On Tuesday, April 14, 1970, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia
held its 216th Regular Meeting and a Public Hearing at the Livonia City Hall.
Mr. Raymond Tent, Chairman, called the Public Hearing to order at approximately
8:15 p.m. with approximately 35 interested persons in the audience.
Members Present: Raymond W. Tent Robert Colomina H. Dow Tunis
Harry Wrightman Marvin Moser Donald Heusted
Members Absent: Charles Walker Joel LaBo
Messrs. Don Hull, Planning Director acid John J. Nagy, Assistant Planning Director
of the City Planning Department were Also present.
Mr. Wrightman announced the first item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-1-7 by
Gary Goldberg requesting to rezone property located on the north-
east corner of St. Martins and Middlebelt Road in the Southwest 1/4
of Section 1, from RUF to C-2 and P.S.
Mr. Tent stated that there is a letter from the Petitioner in the file dated
April 10, 1970 requesting permission to withdraw this petition. He informed the
audience that the petition was originally to permit an international restaurant and
stated that petitioner is aware that to petition again he will have to start over
with a new petition.
There being no one wishing to be heard on this petition, Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated
the matter would be taken under advisement.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-3-2 by
Mr. and Mrs. A. Fonte requesting the vacating of an easement
located on the northside of Kingsbury in Section 18, to construct
a utility building.
Mr. Tent stated there is a letter on file dated March 16, 1970 from the City
Engineer stating that the City has no maintenance within the easement; however,
the Bell Telephone Company utilities are within the easement. Mr. Tent further
stated that the Detroit Edison Co. letter, dated April 6, 1970, objects to this
petition as the proposed building would encroach on property which involves their
Mr. A. Fonte, 38896 Kingsbury, petitioner, stated that he wants a small barn-type
utility building for storage of bikes, etc. and would liken to be on the edge
of the property instead of in the middle of the yard. He stated it would look like
a little red barn.
Mr. Tent repeated the objections of the Detroit Edison Company advising that a
structure of this type on the easement would create a problem for them to service
their equipment.
Mr. Tunis asked if the building would be on a slab.
Mr. Fonte stated it would have 24" footings around. 8835
Mr. Wrightman asked how much of the easement petitioner would be using and would
the actual building be on the easement.
Mr. Fonte stated the easement runs along the edge of his property and he would
like to build in about 3' off his line - he stated he would be on the easement.
Mr. Tent asked if petitioner could move it in 9' further.
Mr. Fonte stated it would be to close to the house.
Mr. Wrightman discussed the possibility of this structure being a temporary
structure that could be moved for the servicing of the utilities involved, it
would, however, mean sacrificing the footings.
Mr. Hull stated that the set back requirements of the ordinance would be a
required 10' from the lot line; he further stated that the Inspection Department
would not allow a building of this type to be constructed without at least a rat
wall or footings on buildings of 100 square feet in area.
Mr. Fonte asked if less than 100 square feet could he use a slab and no foundation.
Mr. Hull replied, yes. He stated he felt this easement could not be vacated when
it is not recommended by Mr. Strasser or sanctioned by Edison.
Mr. Tent added that the Edison company does not usually make objection to petitions
and has in this instance, they should hold to this.
Mr. Hull stated that petitioner would have to go before the Board of Appeals to
override side and back yard requirements.
Mr. Fonte stated that his driveway now goes over the easement.
Mr. Tent suggested petitioner might wish to amend or withdraw this petition
to go to a smaller building.
Mr. Hull stated he thinks the recommendation would go to council and they would
pursue in the same manner and questions that they would vacate an easement where
Detroit Edison Company does not recommend the vacation; suggested it would be
better to go to the Inspection Department and discuss the structure to be built
and do the same with the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Mr. Wrightman agreed with Mr. Hull's suggestion stating it would probably mean
building a structure 100 square feet instead of 120 square feet in area.
Mr. Tent advised the petitioner to withdraw the petition and follow the steps
outlined by the Commission - go for a smaller building and if it is a slight
encroachment it might be acceptable to the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Fonte replied that he would do this.
Mr. Tunis asked if petitioner wanted this recorded as a request to withdraw.
Mr. Fonte replied, yes.
Mr. Colomina stated the survey shows petitioner has 44' x 90.58' for a yard.
