HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING MINUTES 2001-04-2418491
On Tuesday, April 24, 2001, the City Planning Co®ission of the City of Livonia held its 823`a
Regular Meeting in the Livonia City Hall, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan.
Mr. James C. McCaw, Chairman, called the meeting to order A 7:30 p.m.
Members present: James C. McCaw Robert Alanskas H G. Shane
William LaPme Dan Piemecchi Elaine Koons
Members absent: None
Messrs. Mark Taormina, Planning Director, AI Nowak, Planner IV, Scott Miller, Planner II and
Bill Poppenger, Planner I were also present
Chartmnn McCann informed the audience that if a petition on toniglifs agenda involves a
rezoning request this Commission makes areconamendation to the City Council who, in tum,
will hold its own public hearing and will make the final deterioration as to whether a petition
is approved or denied. The Plavaiing Commission holds the only public hearing on a request for
preliminary plat and/or vacating petition. The Coamtission's recommendation is forwarded to
the City Council for the final determination as to whether a plat is accepted or rejected. If a
petition requesting a waiver of use or site plan is denied tonight the petitioner has ten days in
which to appeal the decision, in writing, to the City Council. Resolutions adopted by the City
Planning Cormnissim become effective seven (7) days after die date of adoption. the Planning
Commission and the professional staff have reviewed each of these petitions upon thein filing
The staff has fumished the Conmtission with both approving and denying resolutions, which the
Com®ssum may, or may not use depending on the oufcome of the proceedings tonight We
will begin with the Miscellaneous Site Plans for om agenda
ITEM #1 PETITION 91-07-08-13 American Tower
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced the firs[ item on the agenda is Petition 91-07-08-13 by
American Tower requesting approval to expand its leased compound area
previously approved for the installation of new wireless communication
equipment at property located at 17217 Middlebelt Road in the S.E. 1/4 of
Section 11.
Mr. Miller: This site is located on the west side ofMiddlebelt between Six Mile and Curtis.
On August 6, 1991, Detroit Cellular Telephone Company received Site Plan
Approval to locate a cellular tower and an equipment building in a defined area
in the backyard of the Phillips Phnnbing & Heating business. The existing
rwnopole is 125 ft in height and is located in a 50 ft by 79 ft fenced in area at
the extreme westerly edge of the property. The petitioner is requesting approval
b expand the area that the tower now sets in. The proposed area would measure
20 ft by 30 ft. and expand off the southeast comer of the existing fenced in area
In a letter that was subrutfed with the site plan it is explained that "the proposed
project is a proactiveeffort to accommodate for anticipated future demandfor
wireless communication carriers'. The Site Plan does not show what this area
would be used for or what would be located within it It is presumed that this
expanded area would be fenced in a similar fashion as roe existing lease area In
reference to this petition, on April 6, 2001 the Planning Commission received a
cmrespondence from the Inspection Department The letter indicated `that
behind the main building a outside storage of old rusting plumbing parts, most
ofrvkich look unusable or at best inpoor repay". The Zoning Board of Appeals
has no record of this site receiving a variance for outside storage. At the April
10, 2001 Study Meeting the Planning Commission discussed tabling this kin
until to entire site was cleaned up. This budding, because it is occupied by a
plumbing shop, is required to provide only 5 parking spaces. If this building
were to be utilized by a general retail type use, then the parking requirement
would increase to 17 spaces. The area in frond of the building cannot be used for
parking because of its depth. Vehicles parked there would have to back over the
sidewalk, which is prohibited.
Mr. McCann: Is there arty corespondeme7
Mr. Taormina There are four items ofcwrespoodence. The fust itean is from the Engineering
Division, dated March 23, 2001, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your
requert, the Engineering Division has reviewed the above referencedpetition.
We have no objections to the proposal at tha tone We bust that tha will
provideyou with the wformation requested" The leiter is signed by David
Lear, PE, Civil Engineer. The second lett is from to Division of Police,
dated March 28, 2001, which reads as follows: "We have reviewed the
proposed site plan for the expansion ofthe location already approvedf s, a
monopole andeq ipment shed We have no objections to the proposal as
submitted" The letter is signed by Wesley McKee, Sergeant, Traffic Bureau.
The thud leiter is from the Livonia Fire & Rescue Division, dated March 29,
2001, which reads as follows: "This office has reviewed the site plan submitted
in connection with the property located at the above referenced address. We
have no objections to this proposal with the fallowing stipulations. (1) Access
for emergencyegm]pmentshaIIbeprorided." TheleNcris signed by James B.
Corcoran, Fre Marshal. The north letter is from the Inspection Department,
dated April 6, 2001, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your request of
March 20, 2001, the above referenced petition has been reviewed The
following is noted: (1) There appears to be three (3) equipment arrays on the
tower, but we have permits for only two (2). (2) The area indicated as grass
behind the main building on the site is achrally outside storage ofold, rusting
plumbing parts, most ofwhich look unusable or at best in poor repair. Ratio
has deteriorated pallets and woodpiles stored outside. (3) The main building
site has a six (6) foot barbed wire fence around it, which is not allowed today.
(4) The main building in addition to barbed wire has a chain tink fence on
the north side, which has "shits"in it to provide screening, which is also not
allowed today. (5) The address given on site is 17217Middlebelt Our
records show it as 17213 Middlebelt This Department will issue a violation to
Stephen D. Bake ofAmerican Tower Corporation far the i??egal lhvd array.
This Departinenl has no firther objection to this petition." The legis signed
by Alex Bishop, Assistant Director ofInspectim
Mr. McCann: Is the petitioner here this evening?
