On Tuesday, September 14, 2010, the City Planning Commission of the City of
Livonia held its 1,001n Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic
Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Lee Morrow, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Ashley V. Krueger Deborah McDermott R. Lee Morrow
Lynda L. Scheel Carol A. Smiley Gerald Taylor
Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: None
Mr. Mark Taormina, Economic Development & Planning Director, was also
Chairman Morrow informed the audience that if a petition on lonighfs agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the
City Council who, in tum, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as to whether a pefifion is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating petition. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If
a petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has len days in which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become
effective seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission
and the professional staff have reviewed each of these pefifions upon their fling.
The staff has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying
resolutions, which the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the
outcome of the proceedings tonight.
Ms. Scheel, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Pefifion 2010-08-
08-03 submitted by Nizam Abazid requesting approval of all
plans required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in
connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the
commercial/office center (Livonia Plymouth Plaza) at 28801
Plymouth Road, located on the south side of Plymouth Road
between Harrison Avenue and Middlebell Road in the Northwest
1/4 of Section 36.
September 14, 2010
Mr. Taormina: This is property located in Section 36 of the City which is the
square mile that is bounded by Plymouth Road to the north,
Middlebelt Road to the west, Joy Road to the south and Inkster
Road to the east. The properly under consideration is on the
south side of Plymouth Road between Harrison and Middlebelt
Roads. Actually, this is just east of Garden Avenue. The
building on the site is somewhat L-shaped. It contains a total
building area of about 40,800 square feel. The majonty of the
space within this building is currently vacant. The new owners
propose to remodel the exterior of the building and then occupy
a portion of it, about 6,500 square feet, for their businesses
which are office related and include a real estate office and an
accounting office. They propose to lease out the balance of the
center for both retail and office purposes. This building is set
back only a few feel from Plymouth Road. Most of the parking
is located to the rear of the building and along the east side.
The existing exlenor is relatively plain. It consists of E.I.F.S.
There is not any real interest in the design. It's a single
continuous design throughout. Its mostly flat and gray and
beginning to show its age. The pefifioner would like to renovate
all four sides of the building. The color rendering gives the best
example of what they propose to do. Probably the biggest
change to the design would be increasing the height of the
parapet walls along the lop of the building. Those would be
extended about four feel from an average of about 16 feet to 20
feel. The highest points, which are at the corners of the
building, would be 26 feet overall. As you can see from this
rendering, they contain variations in the height and the width
and the shape in order to add some character to the building
and individualize the separate tenant units. On some parts of
the building, the roofline would have an arched parapet, while
other areas would remain straight across. There would be
columns introduced along the front of the building. The columns
would separate the tenant spaces. There would be standing
seam awnings which are shown above several of the windows
and the doors that make up the tenant spaces. This same
design treatment is proposed along the rear of the building.
What you're looking at here, the top part, is how the building
would appear from Plymouth Road. The bottom drawings show
what they would look like from the side and rear elevations so
you can see a consistency throughout. There would be brick
added to the lower portion of the building. Right now the
E.I.F.S. or the dryvit extends all the way down to grade. What
they propose to do is remove that E.I.F.S. material and put full
four inch back along the lower portion of the building and areas
of the columns and end caps would receive the treatment with
September 14, 2010
the cultured stone material. The architect is here this evening
and he will be able to describe that a little bit better. With
respect to parking, currently the entire site is stuped with angled
parking. There is one-way circulation in all of the aisles
including that which is on the east side of the building. They
propose to change that to perpendicular, 90 degree parking. In
doing so, they would actually pick up a few parking spaces.