Mr. Fonte stated this is true but most of it is under water, and the driveway
is on the side involved in this petition.
There was a short discussion started by Mr. Moser as to why this petition ever
came to the Planning Department and was advised by the Petitioner that the
City Clerk's office made the recommendation.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared this matter would be taken under advisement..
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-2-6 by
Harold Kelso requesting approval of a Class C liquor licensed ' `
establishment proposed to be operated in a building located on
the south side of Plymouth Road, west of Farmington Road, in the
Northeast 114 of Section 33,
Mr. Tent stated that a letter dated March 31,- 1970 from Mr Strasser stated
that further development of the parking lot may require the- 'extension of storm
sewer into this area He further stated in his letter that additional right-of-
way on Plymouth Road is needed.
Mr. Tentadded that there has been no site plan or any other plans submitted for a
study of the parking situation, etc.
Mr. Tent asked if the petitioner was present
Mr. Harold Kelso,' petitioner, 25552 Springbrook, Farmington, was present. He
stated that he presently has a pizzeria on the location in question and would
like the license in connection with the food service in the eUis?ting restaurant.
He advised Mr Kent that- 'the
Planning Department; he stated his .intention was to tear down the two buildings
in the rear and he would have '45 parking spaces.
Mr. Tent asked how many are required. ;.
Mr...Nagy replied one for each 2 seat spaces and one for each employee; he added
that they do not have a floor plan. of the existing building to make a table count,
seating capacity or' employee`count to make the proper evaluation of what the
parking requirements would be.
Mr;.. Kelso stated he was not aware he wou14,peed this; he stated the seating
capacity would be 60 people which_.would mean 30 parking spaces land with the `fours
employees it would require a total of 34 spapes.. . He added that he would tear
the two buildings down in the rear, cinder thearea and next year would black top
the whole area.
Mr. Teat stated that a quit claim deed would have to be executed and held until
the matter is completed and if completed favorably it would be retained and
recorded;, however, if the petition should be denied .it.would .be returned to
Mr, Hull stated the pavement had been widened without having total right of way
Mr. Colomina stated that he hoped petitioner would not go into the RUF toning t
area adjacent to the property involved in the petition
Mr. Nagy advised that petitioner would not as it is his desire to park only in
the C-2 zone. There was a short discussion of the drawing submitted.
Mr. Tent as'..sd. p._titioner if, as far as he is concerned, the right of way would be
no pro'b1ea.
Mr. Kelso stated he would like to talk to his attorney on this.
Mr. Tent stated the ConcAssi- n would net ac..: on this ;tonight. He asked if
petitioner would de anything with the front of the building.
Mr. Kelso replied, no; however, he stated he would put: aluminum siding on the back
of the bni_ld:ing. He str.ted that unless it is reg ired he did not feel he would
do anything.
Mr. Hull stated -here could be no landscaping because there is no set back.
Mn. Kelso stated he thought the 27' was already taken off.
Mr. Hu'i ac vi .e : h_^ that .t _ total of the 27' , or a portion, of it was granted
as a temporary or permanent easement which is what may he confusing the ;et'.tioner.
lir. Tent, ChaiYran, stated thin matter would be taken under advisement.
Mr. Wri_ghtman announced the ne::t item on the agenda is petition 70-3-6-3 by
the City Planning Commission on its own motion to amend Section
15.50, cf 0rdincnce #53, the Zca_'_eg Ordinance, so as to clarify
and control the area and height of sane ich signs.
Mr. Tent stated that this petition involves signs which would be used mainly
at gas station sites, etc. and read the proposed changes to be made.
There vas no one in the audience wishing to l:e heard on the matter and Mr. Tent,
Chairmen, therefore stated it wjuld be taken under advisement.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-1-8 by
the City Planning Comni_ssion, T ursuant to Council Resolution #138-70
to rezone prope.n_ylocated east of Newburgh Road, south of Six Mile
Road, in Section 17 from F.-3-B and C-2 to C-1.
Mr. Tent discus^ed the ba.ckground of this petition and that we are now considering
rezoning to the C-1 light c's"nercial category.
Mr. Tent asked if there was anyone wi sh ng to be heard on this petition.
Mr. A enn. Cohn, 2290 First National Building, Detroit, Michigan stated that he
represents the property o mar aunt? as:ced how the notice of this public hearing
was given an_,' to whom.
