On Tuesday, May 19, 2009, the City Planning Commission of the City of Livonia
held its 981s'Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive,
Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. Lee Morrow, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Deborah McDermott R. Lee Morrow Lynda Scheel
Ashley Vartoogian Carol A. Smiley Joe Taylor
Ian Wilshaw
Members absent: None
Messrs. Mark Taormina, Planning Director, and Scott Miller, Planner III, were
also present.
Chairman Morrow informed the audience that if a petition on tonighfs agenda
involves a rezoning request, this Commission makes a recommendation to the
City Council who, in tum, will hold its own public hearing and make the final
determination as to whether a pefifion is approved or denied. The Planning
Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for preliminary plat and/or
vacating pefifion. The Commission's recommendation is forwarded to the City
Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If
a petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan approval is denied tonight, the
petitioner has ten days in which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City
Council. Resolutions adopted by the City Planning Commission become
effective seven (7) days after the date of adoption. The Planning Commission
and the professional staff have reviewed each of these pefifions upon their filing.
The staff has furnished the Commission with both approving and denying
resolutions, which the Commission may, or may not, use depending on the
outcome of the proceedings tonight.
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the first item on the agenda, Petition 2009-04-
08-05 submitted by Nudell Evangelista Architects requesting
approval of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the 2bning
Ordinance in connection with a proposal to construct a new
clubhouse at the Whispering Willows Golf Course at 20500
Newburgh Road, located on the east side of Newburgh Road
between Seven Mile Road and Eight Mile Road in the Northwest
% of Section 5.
May 29, 2009
Mr. Miller: Whispering Willows Golf Course is located on the east side of
Newburgh Road between Seven Mile Road and Eight Mile
Road. The existing clubhouse sits back approximately 320 feet
from the right -0f -way of Newburgh Road and is accessible by an
entrance drive at the north end of the course. The pefitioner is
requesting to demolish the existing clubhouse and construct a
larger, more contemporary clubhouse in its place. The
proposed clubhouse would be one-story in height and would
have an underground lower level for golf cart storage. The
gross floor area of the main floor would be 5,560 square feel in
size. The submitted floor plan shows this main level would
include a pro shop, individual offices, storage rooms, men's and
women's bathrooms, a large kitchen area and a dining room
with 98 seats. Of the dining room along the east side of the
building would be a large covered outside terrace area. The
lower level garage would be 5,410 square feet in size and have
the capacity to accommodate the storage of 60 golf carts. The
submitted floor plan shows this lower level garage would include
mechanical rooms, storage space and a golf cart maintenance
area. Combined, the overall size (main and lower level) of the
new clubhouse would be 10,970 square bet. By comparison,
the existing clubhouse is only a one-story structure on a slab
and has an overall gross floor area of approximately 2,200
square feel. The configuration of the building would be slightly
turned with the front of the new clubhouse and its main entrance
facing more parallel with Newburgh Road. Besides the front
main entrance, there would be separate exterior entrances into
the pro shop, the kitchen service area and the dining room
section. Parking for this type of use is not specified in the
Zoning Ordinance. The seating of the dining room is not
factored into the parking calculations because the dining room is
thought of as an accessory use of the golf course and mainly
utilized by the golfers. The immediate area around the exterior
of the new clubhouse would also be revamped. The existing
service drive that runs along the north side of the building and
continues around the back (east) side of the structure would be
slightly shifted and modified. This adjustment would allow for a
more accessible dumpster area and provide the approach to the
entrance/exit ramp to the lower level garage on the north side of
the building. The area out in front of the main entrance (west
side) of the new clubhouse would be redesigned and have a
more approachable arrangement. The existing large grass
island area that separates the clubhouse from the main parking
lot would be downsized and have handicapped parking spaces
and a cul -though sidewalk integrated into it. The widening of
the area in front of the new clubhouse creates a more direct and
defined staging area. Golfers entering the site from the
May 29, 2009
entrance drive would be directed to a bag and equipment drop-
off lane and adjacent golf cart staging area just off the
southwest corner of the new clubhouse. A new cart path, with a
wide paved area notched in it, would be developed along the
south side of the building. This passageway would provide
golfers a place to park their carts in order to conveniently get
something to eat or freshen up at the tum. This new cart path
would also dictate the alteration of the existing putting green
located on this side of the building. It is anticipated that a storm
water management basin would be constructed in the low laying
area just north of the existing entrance drive. The proposed
building would be somewhat residential in appearance with
multiple projections and offsets, peaked shingled rootlines,
aluminum sash window treatments, and column supported
porch overhangs. The main building material would be brick. A
large overhead garage door and adjacent man door would be
installed at the lower level's north opening. That is the extent of
the proposal.
