The 40th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:10 p.m., Thursday, August 15, 1996 in the
Gallery of City Hall.
Members Present: Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Mike Polsinelli
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mr. Scott Grace
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Members Absent: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Donald Gelinas
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mr. Marvin Walkon
Others Present: Mrs. Jean Garvey, Secretary
tre Mr. John Nagy,Planning Director
Mr. Michael McGee, City Council
Mr. Richard Niedieck, Livonia Economic Development Office
Mr. John Iacoangeli, Beckett& Raeder, Inc.
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-33 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 39th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth
Road Development Authority on August 1, 1996 are approved.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
3. Comments from Chairman: The Chairman informed the group that Mr. McGee
wished to make a couple of comments.
For the information of the board Mr. McGee read a letter written to Schostak
Brothers from AMC stating they were extending their operating commitment for the next
ten years as part of their ongoing lease at the Wonderland 6. Mr. McGee read from a
further letter written to the City Council from Nestor Sanchez, Director of Design&
Construction for AMC Theaters, wherein Mr. Sanchez stated they would commit to
assisting the City in efforts to reopen the George Burns Theater as a local community
performing arts center, should the City request them to do so. Mr. McGee stated he
would like to see something happen to the theater and AMC is on the record as saying
they would participate.
The Chairman informed the board that a letter had been sent to the City Council
stating the PRDA supported Ford Motor Company in their request for a Tax Exemption
Facilities Certificate in connection with the proposed purchase of new machinery and
equipment for their Livonia Transmission Plant.
The Chairman also informed the board that a letter had been sent to John
Iacoangeli of Beckett and Raeder forwarding the list of projects identified by the Old
Rosedale Gardens Civic Association so Beckett & Raeder could review their ideas to see
if any could be incorporated into their plans for Plymouth Road.
Mr. Pike also informed the board that a letter had been sent to the Inspection
Department to take a look at the property of J& M's Party Store and B &B Drugs.
4. 1996-97 Budget: The board members reviewed the amended budget and found
everything to be in order.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Polsinelli, seconded by Mr. Anderson and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-34 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve the 1996-97 budget.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
5. Beckett & Raeder: Mr. Iacoangeli presented a Corridor Design Plan in draft
form that he wanted the administration to look at. He stated he felt the next step should
be a workshop with the business community on the drawings and plans. The Chairman
suggested the members look at the Design Plan and get their comments back to John
Iacoangeli and then have a workshop with the business community to solicit their
comments and concerns and then make a final presentation. It was determined the
meeting should be held at Mama Mia's at whatever date is available, possibly aiming for
September 10, 11, or 12, meeting for a couple of hours in the morning and a couple of
hours in the evening. It was suggested that the members should be in attendance if
possible to answer questions. It was also suggested that the board get something
published in the Observer. Letters are to be sent out to all businesses within the district.
Mr. Iacoangeli will be at the September 19 meeting with the sign concepts. He
also stated they would be able to incorporate many of the suggestions from the Old
Rosedale Gardens Civic Association into their project.
6. Reports from Committees: Mr. Polsinelli brought the board up to date on what
was happening with the George Burns Theater. It was also mentioned that Bill Brown has
made another appeal to use their parking lot for six more months.
Mr. Anderson, on behalf of the Public Relations Committee, will get a letter to the
Observer about the upcoming workshop.
7. Update on current Plymouth Road Projects: (1) Mr. Nagy mentioned the
public hearing in front of the City Council was held on the Ford Motor Company tax
abatement. (2) In connection with the Milburn realignment a new appraisal report is
needed because of the demolition of the buildings. (3) Bogart's Billiards is attempting to
transfer a liquor license to their business on Plymouth Road.
8. Polling of Board Members:
Mr. Grace felt something should be done about the buildings that need to be
demolished since that is the biggest comment he hears.
Mr. Peterson asked when do we say this is what we are going to do? It was
suggested after the public meeting with the business community.
Mr. Pike stated he had talked to the people who were interested in the Livonia
tre Nursing Home property and they were hoping to be bringing something in by October.
Chairman Pike also informed the board that Sean Kavanagh was to be present at the
meeting but could not make it. He did find out the PRDA was not required to take bids
for professional services because they are a separate entity from the City.
9. Public Comment: There was no public comment.
10. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
40th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority of Livonia on
August 15, 1996 was adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
September 5, 1996 at 3:00 p.m. in the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
J Garvey, Secretary