Mr. Tent stated it was published in the local newspaper 15 days prior to the
meetin; rnr1 p "c ries_ y cg-!e"._s wi t_ in 5i-0 1 recei-w,_e. notice.
Mr. Cohn asked. if notice was sent to Mr. Frankel, the property owner.
Mr. Hull stated that of'ficial notice mhlis'_sd uses the Assessor's records which
are considered the official City records.
11, Mr. Cohn inspected the Proof of Service and stated Mr. Frankel was not notified.
Mr. kill s'I:nt2(2, that the legal requirements have been satisfied; the official
records are the documents of the Assesor's office - he stated that is all the
City is req:,ir d to do.
Mr. Cohn h : stated that the Commission is well aware that there is a suit now
pending on this property and that Mr. Frankel is nne of the plaintiffs and he
(i•Ir. Con) i.s his attorney and added that in all fairness they should have been
notified of this public hearing to give them an opportunity to consult and prepare
theeee!vee for it. He requested that the public hearing be rescheduled to a new
date at 'Kick time he should be notified as Mr. Frankel's attorney.
Mr. Tent stated that according to the City Charter and requirements of the City of
Livonia publication of the notice must be made 15 days prior to the public hearing
art..', persons vitein 500' notified; all requirements have been satisfied. He
further stated they will not act on the petition tonight; it will be taken under
advisement. He stated if Mr. Cohn wishe.1 to make any statement relative to the
zoning it weeld be acceptable at this time.
Mr. Cohn stated he just feels that the public officials know that Mr. Frankel is
the owner and know there is gong to a hearing on the pending action in court; he
stated the Assessor's records are cnly a place to which the tae bill is sent; as
an e:-ample he state' if you have a mortgage on your hone, that company will appear
on the records as the owner of the property and the Commission knows this would
l[rt not be the person to senda notice to. He stated he would make no statement as
he received r..o notice.
Mr. Tent asked how many persons in the audience were here on this petition.
There were epproeimately 15 hands.
71e asked now piny received notice, or read it in the paper, there was the same
response of hands.
Mr. Tent advised stated in view of this it proves adequate notice was given.
Mr. Hull stated he did not wish to get into a debate; as far as the City of
Livonia is concerned, however, the instructions of the Legal Department have been
followed as well as the instructions set forth for public advertisement.
Mr. Wright:l z stated to Mr. Cchr that he said his client is the owner of the
pyo-erey; they do net have proof of chat and asked if he has proof that Mr.
Frankel is owe=_ of record; he staked the owner of record received a notice.
M_. Cohn stated on October 23, 1969. there was a council meeting about the proposal;
that was the Csu.n_cil Meeting at which the Commission recommended that this be
zoned to P- - , its original zoning. Gn or about October 15th he received a letter
asking h -.n to he at that eeeting and that is why he was there; if they could ask
him laet Catcher, there should have been no difficulty for this meeting. He
11, stated when he took Mr. Hull's de ositions in the City's Law Department and asked
if he world_'. reconsider the zoning he was told nothing had been done on this by
the Planning Comxissioa. He again stated in the spirit of fairness, Mr. Frankel
should have bean notified of this meeting.
Mr. Tent asked how Mr. Cohn received notice of the meeting and he refused to
Mr. Tent stated this matter would be taken under advisement and referred back
to a study at which time if Mr. Frankel wants to make an appearance he may.
Mr. Cohn asked that letters be sent to himself and Mr. Frankel at 2900 W. Maple
Road, Troy.
Mr. Edward Keiffer, of Fitzgerald in Livonia stated he would like a definition
of C-1.
Mr. Hull advised him that C-2 is considered general business and C-1 is considered
neighborhood business with uses that service the neighborhood involved, i.e.
small shops and stores, etc.
Mr. Nagy read in part the uses from the Zoning Ordinance.
Mr. Kinchler, of Fitzgerald also, asked how the Commission could entertain
buildings such as Topps.
Mr. Tent stated the Planning Commission is not entertaining such a petition;
this is strictly zoning to a category that does not permit that use.