Mr. Morrow: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Taormina: There are four items of correspondence. The first item is from
the Engineering Division, dated May 14, 2009, which reads as
follows: 'The Engineering Division has reviewed the information
received associated with the above -referenced petition. Please
be advised that the address of the clubhouse is 20500
Newburgh Road. The Engineering Division will do a site plan
review once completed design drawings are submitted. At this
time, based on the information received to date, we do not see
any problems in regards to matters of traffic, ingressregress, site
capacity as regards parking, or public safety matters. As
regards to the address, 20500 Newburgh Road is the correct
address for this building. I trust this provides the requested
Information." The letter is signed by Kevin G. Roney, P.E.,
Assistant City Engineer. The second letter is from the Livonia
Fire & Rescue Division, dated May 1, 2009, which reads as
follows: "This office has reviewed the site plan submitted in
connection with a request to construct a new clubhouse at the
Whispenng Willows Golf Course on property located at the
above -referenced address. We have no objections to this
proposal with the following stipulations. (1) If subject building(s)
are to be provided with an automatic sprinkler system, an on
site hydrant shall be located between 50 feet and 100 feet from
the Fire Department connection. (2) Adequate hydrants shall be
provided and located with spacing consistent with the use
group. (3) Hydrant spacing shall be consistent with City of
Livonia Ordinances. (4) This Division requests that the entrance
drive be posted (on both sides) 'Fire Lane — No Parking'. (5)
May 29, 2009
Access around building shall be provided for emergency
vehicles with a minimum vertical clearance of thirteen feet six
inches, a turning radius of fifty-three feet wall to wall and an
inside turning radius of twenty-nine feet six inches. (6) Fire
lanes shall be provided for all buildings that are set back more
than 150 feet from a public road or exceed 30 feet in height and
are set back over 50 feet from a public road. (7) Fire lanes shall
be not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width, able to withstand
live loads of fire apparatus, and have a minimum of 13 feet 6
inches of vertical clearance. (8) Fire lanes shall be marked with
freestanding signs that have the words FIRE LANE — NO
PARKING painted in contrasting colors (on both sides) at a size
and spacing approved by the authority having jurisdiction." The
letter is signed by Earl Fester, Senior Fire Inspector. The third
letter is from the Division of Police, dated May 15, 2009, which
reads as follows: We have reviewed the plans in connection
with Whispering Willows Golf Course Clubhouse located at
20690 Newburgh. We have no objections or recommendations
to the plans as submitted." The letter is signed by David W.
Sludl, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau. The third letter is from the
Division of Police, dated May 15, 2009, which reads as follows:
"We have reviewed the plans in connection with Whispering
Willows G. C. Clubhouse, located at 20690 Newburgh. We have
no objections or recommendations to the plans as submitted."
The letter is signed by David W. Studt, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau.
The fourth letter is from the Inspection Department, dated May
18, 2009, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your request of
April 27, 2009, the above -referenced petition has been
reviewed. This Department has no objections to this Petition. 1
trust this provides the requested information." The letter is
signed by Jerome Hanna, Assistant Director of Inspection. That
is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. Morrow: Are there any questions regarding the correspondence? Is the
petitioner here this evening? Scott, it looks like they have some
things to present. Could you get them set up?
Mr. Miller: Sure.
Mr. Morrow: Or at least assist them in how we do it. We have a viewing
audience. Karen, just grab that mic and there's a couple
footprints, and you can present from that particular place.
Ms. Kapchonick: I'm going to have our architect and civil engineer come up.
Mr. Morrow: All right. Then you can make your presentation from the podium
if you'd like.
May 29, 2009
Ms. Kapchonick:
Good evening, Commissioners. On behalf of Parks and
Recreation, I would like to introduce two individuals that have
been very instrumental in working with us in doing the
clubhouse at Whispering Willows. We have our architect,
Barbara Derbis, who is with Nudell Evangelista, and we also
have Paul Kammer, who is with Northwest Consultants. They
would be happy to answer any questions that you would have
this evening regarding this project.
