On Tuesday, September 9, 2014, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Livonia held its 1,060th Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic
Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Lee Morrow, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Scott Bahr Kathleen McIntyre R. Lee Morrow
Carol A. Smiley Gerald Taylor Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: None
Mr. Scott Miller, Planner IV, was also present.
Chairman Morrow informed the audience that if a petition on tonight's agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the
City Council who, in tum, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as to whether a petition is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating petition. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If
a petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in which to appeal the decision, in wnting, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become
effective seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission
and the professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon lheirfiling.
The staff has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying
resolutions, which the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the
outcome of the proceedings tonight.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 2014 -08 -
SN -02 submitted by WorkForce Software requesting approval of
a wall sign pursuant to Section 18.47 of the City of Livonia
Zoning Ordinance #543, as amended, for the four-story office
building (Seven Mile Crossing) at 38705 Seven Mile Road,
located on the south side of Seven Mile Road between the 1-
275/96 Expressway and Haggerty Road in the Northwest 1/4 of
Section 7.
September 9, 2014
Mr. Miller:
Seven Mile Crossing consists of three similar looking high rise
office buildings that all front on Seven Mile Road. This properly
is zoned PO, High Rise Professional Office. Multi -tenant office
buildings in a PO district are permitted one wall sign not to
exceed one square feel for each lineal fool of the building
frontage or 100 square feel, whichever is less. This building,
because of its front elevation, is allowed a 100 square fool wall
sign. WorkForce Software occupies approximately 50 percent
of the four-story office building situated on the west half of the
site. The proposed wall sign would be installed on the south
elevation or the front elevation of the building which faces
Seven Mile Road. The sign would read "WorkForce Software."
The dimensions of the sign would total 199 square feel, which is
double what they are allowed. Currently, there are no wall signs
on the building. Because of the excess sign area, they would be
required to obtain a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
That is the extent of the proposal.
Mr. Morrow:
Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller:
There is one item of correspondence from the Inspection
Department, dated August 25, 2014, which reads as follows:
"Pursuant to your request, the above -referenced petition has
been reviewed. The following is noted. A variance from the
Zoning Board of Appeals will be required to maintain the excess
size of the proposed wall sign. This Department has no further
objections to this petition." The letter is signed by Jerome
Hanna, Assistant Director of Inspection. That is the extent of
the correspondence.
Mr. Morrow:
Are there any questions of Mr. Miller? Seeing none, is the
petitioner here this evening? We will need your name and
address for the record please. Please build on what we've heard
so far relative to the sign.
Matthew Yacoub, WorkForce Solutions, 38705 Seven Mile Road, Livonia,
Michigan 48152. All right. To give you a little bit of background,
we are a human resource management software provider. We
provide software to some of the largest public institutions and
other private and corporate enterprises across the world. We
are a global company. We are headquartered here in Livonia.
We're growing. We're one of the fastest growing companies in
the State. We're named the third largest job creator in the State
of Michigan over the period from 2012 to 2013. In 2009 we
moved into this building. Since we've moved in, we had the
option from the owner of the building to put a sign on the
building but more recently as we've grown. We're up to 50
percent, as Mr. Miller said, and soon planning to expand to
September 9, 2014
about 60 or so percent of the building. We've now decided we'd
like to have the sign on the building. As he said, we're looking
for a larger sign than the standard rules would peril. There
are a few reasons for that. One is the size of the frontage of the
building. I think in the other diagram he showed, its 345 feet of
frontage. So the sign would ft better, look better, in that peak
area of the front of the building. It's also prefty far back off of
Seven Mile Road and there's quite a few trees along Seven Mile
Road. There's also a restaurant as you can see in that diagram.
Then there's also a hill to the west. If you're at Seven Mile and
Haggerty turning left, there's a hill blocking the view of that
exact area where the sign would go. So as you come closer,
there are times when its completely visible, and then there's
trees, so it's kind of in and out. We want to make sure it's
visible for our customers and, as we're growing so fast, actually
we have more interviewees coming to the building. It's really a
constant stream. Actually, part of my role is to, my department
does the orientation for the new hires and it's really a pretty big
task because we have so many people coming on board so
quickly. I think that's pretty much it. If there are any questions,
I'd be happy to answer them.
Mr. Morrow: We'll see if the Commissioners have any questions. Mr. Bahr?
Mr. Bahr:
The petitioner actually answered the two questions I was going
to ask him. Through the Chair to Scott, if I could. Scott, the
ordinance that was put together, that's based on the lineal feet
of the building. So that doesn't take into account at all the
overall size of the building?
