On May 25, 1955 the above meeting was held by the City Planning Commission
at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan. Chairman Peter A.
Ventura called the Public Hearing to order at approximately 8:09 p.m.
Members present: William Robinson Earle Steinhoff H. Paul Harsha
Edwin Conway Daniel Lepo Peter A. Ventura
Robert L. Greene Dallas F. Hay Rufino Salinas
Members absent: None
The following were present together with approximately 50 people attending
the Public Hearing:
Lieutenant Bob Perry - Fire Department
Hugh Wood, Jr. - Chief Inspector
Elbert M. Hartom - Mayor
Mr. Ventura announced that the only item on the agenda was the petition by
the Board of County Road Commissioners of the County of Wayne, Michigan re-
questing permission to erect two (one now and one in the future) 9- million
gallons circular reservoir measuring 228 feet diameter and 39.34 feet above
grade located on Parcel Cle and situated on the North side of West Chicago
Road approximately 600 feet West of Harrison Avenue in the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 36. Mr. Ventura gave a brief summary of what has transpired in the
past in regard to this petition.
Mr. William Ponder, Attorney, 31707 Plymouth Road stated that he has been
requested by property owners who are involved to represent them and present
their views. Submitted petition with 28 signatures of property owners within
500 feet of the property owned by Wayne County Road Commissioners opposed to
petition. Stated that his clients object to the erection of these two tanks
as proposed by Wayne County Road Commissioners. Stated State of Michigan
adopted Act 285 of the Public Acts of 1931, as amended creating Municipal
Planning Commission Act whereby municipalities were given authority to
create Planning Commission which among other things said commission could
adopt Master Plan of-the City. Act 285, of the Public Acts of 1931, as amended
and Act 207, Public Acts of Michigan, 1921 as amended also provides right to
adopt Zoning Ordinance. Stated that pursuant to these two acts this Planning
Commission was formed. Stated there is one question involved inLthis case
and that is, is such a use as proposed by the Wayne County Board of Road
Commissioners permissible in an R-1 District as determined by City of Livonia
Zoning Ordinance. Referred to Section 17.05 and 17.02, Zoning Ordinance, No. *
60. Stated that these are some of the guides that the Zoning Ordinance provides
for this Body to follow in deciding whether or not a certain use is
permissible in a certain district. Referred to Section 5.02, Zoning Ordinance
No. 60, Subsection (k). Stated that there is a question as to whether or not
this tank is a building or not. Referred to Section 4.44, Zoning Ordinance,
No. 60. Stated two conditions must be met before this Body will permit such a
use under Section 4.44, Zoning Ordinance, No. 60 (1) "...provided the City
Planning Commission shall find such use, height, area, building or structure
reasonably necessary for the public convenience and service..." and (2)
392 ;
That such building, structure or use is designed, erected and landscaped
to conform harmoniously with the general architecture and plan of such
district..." Stated reasons his clients are opposed to this use. (1) Just
by being there these tanks will be public nuisance. Nowhere in Zoning
Ordinance, No. 60 can one find where it gives Wayne County Road Commissioners
right to erect such structure that is contrary to and not in conformity with
neighborhood. Stated in his opinion there is not another section of the
City of Livonia except Rosedale Gardens that is more highly populated. One
tank will cover approximately four average lots and two tanks will cover
approximately eight average lots. (2) Erection of these tanks will cause
established property values to depreciate in this immediate area. Stated he
asked real estate man in Livonia whether or not erection of proposed tanks
would influence property values. In the real estate man's opinion 75
thousand dollars worth of depreciation would take place immediately. Referred
to Section 19.06, Zoning Ordinance, No. 60 Subsection 1, No. 4 "...will not
diminish the marketable value of adjacent lands and buildings..." Stated
people have invested savings here, some of the people will be living within
75' of these tanks and some of these people will be looking out their window
to within 300' of these tanks. (3) Petition should not be granted because
it is not good planning. Referred to recommendation of Albs Munson, Planning
Consultant dated March 21, 1955 in which it states tanks should be located on
20 acre parcel whereas this proposed parcel is four acres with homes built
around it with exception of school and park site. (4) Granting this petition
could be the beginning of a nucleus of a blighted area, which in time would
cause the entire neighborhood to deteriorate and become blighted, and cause a
sub-standard residential area, which would cause the City of Livonia to have
to reclaim the same at great cost. (5) Water is not going to serve City of
Livonia alone - part will be going to Nankin and Garden City. (6) Perhaps
Wayne County Road Commission is a profit making organization same as Michigan
Bell Telephone Company and The Detroit Edison Company. Perhaps they make
profit from the water. Stated City of Livonia makes profit off of the water
it sells. Stated he had not checked into whether the County makes profit
on the water. Suggested commission's duty is to check into this very carefully
before making a decision and the possibility of an alternate plan. Sauggested
the hiring of independent experts to see if tanks will be harmful or injurious
to the neighborhood and whether or not there is another plan that will satisfy
Wayne County as well as the People. Stated again that the sole question is
whether or not this use is injurious and harmful to the neighborhood - if it
is, it should not be allowed - if it is not, it should be allowed.