Stephen Baker, 29585 Costello Drive, New Hudson, Michigan, 48165. I think the best use of
my time is to address each of the five points for the site alterations. Fust of all,
in terms of the three arrays on the tower and the permuting being secured for
two of them, this issue is currently being resolved in currespomdence with the
Building Department and the Planning Department as well. We are currently
pursing a bolding permit for the third camer, which is Verizon Wireless. This
issue is being resolved currently and the bolding pemutwill be filed later this
week. The second issue is regarding the material in the rear of the property,
which is in the vicinity of our proposed expansion area The landowner is with
us tonight, Ms. Alice Phillips, and perhaps she can address some specific
questions if you have them but in short, she and her staff are in the process of
cleaning up the materials that are in that vicinity. She is currently addressing
that The third item was the barbed woe. The tower was originally approved in
the early 90's: I think 1991 or 1992. It was my belief that the barbed wive was
permitted at that time. That is why the barbed where exists around the tower
facility itself and I believe it exists around the larger parcel itself We are
willing to not provide barbel wive on the proposed new fence in order to meet
the current provision and if needed, to take off the existing barbel wive on the
existing fencing around the tower facility itself. the fourb itemwas regarding
the slating. There is no slating on the tower compound itself. The slating that is
on site, is around the fencing that surounds the rem ofthe property, the rear of
the plumbing business itself. The landowner is currently working to remove
that and has removed some of it It is limited to a very small area and is willing
to remove the remainder of A over the next week or so, as time provides. The
last issue was the address issue and this is simply just a miscommunication.
Each carrier that is on that site has their own unique address in order for billing
for utilities and so forth There wasjust some clarifications that I provided m
the City in a letter dated April 18, 2001, regarding each of these issues but with
regard to this specific issue, the 17217 address pertains to Verizon Wireless and
the 17213 address, which the City has an record, is assigned to AT&T Wireless,
who reconstructed the existing tower on site. I will address arty further
Mr. Alansais: What do you plan to do with the expansion?
Mr. Baker: This is a proactive measure on our part There are three carriers on the tower
currently and we've gotten additional requests from carvers to utilize the
facility. We are not going to place equipment in this area immediately,
however, we are expanding the area to accommodate the carvers that will be
coming in there in the coming months. In this sense, our goal is to tnoy parallel
the City's goals in that we are attempting to mrmintize the proliferation of
towers, in the general sense, by maximizing the usage of this individual facility.
This is a proactive effort to accommodate future collocators on the site.
Mr. Alanskas: If you, down the road, need more space, would you want to come back for more
space again?
Mr. Baker: Potentially, but we've looked at the space requixmrems, what's an site, and the
egmpmem demands and potential collocatc s and we feel the 20' X 30'
expansion would accommodate the collocamrs that would come to the site.
Mr. Alanskas: So you only want to use the me side, not across the entire lot line? I was there
last week and they said they wand to go 20 fret across the entire property, the
width of the property.
Mr. Baker: The expansion area is 20 feet to the east and extending from the southerly
property line, there is a 20' X 30' expansion area and it is completely contained
on this property.
Mr. Alanskas: Just an the me side?
Mr. Baker: Yes.
Mr. Alanskas: I have a question for the owner of the property.
Mr. McCann: Let's wait for that Did you have a question for Mark?
Mrs. Koros: I realize I am asking you a question regarding the Inspection Deparment and
you may not be able to answer it It says there was a violation for the thud
array. Why wamnYviolations issued for the parts and the fence?
Mr. Taormina : I really camot respond to that other than to say that the situation that exists out
there maybe be a pre-existing, nonconforming situation and whether they
actually constitute a violation, I'm not sure ifthat has been detarnmed, at this
Mr. LaPme: I was wondering why you didnt buy the whole 79 feet so webe got the property
sgoaredoff. Idmtflmkyoureallya Nvmd[ha butIbehi ewhatymu dis
that is all you really need and you don't want to take anymore.
Mr. Baker: Comct
Mr. LaPme: The area you want to expand is only 30' X 20', because you are only going to
build two small buildings for the equipment that has to go in there to hook into
thetower. Cmltbatbewco odawdmtbe50'X79'pieeeofpropey. For
msbnce, in the back where you have grass, is there any way you can put a Mud]
building back there. Ymbe got all this concrete. Isn't there arty way you can
put a snA building there instead of cutting this off?
Mr. Baker: From the appearances of it, it would appear that, yes, you could tit additional
colbmatms in the existing compmmd. However, there are two complications to
that First of all, for the lastcouple of months, Sprint bas recently collocated an
this site and they now have cabinets on site rather than a small budding. They
utilize cabinets and they now occupy that grass area on the north side of the
compound In tams ofthe concrete area that you are speaking of, the driveway,
which is paved, that is reserved by Verizon. Verizon initially bolt this structure
back in the early 90's and subsequent to that American Tower is now in
management ofthis. We sublease the property from Venzom That area is
reserved for their space and their potential future expansion. To answer you
question, no, we cavil utilize the existing space on the north because of Sprint
and on the east side of the compound is Venzon's reservation of that space.
Mr. LaPine: I am a little confused now. Verizm owas the tower!
Mr. Baker: That is correct
Mr. LaPme: Are they going to be one of the firms that are going to expand?
Mr. Baker: No. They are on the existing tower. Ther shelf is on site.
Mr. LaPine: Wbat do they need all that concrete area for!
Mr. Baker That is their reserved area for future potential use.