There were no further q',estions and Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated that matter would
be taken under advisement.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by Mr. Colomina and unanimously
l[of carried, it was
#4-33-70 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby
adjourn the public hearing held on Tuesday, April 14, 1970
at approximately 10:10 p.m.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
* * * * * * * * * t * * .. * �:
Mr. Tent, Chairm n, called the 216th Regular Meeting to or('er at approximately
10:35 p.m. with approximately the same number of persons in the audience.
Mr. Robert Feinberg of the Law Department joined the meeting at this time.
**At this point in the meeting, Mr. Tent introduced the new Mayor and Mrs. Edward
McNamara to the audience.
Mr. Wrightman announced the first item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-1-7
#4-34-70 submitted by Gary Goldberg requesting to rezone property located
on the northeast corner of St. Martins and Middlebelt Road in the
Southwest 1/4 of Section 1 from RUF to C-2 and F.S.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated the Commission would accept the withdrawal of this
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-3-2
#4-35-70 by Mr. and Mrs. A. Forte requesting the vacating of an easement
located on the north side of Kingsbury in Section 18, to construct
a utility Luil..iii:' g.
Mr. Tent stated that the Commission would accept the withdrawal of this petition.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-2-6
by Mr. Harold Kelso requesting approval of a Class C liquor
licensed establishment proposed to be operated in a building
located on the south side of Plymouth Road west of Farmington
Road in the Northeast 1/4 of Section 33.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared this matter Would be taken under advisement and
returned for a study session.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-6-3
by the City Planning Commission on its own motion to amend
Section 18.50E of Ordinance #543, the Zoning Ordinance, so as
to clarify and control the area and height of sandwich signs.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Colomina, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously
carried, it was
#4-36-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held on
April 14, 1970 on petition 70-3-6-3 as submitted by the City
Planning Commission on its own motion to determine whether or
not to amend Ordinance #543 (the Zoning Ordinance of the City of
Livonia) , as amended, by amending Section 18.50E thereof to
clarify and control the area and height of sandwich signs, the
City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 70-3-6-3 be approved for the following 'reason:
(1) This is a necessary tool to regulate the orderly growth and
development of our City and to specifically regulate sandwich
signs within our City that have been heretofore not defined
and regulated to a sufficient degree.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that notice of the above public hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer under
date of March 25, 1970 and notice of such hearing was sent to
the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company,
Michigan Bell Telenhon_e Company and Consumers Power Company,
City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-1-8
as submitted by the City Planning Commission pursuant to Council
Resolution #138-70 to rezone property located east of Newburgh
Road, south of Six Mile Road, in Section 17, from R-3-B and C-2
to C-l.
Mr. Tent stated this matter had been thoroughly discussed with Mr. Cohn at the
public hearing tonight and the matter is taken under advisement to be referred
back to a study session to which Mr. Cohn and Mr. Frankel be invited.
A resident asked permission to speak to the new mayor; permission was granted
and he asked Mayor McNamara if; according to his promises, he would help keep
discount stores out of Livonia and would this include Topps.
Mayor McNamara replied, yes and this includes Topps.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated this matter was taken under advisements
Mr. Wrightman announcers the next item on the agenda is petition 70-1-1-1
by R. Gaberman for Marathon Oil Company requesting to rezone
property located on the northwest corner of Five Mile Road and
Merriman in the Southeast 1/4 of Section 15 from RUF to C-2.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Moser, seconded by Mr. Tunis and unanimously carried
it was
#4-37-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held on
February 17, 1970 on Petition 70-1-1-1 by R. Gaberman for Marathon
Oil Company requesting to rezone property located on the northwest
corner of Five Mile Road and Merriman in the Southeast 1/4 of
Section 15 from RUF to C-2, the City Planning Commission does
hereby recommend to the City Council that Petition 70-1-1-1
be approved for the following reasons:
(1) There is a need to provide for additional commercial
facilities in this sector of the City to accommodate
existing facilities that will be eliminated when Five
Mile Road in proximity to Farmington Road, is widened.
(2) The existing commercial zoning in this area should be
logically expanded so that it can accommodate optimum
growth and development rather than be restrained so that
commercial development that is not commensurate with the
potential of the area.