Mr. Miller:
Mr. Bahr:
So a strip mall sized building would have the same ordinance as
a five -story building or four-story building, whatever this is?
Mr. Miller:
Mr. Bahr:
Okay. I didn't ask you ahead of time. Do you or maybe some of
my fellow commissioners know, do we have similar buildings in
Livonia that have done a similar waiver like this? Do you by
chance know?
Mr. Miller:
I did check the other two buildings at Seven Mile Crossing.
Both have a 100 square fool wall sign on the building.
Mr. Bahr:
Al the Seven Mile Crossing?
Mr. Miller:
September 9, 2014
Mr. Bahr: Okay. Thank you
Ms. McIntyre: Through the Chair to Mr. Bahr, I do recall from my time on the
Zoning Board, the complex that is adjacent to Laurel Park to the
west, there were some similar issues. As I recall, there's a pet
supply company, and I believe that we grented an exemption
that was both the number of signs, one on perhaps the west
facing and the east facing, and there was also a larger sign
because of the issue of buildings that looked alike and the need
for customers to find space. I can't recall what the specifics
were, but I think it was a significant variance but a similar source
of ciroumslances with the large overall building facade.
Can I speak to that Mr.
Sure. Goahead.
Yes, the letters will be It.
Mr. Bahr: Thanks for reminding me of that. I was thinking of that. I'm pretty
sure that came through here while I was on the Commission,
and I think it was only the additional sign. I don't think it was the
size of the sign. We don't know that for sure. I'm all set.
Ms. Smiley: You were shaking your head, no, it wasn t the size?
Mr. Miller: I don't remember.
Mr. Taylor:
I understand this is going to have back lighting?
Mr. Yacoub:
No, it will be channel It inside of the sign.
Mr. Taylor:
The letters will be Id?
Mr. Yacoub:
Yes, the letters will be It.
Mr. Taylor:
The letters will be It. Okay. Well, I know that you've got a
problem — the trees. Andiamo's had a problem with trees and
they trimmed a lot of them down, which made it much more
Mr. Yacoub:
Mr. Taylor:
Although we as Livonia like to put trees up, sometimes it does
more harm than good, unfortunately. I was involved when this
building went up, and we wanted a lot of landscaping, and we
got it. Maybe you can help by trimming it back. I don't know.
But I don't have any problem with the sign.
September 9, 2014
Mr. Morrow: Thank you, Mr. Taylor. Mrs. Smiley.
Ms. Smiley: I know what you're talking about because I drove by it this
affemoon. I dont find this offensive considering the front of the
building and how high up it is and the fad that on the comer
there, if you will recall, is a Schoolcraft, there's a Wayne State,
and all that sluff. That is so high and like he said, the trees. I
don't want to cul all the trees down, and I dont know that cutting
trees down would help that much for them. I understand you're
going towards 60 percent occupancy ofthe building?
Mr. Yacoub:
Yes, over 60 percent by January if everything goes according to
the plans.
Ms. Smiley:
Then I'm not having a problem with it.
Ms. McIntyre:
I just wanted to make a comment. I think that we all pride
ourselves in Livonia as being very accommodating to our
businesses as long as we're not giving one business an
advantage over another or inconveniencing or disadvantaging
our residents. These are the kinds of businesses that we like to
have grow in Livonia and I think part of being a good community
for business is making it easy for people to find a business.
With a business like this where you have significant traffic to
your point, right? You have a lot of people coming to interview
and it can disadvantage that kind of business if people can't find
it easily. You have a number of buildings that look very similar.
Even now with GPS which tells you which building, I think ft's
still nice, especially when it's an attractive sign. One of the
things that I look at personally is, it's a variance but that's not a
block sign. Right? We measure it by the outer dimensions, and
there's quite a bit of while space, if you will, in that sign. So I
think it's reasonable and I think its a nice looking sign too.
Mr. Yacoub:
Mr. Morrow:
Thank you, Mrs. McIntyre. Is there anyone else?
Mr. Bahr:
Do you have a lot of customers coming into your building or is it
primarily employees and interviewees?
Mr. Yacoub:
Its more people from the community that are coming to
interview and employees. Customers come occasionally loo,
but more often it is employees. Actually when I came to
interview, I've been working there a year and half, I actually
worked in this building in the '90's, but I didn't even know
WorkForce Software was in here until I saw the posting online
and interviewed and got there, and oh my gosh, its the same
September 9, 2014
building I used to work in because they had no sign. So I
personally experienced the lack of brand recognition locally,
whereas, you know, globally, we have a pretty big name space.