The secretary read letter dated May 10, 1955 from James M. Davey, Attorney,
Board of Wayne County Road Commissioners; dated May 24, 1955 from A. T. Kunze
Engineer of Water Supply, Board of Wayne County Road Commissioners; dated
May 18, 1955 from Calvin Roberts, Chief Livonia Fire Department and dated
May 23, 1955 from Calvin Roberts,,Chief Livonia Fire Department.
Mr. Davey requested the above letters be a part of the minutes.
Dated: May 10, 1955 From: James M. Davey, Atty.
Addressed to: City Planning Commission Hoard of County Road
Reference is made to your minutes of March 29, 1955 and April 12, 1955
wherein the application of this Board for permission to erect two 94
million gallon circular reservoirs on the North side of West Chicago
Road, approximately 600 feet West of Harrison Avenue in the Northwest
1/4 of Section 36 was considered.
Subsequent to your granting permission for this use, suit was filed
against this Board to enjoin construction of the subject water stor-
age tanks. A Motion to Dismiss was filed in behalf of this Board
and upon argument of this motion before the Honorable Chester P.
-O'Hara, Wayne Circuit Judge, today, the Notice of Hearing issued by
your Commission in connection with this Board's application was found
defective for the reason that is described the tanks as being 228
inches in diameter when in reality they are planned to 228 feet
in diameter.
For this reason we deem it advisable to reinitiate these proceedings
and have filed with your Commission the new application for permission
to erect two (one now and one in the future) 9f million gallon circular
water reservoirs at the above mentioned location.
Dated: May 24, 1955 From: A. T. Eunze, Engineer of
Addressed to: City Planning Commission Water Supply
Board of County Road
This Board 'is charged with the operation and management of the Wayne
County Metropolitan Water Supply System which supplies the total water
requirements of the City of Livonia. In connection with the operation
of this system, new construction and improvements of water facilities
are desperately needed. To satisfy the increased demand for water
facilities, we have initiated a revenue bond issue in the amount of
$1,000,000 to finance the proposed improvement program.
The construction of additional water storage reservoirs in the City of
Livonia is a vitally important part of this work and is necessitated by
the tremendously increased water consumption within your City. An
illustration of this increased consumption is seen in the fact that dur-
ing'the month of August, 1950, Livonia consumed a total of 64 million
gallons of water. By August of 1954 water consumption within Livonia
amounted to 171,000,000 gallons, or 2679 of the 1950 usage. The situation
has become critidal and it is easily recognized that it will, in the very
near future, create almost insurmountable problems as your city grows.
During April of 1954, 99 million gallons of water were consumed by
Livonia, whereas in April of this year consumption had increased to 168
million gallons. This represents a 70% increase in the last year alone,
and therefore it is easy to predict that by next August, the month of
peak consumption, Livonia will consume approximately 290 million gallons
of water.
Although these statistics are illustrative of the situation, demonstrative
proof of Livonia's water shortage is seen in the fact that water reserves
in the elevated tank at Schoolcraft and Merriman Roads have been com-
pletely depleted on three separate occasions this year alone. This is due
to an insufficient supply of water from the City of Detroit during the
hours of peak demand. In order to remedy this situation additional stor-
age facilities must be built at once in order to maintain pressures within
394 ,
the Livonia system at a level necessary to adequately protect the
public health, safety and general welfare. If the necessary improve—
ments to the county system serving Livonia are not constructed, water
pressures during hours of peak consumption will drop to a dangerously
low level. This will jeopardise provisions for fire protection and
imperil the availability of water in homes, public buildings and
commercial establishments for cooking, sanitary and industrial purposes.
The need for additional water reservoir facilities in Livonia cannot be
questioned. The site of the reservoirs, from an engineering standpoint
is equally important. The location for the pumping station and reservoirs
was selected in 1951 after a complete engineering analysis of future
water requirements for the City of Livonia. Considerations were entered
into the site selection weret
(1) All of Livonia must be on a high pressure boosted system. Any
site located more than about one—half mile West of the Eastern
boundary of Livonia would necessitate the laying of a system of
double feeder mains in the Eastern part of the City.