Mr. LaPine: If we can only get two more commamications on this tower, then I dont
understand why they can't utilize that If they cant expand anymore than the
five and they can only have two more, we've got three there now, there seems to
be space there to handle it
Mr. Baker: It is a conlracNal legal issue. If we were able to utilize that space for additional
collocakrrs, we would but we are not allowed to.
Mr. LaPine: But you work for them, do you not? You are operating A for them?
Mr. Baker: In essence.
Mr. LaPine: Cant you go back to them and say, "Look, we cant get this expansion unless we
can use that area?"
Mr. Baker: Part of our agreement to lease this and other sites that we have leased from them
is that they retain their original space. That is part of their original space for
potential future equipment
Mr. LaPine: O.K. Thankyou.
Mr. Alanskas: If you did not get this approval, what would your company do?
Mr. Baker: Our company would continue to operate this facility, however, the carvers that
would be potentially uhh mg this facility would be before you for additional
towers. They need their antennas up in the air and if they cant collocate on this
structure, they would be seeking another means to place antemas above the
Mr.Alanskas: Thankyoa
Mr. Pierceccbi: You had stated earlier that this facility that you are proposing to put in there is
not for amediak use.
Mr. Baker: That is correct Americo Tower would notplace arty equipment in that area
We are just the tower operator. The carriers themselves would be the ones
placing equipment to that area We are snnply mwmg the fence out to
accommodate thein egwpmmt in the fudme.
Mr. Piercecclui The reason that I mention that sir is because that site is not in the best interest
of our City. Have you looked at it?
Mr. Baker: Yes, Ihave.
Mr. Piercecchi: It is outside storage. It is stuff that has been in there for a hundred years,
figurmvely speaking. It is not maintained m my type of development m that
area. I think it would be a mistake without first clearing that Iwmtedwbring
that up to the petitioner. I dont really object to putting expansions on the tower
but the site to me is the essential thing here.
Mr. McCann: Is the owner of the property here this evening
Mr. Baker: Just in closing before fuming it over to her, I am seeking your support with the
proposal that is before you for proposed alterations, it is in the best interest of
the City.
Alice Phillips, 14705 Flamingo, Livonia
Mr. Alanskas: When I was there last week, I spoke with the young lady and the gentleman
with the beard and they said they thought that they had, from years ago, a
variance from the ZBA, where you could have outside storage. I checked the
records and there is nothing that says where you are allowed to have outside
storage, period.
Ms. Phillips: I waml aware of that
Mr. Alayskas: No. I can understand with the business that you have, people come in and want
to buy a purple seat or pink whatever and you have to perm over all this
porcelain and it doeml belong back there.
Ms. Phillips: Ijust assumed it was O%. No owe has evertold us we couldnY do it
Mr. Alayskas: But no one told you that you could, did the}?
Ms. Phillips: No.
Mr. A]anskas: Where can you put all of that material and get it out of that yard?
Ms. Phillips: We cant We coal have the room fn it inside.
Mr.Alanskas: Mark, wouldnithey haveto go through the ZBA to try to gettoget avanance
for outside stooge?
Mr. Tocantins If they were proposing to enlarge that area, they would certainly have to go
through thatprocess. But the condition at this site is something that was taking
place prim to when the ordinance regulation went auto effectproltibiting outside
storage then, no, they would not have to go through that process. Necessarily,
they could continue to operate in the same manner that they were at the time the
ordinance was put inky effect
Mr. McCann: Ms. Phillips, how long have you been at that location?
Ms. Phillips: Ibir y seven years. Prim to that, my husband's brother owned it and he was
there probably ten years prior kr that
Mr. McCam: So fmtp seven years.
Mr. Alanskas: I have only been in your store once and I have never been back there. If it
weren't fn this petition l wouldvl know that you have that back there. You
can't seeit from the road. I was just wondering ifyou could tryto clean it up
Ms. Phillips: We do try but we have so many things that are antiquated and people come in
because they need a pink color, or green color, that you coal get anywhere else
and that is why we keep Hose things. But it is very difficult when you have Port
much to keep it well organized
Mr. Alanskas. My thought is, nowyon aregoing to possibly lose a20' X 30' section of that
backyard that you are uswg. Where are you going to put what you had in that
Ms. P'f iiiltips: Probably closer to our building Wedonlhave any room inside.
Mr. Alanskas: I understand that what you vend is a good cleanup.
Ms. Phillips: I guess.
Mr. Alanskas: Thank you.
Mr. Shane: The obvious solution kr this is to expand you building. I am assuming that
would be possible for the size of area that you have. Have you ever given that
any thought?
Ms. Phillips: No we haven't Would it be possible for us to have another building where we
could store things?
Mr. Shane: Mythoughtwould be tojustadd to the building thatyou have sufficientto be
able to store those things that you have inside. I think you have enough site to
do that
Ms. Phillips: I think we do. We probably could. We do vend more stooge space.
Mr. Shane: That is the obvious solutionforyoa
PAs. Phillips: We would have to go through the Planning Commission to do that right?
Mr. Sbane: Right
Mr. McCann: So what can we do to improve the site, create more storage for you?
Ms. Phillips: Would we be permitted to enlarge our building
Mr. McCain: I believe we discussed tltis. Is diere sufficient land? They are grandfathered in
now with the parking and everything else.
Mr. Taormina: Any expansion of the budding would require some additional parking and from
the plan that I am looking at there appears to be about 75 to 80 feet between the
rem of the building wbere it exists today and where American Tower proposes
to expand their lease area That would provide some additional area for
bidding expansion.
Mr. McCann: There would be enough property to do something
Ms. Phillips: I do think we have ample property. I don'tthink that will be a problem In
other words, you are telling me we cannot store outside anymore?
