The 38th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:00 p.m., Thursday, July 18, 1996 in the 4th
Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Mr. Scott Grace
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Marvin Walkon
Members Absent: Mr. Mike Polsinelli (excused absence)
Mr. Donald Gelinas (excused absence)
Others Present: Mrs. Jean Garvey, Secretary
(liry Mr. John Nagy, Planning Director
Mr. Michael McGee, City Council
Mr. Richard Niedieck, Livonia Economic Development Office
Mr. John Iacoangeli, Beckett and Raeder, Inc.
Mr. Douglas Johnson, Zerbo's Health Food
Mr. Tom Wozniak, Old Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Assoc.
Mr. Larry Bean, Old Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Assoc.
Mr. Paul Quinones, U of M Intern
1. Roll was called.
Mayor Kirksey introduced Paul Quinones, a student at the University of Michigan
majoring in Political Science, who was interning in the Mayor's office for the summer.
2. Adoption of Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-29 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 37th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on June 20, 1996 are approved.
Mr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
3. Tom Wozniak- Old Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Assoc. : Mr. Wozniak
stated he had attended the last PRDA meeting and had been invited back to this meeting
as Mr. Iacoangeli was going to look into a couple of designs in connection with their
location. Mr. Wozniak stated he was here today to listen rather than talk.
4. Douglas Johnson -Zerbo's Health Foods: Mr. Johnson, architect for Zerbo
Health Foods, had attended the last meeting of the PRDA asking for their support in
connection with the remodeling of Zerbo's Health Foods. After being requested to return
with elevation plans, Mr. Johnson presented the elevation plans. Mr. Wordhouse stated at
the last meeting he had raised the most questions and felt Mr. Johnson had more than
adequately answered his questions. Mr. Wordhouse felt it was a tremendous asset to
Plymouth Road and Mr. Johnson was to be congratulated.
On a motion duly made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Wordhouse and unanimously
approved, it was
#96-30 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
recommend that the Zoning Board of Appeals approve the request by Zerbo's
Health Foods seeking to remodel their building resulting in a deficient front yard
(imovMr. Pike, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
5. Comments from Chairman: The Chairman reported that he had received a call
from Jamie Coe regarding the fence in back of his property. Mr. Coe indicated at one
time the City was in favor of taking the fence down and Mr. Coe thought possibly the
PRDA could help facilitate that. Mr. Nagy responded that he had previously talked to the
landlord of the adjacent property, and he did not want the responsibility of the traffic
coming through his property, therefore, he did not want the fence down. For that reason
Mr. Nagy felt there wasn't much the PRDA could do.
6. 1996-97 Budget-Mike Slater: Mr. Slater was in attendance to discuss the
preparation of the 1996-97 PRDA budget. There was a general discussion and then it was
determined the budget would be put on either the August 1st or August 15th agenda for
final review.
7. Presentation by Beckett and Raeder, Inc.: Mr. Iacoangeli presented a
Preliminary Lighting Assessment for the information of the board showing the difference
in cost between Detroit Edison installing and servicing the lighting or PRDA purchasing
the lighting system and and having it serviced.
Mr. Iacoangeli then presented the plan they would recommend for the Old
Rosedale Gardens Subdivision. The proposal would be to close some streets and add
parking lots. He would also recommend a smaller version of the lighting to be used alon
Plymouth Road. They would also like to incorporate signage at the entrance way. g
Mr. Iacoangeli then presented a Signage Study for the information
members. Deb Cougar of Beckett&Raeder will also be in attendance
meeting of the PRDA to discuss sign desi of the board
g at the August 15th
supplying current graphic material such asgCityseal, log gclolorsi eetcor the City's help in
He also would like
a scale drawing of the major intersections from the Engineering De artmeet. A general
discussion of signage followed.
Mr. Anderson felt it was a good idea to have a master plan for the whole
so the PRDA could decide what should be the most timely thing to do. Mr.responded they will now begin to pull all the different designs six miles
together. � Iacoangeli
The Chairman felt they should start putting together a list of things they want to
accomplish in 1997.
8. Reports from Committees: Rick Niedieck, reporting on behalf
Burns Theater Conunittee, stated the George family now has the theateraof
n the George
for sale and is marketing the property through Schostak Brothers. Th brokd
an the
property up
attend today's meeting but had not shown up. a er was to
(Mr. Nagy left the meeting at this time)
Updateaon current PI
someactivity Plymouth Road projects: The Mayor reported there had
buildingbeeon the Hygrade plant. The existing plant will come down an
will be constructed by the new owners, d a new
Mr. McGee informed the group that the City Council had a ro
engineering plans for the Plymouth Road/Milburn Drive realignment.pp ved the
Mr. Grace brought up the matter of the Office Depot parking lot at the northeast
corner of Plymouth and Middlebelt Roads. He stated there did not appear to have
any changes made to the parking lot and inquired whether as a condition of ve been
were to upgrade the parking lot. approval they
10. Polling of Board Members:
Mr. Peterson questioned whether anything had been done on gettingestimates
tearing down the Livonia Tire Store, Hi-Fy on on
Niedieck responded he wasn't sure but would check with Mr.eand Na Lary of State Office. Mr.
Mr. Grace felt the demolishing of the three buildings would be a great start
PRDA. He further inquired about Inspectors working on weekends as ther for the
sandwich boards, etc. appearing along P1 a were
original plan called for an Inspector for pjanouth Road on the weekends. He stated their
be any Inspectors working on weekends. Ymouth Road and he wondered if there were to
Mr. Raby felt if they started any projects in 1997 they should nail it down by
September at the latest.
Mr. Anderson reiterated that in order to make those decisions he felt they needed a
master plan.
Mr. Grace asked how the homeowners in Rosedale Gardens feel about the
proposal to close the entrances to some of their streets. Mr. Wozniak stated he would like
to go to another community where that had been done to see how it worked. Mr. Bean
said he had heard some comments but no big objections.
11. Public Comment:
Mr. Wozniak stated the Old Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Association had
submitted a list of their projects to the PRDA for advice and suggestions. Mr. Pike
suggested they go forward like they have and the PRDA would take a better look at this
area within the next couple of months. There may be something within the 1997 plans
they would want to do. He suggested they come back to PRDA meetings at any time as
they want them to be informed of what is happening and if they could incorporate their
improvements in with the PRDA plans, it would be best for both the PRDA and the
(11•9 homeowners association. Mr. Wordhouse suggested revisiting the homeowners
association project list at the next meeting. Either Mr. Wozniak or Mr. Bean, or possibly
both, would return to the August 1st meeting of the PRDA.
12. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
38th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority of Livonia on
July 18, 1996 was adjourned at 5:05 p.m.
J ary arvey, Secretary