Allen, Jr. spoke saying he does not agree with Mr. Strasser regarding need for a wall or fence. He did not check the ordinance right. Businesses going north could use the place for parking. They are in agreement. Mr. David Whitney, manager of the Harris Funeral Home stated he needs the alley for loading funerals. It's an aid to getting his hearse under the portecochere. Mr. Whitney is the only businessman there who did not sign the petition. Mr. Colomina asked Mr. Hull concerning a wall on the property line. Mr. Hull discussed the possible reasons for requesting a wall to be built in the future. Mr. Whitney agreed with Mr. Tent that maybe the best solution is to block off the alley. Mr. Walker mentioned the possible problems that can arise in the future. Mr. Donnini, 37,545 Rayburn, ncrtioned the kids leaving Bates and swinging out into '_'armington. He is concerned about accidents. Mr. Tent said if there was no further discussion, the petition would be taken under advisement. 1 8881 Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is ILO a letter dated May 20, 1970 from A. W. Miller requesting preliminary plat approval for Currie Court Industrial Subdivision, proposed to be located on the northeast corner of Airhein Rood and Neburgh Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29. There are no engineering problems. Fire Department says not desirable. Re- quire no parking s r s. Letter from Industrial Development recommending approval. Mr. Miller stated he would like to proceed with the engineering of new layout. He explained the positioning of buildings and front yard set backs; also side yard set backs for Currie Court Industrial Subdivision. Every improvement they have put in in anticipation of approval so far have been approved. Discussion with Fire Marshal Bunk resulted in request for the placing of two fire hydrants. Mr. Tent stated the request would be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-17 by the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone property located on the southside of Plymouth Road between Merriman and Hubbard Roads in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 34, from C-1 to P. The purpose of the petition is to rezone from C-1 ('.Deal business) to P (parking) to provide parking sps Pi ^e. _. Tent discussed some of the problrn s and the fact that this has been under study for some time. Dr. Brooker, 9823 Cranston, whose business is located at 32003 Plymouth Road met the parking requirements when he bought his property. He stated he is neither for nor against this proposal. He has sufficient land for his parking needs. Dr. Marston, 23478 Washington said that he built his building 11 years ago and provided adequate parking at that time. He gave up some of his space when asked by the City. Recently he lost a tenant because he couldn't provide parking. He is to be given back his 25 feet so he can build. 7n the past, plans have sounded good but were inequitable to some people. When Secretary of State is out by July, this TA1 relieve conditions for him. Mr. Hull stated that a completely equitable plan for everyone is near impossibility. The Planning Department is making recommendations to Engineering Department for an assessment formula. Mr. Shane will work on it. Mr. Andrew J. Master, 3011 W. Seven Mile Road complimented City Planners saying this was the most workable plan he has seen. Mr. Merioa, 11401 Cranston, Rosedale Civic Association President said don't allow more businesses. The Civic Association supports the plan. Mr. Tent said if there was no further discussion, the petition would be taken under advisement. 8882 On a motion duly made by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Colomina and unanimously carried, it was t RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby adjourn the Public Fearing held en June 9, 1970 at approximately 12:00 p.n. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Mr. Tent, Chairman, called the 218th Regular Meeting to order at approximately 12:05 n.m. with approximately 35 interested persons in the audience present for the public hearing. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, cnounced the first item on the agendais Petition 70--3-1-9 by Gordon-Begin Company requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt Road between Ms.^do-::o 'c and Schoolcraft Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24, from R-1-A to C-2. On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried, it was 1`6-60-70 R 'SOTVFD, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on Petition 70-3-1-9 as submitted by Gordon- Beu-`1 CnIrpc_nj rilyiestip^ to rezone property located on the east_ of Middlebelt Road between Meadowlark and Schoolcraft Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24, from R-1-A to C-2 the C.'_ 7lcnn_n.g Co::miss:Lon does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-3--1-9 be denied for the following reaons: (1) There is rA encess-i ve quantity of ccnm.ercial zoning in this sector of the City. (2) Commercial zoning in this specific location could acb'ersely effect the adjacent development. (3) The traffic generated by this intensity of use in this location could adversely effect the traffic-carrying capacity of Middlcl, t Road. (4) This cormerc .al zoning conflicts with the Planning Cor.:__d asiou's Maser Plan for the development of th's sector of the City. (5) The physical shape and form of the proposed commercial does not -appear to relate logically to any develoome-t pat am for the general area. FURTHER P.ESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia C'oserver under date of .;-,y 2-3, _1.970 and notice of such hearing was sent to the Dc-roit_ Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Cam _ly, :3 c;,tgan le-11 Telephone Company, Consumers Power Company and Cite ^enactn_.,nts as listed in the Proof of Service. 