Right now I believe there are 77 parking spaces. They are
showing 9 fool wide spaces, which give them a total of 89
spaces, increasing the count by 12. We estimate that if they go
with the required 10 foot wide spaces, they would increase that
number by six spaces, providing a total of 83 as opposed to the
89 spaces. If they slick with the 9 fool spaces as shown on this
plan, they would have to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals
because that 9 fool standard is deficient by one fool. I'll answer
any questions or I can proceed to the correspondence if you'd
like, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Morrow: Please go ahead with the correspondence
Mr. Taormina: There are four items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated September 7, 2010, which
reads as follows: "In accordance with your request, the
Engineering Division has reviewed the above -referenced
petition. The legal description for parcel numbers 2 and 4 both
have large closure errors. Unfortunately, the legal description
we have on record for parcel number 4 also fails to close
property. Also, due to typographical errors in the legal
description contained on the plans, we art= unable to provide a
comect legal description. If a correct legal description is critical
to this particular petition, the petitioner will have to retain the
services of a licensed surveyor to assist in this regard. The
address according to our records is 28801 Plymouth Road. We
trust this provides you with the requested information." The
letter is signed by Kevin G. Roney, P.E., Assistant City
Engineer. The second letter is from the Livonia Fire & Rescue
Division, dated September 3, 2010, which reads as follows:
"This office has reviewed the site plan submitted in connection
with a request to remodel the exterior of the commercial/office
center on property located at the above referenced address. We
have no objections to this proposal." The letter is signed by Earl
Fesler, Senior Fire Inspector. The third letter is from the
Division of Police, dated September 3, 2010, which reads as
follows: "We have reviewed the plans in connection with Livonia
Plymouth Plaza, located at 28801 Plymouth. We have no
objections or recommendations to the plans as submitted." The
letter is signed by John Gibbs, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau. The
fourth letter is from the Inspection Department, dated
September 14, 2010
September 13, 2010, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your
request of August 23, 2010, the above -referenced petition has
been reviewed. The following is noted. (1)AII parking spaces
are required to be a minimum of 10 feet by 20 feet and double
striped. (2) The existing parking lot shall be repaired and sealed
as necessary. (3) Barrier free parking spaces are required to be
property signed and striped per code. (4) Building is required to
be registered in the vacant and abandoned program per City
Ordinance 2844. All required fees are to be paid,, inspections
shall be scheduled and any and all violations shall be comected.
A certificate of re -occupancy shall be issued after the conditions
set forth in 15.51.090 (E) are fully satisfied. (5) Protective wall
at Southwest comer of property needs to be repaired. (6) The
drawing needs to be comected to accurately reflect the location
on Plymouth Road, not Inkster Road. This Department has no
further objections to this petition." The letter is signed by
Jerome Hanna, Assistant Director of Inspection. That is the
extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Morrow:
Are there any questions from the Commissioners?
Ms. Smiley:
Would they be deficient in parking if they went to the 10 foot
parking spaces?
Mr. Taormina:
They are currently deficient in parking, so it is a pre-oxisfing
non -conforming situation. By striping it the way they propose,
they increase that number, so they are reducing the deficiency,
or lessening the nonconformity. If they went to 10 fool spaces,
they can still increase the amount of parking above what
currently exists. By doing so, they won't have to go to the
Zoning Board of Appeals. But with 9 foot spaces, they will have
to go to the Zoning Board of Appeals for the deficiency in width,
not for the number of spaces.
Ms. Smiley:
So I would rather they go with the 10 fool wide spaces.
Mr. Taormina:
Yes, unless they have a compelling reason to go with the 9 foot
wide spaces. We'd have to hear that or the Zoning Board of
Appeals would have to.
Ms. Smiley:
Mr. Taylor:
Through the Chair to Mark Taormina. Mark, do they have the
25 fool width between the parking aisles?
Mr. Taormina:
I think they're at 22 or 23 feet.
Mr. Taylor:
But they need to have 25 feet.
September 14, 2010
Mr. Taormina: No. Twenty two feet would be adequate.
Mr. Taylor: Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Morrow: Is the pefifioner here this evening?
Nizam Abazid, 27162 Rochelle, Dearborn Heights, Michigan 48127. I'm the
engineer on the project. This building does sit on Plymouth
Road. We have presented the exisfing condition of this building,
including the existing parking prospective. We have attempted
to resolve the issue with the parking with the double strping. If I
have to speak about the parking, the existing parking stalls were
9 feet. We had a brief meeting with the City a week ago and
they mentioned about the parking stalls. They would like to see
them at 10 feet. We have no problem with that. We have
revised that. We have two copies here. It shows that the
parking stalls are 10 feet apart from the center of those double
lines. We even took the liberty to reduce them to make better
circulafion with the 10 feel. Now we're down to 80 feet. We
know we can put three more, but we have no objection to the 10
feel by 20 feel parking. There were 9 feel with the previous
owners. That's something we attempted to justify.
Mr. Morrow:
Just a comment to slop you there. Going with the 10 feet by 20
feet, the patrons and customers will appreciate that believe me.
Mr. Abazid:
I parked here outside. I said this is beautiful because I can
open the door.
Mr. Morrow:
We appreciate that decision.