(3) There is a need for additional commercial facilities to
serve this sector of the City and additional controlled
development can be compatible with the existing commercial
development and other adjacent land uses,
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer, under
date of February 1, 1970 and notice of such hearing was sent to
the Detroit Edison Company, Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Company,
Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers Power Company and City
Departments, as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Colomina asked Mr. Thomas, a representative of Marathon Oil Company who
was present, if he was correct in his understanding that this zoning change is
requested to replace the gas station which will be removed at Farmington and
Five, such removal to take place within 30 days after the opening of the new
Mr. Thomas stated it was his understanding.
Mr. Colomina asked if this could be made a condition on the waiver use petition.
Mr. Hull replied, yes.
Mr. Hull stated he has commited himself (meaning the petitioner) as far as he
can possibly do so in a letter.
Mr. Colomina stated he would still like to see it as a condition on the waiver
use and was advised that when that came in it could be done, but not on this
petition for a zoning change.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the foregoing motion carried and the above
resolution adopted.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 67-4-1-10 by
Sidney Spitz requesting to rezone property located on the northwest
corner of Stark Road and Plymouth Road in Section 18 from C-1 to
On a motion duly made by Mr. Colomina, seconded by Mr. Heusted and unanimously
carried, it was
#4-38-70 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a public hearing having been held on
May 16, 1967 on Petition 67-4-1-10 as submitted by Sidney Spitz
requesting to rezone property located on the northwest corner of
Stark Road and Plymouth Road in Section 18 from C-1 to C-2, the
City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition 67-4-1-10 be denied for the following reasons:
(1) Intensified commercial development in this area can adversely
effect the adjacent residential neighborhood to the north
which can remain stable for at least five to ten years even
though it is in the industrial belt.
(2) Intensified commercial development along Plymouth Road can
create serious traffic problems because it carries a high
volume of transient traffic.
(3) The size and location of this portion of C-1 zoned land
are such that it has tremendous potential for high calibre,
high quality development that will not adversely effect the
adjacent area and could be of substantial benefit to the
City. The C-1 uses provided in the Ordinance offer numerous
opportunities to use this land advantageously.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above public hearing was
published in the official newspaper, the Livonia Observer under
date of April 21, 1967 and notice of such hearing was sent to
the Detroit Edison Company, Cheaspeake & Ohio Railway Company,
Michigan Bell Telephone Company, Consumers Power Company, and
City Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-3-8-3
by Vic Tanny Detroit, Inc. requesting site plan approval of
health studio proposed to be located in existing building on
property located on the north side of Seven Mile Road east of
Middlebelt Road in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Moser, seconded by Mr. Wrightman, and unanimously
carried, it was
#4-39-70 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, pursuant to request
dated March 25, 1970 from Vic Tanny Detroit, Inc. , and pursuant to
Section 18.56 (Ord. ?788) of Ordinance No. 543, the Zoning Ordinance
of the City of Livonia, does hereby recommend to the City Council
that Petition #70-3-8-3 requesting approval of plans for a Vic
Tanny Health Studio proposed to be operated in an existing structure
located on the north side of Seven Mile Road, east of Middlebelt
Road, in the Southwest 1/4 of Section 1, be approved subject to the
following condition:
(1) That Architectural Plan by Tom W. Zoedes, Architect and
Associates, and Site Plan #70.120, prepared by Michel S.
Downes & Associates be adhered to.
for the following reasons:
(1) The proposed development will meet all standards of the
Zoning Ordinance.
(2) It appears that it will be an upgrading of an existing facility
within this area that will have a more stabilizing effect on
the Livonia Mall and environs.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Colomina asked petitioner if he was going strictly by the architectural plan
submitted to this Commission cud was advised this is true.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 68-2-3-4
by James T. Elias requesting to vacate an alley located south of
Plymouth Road batweEn Berwick and Ingram #venu2 in the ' arthea.>t
1/4 of Section 34.
Mr. Tent stated that the City is interested in paving the alley and will establish
an assessment district for this.
Mr. Hull stated this is true.
Mr. Wrightman asked if petitioner is present.
Mr. Elias was present.
Mr. Wrightman advised him that there is an extensive program to improve alleys
and create better parking facilities on Plymouth Road and as a result the Commission
has decided to deny this petition to avoid jeopardizing the plan and the necessity
of anyone going into the paving of the alley.
Mr. Tent stated the City wants to clean up this area and will pave the alleys
and arrange a special assessment for the arca es previously stated.