Ms. Smiley:
First, we need your name and address for the record.
Karen Kapchonick,
Superintendent of Livonia Parks and Recreation, 15100
Hubbard, Livonia, Michigan.
Ms. Smiley:
Thank you.
Mr. Morrow:
Are there any questions from the Commissioners before we
have the architect come forward?
Mr. Taylor:
Karen, how long have we been in the process of planning this
new clubhouse?
Ms. Kapchonick:
We started looking at this about three or four years ago. Last
May, we started working on a concept and then went before
Council in late 2008 to gel the architect, and then the beginning
of this year to work with the civil engineer.
Mr. Taylor:
And was it the desire of the Council to enlarge the restaurant?
Ms. Kapchonick:
Yes, it was, to provide additional amenities which would then
help us with golf outings. It's something that we lack in that
area. In addition to that, the clubhouse is 40 years old and does
not meet ADA requirements. We have a lot of work that has to
be done on that clubhouse. I'm trying to think if it is the heating
system that needs to be replaced and the rooftop needs to be
replaced. So we felt this would be an appropriate time to move
forward with our goals in having a new clubhouse for that
Mr. Taylor:
And I understand you're going out for bids for the person who
might run that restaurant?
Ms. Kapchonick:
We currently have a concessionaire. Their lease runs through
next year. We will be working with them and then looking at
doing an RFP, which he would still be eligible to bid on that.
Mr. Taylor:
Thank you.
May 29, 2009
Mr. Morrow:
Thank you, Mr. Taylor.
Ms. Smiley:
This restaurant that you're going to have in there, is that going
to operate year round?
Ms. Kapchonick:
No, that would be a seasonal opereti on.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. You don't anticipate problems finding a lessor that would
be interested in only the summer season?
Ms. Kapchonick:
There are some concessionaires out there that would probably
like the fad that it would be seasonal. Those that we've had in
the past at both of our golf courses think that's good for their
business. We'll have a mix. Some would probably prefer year
round but knowing that there's not much out in that area,
seasonable would be better suited for the clubhouse.
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. And one more question: This new building, is it going to
be very green? I don't even care if you're having it certified, but
in the building itself, are there any things in this new structure
that would be green?
Ms. Kapchonick:
I will let the architect explain that, but d is not a total green
Ms. Smiley:
Okay. Thank you.
Mr. Morrow:
Anyone else? Okay. If you could grab the portable microphone
and come to the footprints, that way you can make your
presentation and the people in the audience can see it on the
monitors orthe people athome.
Barbara Derbis, Nudell Evangelista Architects, 31690 W. Twelve Mile,
Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334. I'm the project architect for
the clubhouse. Scott already presented the primary aspects of
the design, the site and the building itself, spelled out the square
footage and the fact that it's a single story building with a
basement for the golf carts. We will be required to do some
grading modifications, which will be affecting mostly tie north
part of the building where we have to provide the driveway to
the basement, which is 10 feet lower than the main floor.
Therefore, it would require some modifications of the grading
that's currently there. But there's not many trees or features
that would be affected by it. So, hopefully, that's not going to be
a big undertaking. The building itself has a very residential, very
low key appeal. The finishes presented here on the board are
the shingles, which will have the green speck kind of look to it,
the majority of the outside finishes would be the brick and
May 29, 2009
samples that are presented here. We will have tinted windows
which would definitely help the energy and the cooling expense
for the building. We will have an aluminum sash system for the
windows and entry doors. As an accent, we will have the
engineered stone that would soften the look of the brick and
make it look a little bit more interesting. Finally, if you look at
the outside elevations, only the vertical portions above the entry
canopy will have the stucco look that you see right here. The
other element for the lead to design that we are incorporating is
we're using the TA light fixtures, which is probably the latest
technology in the energy efficiency for lighting. Again, it's a
seasonal facility so it's going to be closed in the winter and
that's why it's mostly the cooling that will be in this facility.
We're also not required to actually provide the fresh air intake
because the building is going to be very open. It's got a lot of
doors going directly outside, and they can slay open in weather
like today and actually make the facility very open to the
Mr. Morrow:
Any questions regarding the building materials or comments on
the building materials? From there, I'd like to have her bring the
renderings up.