Mr. McCain: Part of the problem that we have here tonight is that you are amending your site
plan and if you do that you are no longer grandfathered in. Is that correct?
You may be but we have the opportunity to force you to end the outside storage
if you want to expand the cell tower area You have been grandfathered in so
you can continue to operate the way you are without changing it but if you want
to change A, then the City Council may say, notjust us, OK. that is fine if you
want to expand that but you've got to clean up some of the outside storage or
take cue of some of the problems. There hasn't been a decision by the Planning
Commission as to what type of recommendation to make to the City Council yet
as w whether or not to continue the outside storage or not We are trying to get
your feeling as to the likelihood that you would consider budding an
outbuilding back there, a storage budding, with shelving of some type so you
can get organized and store more or whether that is not economically feasible
for you now.
Ms. Phillips: It is not feasible now. If we clean up the yard, would that satisfy you? That is
what we imand to do. I know it doesnY look good and we are going to do it
We are going to clean it up. I am short on personnel. I dont have a lot of men
Mr. McCann: Iundersbvd. We are trying to work with you tonighton and get the feeling of
how things are gomg for you Are there any other questions from the
Commissioners? If not I will go to the audience. Is there anybody in the
audience wishing to speak for or against this petition? Seeing no ane, a motion
is in order.
Mr. Piercerchi: I move to table this item until the entiresite is cleaned up and put m order.
On a mot m by Mr. Piercecchi, seconded by Mrs. Koons and unanimously approved it was
#4642001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Cormmssion does hereby recommend
that Petition 91-07-08-13 by American Tower requesting approval to expand its
leased compound area previously approved for the installation of new wireless
communication equipment at property located A 17217 Middlebelt Road in the
S.P. 1/4 of Section 11 be tabled to May 22, 2001.
Mr. McCa n How much time would you need to get that backyard in shape? It is springtime
now, to do what you can to make it look a little nicer?
Ms. Phillips: Could I have a month?
Mr. McCain: Yonmay wamto askthe gentleman bebmdvou fromthe cellulartower
company that they are not going to be going out looking for a new location
They own that tower so I guess they are kind of waiting for a month So that is
Mr. Costello: If Ms. Phillips says that she can clean the site up in a month, we certainly would
like to be on the next Plam ng Commission agenda rather than pushing it art
for two months.
Mr. McCann: The next regular Meeting will be on May 22,2001,# you think you could clean
itupbythen. That gives ymjust about four weeks.
Ms. Phillips: I think so.
Mrs. Koros: May I make a request to the sta&? Mr. Taormina, A our next study session
could we have available to us or mailed to us, the 1990 proposal that brought in
the original cell tower!
Mr. McCain: Thatwmld bebeneficial and any conditions. Thenextregularmeehngwillbe
May 22, 2001. We will be reviewing and voting on it We will meet the week
before to discuss it among ourselves but that is the target date wben we will be
voting an it
Mr.Alaoskas: Avdwewillbeco®ngouttotakealmkatit
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #2 PETITION 2001-03-05-14 Leo Soave
Mr. Piencecchi, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Petition 2001-03-08-14 by
Leo Soave, requesting approval of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the
Zo ang Ordinance in cormechon with a proposal to rmshucit a condominium
development on property located on the north side of Joy Road between
Newburgh Road and Wayne Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 32.
Mr. Miller: This site is located on the north side of Joy between Newburgh and Wayne.
The petitioner is requesting approval to construct a condominium development
on property that is south of Churchill High School and east of the new
Walgreens Drug Store, which is located on the northeast comer ofJov Road and
Newburgh Road. The proposed development would consist of two (2)
bindings, containing six (6) units. The site plan shows that one of the buildings
would be made up of units 1 through 4 and would be located along the rear or
north property line. These attached condominiums would face Joy Road The
required rear yard setback for a structure in an RC zoning district is 5011 Units
I through 4 would only have a rear yard of 25 ft Therefore, a variance for
deficient rear yard setback would be required from the Zoning Board of
Appeals. The other bidding, coadam ng Poe renaming two condominiums,
would be situated along Poe west property line. These units would face east
At the units would be one-story in height and 1,250 sq. ft in size. According to
the floor plan, each unit would have two bedrooms. The condominiums would
be similar in appearance and would have an attached two -car garage projecting
off their find elevations. Access to the site would be by a single drive off Joy
Road that would broaden out to each condomirman's driveway. Five surplus
parking spaces would offer the residents additional guest parking. Parking
required is 2VVmes for each unit with 2 bedrooms, 2Vx 6 units requires 15
spaces. Parking providedis 29 spaces. The site plan shows that thereis a 90
ft wide Detroit Edison lmnsrission line easement that alts across the site
diagonally from Bre southwest comer to the northeast comer. This easement
separates the proposed condominium development from tree residential has
that front off Joy Road. Because the proposed development is residential, there
is no requrernent on the percentage of landscaping required. Theordmance
states that the site shall be fully landscaped with appropriate materials as
reviewed and recommended by the Planning Commission and approved by City
Council. The submitted landscape plan shows that the site would be about 65%
landscaped Even though a majority, of the landscaping is in the fork of grass,
the plan does propose a wide variety of other plant matarial throughout the site.
The bidding elevation plans do not call out the proposed budding mffienals for
the units other Poan a notation under the f7mt elevation caption that slates `brick
from elevation only, 4/4 horizontal vinyl siding" Ibis notation would seemto
mean that only the front of the units, including the garage, would be brick and
the sides and rear, including the chimney, would be vinyl siding. No color
rendering has been subrutted at Pois true.