Mr. Bahr:
I don't feel super strongly one way or the other, although I do
have a kind pattern here of saying we do have ordinances for a
reason and we should stick to them. I echo everything that
Commissioner McIntyre said about wanting to be
accommodating to business, and I think she makes a great
point about the while space behind the sign. That helps me
some. That being said, I see you have a visibility issue, but
frankly, being a bigger sign isn't going to help you with the
visibility issue with the trees. Right?
Mr. Yacoub:
Maybe. I mean there's parts, there's times if it was smaller, it
would be completely hidden by the trees; whereas if it's bigger,
it comes into view quicker.
Mr. Bahr:
That's a fair point. Okay. Thanks.
Mr. Yacoub:
And if I can add one more point, there's two zoning ordinances,
right? There's the four-story building and lower and five-story
and above. Its a four-story building so its right at the upper
limit of that lower 100 square fool sign ordinance, and I believe
the other ordinance talks about the frontage and percentage of
the frontage. This has the frontage for the other ordinance to gel
the 200 square foot sign. So it's sort of half-way there already.
Mr. Morrow:
You had indicated the sign was going to be channel lit.
Mr. Yacoub:
Mr. Morrow:
Will @ have the hours of operation on that?
Mr. Yacoub:
We were planning on leaving it up 24 hours, yes. It would be off
during the day. It wouldn't be glowing during the day, but it
would be on at night.
Mr. Morrow:
I'm coming from the standpoint of whether it would be through
the night.
Mr. Yacoub:
Yes. That's the plan.
Mr. Morrow:
Okay. Thank you. Is there anything else?
Mr. Wilshaw:
Its not so much about the sign. It's just to understand your
company a little bit just because we've been talking about this
company that we just dont know a lot about.
September 9, 2014
Mr. Yacoub:
Mr. Wilshaw:
Can you tell me just a couple things? How many employees do
you have in this building?
Mr. Yacoub:
We have 300 in this building and about 550 globally.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. And how long have you been in this building?
Mr. Yacoub:
I believe since 2009. We were in Livonia on SchoolcraR before
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. It's good to know a little bit about the company. I will say
that it sounds like you're an excellent company to have in the
community in the sense that we don't have a lot of technology
companies in the city. You're obviously in a very high tech field,
a software company, a growing company. You're consuming a
tremendous amount of space in a large office building which is
just really good. It's great to have folks like you in the
community, and I appreciate the fad that you are in Livonia, that
you'regrowing and that you're looking to show your brand in the
city because as people drive by, not only customers and
employees who are coming to your office see that name, but
also people traveling through the area, look over and they'll see
it. Say, here's a high tech company. It tells them something
about the area and the community. Thank you.
Mr. Yacoub:
Definitely. Thankyou.
Mr. Morrow:
Is there anybody else? I'm going to go to the audience. Is there
anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against the
granting of this petition? Seeing no one coming forward, a
motion would be in order.
On a motion by Taylor, seconded by McIntyre, and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2014 -08 -SN -02
submitted by WorkForce Software requesting approval of a wall
sign pursuant to Section 18.47 of the City of Livonia Zoning
Ordinance #543, as amended, for the four-story office building
(Seven Mile Crossing) at 38705 Seven Mile Road, located on
the south side of Seven Mile Road between the 1-275/96
Expressway and Haggerty Road in the Northwest 1/4 of Section
7, be approved subject to the following conditions:
September 9, 2014
1. That the wall sign shall be installed in accordance with the
Sign Plan submitted by WorkForce Software, as received
by the Planning Commission on August 15, 2014; and
2. That this approval is subject to the petitioner being granted
variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals for excessive
sign area and any conditions related thereto.
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution. We wish you well as you go forward.
Mr. Yacoub: Thankyou.
Mr. Morrow: And as Mr. Wilshaw said, we certainly appreciate the fact that
one ofyour main facilities is in Livonia.
Mr. Yacoub: We appreciate your support too. Thank you.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2014-
08-08-10 submitted by Rose Grisa requesting approval of all
plans required by Section 18.47 of the Zoning Ordinance in
connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the
commercial/office building (Mark E Building) at 15231
Farmington Road, located on the west side of Farmington Road
between Lyndon Avenue and Five Mile Road in the Northeast
1/4 of Section 21.