(2) The reservoir must be as close to the source of supply as
possible. When we speak of a 10 million gallon storage tank, it
must be realized that this volume of water has to be replenished
each night in a period of about eight hours. The filling therefore
must be done at a rate of about 30 million gallons per day. If the
reservoir were located much farther from the source of supply,
filling would be impossible without additional pumping.
(3) Pumping from storage during peak demand periods is supplemental
to a continuing supply from the City of Detroit throughout the day.
Storage at any other location than that selected would defeat this
principle of operation, thereby requiring at least fifty per cent
more storage capacity.
In view of the foregoing, it is respectfully requested that your Honorable
Body grant consent for the use of premises owned by this Board and located
on the North side of West Chicago about 660 feet West of Harrison Avenue
as a water reservoir site, all as set forth in the petition of this Board
presently before you.
Dated: Nay 18, 1955 From: Calvin Roberts, Chief
Addressed to: City Planning Commission Livonia Fire Department
Regarding the above ground storage of water by Wayne County, the Livonia
Fire Department has no objections to the erection of the two tanks for
water storage.
We wish to go on record as stating that an adequate supply of water for
domestic and fire demands is of paramount importance to the City.
We believe that we should also point out that the amount of water available
is a prime factor in the insurance rate which the home owners must pay.
In other words, if the water in the mains i4 not maintained at the proper
capacity and a fire should break out in a residence or commercail building,
the loss could be very. great because of the lack of water for fire fighting
By the same token, if there is not enough water in the mains to take care
of the domestic service, the health of the people is impaired.
Of course, the same conditions would apply_ to the commercail and industrial
buildings, schools, churches, colleges and, convalescent homes.
The Fire Department feels that to benefit 'the.majority of, the people in
the City, approval of the installation of these tanks should be given and
the construction should be started without_ further delay.,
Dated: May 23, 1955 From: Calvin Roberts, Chief
Addressed to: City Planning Commission Livonia Fire Department
The Livonia Fire Department would like to let the members of the Planning
Ceammission know of an actual case in the City of Livonia where the water
pressure was low.
On Saturday, May 21, 1955 at 5::57 p.m. our Fire Alarm Dispatcher received
a telephone call from Ardmore Convalescent Home located at 19810 Farmington
Road that they had no water.
On checking at the premises, we found that we could only get a small amount
of water out of the basement faucets and no water on the first and second
floor. The Superintendent in charge was very much concerned about the
situation and what could be done in case of fire.
Wayne County was called to see if any mains, pumping stations or other
equipment was out of order. They informed us that there was no equipment
or main break down. However, they did state that the water consumption
was very high and the pumps in Detroit were unable to supply the demand.
The following water pressure readings were taken at Fire Department Head—
quarters, 33110 Five Mile Road. 35 pounds per square inch has been con—
sidered normal at this location.
Time Pressure Temp. Date Day
4:00 p.m. 9 lbs. 5-21-55 Saturday
6:00 p.m. 5 lbs.
7x:00 p.m. 5 lbs. 70°
8:00 p.m. 12 lbs. 72°
9:00 p.m. 27 lbs.
10:00 p.m. 30 lbs.
11:58 p.m. 35 lbs.
Water �^
Time Pressure Temp. Date Day
P_ —
8:00 a.m. 32 lbs. 5-22-55 Sunday
9:00 a.m. 36 lbs.
10:00 a.m. 21 lbs.
11:00 a.m. 21 lbs.
12:00 Noon 19 lbs.
1:00 p.m. 18 lbs.
2:00 p.m. 18 lbs.
3:00- p.m. 26 lbs. Raining
4:00 p.m. 38 lbs.
5:00 p.m. 39 lbs.
6:00 p.m. 48 lbs.
7:00 p.m. 36 lbs.
8:00 p.m. 36 lbs.
9:00 p.m. 36 lbs.
9:30 p.m. 36 lbs.
10:15 p.m. 30 lbs.
Messrs. James Davey and A. T. Kunze were present. Mr. Davey referred to
Section 2.17, Zoning Ordinance, No. 60 and stated that this Board is given a
duty under the State Statute not just authority to provide for essential
services to serve City and that one essential service is the supply of water.
Stated there cannot be a water system without having place for water to run
and storage of water. Stated slums are created by disease and filth and that
disease and filth result from lack of water. Wondered what affect inadequate
water would have on the value of house.
Mr. Kunze presented recording charts showing level of water at the-storage
tank at Merriman Road --9:00 a.m. tank was full and at 2:00 p.m. it was
nearly empty. Also submitted graph showing Livonia's water consumption from
1950 through 1955.
Mr. Salinas stated that he read article about back–siphoning of plumbing
system due to low pressure which can cause contamination.
