The thirty-fifth special meeting of the City Planning Commission was
held on Thursday, April 2, 1953 at the Court House Building, Livonia,
Chairman, Dallas Hay, called the meeting to order at approximately
9:15 PM.
Members present: George Bentley Helen Byers Edwin Conway
Dallas Hay H. Paul Harsha Elmore McNiece
Members absent: Clarence Jahn Robert Maclntyre Walter Russell
Also present were Mr. Herzberg of Waring and Johnson, Planning Consultants,
Mr. Lonnie Brashear, Attorney, and Mr. Don Wilson, Chief Building Inspector.
The Chairman announced that Mr. Waring had telephoned to get permission
to use the City's density plat book for the balance of the week to
transfer information to Waring and Johnson's book.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. Conway, it was
RESOLVED, to grant the request of Waring & Johnson to
use the City's density plat book to transfer information.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, Harsha, Hay and Byers
NAYS: None
The Chair called on Mr. Krewson and Mr. Fall regarding the removal
of sand at Eight Mile near Grand River in the Dohany Subdivision. No
one was present representing the owner of the subdivision.
Mr. Hay advised that the Planning Commission is very much disturbed
at the condition existing at Eight Mile Road near Grand River where
sand is being removed. A discussion followed regarding the removal of
soil, sand, etc. It was evident that very little headway could be
made at this meeting as the owners were neither present nor represented.
Mr. Harsha said that he favored granting a very temporary permit be-
cause the hills will have to be removed.
Following a discussion, Mr. Lonnie Brashear was asked to formulate a
resolution and upon a motion duly made by Mr. Harsha and seconded by
Mr. McNiece, it was
RESOLVED, that temporary permit for the removal of soil be
given to Mr. R. L. Krewson on the following described property:
S. 150' of the N. 210' of the E. 500' of the W. 594.35' of
the E. of the N.W. * of Sec. 1 T. 1 S. R. 9E. City of Livonia.
-- S. 300' of the N. 750' of the W. 600' of the E2 of the N.W.
of Sec. 1 T. 1 S. R. 9E. City of Livonia. - S. 675' of the E2
of the N.W. * of Sec. 1 T. 1 S. R. 9E. City of Livonia A part of
the N.E. * of Sec. 1 beginning at the center * corner of Sec. 1
and running thence W. along N. and S. Sec. line 353.79' thence
E. 590.10' thence E. 137' thence southerly to E. and W. sec.
line thence westerly 626' to point of beginning Sec. 1 T. 1 S.
R. 9E. City of Livonia, Michigan, be extended until April 16,
1953 and that in the meantime the City Attorney will study the
recommendations of Waring and Johnson, Planning Consultants, and
will draft a proposed resolution for submission to the Planning
E Commission incorporating the desired and feasible provisions of
the recommendations of Waring and Johnson and requiring that the
owners of the above described premises accept said recommendations
and that said owners shall file with the City of Livonia a
performance bond requiring compliance with said recommendations,
said bond being in the amount recommended by the Planning Com-
mission. The City Attorney at the completion of the draft of
the proposed resolution will notify Miss Byers and a special
meeting of the Planning Commission will be called for the pur-
pose of considering and approving said resolution or modifying
same, and if such resolution is approved by the Planning Com-
mission, the City Attorney will be authorized to transmit same
for the signature and approval of owners of said premises re-
quiring the performance bond as previously stated, and it was
FURTHER RESOLVED, that this temporary permit presently being
granted is for the use of the following equipment and vehicles
only: one (1) Insley Dragline Crane - Loraine Drageline Crane -
Part time bulldozer - Trucks by trackers - Ferguson Tractor -
Barber Greene.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, Harsha and Byers
NAYS: None
There was a discussion regarding the amount of performance bond re-
quired and upon a motion duly made by Mr. Bentley and seconded by
Mr. Harsha, it was
RESOLVED, to require $5,000 performance bond for Mr.
R. L. Krewson.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, Harsha, Hay and Byers
NAYS: None
There was a discussion regarding the applications for permits to remove
topsoil as two applications of K. Kerbyson were awainting a decision.
Mr. Rice, Attorney, was present representing Mr. Kerbyson.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. McNiece and seconded by Mr. Bentley,
it was
RESOLVED, that $10,000 bond be required on the Elmer Wolfram
property and $5,000 bond be required on the Daniel S. Klein
property from Mr. K. Kerbyson.
E A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, HArsha, Hay and Byers
NAYS: None
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. McNiece and seconded by Mr. Bentley,
it was
RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. Kerbyson for permit to
remove topsoil from the Elmer Wolfram Property, Section 24, yb
on the east side of Middlebelt be granted, subject to the
recommendation of the Department of Public Works, of the
Police Dept. , etc. and subject to Section 4.13 of the Zoning o
Ordinance covering the removal of topsoil, etc. , expecially T
where it reads, "No soil, sand, clay, gravel or similar 4
material shall hereafter be removed from any land within the
City of Livonia except as allowed by permit from the Bureau
of Inspection. "
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, Harsha, Hay and Byers
NAYS: None
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. McNiece and seconded by Mr. Bentley, it was
RESOLVED, that the application of Mr. Kerbyson for permit
to remove topsoil from the Daniel S. Klein property, Section
23, West of Middlebelt be granted subject to Section 4.13 of k
the Zoning Ordinance covering the removal of topsoil, etc. ,
especially where it reads, "No soil, sand, clay, gravel or
similar material shall hereafter be removed from any land
within the City of Livonia except as allowed by permit from
the Bureau of Inspection". 0
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Bentley, McNiece, Conway, Harsha, Hay and Byers
NAYS: None
Mr. Rice agreed that his client would comply with the Commission's
wishes and signed the letter from Mr. Hulquist, D.P.W. , as his approval.
Upon a motion duly made by Mr. Bentley and seconded by Mr. McNiece and
carried unanimously, it was
RESOLVED, that this meeting be adjourned.
Thereupon, at approximately 11 PM, the Chair declared the meeting adjourned.
- A107t, 4_0
Helen Ei Byers .ecretary
Dallas F. Hay, C