Mr. McCann Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Taormina: Therearethreeiterssofoorrespondeuce. Thefirstiteinofeccrespordevceis
from the Division of Police, dated March 23, 2001, which reads as follows:
"We have reviewed the proposed plans in connection with a request to construct
condominiums on Joy Roadeast of Newburgh A stop sign u requredat the
driveway ofthe complex for exiting vehicles. It a our recommendation that a
sidewalk also be constructed along Joy Road the length ofthe proposed
development We have no other recommendations regarding this proposes"
The letter is signed by Wesley McKee, Sergeant, Traffic Brureau The second
letter is ban the Engineering Division, dated March 26, 2001, which reads as
f rlows: 'Pursuant to your request, the Engineering Division has reviewed the
above referencedpeotlon. We have no objections to the proposal at this time
We would like to point out that the developer will need to receive approval from
the Debrolt Edison Company toplace the access drive and parking within the
easement areas. The development will also need to meet the requirements of the
Wayne County Storm Water Management Ordinance. We trust that the will
provide you with the information request." The letter is sieved by David Lear,
RE, Civil Engineer. The third letter is from the Inspection Departnent, dated
April 16, 2001, which reads as follows: "Pursuant to your request ofMarch 20,
2001, the above referencedpewhon has been reviewed The following a noted:
(2) This petition will require the following zoning variances from the Zoning
Board ofAppeake (a) Deficient rear yard setback Twenty fine feetproposed,
50 feet required, deft lent 25 feet (b) Deficient, a required 1200 square foot
common recreation area (2) Parking meets the minimum as long as at least
3 spaces are allowed on the Detroit Edison easement (3) The plans are not
clear ifthe exterior is essentialty maintenance free. This item should be
clarified to the Commission and Council's satisfaction. Thu Department has
no further objection to this petition." The letter is signed by Alex Bishop,
Assistant Director oflnspection. That is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. McCann: Is the petitioner here this eventual
Leo Soave, 34822 Pembroke, Livonia These are going to have a fill basement and they are
going to sell for about $175,000 and I'll answer your questions.
Mr. McCain: I was looking at the color rendering of the red brick Where are you going to
find fire engine red brick?
Mr. Soave: This isjust a conceptual drawing and we'll have itwhatever color you choose.
Mr. McCain: It is not really going to be bright red brick?
Mr. Soave: No sir. It is going to be an earth tone color. I dont know why they did it this
way but I didnR pick that color.
Mr. McCain: Are there arty questions ban the Commissioners?
Mr. Piercecclui Looking at that elevation, don't you think it would be a great ehprovement to
do that whole fast floor all the way across those windows instead ofjust the
Mr. Soave: If you think this is going to make this project go, it is no problem We'l do it
that way. The reason we started this way, this is not northwest Livonia where
nest door it is commercial. We are nest door to commercial. We are nest to
Churchill High School and we are on the comer of Joy and Newburgh. That is
why we are doing it this way.
Mr. Pieucecchi: Maybe it is because we want to keep you in the habit of doing it O.K.?
Mr. McCain: I think itis a good point though. Burt I do think for maintenance and 20 yeas
from now, the brickjust stands up. It isjust prov n around the City audit looks
richer and makes the comer look nicer.
Mr. Soave: I can't argue that logic. It makes a lot of sense.
Mrs. Koms: Mr. Soave, have you talked to Detroit Edison A all abort using their easement
for their drive?
Mr. Soave: I spoke to them about six or seven mordhs ago and they said we can pave under
there but there can be no buildings.
Mrs. Koms: What about parking?
Mr. Soave: We talked abort it but I can'trecal. I have to talk to them again.
Mrs. Koros: Thanks.
Mr. LaPine: Are the chimneys going to be brick?
Mr. Soave: If you think they should be brick yes sir.
Mr. LaPine: I think they should be brick.
Mr. Soave: OK Then we will make them brick
Mr. LaPine: Doyen own the three lot mthe north side, the three separnalots? Ifyougo
back to the original plan, you will see what I am talking about
Mr. Soave: Yes sir. I own the three lots.
Mr. LaPine: But you are not building on those lots right now!
Mr. Soave: I don't have any plans to build on them as of yet No sin.
Mr. LaPine: Eventually you ane going to be building single family homes there, I hope?
Mr. Soave: Yes sir.
Mr. LaPme: Thank you.
Mr. McCann: If there are no further questions, I will go to the audience. Is there anybody in
the audience wishing to speak for or agamstthis petition? Seeingnoone
wishing to speak, a motion is an order.
On a motion by Mrs. Koms, seconded by Mr. LaPine and unanimously approved it was
#465-2001 RESOLVED that, Poe City Planning Commission does hereby recommend to
Poe City Council that Petition 2001-03-08-14 by Leo Soave, requesting approval
of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in connection
with a proposal to construct a condominium development on property located on
the north side of Joy Road between Newburgh Road and Wayne Road in the
S.W. 1/4 of Section 32 be approved subject to the following conditions:
1) That the Site Planmarked Sheet S-1 dated February 14, 2001 prepared by
Architecturally Speaking, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2) That [be Landscape Plmdated AprilM, 2001, as revised, prepared by
Archib�tun lly Speaking, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
3) That all disturbed lawn areas sball be sodded in lieu ofbydrosced'ng;
4) That underground sprinklers are to be provided for all landscaped and sodded
areas and all planted materials shall be installed to the satisfaction of the
Inspection Department and thereafter permanently maummored in a healthy
5) That the Exterior Building Elevation Plans as received by the Planing
Conntission an March 13, 2001, are hereby approved and shall be adhered
In, except for the fact that the first floor of each building shall be conshnv;Rd
out of brick an all fom sides and that the chimneys will be brick;
6) That the brick used in the construction shall be frill face 4 -inch brick, no
7) That this approval is subject to the petitioner being granted a variance from
the Zoning Board of Appeals for deficient rear yard setback and my
conditions related thereto;
8) That the Enhance Marker Applic ation, as shown an the approved Landscape
Plan. is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
9) That the brick used in the cons ruction of the Entrance Marker shall be the
same brick used in the construction of the condominiums:
10) That the specific plans referenced in this approving resolution shall be
submitted to the Inspection Deparment at the time the building pens s are
applied for, and
11) That a sidewalk shall be installed along the length of Joy Road, as required
by the Engineering Division.
