The 145th General Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia,Michigan was called to order at 3:15 PM, Thursday, April 17, 2003 in the 4th
floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack Kirksey
Mr. Scott Grace, Chairman
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Members Absent: Mr. Duane Wolfgang (excused)
Mr. Marvin Walkon(excused)
Mrs. Toni Mette(excused)
Mr. John Walsh(excused)
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse(excused)
Others Present: Mr. John Nagy, Director
Mr. Michael Slater, Finance Director
Mr. Michael Fisher, Assistant City Attorney
Ben Baker&Tim Knutsen, Beckett &Raeder
Mr. Wes Graff, Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing Services
Mr. Charles Irish, Irish Landscaping Co.
Mr. Mark Frankel,Attorney for Mr. Irish
Mr. Ralph Williams, Citizen
Dr. Robert Auth,Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Association
Mrs. Robby Williams, Secretary
1. Roll was called. A quorum was not present. A general meeting was held.
Mr. Irish attended the meeting along with his attorney in regard to the trees
installed in 2001 and the ash borer disease problem on Plymouth Road and
the warranty provided to cover these trees. The question is, "Who is
responsible for replacing the trees?" Mr. Fisher,the City's Assistant
Attorney, was on hand to answer questions and review the warranty covering
the replacement of the trees. There was discussion regarding implied
improper maintenance of the newly planted trees and when the disease from
the ash borer first appeared. The State of Michigan and Michigan State
University came out to take a look at the trees to make a determination as to
their condition. There was a report, dated 2001, from Irish Landscaping that
the trees were stressed and not maintained. Irish Landscaping will provide a
copy of this report to Beckett and Raeder. The City of Livonia Law
Department may have a copy of this report but it was not readily available at
the time of this meeting. Mr. Knutsen reported to the Board that Beckett&
Raeder was advised that the trees were not doing well and that deep root
watering should be done. Mr. Levesque reported that beginning of the 2002
season he loosened the burlap that encased the roots and at that time saw the
squiggle marks left by the ash borer. Mr. Pike replied that at that time the
trees were still under warranty and Mr. Irish replied, "As long as they were
properly maintained". There was a letter dated May 25, 2001 accepting the
trees. The first letter to Irish complaining that the trees need to be replaced
was dated June 13, 2001 and identified 15 specific trees. Mr. Fisher advised
that this was the beginning of a long series of correspondence. Mr. Levesque
insisted that the trees were properly maintained. Mr. Fisher reviewed the
contract and stated that he did not find the wording Mr. Irish was referring
to: "If this tree is not properly maintained etc.". The PRDA Board and
Mr. Irish are agreeable to working out this problem and making some
concessions in order to come to an agreement to replace the trees covered
under the warranty. Mr. Slater advised that Chris Pargoff of the Forestry
Division of the Department of Public Works has an inventory of trees that we
do not want to plant in the City. He has a list of trees that should be planted
as well.
2. Finance Report—Michael Slater reported that as of the end of March, 2003, the
total assets were $2,390,632.21, liabilities were $47,453.43 which left a total fund
balance of$2,343,178.78. This is about where our expenses should be. The
disbursements made during the month of March totaled$16,267.19. Mayor
Kirksey inquired if the lights for Plymouth Road and tied into the entire DET
system for the City of Livonia or if they are on separate meters. Mr. Slater advised
that he would look into it and report back. He also advised that they are
continually negotiating with them because of the lights that are out.
3. Construction Report—Beckett&Raeder: Ben Baker and Tim Knutsen
discussed in general the feelings of the Board and the issue with Irish
Landscaping regarding the maintenance issue. Mr. Grace responded that when
the trees were planted nobody had heard of the ash borer disease.
Mr. Baker advised that a letter should be written to Steve Potocki of Peter Basile
advising that he has been informed that there is a list of items that need to be
repaired. If they are not repaired by a certain date that the P.R.D.A. will hire
someone to go out and fix these items and charge them back to Peter Basile. The
letter should state that the P.R.D.A. Board has authorized you to either fix them or
we will have someone else fix them. Mr. Knutsen suggested that as the contract
administrator that they would write the letter.
Mr. Pike suggested that since the construction season has begun that someone
from Peter Basile should attend one of our meetings, either in May or June in case
there are any questions. Mr.Nagy advised that PRDA would lie to have the
maintenance contractor plant some annual flowers in the spring time. PRDA made
a donation of annual flowers to go in the plaza areas and Old Rosedale where the
pillars are. The cost is approximately$1,525 including flowers and labor. Mr.
Anderson requested if arborvitae could be planted at Harrison at the entrance to
the subdivision instead of flowers. Mr. Nagy said that they would see if there is
something more consistent with the P.R.D.A. landscape theme that could
accomplish the same thing.