Mr. Abazid:
We will do anything possible to obey the ordinance. This is a
non -conforming building. We understand that and we thank the
committee for understanding that. If we come into the front
facade of the building, that's the first thing that came up. We
applied for a permit. It's over 6,500 square feet, three units. So
actually, there is effort but in this building, not just to gel an
approval. We have asked for permission to repair the parking
lot. They called me today about the striping. I said no. Its not
approved. So they are waiting for me to get the approval to re -
stripe the parking lot. That's where we stand at this point.
Mr. Morrow:
Thank you. I'll now see if the Commission has any questions.
Mr. Taylor:
Through the Chair, sir, can you give us a descnpfion of what
these colors are, what's going to be on that material? Is that the
actual color? Yellow and orange?
September 14, 2010
Mr. Abazid: Maybe I should give you this?
Mr. Taylor: Is that the actual colors you're going to use? I can see the brick
shows up better. I can see that. So that's going to be yellow,
the E.I.F.S. material on lop?
Mr. Abazid: I have more copies actually. Three more if I should pass them
This is pretty much what we have.
The brick is red. The E.I.F.S. changes color from beige to
yellow to almost red. These are actually colors of the plazas
down the road.
Are the awnings blue?
Yes, the standing seam awning.
And then there's an orange awning?
We tried that. We didn't want to have all of them blue. So we
chose a red awning.
Through the Chair to Mark Taormina. Mark, this awning is
going to stick out over the sidewalk, I assume.
Can they do that?
Mr. Taormina: Actually, I don't believe it will project over the sidewalk. There's
a distance of around six or seven feet between the sidewalk and
the front of the building. There is a little bit of space there. I
don't think there will be any encroachment into the right-of-way.
There's a strip of landscaping in front of the building that's
maintained by the Plymouth Road Development Authority.
Mr. Taylor: Right in the front of the building?
Mr. Taormina: That's correct.
Mr. Taylor: That's what I thought I had seen but I wasn't sure. I have one
other question. I know in the back there are a lot of trees from
the neighbors growing over. Are they allowed to trim those
without asking the neighbors?
September 14, 2010
Mr. Taormina:
I believe they would be allowed to trim any portion that
overhangs onto their property. That's my understanding that
they can maintain their side of the properly. It probably needs
to be done in a couple of areas along the back.
Mr. Taylor:
I just want to say that what you're doing here, I give you a lot of
credit for it. Obviously, this is a very tired center and you putting
monies into it like this is really a benefit for Livonia. I guess
almost anything you did there would be better than what's there.
I congratulate you on what you want to do.
Mr. Abazid:
Thank you so much.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Mr. Abazid, I have a few questions about the site that just didn't
seem to be covered during the presentation. Ijust want to ask
you about them. I didn't see any dumpster enclosures on the
site plan at all. Do you intend on having any dumpsters there or
will the trash be internal to the stores?
Mr. Abazid:
These are offices. Offices don't require a dumpsler enclosure.
Almost 60 percent of this building is office. We noticed on the
far left, which is that big unit, they have internal, almost half of
that is trash. They used to have a compacting site. Will an
office building generale boxes and things? I'm not sure. If they
recycle, they dont need any dumpsters. I'm not sure what the
future is for that because maybe someone will take the same
thing as is. You can see that different shaded area on the top
left? That is open storage. There used to be a compactor
inside. Each unit has to go for a permit. If somebody moves in
a retail area and requires a dumpsler enclosure, we have to
provide it. But at this point, we don't know what's coming in.
Mr. Wilshaw:
So at this point, you're not going to have a dumpsler enclosure.
Mr. Abazid:
Not at this point.
Mr. Wilshaw:
If you're going to have dumpsters in the future, we want to make
sure we have an enclosure that matches the building with gates
and so on.
Mr. Abazid:
Mr. Wlshaw:
We're going to have to deal with that somewhere in this
resolution I think. Are you going to change any lighting on the
site or is what's there going to slay?
Mr. Abazid:
From the elevation if you noticed, we are providing lighting on
the building. If you look in the center, there is lighting, plus all
September 14, 2010
the wall packs. I was 11:30 at night measuring and I had no
issues with seeing what I'm measuring. So they have enough
fool candles on the site
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. So the one center light in the parking light and then these
scones that are on the wall are going to be all your lighting?
Mr. Abazid:
Mr. Wilshaw:
I do have some questions about the building materials and the
colors that Mr. Taylor look care of. I do really like the fad that
you're going to make improvements on the south side where
people are parking as well so they have an attractive entrance
to go into as well.
Mr. Abazid:
That's the whole point. There's going to be a lot of work there
because they have to relocate the electrical panels, the
electrical meters. There's work involved.