Mr. McCann, Chaimua, declared the motion carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
ITEM #3 PETITION 2001-03-08-15 Livonia Ville Condominiums
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced, the next item on the agenda is Petition 2001-03-08-15
Livonia Villa Coodoahmiums, submitted by The Smacola Companies
requesting approval of all plans required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning
Ordinance in connection with a proposal to construct a condominium
development nn property located at 9204 Middlebelt Road in the S.W. 1/4 of
Section 36.
Mr. Miller: Ibis site is located on the east side of Middlebelt between Joy and Grmdon.
On September 15, 1999, Investico Development Corporation received Site Plan
Approval to develop a condominnun development on this site. The project was
never started and the one-year approval grace period expired. To be able to
start this project, all plans have to be re -approved by the Planning Commission
and City CounciL The Smacola Company is requestrng approval ta construct
the same condonnnium developm® thatwas previously approved. The
submitted Site Plan shows that the development would consist of seven
buildings containing a total oftwenty-seven(27) units. Five of the buildings,
containing between 6 and 4 units apiece, would be located on the large section
ofthepropertythatisnortbofthe Midd Phmshipcenter. Thesebuildings
would comprise twenty-five of the units. Each condominium would be two -
stories in height and have two bedrooms. On the tad of the site that is located
behind the strip center and 7 -Eleven Store would be two buildings each
containing a single condom' unit. These would also be two -stories in
height and have two bedrooms. Access b the site would be achieved by
single east/west drive offMiddhbelt Road that would have two branches that
would extend offnorth/south to provide a sheet to each of the condominium's
driveways. Thirteen surplus parking spaces would offer the residents
additional guestparking. Parking required is 2VVaces for each unit with2
bedrooms, 2Vx 27 units, which equates to 67 spaces. Parking provided is 67
spaces. Because the proposed development is residential, there is an
requirement nn the percentage of landscaping required. The ordinance starts
that the site shall be filly landscaped witlh appropriate materials as reviewed
and reconnm®led by the Planning Cmnmissio r and approved by City Canard -
The Landscape Plan shows the development would be screened from
Middlebelt Road by a large 3 It. high landscaped earth berm Both sides of the
berm would be planted with deciduous type trees. A roll of sunlar trees would
be planted along the east property line to help screen this site from the adjacent
residential neighbors. Even though a majority of the landscaping is in the firm
of gross, the plan does propose a wide variety of other plant material
HvaghaIIthesite. The Elevation Plans show that the new buildings would be
constructed mainly out of brick on all feu sides, with only the second floor of
the front elevations being vinyl siding. Each unit would have a small walkout
balcony area off their second floor bedroom. To provide some privacy for the
back porch area of the attached condominiums, the rmddle units would have a
7 It. high brick wall extended off their rear elevations.
Mr. McCain: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Taormina: Therearethree items ideorrespondence. The fnstletts is from the
Engineering Division, dated Mach 28, 2001, which reads as follows:
"Pursuant to your request, the Engineering Division has reviewed the above
referencedpention. The Engmeering Divuionhmmobjectwm othe
proposal at this time. We trust that this will provide you with the information
requested" The letter is signed by David Lea, PE., Civil Engineer. The
second letter is from the Inspection Department, dated April 16, 2001, which
reads as follows: "Pursuant to your request of March 26, 2001, the above
referenced pehhon has been reviewed The following a noted: (1) We believe
the address to be 9024 Middlebelt Road, not 9204. (2) Condition 10 ofthe
original approval (a Zoning Variance for deficient yard setbacks) would sh11
apply and a new variance most be obtained (3) Ifnothing else has changed,
this Deparbnent would have no further objections to Mispreviously approved
petition" The letter is signed by Alex Bishop, Assistant Director of
Inspection. The third letter is from the Division of Police, dated April 16,
2001, which reads as follows: "We have reviewed the plmu regardmg the
proposal to construct a condominium development at 9204 Mddlebelt Road
We have an objections to the plan as submitted. A stop sign will be required
for the exit to M ldlebelC" The letter is signed by Wesley McKee, Sergeant
Traffic Bureau. That is the extent of the correspondence.
Mr. McCam: Is the petitioner here this evening?
Mak Gazlay, 7083 Cedarbank Drive, Wes[ Bloomfield, Michigan 48324.
Mr. McCam: Have you reviewed this plan with the County under the new water retention
Mr. Gazlay: Our discussions with Mr. Hill were that this is going to dram through Livonia
Dann No. 1 and it will not apply.
Mr. McCam: Very good.
Mr. Gazlay: Throughout this process we have obtained some permitting from the
Engineering Depa tramt Itis just the Building Department that didnY get
processed through. We are waling with the Engineering Department at this
time on this.