8883 14, Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-15 by Gordon-Begin Company requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt Road, north of Schoolcraft Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 24, from R-1-A to P.S. Mr. Colomina made a motion that the petition be denied for reasons stated in the fly sheet and he added one more. He said the referendum indicating the will of the people against apartments should be honored. On a motion duly made by Mr. Colomina, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously carried,it was #6-61-70 RESOLVED, that pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on Petition 70-5-1-15 as submitted by Gordon- Begin Company requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt Road, north of Schoolcraft Road in the South- west 1/4 of Section 24, from R-1-A to R-7, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-5-1-15 be denied for the following reasons: (1) The intrusion of multi-family development in this 101 area could adversely effect the stability of the existing residential development. (2) Multi-family zoning in this sector of the City is in conflict with the Planning Commission's Master Plan for development of the area. (3) The demands on public utilities and public facilities in this sector of the City could be taxed by the inclusion of high residential density. (4) The size, shape and location of the parcel of land in question does not ideally lend itself for multi- family development. The Planning Commission feels that single family residential development on this parcel of land would be a more logical land use and offer greater stability and protection to the existing resi- dential neighborhood. (5) Referendum vote of residents of the City indicate they do not want apartments. FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer under date of May 20, 1970 and notice of such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. 8884 Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-4-1-14 by James Bonadeo requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Levan Road between Roycroft and Five Mile Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, from R-2 to P.S. On a motion duly made by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Talbot and unanimously carried, it was #6-62-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on Petition 70-4-1-14 as submitted by James Bonadeo requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Levan road between Roycroft and Five Mile Road in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 17, from R-2 to P.S. , the City Plennins, Comirission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-4-1-14 be approved for the following reasons: (1) It {.s a logical e-;tension of the existing land use and zoning of the area. (2) Professional zoning is a most compatible type of zoning; it should not adversely effect the adjacent residential developmcht. (3) The parcel of land in question is not directly related to the adjacent residential subdivision because it fronts on Levan Road. It appears more logical that the professional service zoning be expanded to include this related parcel of land rather than have the residential zoning prevail. (4) There appears to be a need for professional service zoning in this area based on the fact that the numerous professional offices and clinics in the area seem to be occupied and that the existing hospital generates a need for related services. FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer, under date of May 20, 1970, and notice of such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- way Company, Michigan Bel' Telephone Company, and Consumers Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the notion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-16 by Trinity Park, Inc. , requesting to rezone property located east of Middlebelt Road between Jamison and /E-:; Barkley Street in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, from RUF to R-9. 8885 On a motion duly made by Mr. Moser, seconded by Mr. Hand and carried, it was #6-63-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on Petition 70-5-1-16 as submitted by Trinity Park, Inc. , requesting to rezone Property located east of Middlebelt Road between Jamison and Barkley Street in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 24, from 1tUF to R-9, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-5-1-16 be approved for the following reasons: (1) The City has sufficient guarantee that this will be a retirement housing project that will serve a useful purpose for the City. (2) This proposed development is relatively small and will not adversely effect the adjacent residential neighbor- hood or substantially contribute to the generation of traffic along Middlebelt Road. (3) This is a logical adjunct to the facilities presently located within this area (two churches and convalescent home) . (4) This is a quasi-public venture sponsored by the Church which has a utilitarian desire to provide a needed service and will be largely occupied by residents of the City of Livonia or their relatives. (5) Even though this is a Church-sponsored use, it will be taxable and generate City revenue. (6) The amount of City services required to service this project will be relatively low and there will be no scheol-age children. FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer, uud_er date of May 20, 1970, and notice of such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- way Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service. A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted as follows: AYES: Taihot, Walker, Hand, Moser NAYS: rolom r.a, Tent ABSENT: Laic lO ._n. - .. ....i " -'-' • o ^F"ct t'1t_ :,is reason for votingno" is that it is still multipie doming. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. 