Mr. Taylor:
I asked the question at our study session. Did you ever find out
about the differences as far as the shingle color goes? You
know, it reflects the sun if it's a light colored roof. This might be
a nice looking roof, but I'm just wondering if possibly .. and I
know you can put more insulation in and everything, but one of
the things you can do is put on a lighter colored roof that reflects
the heat, reflects the sun rather than absorb the sun.
Ms. Derbis:
Right. Well, the asphalt shingles, they are made of asphalt.
Therefore, all the colors are dark and the reflectance factor on
those is very poor. Even the light gray ones, the reflectance
factor will not meet the lead certification by any means. So
asphalt shingles are by far that type of product that would not
give you the reflectance that perhaps a single ply membrane
would give you. So the only product that I know that would have
the reflectance factor that would be like light gray or while are
the cement shingles which, you know, I think for aesthetic
reasons for this building wouldn't really serve its purpose. Plus,
I believe we're on a budget also on this job.
Mr. Morrow:
That's an understatement.
Ms. Derbis:
Avery serious concern about not encroaching the budget.
May 29, 2009
Mr. Taylor: I only say that because in my house, I had a roof put on and
they said, well, if you put on lighter shingles, it reflects the heal
so you're better off in the summertime. That's the only reason
I'm asking the question.
Ms. Derbis: Right. But the difference between those shingles and the ones
you have, what color do you have on your house?
Mr. Taylor: They're light tan.
Ms. Derbis: Light tan.
Mr. Taylor: Yes.
Ms. Derbis: We can definitely consider different colors, but the difference will
be really, I'd say, not something you can see on your monthly
Mr. Taylor: This is something I would like you to check on
Ms. Derbis: Okay.
Mr. Taylor: Thank you.
Mr. Morrow: Before I go to Commissioner Wilshaw, there was some talk at
the study session that there was going to be an automated
ventilation system in the roof. Is that going to be installed to
help alleviate some of the heat that builds up in there?
Ms. Derbis:
Yes. The ventilation for the attic spaces is actually code
required. So there is a ratio of the attic space air volume to the
ventilation that is required for the attic space. So that is going to
be provided.
Mr. Morrow:
Okay. Thank you. Commissioner Wilshaw?
Mr. Wilshaw:
Yes. That vas one of the questions I was going to ask, is if
you're going to have a whidy bird or something on the roof that
helps vent the heat out of the roof area?
Ms. Derbis:
Yes. I believe the rich type of venting would definitely be part of
it, just like your residential has, and I think we're going to have
to complement that with also venting that is going to be in the
roof surface.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. The other question I had for you was about the brick
material. I see on the plans it's referred to as veneer. I know
May 29, 2009
sometimes that means basically it's not structural brick, but its
still a full brick.
Ms. Derbis:
It is.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Ms. Derbis:
It is going to be the four inch brick. It's not going to be the thin
panel that's like quarter inch or three -eights. No. It's going to
be a full veneer.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. Excellent. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. Now did
I hear you say that there's not going to be air condifioning?
Ms. Derbis:
No. We will have air condifioning, but that's going to be just for
the summertime. In the winter, we're going to have to maintain
about 50 - 55 degrees for the building simply for the plumbing.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. Now the air conditioning systems, are those going to be
somehow roof mounted or are they going to be ground
Ms. Derbis:
Its going to be ground mounted. It's going to be the residential
style again. We're going to have the cooling units on the ground
at the backside of the building.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Okay. Will those by covered by landscaping or something?
Ms. Derbis:
Correct. We will actually have a wing wall that is going to
separate the cart wash area from those units on one side. Then
it's going to be facing the entry, and then on the other side, we
will coordinate with the landscaper to put some sort of
shrubbery around R.
Mr. Wilshaw:
Sounds good. I'll let you continue with the rest of your
presentation. Thank you.
Ms. Derbis:
Sure. I was pretty much finishing off as far the elevations and
the other look of the building. I believe at the work session that
you guys had you talked ...
Mr. Morrow:
Can I interrupt you a moment? If you would bring the elevations
up and put them where the building materials are, then our
audience at home can see them as well as anyone in the
audience here.
Mr. Miller:
I can put them on the screen.
May 29, 2009
Mr. Wilshaw:
Oh. Scott can project them on the screen.
Mr. Morrow:
Okay. Well, she was going to go into an explanation a little bit.
If you want to put them on the screen ....