Mr. Elias asked if this was the program the Planning Commission sat un several
years ago.
Mr. Tent stated it is a modificet on of that program.
Mr. Elias asked ifthe alleys still b. '
lila. 2�__eyS ��T.i11Ci ' a La'Ol"0,3CQf£.-2^-_.
Mr. Tent replied, yes.
Mr. Elias then asked where, then, would the City plan to have the parking
facilities. He stated it .._S his objective to =Tr1p7ova the alley thus eliminating
a nuisance to the residents living directly i)ehind but he was going to pave it
for parking.
Mr. Tent stated he appreciate-3 M'_::. -,Lias coop .ra`ic: and cc ecrn:, adding that
there are a. few buil di.E s which can be remr7 ed to .e: 'T?._'h that - ou l d help
solve the prcb lea.
On a motion c '•. made L,_ Ir• Tunis, `ecor tT 1L. Celcina ard t::_ninously
carried, it was
4#4-40-70 P ;`,D that, pursuant to a public hearing haying been held on
M'.y 21 1963 cu I_..:it._..n .:' a_s :,-. 7_-T Jas T. Flies
recju^-_st i jig to vacate an alley locaed south of it ymouth Road
1-ct,7e n ie=wieh ar1?d. 1_nra::1 A.7an_e fn 'hc .r L<ao.st 1/4 of Section
34, the City t'lennIng Coi_ii s ion_ does hereby recommend to the
City Council that Petition ..L1-2-?,---L- 'E1 denied for the following
(1) The City is eng gei in the special a_7. es.`;mo._t for the
raving of the alley bahi_ad the com-1'e cial development
along =ly7outh Road :-etwaen ;' hbdrd an:i Merriman Road;
it is impossible to effectuate a project of this type
the alley remaLla n.11 2r oto -:.c ~cation_.
(2) The City cf Livonia Planning Cornission has prepared
three comprehensiv: parking studies for this `actor
of ._h1'3 Ciyo r.ch study indica_.a_ that .�_ is 171possible
to vac_atethc, alley and still achieve_ the desired _ oults.
FURTHE2 1 T'.9QI1JEP, that notice of the e)ove public heari".'g was
pus'_isC ed in the official n"=.'7.^,1 ap:r, the Livonia Observer under
date of May 5, l968 and notice of :-u.eh hearing was seat to the
Detroit Edison Cc-:"any,, Michigen ell elerhone Company,
Chesapeake a Ohio J,ai_::ay Cen':any,, Consumer:3 Power Coni:'L'7,
City Departments aad petitioner as listed in the Proof of Service.
Mr. Tent, C"..ei__aan, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 70-2-2-355
#4-41-70 by Robert E. Densmore requesting tote granted a waiver use permit
to use present buildings on property located on the west side of
Stark Road between Schoolcraft and the C & 0 Railway in Section
28 as a shop to straighten and align automobile and truck frames.
Mr. Tent stated that th.:: Commission is in recraint of a letter fron petitioner
requesting permission to c.*ithrraw this -otition.
Mr. Tent, Chairman, stated that the Commissions accepts petitioners request
and the petition is withdrawn.
Mr. Wrightman announced the next item on the agenda il approval of the minutes
of the meeting held by the City 2ianri_ng Commission on February 17,
On a motion duly rade by Mr. Colcmiaa, seconded by Mr. Wri hLman and unanimously
carried, it was
#4-42-70 RESOLVED that, the City P1annin_; Commission hereby approves the
minutes of the meeting held by the City Planning Commission of
February 17, 1970 (as amended).
Mr. Tent, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution
tof adopted.
#4-43-70 RESOLVED that, the fol lowing members of the Livonia Cite Planning
Commission are elected to serve for a period of one year in the
capacity herein designated:
Raymond U. Tent -- Chai _sman
Robert Colo Lina - ice--Chairman
H. Dow Tunis - Secretary
On a motion duly made by Mr. Tunis, seconded by iir. Colc:.ina, and unanimously
adopted, the City Planning Co7rcrd.ssioa adjourned ithci_:: 216th Regular meeting held
on April 14, 1970, at approximately 10:00 p.m.
.l-Vo,ti) t
H. Dow T11,1±3, Secretary
Ash Ar A.. ,.
Raymo 4 W. Tent ,nai ,.an