Mr. Kunze stated low pressure in water main will cause water in sanitary
facilities to siphon back into water system causing contamination. Gave an
example of this happening at the Stahlin Nursery on Grand River Avenue.
Mr. Ponder stated that he wished to make his client's position clear. Stated
they know how badly City of Livonia needs water. - Stated it is not for
commission to determine whether or not City of Livonia gets water. Only
question before Commission is whether this proposed use in this area is
harmful to surrounding area.
Mayor Hartom stated last summer he received many compalints about no water.
Stated he has gone into this as thoroughly as any layman can, Stated Wayne
County organized water supply system because City of Detroit,did not care
to and the Township of Livonia did not have money to do it themselves. A
study was made of the present and future needs of the City of Livonia by a
good, disinterested engineer as could be found. Because of topographic layout
of Livonia the logical place to enter Livonia with 36" main was Southeast
earner. They appeared before proper City Officials at that time. At that
tialie,there were no'homes in the area of the Northwest corner of Harrison and
West Chicago Roads. At that time the pump house was the only necessary
facility in spite of the fact two reservoirs were discussed. The four acres
were purchased for these specific purposes. Stated he is for the public and
that he did not want them to get hurt at any time but there are times when it
is necessary to hurt a few to benefit the entire City. Stated this commission
is not to consider the homes or buildings in one particular area but the
welfare of the entire City.
Mr. Kunze stated this is the 24th of May and already Livonia has used 201
million gallons of water which is off the chart submitted earlier.
An unidentified man living at 20419 Cleveland stated he believed when this
was considered three years ago those on commission shirked their duty by
allowing this use in an R-1 District. Suggested tanks be placed underground.
Mr. Thomas Higgins, 28465 Cleveland, an engineer stated he has never worked
with an engineering firm that did not have another alternate plan to present.
Mr. Kunze stated Wayne County is working for the people and it cannot squander
its money like big concerns.
Mr. Canava Caruso stated that Mr. Dodge stated at a previous meeting that it
would take two months to make alternate plan. Stated he has not seen this
alternate plan that was promised. Stated that even though there are just a
few of us that we still have our rights.
Mr. Stanley Gies, 28936 Hathaway stated that during peak periods City of
Livonia will still not have water as it would be diverted to Nankin and
Garden City. Mr. Kunze stated 1/3 at the most would be diverted.
Mr. Gisoweki, 29162 Minton stated he did not think proper plan is squandering
money. Gave an example of a man who had three minutes to solve a problem who
would take two minutes planning and one minute to solve problem.
Mrs. Robert Maltby, 11547 Cardwell asked whether Mr. Kunze was present at a
meeting between School Board and Wayne County three years ago and whether at
that time Wayne County was told that 2,000 homes would be built in that
area. Mr. Kunze stated "no" to both questions.
Mr. Stingle stated that what they are interested in is the location of the
tanks and that they are aware of the fact that the City needs hater.
Mr. Kunze stated location is most economical and feasible from engineering
standpoint. Brought out at another meeting that it would cost $500,000
more to relocate tanks.
Mr. Stingle suggested that the City of Livonia help Wayne County financially
in relocating tanks.
Mr. Ventura stated departments have received letter from Executive Office
giving financial status of City and that by the end of 1955 the City will be
practically broke.
Mayor Hartom went into more detail regarding financial status of city at this
time and revenue expected.
Mr. Kenneth Cissell, 28816 Hathaway gave examples of areas in the City. of
Detroit where gas tanks, etc. are located and that they are blighted areas.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Salinas and seconded by W. Greene, it was
#5-180-55 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been
held the City Planning Commission does hereby grant the
petition by the Board of County Road Commissioners of
the County of Wayne, Michigan requesting permission to
erect two (one now and one in the future) 9 million
gallons circular water reservoir measuring 228 feet
diameter and 39.34 feet above grade located on Parcel
Clc and situated on the North side of West Chicago Road
approximately600 feet West of Harrison Avenue in the
Northwest 1of Section 36 subject to greenbelt planting
according to specification of Parks and Recreation Depart-
ment and Planning Commission, and
FURTHER RESOLVED, notice of the above hearing was sent to
property owners within 500 feet, petitioner and City
Departments as listed in the Proof of Service.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Conway, Greene, Lepo, Hay, Harsha and Salinas
NAYS: Robinson, Steinhoff and Ventura
On a motion duly made by Mr. Robinson, seconded by Mr. Lepo and unanimously
carried, this Public Hearing of the City Planning Commission was duly
adjourned at 9:30 p.m., May 25, 1955.
/ ••
'uf .f. Salinas, Secretary
C/ %�i�� �• �� —eco .
Peter A. Ventura, Chairman