Mr. Wlshaw:
That's very good. The only other question I have right now is
signage that's going to be on the building to advertise the
tenants you're going to have. Are those signs going to be on
the E.I.F.S. or are they going to be on those metal awnings?
Where are they going to be located on the facade?
Mr. Abazid:
I don't know that yet. Signage is a separate permit.
Mr. Wlshaw:
Mr. Abazid:
We don't know yet. I mean they are all real estate people so
they know the system better than me, of course. They know
what to do with the signage. They cannot attract people without
putting a sign on the wall. They are already in the work. People
are coming in to see the units. What they're trying to do also,
on the third unit, as I'm looking at this site. The first from the
right hand side, the first, second and the third, are already
taken, but the third one is going to be a model office unit. That's
what they would like to do. Because if you see them, there are
seven of them the same length, the same width. So they're
trying to make that a model for the rest of them, and probably
attract a similar business.
Mr. Wilshaw:
All right. Sounds good. Like Mr. Taylor said, it's definitely an
improvement over what's there. It looks like you're making a
nice effort. We just need to hammer out a couple of these little
details. Thank you very much.
September 14, 2010
Mr. Taylor: You're an architect. Believe me, those people who go in there
are going to want a sign out in front. I've been in this business
long enough to know that when somebody is going to have to
drive down Plymouth Road and want to look for this outfit, even
though they might know where it is, but they're going to want a
Mr. Abazid: Absolutely
Mr. Taylor: We have an ordinance ...
Mr. Abazid: Yes. A temporary sign ...
Mr. Taylor: If they want to go over that, then they have to go to the Zoning
Board of Appeals. That's what I'm trying to get to.
Mr. Abazid: Absolutely.
Mr. Taylor: Thankyou.
Mr. Morrow: I did pick up one thing in Mr. Taor mina's presentation. Al the
study session, there was some talk about a panel or thin brick.
Did I understand you're going to use a full four inch brick?
Mr. Abazid: I would like to use the full four inch brick at the base. We had
that thought before, but we'd like to use the four inch brick.
We're going to lake the E.I.F.S. from the base. See the
columns slick out about four inches from the rest of the face.
So we have room for that.
Mr. Morrow: We'll be happy with that. The other thing I might have
mentioned, when this goes forward to the City Council, if you
know your colors, bring a sample to the City Council. That way
they can actually see the color that's going to be on the awning
or on the building. Sometimes we get these graphics and the
colors don't really come out the same so we lose something in
that process.
Mr. Abazid: We did order the cultured stone. They said 16 days. It's just a
Mr. Morrow: Okay. As well as your palette of colors.
Mr. Abazid: Yes.
Mr. Morrow: If there are no other questions, I'll go to the audience. Is there
anybody in the audience that wishes to speak for or against the
September 14, 2010
granting of this petition? We will need your name and address
for the record.
Chadi Habib, 6530 Chase Road, Dearborn, Michigan 48126. I'm an attorney. I'm
one of the associates with the people involved in this project.
He also forgot to mention, I just wanted to note that, I will be
relocating my law office from Dearborn to one of the units over
there. We have every intention of trying to improve this building
as much as possible, trying to attract as many tenants as
possible and also as many clients as possible. Our whole
intention was to, because they are sharing buildings that are just
empty, unoccupied. The building is somewhat deteriorated, a lot
of them. So we were hoping, even with just minimal signage in
the front, just by the color scheme, by the way its going to be
improved, that would attract tenants, and would certainly
accommodate the signage ordinance.
Mr. Morrow:
Well, let me just comment, and I think I can speak for the rest of
the Commission, based on the investment, time and effort you
put into this, that you're serious about having a good
presentation to the City and for future tenants. We certainly
appreciate your efforts and welcome you to Livonia.
Mr. Habib:
Mr. Morrow:
Anything else? I see no one else coming forward. I'm going to
ask for a motion.