Mayor Kirksey introduced Wes Graff as the new President of the Livonia Chamber
of Commerce and the board members likewise introduced themselves. As
soon as Wes is approved by the City Council he will become an active
member of the P.R.D.A. board. Mr. Graff gave a little history of his
background to the board. He is returning to Livonia where he and his family
lived for four years before moving to Goshen, Indiana.
4. Committee Reports-
Public Relations: Mr. Anderson reported that FCS is putting labels on the latest
newsletter right now. The plan is to give Bret Miller of eWave our copy of
the disc to update the web site. Mr. Nagy also advised that in connection
with the Great Race road rally that an insert would be going into the
newsletter as well as in all the Observer papers. We are going to have
page to promote the corridor in connection with the Great Race. That is
something the marketing committee has stepped forward to do. Mr.
Anderson felt that the PRDA web page in its current state is not an asset but
a detriment. It needs updating as soon as possible. Mr. Grace echoed the
same sentiments along with the suggestion that we need to give people a
reason to go there. Also, that to have the web page address showing at the
bottom of the banners would be one way to promote the web page. Mr.
Nagy advised that at the time interviews were made, FCS was interviewed
and they were a little more expensive than eWave but since they have done
so much for us maybe we should have them host the web page.
Vacant Buildings: Mr. Grace reported that Auto Zone is closed. Nothing more to
Construction Committee—Mr. Pike—Nothing more to report.
Inspection—Toni Mette— absent
Development Assistance—Mr. Grace—Nothing to report.
Banner Committee- Mr.Nagy—The Committee did not meet.
Great Race—Mr. Nagy—The Great Race is being advertised via the PRDA newsletter
and the Observer papers.
5. Director's Report- John Nagy—Regarding the EXPO—the food vendors that
(re were there did a good job. Those that attended seem to enjoy it. The attendance
seemed to be way down.
6. Polling of Board Members—
Scott Grace—At the main corners I see remnants of the old power lines for the
lights. They have the new lights up and the old street signs are still there. When
we have the main intersections completed with our new traffic signals and poles,
we don't need the old posts there. I think we probably should make sure those are
pulled out. There is a sign up at the George Burns site that has been there for a
couple of years west of the closed Modern Supply building. This is actually not
part of the PRDA site but construction is to begin soon by someone else and the
sign will be in the way.
Mr. Nagy—The Livonia Community Prayer Breakfast will be held May 1 from
7:15 to 9:00 AM at the Burton Manor. Frank DeStella will be the featured
speaker. He is a good speaker. Regarding the holiday parade in view of the status
of the Wonderland Mall, I talked to Jim Lamphier of the Schostak Company. He
said the building would be available to us for next year. There will be enough
room there and they will make arrangements to have coffee and doughnuts and
Santa Claus will be able to entertain there. Regarding the streetscape at the
(iv Wonderland Mall, Target has asked us not to install our brick piers this year.
They are planning on enlarging their building. They do not want streetscape in
front of their property at this time.
Mr. Kujawa reports that there was an article in the Detroit Free Press on the
George Burns theater and the Mai Kai theater.
Mayor Kirksey—The project for the George Burns property is just getting started
this week. It is happening. They have begun. At long last there is something
that is going to occur on that site. The City is watching with great care to make
sure the site is developed and we don't want them to have Walgreens coming in
without the housing being constructed as well. On the Wonderland issue coming
all the way down with the streetscape,perhaps it should be delayed until the new
development comes to fruition. It is a massive project dealing with the entire site.
The only two buildings that will remain are Target and the old K-Mart. The new
plan will be to place a new strip of stores right up to the streetscape and the last of
the Wonderland Mall will be taken out. There will be more than one big business
there and Wards will come down. Schostak now owns that. Maybe we should
invite Schostak to come in and talk to this group. I would also like to mention
that we will be having a seminar on terrorism and homeland security at the new
rec center on May 1. The new rec center opened on Monday of this week, April
14, 2003. There were approximately 8,000 people came in. Maybe we could hold
one of the PRDA meetings there. The Great Race will be held June 21, 2003
starting at the new rec center.
Mr. Anderson talked to some of the business owners at Wonderland. If they are
looking for a place to set up their business while Wonderland is undergoing
redevelopment, maybe our EDC Director could talk to some of the people and
give them a little help. Also, I would like to know if the items on my list of repairs
that need to be made are going to be made this summer or delayed until next fall.
Mr. Nagy responded that there would be a meeting with Basile regarding these
repairs and that these are safety issues that need to be taken care of right away.
7. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
145th General Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority was
adjourned at 5:05 pm.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, May 15, 2003.
Ro y illiams, Secretary