Mr. McCann: Are there any questions from the Ccmnrissione s? Hearing none, webe sat
through this and have spent quite a bit of time on this project a couple of years
ago and I think all the Coumussioners were here and remember it I guess I will
go to the audience. Is there anybody in the audience who wishes to speak for or
against this petition? Seeing no one wishing to speak, a motion is in order.
On a motion by Mr. LaPme, seconded by Mr. Shane and u mmannously approved it was
#4-66-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Cormnission does hereby recommend to
the City Council that Petition 2001-03-08-15 Livonia Villa ^- "urns,
submitted by The Smacola Companies requesting approval of all plans
required by Section 18.58 of the Zoning Ordinance in connection with a
proposal to construct a condominiuma development on property located at 9204
Middlebelt Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 36 be approved subject to the
following conditions:
1) That the Site Planmarked Sheet 2 dated 1224/98 prepared by Del -Tec, is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
2) That the Landscape Plan marked Sheet D`l dated 923/99, as revised,
prepared by The Building Design Croup, is hereby approved and shall be
adhered to;
3) That all disturbed lawn areas shall be sodded in lieu ofbydroseedivg;
4) That underground sprinklers are to be provided for all landscaped and
sodded areas and all planted nderials shall be installed to Bre satisfaction
of the Inspection Departrnent and thereafter permanently maturated ed in a
healthy condition;
5) That the Exterior Budding Elevation Plans marked Shed A-3 and A-4 both
dated 9/23/99, as revised, prepared by The Building Design Croup, is
hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
6) That the brick wed in the construction shall be full face 4 inch brick no
7) That the Entrance Marker Application, as submitted to the Planning
Commission on April 24, 2001, is hereby approved and shall be adhered to;
8) The brick used in the construction of the Entrance Marker shall be the same
brick used in the construction of the condommiumms;
9) That shee[lighting shall be installed consisting of 100 -watt high pressure
sodium lights on 18 ft high Hallbrook poles with underground wiring;
10) That the specific plans referenced in this approving resolution shall be
submitted to the Inspection DeparhnerR at the time the building permits are
applied for.
Mr. McCann: Is thereany discussion?
Mr. Alanskas: Mark are those dates for that siteplan 17124/98, should they be updated?
Mr.Tacrmine: Wewill double checkthatbutI believeitwas a revision of the landscapeplan
that luck place at the City Council leveL We'llverifythat Scottisindicating
that those dates are accurate.
Mr. McCann, Chan=, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted It
will go on to City Conrad with an approving recoaunendation.
ITEM #4 PETITION 2001 -03 -GB -02 Pulice Office Buildings
Mr. Pietcecchi, Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is petition 2001 -03 -GB -02
Police Office Buddngs requesting approval to substitute a greenbelt for the
protective wall as outlined in Section 18.45 of the Zoning Ordinance for
property located A 32110 Five Mile Road in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 15.
Mr. Miller: Ibis site is located on the northwest comer of Five Mile and Hubbard The
applicant is requesting approval to substitute a greenbelt in lieu of the
protective wall that is required between an office zoned property and a
residential zoned property. The applicarat is requesting that the existing
landscaped greenbelts along the west property line and part of the south
property line be accepted as an appropriate substitution. The Ailice office
complex is made up oftwa separate office buildings. One building faces Five
Mile Road and is located close to the intersection of Five Mile Road and
Hubbard Road The other building sets back on Hubbard Road and is
separated from the first budding by a parking lot This office building faces
Hubbard Road. The best way to describe the layout of this property is w say it
is shaped like a backwards 'U. It funis the entire length of Five Mile Road
between Hubbard Road and Fairfield Avenue and extends north up Hubbard
Road about 300E The applicant is requesting that the existing grembelts that
run along the back of the property be considered instead of the protective wall.
The site plan shows that the existing greenbelt that ams along the south
property line, parallel to Five Mile Road, is 15 If wide. Ibis area is planted
with a mw ofatature evergreen trees. The greenbelt tbat r ns up along the
west property line is approximately 25 If wide and is pleaded with a imist re of
evergreens and deciduous trees. Because the greenbelt along the north
property line that is next to the office building that fronts off Hubbard Road is
not at least 10 If in width, it cannot be considered as an appropriate
substitution for a wall. In a letter that accompanied the Site plan, the applicant
explains that they believe "the existing greenbelts provide an adequate buffer
between the office buildings and the art acentresidences". The letter also
states that "the comtrwhon of theprotective wall would probably necessitate
the removaloftrees _ .
Mr. McCann: Is there any correspondence?
Mr. Taormina:
There is no correspondence.
Mr. McCann:
Is Poe petitioner here this evenin.
Rhett Hartley, 417
Eureka Road, Wyandotte, Michigan 48192. I represent the owner, Hubbard -
Five, LL.0
Mr. McCann:
Are there any questions from the Commissioners?
Mr. Alans nts:
In regards to the greenbek how do you maintain this?
Mr. Hartley:
There is grass to be cut and the trees that we trim
Mr. Alanskas:
Ib you have a company that does that for you?
Mr. Hartley:
Yes. We have a landscaping company that does that
Mr. Alanskas:
Is itdoneweekly?
Mr. Hartley
I'mnot sure how often they come out
Mr. Alanskas:
You know, with Poese greenbelts, if they are approved, we have no way to
police them to make sure that they are taken care of. My cmcem, as a
Commissioner, is how are they going to be maintained? Like you say, you
door know if they come out once a week. I hope they would int the grass
every week
Mr. Hartley:
The owner is also a real estate company. We also manage the property and in
fact, I am the inspector. I come out and look at it
Mr. Alanskas:
Mr. Buckley:
At leas[ once a month.