Mr. Miller: The Mark E Building is a two story multi -tenant retail office
building. The first floor of the building is occupied by O'Malley's
Bar & Grill and the Neon Village Drycleaners. The second floor
is primanly office space. Currently, the exterior of the first floor
is finished with wood siding set in a diagonal pattern. Changes
would affect the lower level of the building's north, east and
west elevation. The first floor of the south elevation, which
partially abuts another commercial building, consists of painted
block. The south elevation and the upper half of the building,
which is covered by E.I.F.S. and was refinished in 2000, would
be Teff untouched and remain as is. The wood siding would be
removed in order to expose the original brick facade. The brick
would appear in sections between intermittent bands of E.I.F.S.
A note on the plan indicates that the E.I.F.S. would be similar to
the second floor's exterior walls. Sections of the E.I.F.S. would
September 9, 2014
be separated from the ground by a one foot six inch concrete
ledge that would extend across the base of the building. A
series of stone seals would be used to separate the concrete
ledge from the bands of E.I.F.S. Windows would be installed
throughout the three elevations to offer natural light into the
building. Part of the renovation also includes the relocation of
the main entrance. The new entranceway would remain on the
north side of the building, but would be shifted about 55 feel to
the west. The new entrance would contain an aidock vestibule.
No other changes or improvements are proposed with this
petition. That is the extent of the proposal.
Mr. Morrow: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Miller:
There are two items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated September 8, 2014, which
reads as follows: "In accordance with your request, the
Engineering Division has reviewed the above -referenced
planning petition. We have no objections to the proposed
site renovation at this time. The proposed plan indicates that
project will consist of renovating the exterior of the building
which will not require Engineering Departmentpermits. The legal
description provided with the petition appears to be correct and
is acceptable to this otfice. The existing parcel is assigned an
address of 15225 Farmington Road with a range of 15223 to
15231 Farmington Road for the individual units within the
building. The existing structure is cumently serviced by public
utilities, which are to remain in place. Should changes to the
existing utility leads be needed, the owner will need to submit
plans to the Engineering Department to determine if permits will
be required." The letter is signed by David Lear, P.E., Civil
Engineer. The second letter is from the Division of Police, dated
September 3, 2014, which reads as follows: "I have reviewed
the plans in connection with the petition. I have no objections to
the proposal." The letter is signed by Joseph Boilos, Sergeant,
Traffic Bureau. That is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Morrow:
Are there any questions for Mr. Miller?
Mr. Taylor:
Scott, where is this metal roof? Is it going to be over the door?
We have a drawing here.
Mr. Miller:
Mr. Gdsa could probably explain it better, but I think there's an
Mr. Grisa:
Yes, and your cursor is on it right now. It is existing.
Mr. Taylor: Thais not going to be the door you're going to use, is d?
September 9, 2014
Mr. Grisa: That runs the whole way around the building
Mr. Miller: That's the dark band shown on the Elevation Plan that the sign
is just over. I believe the overhang sticks out over the entrance
Mr. Morrow: We'll need your name and address for the record please.
Frank Gnsa, 34175 Oakdale, Livonia, Michigan. The petitioner is actually my
mother. I'm here on her behalf. She owns the building. The
drawing that you have is just a split. We just want everybody to
be able to see what was there. Its a soffit, basically, that's
existing, and it runs all the way across the building and down
the east and west elevation as well. That dark band there,
basically now it is a metal roof about a fool long that you see on
the diagram and then a wood enclosed soffit that has lights
underneath it. What we're proposing is, we're going to remove
the wood and we'll cover it with E.I.F.S.
Mr. Taylor: I've been in there before. Mr. Morrow has taken me in there
once or twice. Did you know the brick was underneath that
Mr. Grisa: Yes.
Mr. Taylor: I know the building was built
Mr. Grisa: I've been a resident of Livonia since '59 and I used to eat atthe
Dinner Bell.
Mr. Taylor: Thankyou.
Ms. Smiley: Why are you moving the door?
Mr. Grisa: Two reasons. One, just for some changes that we want to do,
to be able to afford on the inside of the building. Its long and
thin the way it's laid out and with the entry right in the center, its
just ... you can tell people who haven't been there before.
They walk in the door and go, where do I go? I'm trying to be
everything to everybody inside, 2,000 square feet. Our thought
would be is if we could actually have the bar at one end and the
dining room at the other, we want to get a little more of a
restauranttheme going. This will allow us to have people come
in. We can have a hostess stand there and walk them through
and be able to separate people in the lounge from people in the
dining room. Also, with the building that sits right in front of us,
its not very visible. If we bring the entryway out that way, we
will be visible from Five Mile. I think it would be safer and a little
September 9, 2014
more convenient. Our people tend to park right there. So when
they walked in they would be right there by the entrance.
