The 186th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the
City of Livonia, Michigan, was called to order at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, February
15, 2007, in the 4th floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Toni Mette, Chairman
John Hiltz, Vice Chairman
Jack Engebretson, Mayor
Stan Anderson
Scott Grace
Greg Meyer
Lowell Peterson
Members Absent: Dennis Kujawa
Wayne Glass
Marvin Walkon
Dan West
Others Present: John J. Nagy, PRDA Director
Mark Taormina, Planning Director
Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing
Marge Watson, Secretary
1. Roll was called. A quorum was present.
2. Adoption of the 185th Regular Meeting Minutes.
On a motion made by Anderson, supported by Grace, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2007-03 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 185th Regular Meeting
held on January 18, 2007, by the Plymouth Road Development
Authority are hereby approved.
Ms. Mette, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
3. Comments from Chairman. (1) On February 12, 2007, the Executive
Committee met with representatives of the Planning Department and Fifth
Third Bank to review plans for a new bank. A more detailed report will
follow later in the meeting. (2) A meeting took place with John Walsh, Mark
Taormina, John Nagy, John Hiltz, Scott Grace and Toni Mette to clarify the
responsibilities of the PRDA as it relates to the review of plans for
businesses on Plymouth Road. It was established that the Board will review
major issues of developments as they relate to the goals and objectives of
the Authority, specifically jobs, streetscape, economic impact of
development, and the welfare of the existing businesses and residents.
When there are special conditions, John Nagy will follow up with a memo to
the Planning Commission asking consideration be given to items such as
traffic, hours of operations or other miscellaneous conditions that are of
special interest to the PRDA.
4. Committee Reports:
(A) Construction Committee
Fifth Third Bank: (1) The Executive Committee met on February 12, 2007,
to review the site, architectural and landscape plans for a new full service
bank with drive-thru facilities to be developed by Fifth Third Bank on
property located within the Fountain Park Development. A letter dated
February 12, 2007, to the Planning Commission supported the plans and
recommended that Fifth Third Bank construct and maintain in perpetuity the
streetscape improvements. At this Regular Meeting of the Board, Mark
Taormina, Planning Director, presented the bank's proposal. The full Board
reviewed the plans, as well as the action taken by the Executive Committee,
and it was determined that a letter would be sent to the City Council
supporting the Executive Committee's action, as well as addressing the
elimination of a "no right turn" sign at the west end of the property where it
connects to a private road. It was thought that this sign would interfere with
(11° patrons wanting to enter the retail center from the bank. The residents of
Fountain Park would also be prohibited from making the right turn and
would likely violate the sign restriction after leaving the bank to return to
their condo units. The following resolution was unanimously adopted:
On a motion made by Peterson, supported by Grace, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2007-04 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby support the proposed plans as presented by K4
Architecture, on behalf of Fifth Third Bank, requesting waiver
use approval to operate a full service bank with drive-thru
facilities in the Fountain Park Development, on property
located on the north side of Plymouth Road between
Farmington Road and Mayfield Avenue in the Southwest 1/4 of
Section 27 (Petition 2007-01-02-02), subject to compliance
with all City codes and ordinances and the Plymouth Road
Development streetscape goals and objectives, as such may
be modified by the action of the Planning Commission and/or
City Council, and further subject to approval by the City
Attorney of an agreement whereby Fifth Third Bank, its
Executors, Successors or Assigns agrees to construct and
maintain in perpetuity the Plymouth Road Streetscape
Improvements, as shown on the approved Landscape Plan
dated February 6, 2007, as revised; and elimination of the
requirement for a "No Right Turn" sign at the west end of the
(09 southerly (front) drive aisle where it connects to the private
Ms. Mette, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
Beckett & Raeder: John Nagy presented a letter from Beckett & Raeder,
dated February 2, 2007, which itemized the construction administration
budgets for the 2007 Capital Projects totalling $5,250. Mr. Hiltz stated that
he was expecting a breakdown of the professional service fees of $50,600
that was presented in Beckett & Raeder's letter of December 20, 2006. Mr.
Nagy stated that he would ask for the figures for the next Board meeting.
Commercial Mowing Contract: The Construction Committee
recommended a contract be awarded to Commercial Mowing Services for
the 2007 season in an amount not to exceed $236,707.00. This contract
includes the planting of annual flowers, which was not a part of the 2006
contract. In 2006, the cost for the flowers was submitted with a change
On a motion made by Hiltz, seconded by Peterson, and unanimously
adopted, it was
#2007-05 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority
does hereby agree to accept the 2007 Bid Proposal submitted
by Commercial Mowing Services, Inc., 5070 E. Bristol Road,
Burton, Michigan 48519, at a per unit price not to exceed
$236,707.00 for the Plymouth Road Streetscape Grounds
Maintenance Contract for the period of April 4, 2007 to April 3,
Ms. Mette, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
Miscellaneous Items: Toni Mette stated that a street light was out on the
south side near Arcola. John Nagy said that the problem was not with the
bulb and that he would have the contractor repair it. Lights are also out at
Fountain Park and near Deering Avenue on the north side.
(B) Public Relations Committee: (1) The Clements Circle Civic
Association has requested a PRDA representative attend their March 19
General Meeting to share the PRDA history and plans for Plymouth Road.
Toni Mette volunteered to make the presentation. (2) The plans for the
2007 Taste Fest was discussed. Before making a commitment to the
program, it was requested that the cost for last year's program be detailed,
along with costs for mailing to the various zip codes within the city. The
Mayor suggested that the Assessor's Office be contacted to identify the
numbers of addresses in each zip code area.
(C) Banner Committee: Mr. Nagy stated that the Banner Committee will
have costs for banner replacements for 2007 available at the next meeting.
5. Directors Report: (1) Mr. Nagy reported that the Mayor's State of City
address is scheduled for March 15 and that a table for eight will be available
for the Board. Greg Meyer, Stan Anderson, Scott Grace and Toni Mette
replied that they would attend.
6. Polling of Members:
John Hiltz: (1) Mr. Hiltz advised the Board that he will not be in attendance
at the March meeting. (2) Regarding the Fifth Third Bank project, he
explained that the Authority is not requesting an easement for the
streetscape but that the bank will provide the PRDA streetscape
improvements, and the bank has agreed to be responsible for its
maintenance. Mr. Hiltz stated that he thought this was a good approach
and hoped that the Board agreed because the size of the easement had the
potential to cause future maintenance problems (3) He expressed his
appreciation to John Walsh, Planning Commissioner, and Mark Taormina
for meeting with the Executive Committee to discuss the role of the PRDA in
developments along Plymouth Road.
Stan Anderson inquired about the progress at Wonderland. Schostak
Brothers will announce the new tenants that will be coming into the Village
Shops of Wonderland on April 27 at Schoolcraft College.
Toni Mette stated that Guilio's Restaurant provided wonderful food for the
PRDA dinner that took place on Wednesday, February 7.
Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted,
the 186th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority on
February 15, 2007, was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, March 15, 2007.
Marge Watson, Secretary