On a motion by Krueger, seconded by Smiley, and unanimously adopted, it was
RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2010-08-08-03
submitted by Nizam Abazid requesting approval of all plans
required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in
connection with a proposal to remodel the exterior of the
commercial/office center (Livonia Plymouth Plaza) at 28801
Plymouth Road, located on the south side of Plymouth Road
between Harrison Avenue and Middlebelt Road in the Northwest
1/4 of Section 36, be approved subject to the following
1. That the Site Plan marked Sheet P-1 dated August 19,
2010, as revised, prepared by Ziad EI -Baba Engineering, is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2. That the parking lot shall be repaired, resealed and
restriped to the satisfaction of the Inspection Department
and all parking spaces shall be doubled striped and
September 14, 2010
measure ten feet (10') in width by twenty feel (20') in
3. That the Exterior Building Elevation Plan marked Sheet A-2
dated August 19, 2010, as revised, prepared by Ziad EI -
Baba Engineering, is hereby approved and shall be
adhered to;
4. That the brick used in the construction shall be full face
four (4") inch brick;
5. That all rooftop mechanical equipment shall be concealed
from public view on all sides by screening that shall be of a
compatible character, material and color to other exterior
materials on the building;
6. In the event that a trash dumpster area is needed, all
appropriate plans shall be submitted to the Inspection
Department for their review and approval. The three walls
of the trash dumpster area shall be constructed out of the
same brick used in the construction of the building or in the
event a poured wall is substituted, the wall's design,
texture and color shall match that of the building and the
enclosure gales shall be of solid panel steel construction or
durable, long-lasting solid panel fiberglass and maintained
and when not in use closed at all times;
7. That only conforming signage is approved with this petition,
and any additional signage shall be separately submitted
for review and approval by the Zoning Board of Appeals;
8. That no LED lightband or exposed neon shall be pemiifted
on this site including, but not limited to, the building or
around the windows;
9. That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
at the time the building permits are applied for; and,
10. Pursuant to Section 19.10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of one year only from the date of approval by City
Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shall be null and void at the expiration of said
Mr. Morrow: Is there any discussion?
September 14, 2010
Ms. Scheel:
Do we want to add something regarding the dumpster as
Commission Wilshaw had mentioned?
Mr. Morrow:
I think we can make reference to that, should a dumpster be
required, there's a city ordinance that addresses that.
Mr. Taormina:
We will include the standard language regarding the enclosure,
compatibility of building materials and the fencing material used,
if that's acceptable to the maker of the motion.
Ms. Krueger:
That's fine.
Mr. Morrow:
And the supporter?
Ms. Smiley:
Mr. Morrow:
We have agreementthem.
Ms. Scheel:
And what about the four inch brick? Does that need to be
Mr. Morrow:
I think that will be part of the plans, will it not, Mark?
Mr. Taormina:
I dont know if the plans call it out, but if you'd like to, we can
also include some language.
Mr. Morrow:
We normally do. We normally call out the size of the brick.
Ms. Krueger:
That's acceptable.
Ms. Smiley:
That's fine.
Ms. Scheel:
When you spoke at the beginning, Mark, there was a letter that
you read that said the site plan needed to be corrected to show
the correct road and everything. Is that in these conditions or is
that something that needs to be mentioned to make sure we get
a corrected site plan?
Mr. Taormina:
I don't know that it needs to be in the resolution. I had a
discussion with the architect and he's going to resubmit the
plans to the Council showing the right road.
Ms. Scheel:
Okay. So it will just be done without being in the resolution.
Mr. Taormina:
Ms. Scheel:
Thankyou. Those were my questions.
September 14, 2010
Mr. Morrow: Okay. Please call the roll.
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution. Welcome to Livonia and best of luck.
Ms. Scheel, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Petition 2010-
07-06-01 submitted by the City Planning Commission, pursuant
to Council Resolution #225-10, and Section 23.01(a) of the
Livonia Zoning Ordinance, as amended, to determine whether
or not to amend Subsections (b) and (d) of Section 18.42A
(Wireless Communication Facilities) of Article XVIII of the
Livonia Zoning Ordinance to better insure that operators and
colocalors do not have radio frequency (RF) energy emissions
or other detrimental field output and to require colocalors and
operators to notify the Inspection Department of changes in
ownership and contact information.
Mr. Morrow: Regarding Item #2 on the agenda tonight, we've been informed
that the Law Department is still refining the language for the
new ordinance. Therefore. it will remain tabled.
ITEM #3 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 9616` Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Ms. Scheel, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of the
Minutes of the 1,000th Regular Meeting held on August 24, 2010
On a motion by Wilshaw, seconded by McDermott, and unanimously adopted, 0
#09-63-2010 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 1,000th Regular Meeting held
by the Planning Commission on August 25, 2010, are hereby
A roll call vole on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following
AYES: Wilshaw, McDermott, Smiley, Krueger, Taylor,
Scheel, Morrow
NAYS: None
September 14, 2010
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 1,001"Regular
Meeting held on September 14, 2010, was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Lynda L. Scheel, Secretary
R. Lee Morrow, Chairman