The 66th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia,Michigan was called to order at 3:35 p.m., Thursday, December 18, 1997 in the
4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mr. Mike Polsinelli
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Scott Grace
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mrs. Toni Mette
Members Absent: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey(excused)
Mr. Donald Gelinas(excused)
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse(excused)
Mr. Marvin Walkon
(ke„r Others Present: Mr. John Nagy, Director
Mrs. Doris Urbanski, Secretary
Mr. Carey Baker, Beckett and Raeder Inc.
Mr. Mike Slater, Finance Director
Mr. Dennis Neiman,Miller Canfield
Mr. Pat McGow, Miller Canfield
Mr. Jack Engebretson, Council President
Ms. Marie Chestney, Livonia Observer
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of December 4, 1997 Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously adopted, it was
#97-72 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 65th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on December 4, 1997 are approved.
Mr. Polsinelli, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
3. Comments from Chairman: Mr. Polsinelli informed the Board of a letter to the
Mayor stating that DOT would no longer be servicing any stops outside of Detroit as not
enough passengers take advantage of this service to make it profitable. Bus service in
Detroit is subsidized. There is to be a meeting on this matter on Monday, December 22
in Roseville, and Chairman Polsinelli asked that someone from the PRDA attend as this is
important from the retail aspect of Plymouth Road.
4. Beckett& Raeder: Carey Baker discussed the issue of the three light poles
placed in the middle of the sidewalk. They have asked Peter Basille Sons to barricade, put
flashing lights and paper around the poles as this could be a liability problem. To date this
has not been done. The cost to move the poles would be about $1200 each. Mr. Baker
also distributed a letter from Peter Basille regarding some repair work.
Mr. Anderson noted that the PRDA was only committed to Basille and Sons for
Phase 1 and if they were being uncooperative, perhaps a change should be considered.
Mr. Pike and Mr. Raby sated that Basille was one of the better contractors, and it was
their opinion that Basille should be retained. Beckett and Raeder will stay on top of them.
Mr. Baker received two aerial survey quotes for flying the entire project, photos,
negatives, floppy disk and vellum plots for the area between Merriman and Newburgh
Roads and a ground survey from Inkster. The quote from Abrams Aerial Survey Corp.
totaled $9,535, and a quote from Advanced Mapping Tech. was for$14, 025. Discussion
followed regarding obtaining a third quote.
On a motion by Butch Raby, seconded by Mr. Peterson and unanimously approved, it was
#97-73 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
request that Beckett and Raeder, Inc. obtain a third quote from a qualified
vendor for aerial survey work, and if said quote is less than the $9,535.00
quote of Abrams Aerial Survey Corp., the PRDA does hereby authorize the
Construction Committee to proceed with the aerial photography and
survey work of the lowest bidder.
Mr. Polsinelli, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Baker reported on construction and easement progress. Easements have not
been a problem although Wonderland Auto Wash and Lasky Furniture are now being
difficult stating they are too busy to deal with this now. New limestone samples were
received and approved from Elliott Quarry. The color is Standard Buff
Phase 2 will begin after the first of the year beginning with the easement process.
Mr. Baker will bring drawings to show the Board at the next meeting.
5. Miller Canfield: Mr. Raby for Schoolcraft College has consulted their lawyer
regarding the issue of Schoolcraft having the option to opt out of the tax increment plan.
Mr. McGow of Miller Canfield stated his opinion on this subject and offered to speak with
Schoolcraft's lawyer.
Mr. Nagy asked if this issue were to be terminated at any time, does Miller
Canfield receive any fees, and Mr. Nieman responded that compensation is received only
after the bonds are issued. If any invoices were to be received before May 13 (the
projected date the City is to receive the bond proceeds), they would be reimbursed from
the bond issue.
Miller Canfield distributed copies of a Resolution approving an Amendment to the
Development Plan and Tax Increment Financing Plan, a copy of the Plan Amendment
showing the proposed changes and a Procedure Outline. Mr. Engebretson informed the
Board that there would be a Committee of the Whole meeting in January on this subject
On a motion by Lowell Peterson, seconded by Scott Grace and approved, it was
#97-74 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve the Resolution Approving Amendment to Development Plan and
Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Development Plan and Tax
Increment Financing Plan Amendment as submitted by Miller Canfield on
December 18, 1997.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
AYES: Polsinelli, Anderson, Grace, Peterson, Pike, Kujawa, Mette
NAYS: None
ABSENT: Kirksey, Gelinas, Wordhouse, Walkon
Mr. Polsinelli, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
6. Reports from Committees: Public Relations Committee: Catherine
Vardouniotis of Mama Mia's restaurant called requesting additional copies of the PRDA
newsletter and informed the office that she did not receive a copy in the mail. Stan
Anderson checked several other stores in the area and found that none had received the
newsletter. Lowell Peterson also stated he had not received a copy. Mr. Anderson will
follow up with the post office and the carrier on this route. Mr. Anderson is working on a
half page insertion in the April issue of the City newsletter which will include a progress
report on Plymouth Road.
Discussion followed on a timing schedule for the PRDA newsletter. Mr. Grace
suggested issuing a newsletter in mid June after having received the bond issue. It would
also be in the middle of construction. Mr. Kujawa suggested limiting it to when we have
something to say and title the issues by volume 1, 2, etc. to make it timely rather than
having a definite date.
Mr. Polsinelli reported that he had received several favorable comments with
regard to the newsletter.
Scott Grace suggested incorporating a member list in the newsletter with the
names and businesses listed.
Search Committee: Mr. Nagy was asked if the person appointed for the new
position of Economic Development Director could also be the director for the PRDA. He
stated that the committee was in the process now of outlining the EDC director's
responsibilities. It was Mr. Nagy's opinion that the EDC director could not solve the
needs for both jobs. A PRDA director would also be able to take over a lot of the
operation of the PRDA such as eliminating the Vacant Buildings Committee and the
Inspection Committee.
Nominating Committee: Mr. Raby called for final nominations for election of
officers. The voting will take place at the meeting in January.
7. Update on Plymouth Road Projects: John Nagy reported that the signs
advertising the PRDA are now in place. The signs were doubled up and put side by side
for better visibility. The closed Hardy's restaurant has been sold. It will be a new
restaurant called"Legacy". He was asked about the new stationary for the PRDA and
C,, reported that the printer is now working on a new masthead.
8. Polling of Board Members: Toni Mette: The new"Jeepers"at Wonderland Mall
was very nicely done. Mr. Polsinelli reported that this entertainment center was#1 in the
Jeepers chain.
Bill Pike: Everyone have a nice holiday.
Scott Grace: Inquired about the Salvation Army store relocation, and Mr. Nagy
informed the Board that they were denied at the Council level so they will remain at their
present location. Mr. Grace also asked if there were room to include a right turn lane on
the Wonderland Mall corner, but Mr. Nagy said there would be no room.
Mike Polsinelli: Wished everyone a Happy Holiday and a very productive
new year. Marie Chestney of the Livonia Observer was asked if she had any comments.
She said she intended to cover these meetings as often as possible because she thought it
was important information.
9. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
66th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority on December
18, 1997 was adjourned at 5:25 PM.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
January 15, 1998 in the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Doric T Trhancki Secretary