Ms. Smiley:
Are you a new owner?
Mr. Grisa:
I am the owner of O'Malley's Bar & Grill.
Ms. Smiley:
Mr. Grisa:
My mother is the owner of the building.
Ms. Smiley:
And you're just looking to renovate?
Mr. Grisa:
We're trying to breathe a little life into d. If anybody remembers
when Sneaky Pete's went into business, it was back in '79, '80.
It was when the last time the outside was renovated. I'm sure
that the wood siding was very chic in the urban cowboy days,
but it's a little tired and I think we can be a little more inviting.
And we also want to put some windows in because we want to
lel the light inside. There's no windows at all, and it's kind of like
being in a basement, especially if you're the guy that's there 14
hours. You're talking to yourself by the end of the day. We've
been told by many customers it would be nice to have some
natural light in there, so we thought that might be the way to do
Ms. Smiley:
It looks like a nice change. Thank you.
Mr. Morrow:
Do you gel along with your landlord?
Mr. Grisa:
She's lough.
Ms. McIntyre:
I would never go to O'Malley's before Mr. Grisa took it over, and
some of my colleagues and friends like to go there. I went
shortly after he had taken over and there was just immediately a
different feel inside in terms of the professionalism and
everything else. I think it would be very, very nice now to have
an exterior that matches what's going on in the interior. It is a
tired looking space, and I think the fad that you can't see it
because the entrance is blocked by that building, it makes it
seem inaccessible and not a very welcoming place. You don't
know what it is. I think it would just improve the look of that
entire strip mall to drive by and see a very nice looking facade
with an entrance that is clear what it is. I think this is really a
nice plan and is very complementary to all the changes that
you've worked so hard to make inside and with the content of
the business. I think this is going to look very nice and just
make that space look better.
September 9, 2014
Mr. Grisa:
Since you men0oned the strip mall, I brought a back, not as a
hostile petitioner. It was originally done — this brick that we
would be re -exposing actually matches what was the Virginia
Farrell building and Stan's. It's the same back all the way
through. It makes some sense.
Mr. Morrow:
Anyone else? I know that I mel you when I asked you to join us
for the Taste of Spree and had a mee0ng the other night.
Apparently, you won the first prize.
Mr. Grisa:
It worked out well. Thank you.
Mr. Morrow:
We hope you're doing well and hope you'll join us next year and
your business will even be larger.
Mr. Grisa:
Mr. Morrow:
Thank you. Is there anybody in the audience that wishes to
speakfor or againstthe granting oflhis petition? Seeing no one
coming forward, a motion would be in order.
On a motion by McIntyre, seconded by Smiley, and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2014-08-08-10
submitted by Rose Grisa requesting approval of all plans
required by Section 18.47 of the Zoning Ordinance in
connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the
commercial/office building (Mark E Building) at 15231
Farmington Road, located on the west side of Farmington Road
between Lyndon Avenue and Five Mile Road in the Northeast
1/4 of Section 21, be approved subject to the following
1. That the Elevation and Details Plan dated August 27, 2014,
prepared by Frank Grisa, is hereby approved and shall be
adhered to;
2. That only conforming signage is approved with this petition,
and any additional signage shall be separately submitted
for review and approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals;
3. That no LED Iighthand or exposed neon shall be permitted
on this site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows;
September 9, 2014
4. That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the building permits are applied for; and,
5. Pursuant to Section 19.10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of one year only from the dale of approval by City
Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shall be null and void at the expiration of said
Is there any discussion?
Is that your mother in the audience?
No, my dad.
I couldn't see it.
The lights are kind of bright up here.
He is Frank Gnsa, also. He was named after me.
In all fairness, these are like blinding lights. I'm getting a tan.
I no doubt it.
Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution. We wish you well with your renovation as
well as increasing the business at your facility.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for coming.
September 9, 2014
ITEM #3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1,059'" Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of the
Minutes of the 1,059'" Public Hearings and Regular Meefing
held on August 19, 2014.
On a motion by Wilshaw, seconded by Bahr, and unanimously adopted, it was
#09-49-2014 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 1,059th Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commission on August
19, 2014, are hereby approved.
A roll call vote on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following
Wilshaw, Bahr, McIntyre, Taylor, Smiley, Monow
Mr. Morrow, Chainnan, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 1,060th
Regular Meeting held on September 9, 2014, was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
R. Lee Morrow, Chairman
Carol A. Smiley, Secretary