Ms. Derbis:
Actually, if I have those elevations right below this finish board,
then I can actually point out where the finishes go on the
Mr. Morrow:
Does that work as far as the audience at home? Veryfine.
Ms. Derbis:
So the brick is going to be probably 90 percent of the elevations.
The rusty color that you see, that's the brick veneer, and like I
mentioned, its a full four inch brick veneer. Its not one of the
thin panel systems that I don't believe is something that you
guys are looking for. The engineered stone is going to accent
the area on the front elevation. We didn't try to introduce too
much of the product because, again, its very expensive and
we're trying to stick with the budget we were given. The roof
shingles, they actually show much lighter on this rendering. So
if there's a lighter volume that would have a similar appealing
look, we will probably try to look for something that may be more
in the gray green volume rather than black gray. Finally, the
E.I.F.S. are only over the main entry elements. We will also
have some sconces that would give a little bit of soft lighting
around the building elevation. This is the tinted glass that will
be pretty much on all the windows and all the glass entry doors.
This is just your standard sectional overhead door. This is the
aluminum framing system that we will have on all the windows
and entry doors. I believe at the Iasi work session meeting, my
boss proposed using the cupola, adding it to the roof to give the
building a little bit of character. So we permanently put that on
all the drawings that we submitted so now it's not an option. Its
actually going to be built.
Mr. Morrow:
That's a very nice addition. Any further questions?
Mr. Taylor:
Mr. Chairman, that other rendering, you might want to put up on
the board. You can probably see it better than the one that's
down here.
Mr. Morrow:
All right. Let's do that one. This is the front of the building as
you come in.
Ms. Derbis:
This is actually the front elevation and this is the drive as you're
coming to the building.
Mr. Morrow:
Very nice.
May 29, 2009
Ms. Derbis: It's got a large porch area, also, next to the restaurant and bar.
So if they will actually have a larger number of people in the
summer for weekend events, then they can accommodate more
than 98 people.
Mr. Morrow: Thank you. Questions, Commissioners?
Mr. Wilshaw: Just to make the comment that looking at the renderings, the
color of the roof in the renderings compared to the sample
provided, its quite a difference, and if there is an issue over the
color of the shingles, I would definitely think that the lighter, the
sort of greenish color shingle, appears quite attractive on those
renderings and probably fits in with the theme of a golf course
being a green color.
Ms. Derbis: Actually, the elevations printed much lighter volume where this
3D comes much color to the actual samples, but like I said,
there's definitely a way to lighten the volume of the color.
Mr.Wilshaw: Thank you.
Ms. Smiley: You spoke earlier about all the golf carts going down to the
lower level. Did you want to speak briefly about the ventilation
and all the extra things you had to do to make that work?
Ms. Derbis: Well, the golf carts are actually going to be electric. Right now,
they have gas. The new ones will be electric. So the only thing
we had to worry about was the hydrogen. We actually have the
hydrogen detection system in the basement, and there's also a
large amount of air exchanges that we're providing because,
again, the code requires for the S2 type of use, which is parking
garages, large amount of air exchanges.
Ms. Smiley: Okay. I just want to tell you that I personally find this to be a
beautiful building and a very nice addition to this community.
Ms. Derbis: Thank you.
Mr. Morrow: Commissioners, any further comments? Seeing none, I'm going
to see if there's anyone in the audience that wishes to speak for
or against the granting of this petition? Seeing no one coming
forward, do you have any final words for us before I ask for a
Ms. Derbis: Just maybe one thing that I didn't mention, but I believe you
guys already are aware of, that the entire building is going to be
May 29, 2009
sprinklered. Its going to be a fully sprinklered building. Even
though the code doesn't require it, it will be.
Mr. Morrow:
Very good. I'm glad you brought that up.
Mr. Taylor:
I just may say, I want to congratulate Karen Kapchonick for the
job she has done. She's been our Parks and Recreation
Director for quite some time now, and this is a very welcome
addition. I congratulate her for bringing this forward, getting the
funding for it through the Parks and Recreation Commission,
and I wish them a lot of luck.
Mr. Morrow:
I concur in that Commission Taylor. It will be a welcome
addition to the City of Livonia to have that old clubhouse
removed and one more fitting for the area. Anything else,
Commission? Then I'm going to ask for a motion.