8886 Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-18 by Alan Kramer requesting to rezone property located on the east side of Middlebelt between Terrence and Sunnydale In the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13i from RUF to C-2. On a motion duly made by Mr. _,_''.) t, seconded by Mr. Moser to be tabled, it was RESOLVED that, pursuant to s public hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on .7eti.tion 70-5-1-18 as submitted by Alan R. Rramer requesting to rezone property located on the east side of MiC,_'.lebelt between Terrence and Sunnydale in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, from RUF to C-2, the City Planning Commission does hereby determine that said petition be tabled until clarifi- cation of the drainage situation in the area. A roll call vote on the ':'::.' A_ -ed in the following: AYES: Walker, Talbot, Moser NAYS: Colom_na, Tent, hand ABSENT: La2o Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion failed for lack of support. On a motion duly mad.-: by Mr. Hand and seconded by Mr. Colomina for denial resulted in the following: AYES: Color__na, Haid, Tent, NAYS: Talbot, Welke_, Moser ALSEMT: LaBo Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated that because of tie vote the petition will be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-4-2-9 by ioron Cil Company requesting a waiver use permit to construct a gasoline service station on property located on the southeast corner of Eight Mile Road and Middle- belt Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 1. Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated the petition will be taken under advisement. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-3-4 by Owners and Interested Parties of Coventry Gardens Subdivision requesting the vacating of a twenty-foot wide public alley located west of Farmington Road between Five Mile Road and Roycroft in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16. Mr. Tent, Chairman_, stated the petition will be taken under advisement since Mr. Tatigian was not available for a legal opinion. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is a letter Faced May 20, 1970 from A. W. Miller requesting preliminary plat approval for Currie Court Industrial Subdivision, proposed to be located on the northeast corner of Amrhein Road and Newburgh in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29. 8887 On a motion duly made by Mr. Talbot, seconded by Mr. Colomina and unanimously carried, it was ##6-64-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held on June 9, 1970, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that the preliminary plat for Currie Court Industrial Subdivision, located on the northeast corner of Amrhein R'ad and Newburgh Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 29, be approved for the following reasons: (1) It is a logical solution for the development of this land. (2) It is a logical expansion of development within our industrial corridor. FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was sent to the abutting property owners, proprietor, City Departments as listed in the ?roof of Scrvice and copies of the plat together with notice have been sent to the Building Depart- ment, Superintendent of Schools, Fire Department, Police Department and Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. 11: Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-5-1-17 by the City Planning Commission on its own motion to razcne property located on the south side of Plymouth Road between Merriman and Hubbard Roads in the North- east 1/4 of Section 34, from C-1 to P. On a motion duly made by Mr. Walker, seconded by Mr. Hand and unanimously carried, it was #6-65-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on June 9, 1970 on Petition 70-5-1-17 as submitted by the City Planning Commission on its own motion to rezone property located on the south side of Plymouth Road between Merriman and Hubbard Roads in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 34, from C-1 to P., the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 73-5-1-17 ba approved for the following reasons: (1) This is necessary action to effecuate the Plymouth Road Parkirg Flan that has been sanctioned by the City. (2) The rezonings are consistent with the proposal set forth in the Planning Commission's study for resolving the parking problem in this sector of the City. (3) There is a tremendous reed to solve the off-street 11; parking in this sector of the City. Unless the parking problem is solved, the quality of commercial development in this area cannot survive over a long period of time. 8888 FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing irwas published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer, under date of May 20, 1970, and notice of such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Rail- way Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, and Consumers Power Company and City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the foregoing motion carried and the above resolu- tion adopted. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-3-3 by W. E. Okerstrom requesting to vacate a twenty-foot wide public alley north of Five Mile Road between Middlebelt and Cavcur Avenue, and a twenty-foot wide public alley east of Middlebelt, north of Five Mile Road, in Elmdale Subdivision, in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13. On a motion duly made by Mr. Colomina, seconded by Mr. Walker and unanimously carried, it was #6-66-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held on May 12, 1970 on Petition 70-2-3-3 as submitted by W. E. Okerstrom requesting to vacate a twenty-foot wide public alley north of Five Mile Road between Middlebelt and Cavour Avenue, and a twenty-foot wide public alley east of Middlebelt, north of Five Mile Road, in Elmdale Subdivision in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 13, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-2-3-3 be approved to the extent that the entire north/south alley east of and paralleling Middlebelt Road be vacated but that the east/west alley north of and paralleling Five Mile Road be vacated adjacent to lots #8 through #12 only, excluding the alley adjacent to lots #1 through #7, for the following reasons: (1) The alley has not been fully improved and it is highly unlikely that it ever will be, thus there is no need to retain the total right-of-way. (2) There is no way to prevent transient access across the lands in this area if the alley is retained in public ownership. There apparently has been a practical problem with vehicles and people disrupting activity within this area. (3) It is temporarily necessary to retain the alley across lots #1 through #E7 so that a logical solution for Five Mile Road parking may be obtained and so that the owner of the existing pet supply store will have access and circulation. FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above public hearing was published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer, under date of April 22, 1970, and notice of such hearing was sent to the Detroit Edison Company, Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company and Consumers Power Company, City Departments and Petitioner as listed in the Proof of Service. 8889 Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-4-8-5 by McClow Realty Company requesting site plan approval for a 7-Eleven Convenience Grocery Store to be located on the northwest corner of Five Mile Road and Hubbard in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15, and approval of all other plans required by Ordinance #784. A motion was made by Mr. Talbot for approval. He stated his reasons for approval. With: proper.: control, this development could be made compatible with development of Civic Center which they say they will do. There is a need for this type of facility in this part of the City. Conditions of approval site be expanded to include road to north. No free standing signs. No window signs. Woodshake Mansard in place of conventional roof. Right- of-way be dedicated to the City. Mr. Tent asked if there was support for Mr. Talbot's motion. There was no support. Motion failed for lack of support. Mr. Hand recommended petition be denied and Mr. Colomina supported. A discussion followed; if there-are that many conditions there is something wrong with approval in the first place. On a motion duly made by Mr. hand and seconded by Mr. 'Colomina and unanimously carried, it was #6-67-70 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 18.56 (Ordinance #784) of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 543, as amended, does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-4-8-5 by McClow Realty Company requesting site plan approval for a 7-Eleven Con- venience Grocery Store to be located on the northwest corner of Five Mile Road and Hubbard in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 15, and approval of all other plans required by Ordinance #784, be denied for the following reasons: (1) This is not a compatible use within the Civic Center area and the nature of the business could severely conflict with the overall development plans for the Civic Center. (2) The site is extremely small and does not readily lend itself to ideal development. Mr. McClow asked to speak after denial. He stated that the owners say they will open a gas station immediately since this petition was denied. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. 8890 Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is IL, Petition 70-2-8-1 by Larry Woehlke requesting approval of all plans required by Ordinance #788 in connection with construction of a General Tire end Rubber Company store proposed to be located on the noithvest corner of Middlebelt and St. Martins in Section 2. On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand, seconded by Mr. Colomina and unanimously carried, it was #6-68-70 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to Section 18.56 (Ordinance #788) of the Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance No. 543, as amended, does hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-2-8-1 requesting approval of all plans required by Ordinance #788 in connection with construction of a General Tire and Rubber Company store proposed to be located on the northwest corner of Middlebelt and St. Martins in Section 2, be approved for the following reason: (1) The plan is of sufficient calibre and quality to justify Planning Commission approval and had been made as compatible as possible so it will not detract from the overall development within the area. subject to the following conditions: (1) That Site and Landscape Plan #P-2 be adhered to. (2) That the architectural plans as submitted be adhered to. Architectural Plan #245. (3) That all landscape and site improvement be installed within one and one-half years of this date. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. Mr. Moser, Acting Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is an add-on item Petition 69-11-3-10 requesting a withdrawal of petition. On a motion duly made by Mr. Colomina, seconded by Mr. Moser and unanimously carried, it was #6-70-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to letter dated April 6, 1970 from Ronald White requesting withdrawal of Petition 69-11-3-10 requesting to vacate and extinguish an 18 foot wide ease- ment located along the north property line of Lot 298 and 311 of Botsford Park Subdivision in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 1, the City Planning Commission does hereby approve the withdrawal of said petition because the problem of build- ing within the easement has been resolved through the grant- ing of an encroachment by the appropriate utility companies. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. 8891 IL #6-69-70 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commiss(on hereby approves the minutes of the meetings held by the City Planning Commission of 41-i1 14, 1970 and May 12, 1970. Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. On a motion duly made by Mr. Hand seconded by Mr. Colomina, and unanimously adopted, the City Planning Commission adjoutned their 218th Regular Meeting held on Aral 14, 1970, at approximately 10:00 p.m. -3-441.2- CITY PLANNING COMMISSION OZON1714,1' C( S/W2J `"arvin 0. Moser, Acting Secretary ATTESTED: lei F. y� ��a. Ten , Cha an