Mr. Wilshaw:
I agree that this is a very attractive building. It's a very nice
addition to Whispering Willows and a huge improvement over
what's currently there. So, with that, I'm going to offer an
approving resolution.
On a motion by Wilshaw, seconded by Scheel, and unanimously adopted, 9 was
RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
recommend to the City Council that Petition 2009-04-08-05
submitted by Nudell Evangelista Architects requesting approval
of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance
in connection with a proposal to construct a new clubhouse at
the Whispering Willows Golf Course at 20500 Newburgh Road,
located on the east side of Newburgh Road between Seven Mile
Road and Eight Mile Road in the Northwest''/. of Section 5, be
approved subject to the following conditions:
1. That the Site Plan marked Sheet A-100 dated May 1, 2009,
as revised, prepared by Nudell Evangelista Architects, is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2. That the Exterior Building Elevation Plans marked Sheets
A501 and A502 both dated May 13, 2009, as revised,
prepared by Nudell Evangelista Architects, are hereby
approved and shall be adhered to;
3. That the brick used in the construction shall be full face
four (4") inch brick;
4. That the three walls of the trash dumpster area shall be
constructed out of the same brick used in the construction
May 29, 2009
of the building or in the event a poured wall is substituted,
the wall's design, texture and color shall match that of the
building and the enclosure gates shall be of solid panel
steel construction or durable, long-lasting solid panel
fiberglass and maintained and when not in use closed at all
5. That this site shall meet either the City of Livonia or the
Wayne County Storm Water Management Ordinance,
whichever applies, and shall secure any required permits,
including shim water management permits, wetlands
permits and soil erosion and sedimentation control permits,
from Wayne County, the City of Livonia, and/or the Stale of
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality;
6. That the petitioner shall correct to the Fire Department's
satisfaction the stipulations contained in the
correspondence dated May 1, 2009;
7. That the specific plans referenced in this approving
resolution shall be submitted to the Inspection Department
al the time the building permits are applied for; and,
8. pursuant to Section 19.10 of Ordinance #543, the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of Livonia, this approval is valid for a
period of one year only from the date of approval by City
Council, and unless a building permit is obtained, this
approval shell be null and void at the expiration of said
Mr. Morrow:
Is there any discussion?
Mr. Taormina:
If we could just consider a slight modification to Condition #5.
I'm not sure if this site has to meet the Wayne County Storm
Water Management Ordinance. It may very well be fully under
the jurisdiction of the City. In which case I'd like to just modify
that language to provide an either/or.
Mr. Morrow:
The maker and supporter?
That's fine.
Ms. Scheel:
That's fine.
Mr. Morrow:
So moved.
May 29, 2009
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
Ms. Kapchonick: Al the study, we had talked about the seven day waiver.
Mr. Morrow: Would one of the Commissioners like to make a motion?
On a motion by Smiley, seconded by Taylor, and unanimously approved, it was
#0534-2009 RESOLVED, that the City Planning Commission does hereby
determine to waive the provisions of Section 10 of Article VI of
the Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, regarding the
effective date of a resolution after the seven-day period from the
date of adoption by the Planning Commission, in connection
with Petition 2009-04-08-05 submitted by Nudell Evangelista
Architects requesting approval of all plans required by Section
18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in connection with a proposal to
construct a new clubhouse at the Whispering Willows Golf
Course at 20500 Newburgh Road, located on the east side of
Newburgh Road between Seven Mile Road and Eight Mile Road
in the Northwest''/. of Section 5.
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted. It will go on to City Council with an
approving resolution.
ITEM#2 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 980th Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting
Ms. Smiley, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda, Approval of the
Minutes of the 980"' Public Hearings and Regular Meeting held
on April 28, 2009.
On a motion by Scheel, seconded by Taylor, and unanimously adopted, it was
#0535-2009 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of 980-" Public Hearings and
Regular Meeting held by the Planning Commission on April 28,
2009, are hereby approved.
May 29, 2009
A roll call vole on the foregoing resolution resulted in the following:
Scheel, Taylor, McDermott, Vartoogian, Wilshaw,
Smiley, Morrow
Mr. Morrow, Chairman, declared the motion is carded and the foregoing
resolution adopted.
On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 981s' Regular
Meeting held on May 19, 2009, was adjourned at 7:35 p.m.
Carol A. Smiley, Secretary
R. Lee Morrow, Chairman