Mr. Alanskas:
Thank you
Mr. McCann:
Have you been out and looked A this greenbelt?
Mr. Hartley:
Mr. McCann:
In cedam areas itis pretty tlun.
Mr. Hartley:
There are some gaps as far as trees.
Mr. McCann:
I can'ttell from the plan wbether your intent is that is whatis existing there or
whether you are planning on filling in some of those gaps.
Mr. Hartley: We hadn'tplanned on filling many gaps. If you look, I submitted some
pictures. I don't know if you had a chance to see those.
Mr. McCann:
I have seen the pichres. My office is also across the street so I drive by it
every day.
Mr. Hartley:
The site lines, which is whatI was looking at, there is that garage that pretty
rich blocks the view fiom the largest gap which is that one behind the
building which faces Five Mile Road. Other gaps might be in the northwest
comer therewhich is a good space oflawn and there isjust the comer of the
Mr. McCain:
My concern is for the neighbors because they have the opportunity to have
wall if dny waut it and it is fm noise. I think the building has been maintained
fairly well over the years and there is not a lot of traffic but that can change as
Mr. LaPine:
When I went out and looked at this I wasn't impressed with the greenery but at
this particular time and because of the winter, and you know I am pretty much
always in favor of walls, but would prefer to wait a couple of months until all
the foliage has grown in there and gives us a better idea of how much of a
barrier we have back there. I don't think it is imperative that you have this
right away. This way it gives us a couple of months when all the foliage is in
and we can pretty much see where the bare spots are. Thank you
Mr. Shane:
If there are any aborting residential neighbors here, I would be interested to see
what their views are.
Mr. Mccaun
Are there any neighbors m anybody in the audience that would wish to speak
for m against this petition? Seeing no one, is there anything else you would
like to say9
Mr. Hartley:
Them is the question if a protective wall were to be put up, it mightnecessitate
the removal of some trees.
Mr. McCain:
That is a concern.
Mrs. Koros:
I also live in the area and I can attest that the maintenance is quite good.
However, I question your theory on the bare spats covered by a garage. I also
would like to wait and see what bare spats there are and maybe do some work
an that
Mr. McCain:
Was that a tabling motion?
Mrs. Koros:
On a motion by Mrs. Koons seconded by Mr. LaPine and unanimously approved it was
#467-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission does hereby recommend the
Petition 2001 -03 -GB -02 Pulice Office Buildng requesting approval to
substihIIe a greenbelt for the protective wall as outlined in Section 18.45 of the
Zoning Ordinance for property located at 32410 Five Mile Road in the S.W.
1/4 of Section 15 be tabled to July 10, 2001.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted
We'll see you on Julv 10, 2001. This concludes the Miscellaneous Site Plan
portion of our agenda. We will now proceed with the Pending Item section of
our agenda. These items have been discussed at length in prior meeting
therefore, there will only be limited discussion tonight Audienceparticipation
will require unanimous consent from the Conamissiot.
ITEM#5 PETITION 2001-01-01-01 Adele Avulio
Mr. Pietcecchi, Secretary, announced the nest item on the agenda is Petition 2001-01-01-01 by
Adele Avom requesting to rezone property located on the north side of Seven
Mile Road between Gary Lane and Favlane Court in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 4
from RUFB to R 3.
On a motion by Mr. Pierourchit , seconded by Mr. Sbane and unanimously approved it was
#468-2001 RESOLVED that, the Planning Commission does hereby recommend that
Petition 2001-01-01-01 by Adele Avoho requesting to rezone property located
on the with side of Seven Mile Road between Gary Lane and Fairlane Court in
the S.W. 1/4 of Section 4 from RUF to R 3 be taken from the table
Mr. McCaw, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted. Is
there anything new since the last meeting, Mr. Taormina?
Mr. Taormina: There is no correspondence, however, the Citv did receive a revised plan from
the petitioner showing the unprovemerds to be made to the existing residence
in response w some of the concerns that were expressed by the Planning
Commission at the original meeting regarding how that building is presently
oriented to the south towards Seven Mile and if the rezo mg is approved and
the lots are developed both to the north and to the south, how would this house
blend with the neighborhood How would it reorient towards Gary Lane? In
fact, she has some additional adornment ent showing what eprovemevts would
be made to the residence and I would defer to the petitioner to describe those
more frilly.
Mr. McCain: Scott, did you have other drawing on the reverse of that?
Mr. Miller: We have side views.
Mr. McCaw: We had the front view at the last moreting but I dont think we had the side
views. These are the side views that we are looking at now?
Mr. Miller:
Mr. McCann
That is of the existing home as A is now or as A would be?
Mr. Miller:
Ithink this is of the house to the north
Mr. Taormina:
I think you have to flip that around.
Mr. Miller:
I think this is the house that she would like to build at the north
Mr. McCann:
So that is not her house.
Mr. Miller:
This is her house where she would be adding an addition to the front She has
the garage in the back and now the garage would be towards the front.
Mr. McCain:
We had that at the public hearing and we discussed it at that time. Mr.
Taormina, this is a rezoning petition before us, correct?
Mr. Taormina:
That is correct.
Mr. McCain:
And as such, we don'treally have any control over the design of the house.
That would be the time of at the lot split where they could enforce the revisions
to the home. Right now she could decide to never reorient the home. If we
change the zoning, get the lot split then go ahead and build two new homes. In
terms of enforcement, would they be able to require the reorienting of the
home at the lot split process?
Mr. Taormina:
Not necessarily, simply because depending nn how she would go about
splitting the property if she proposed simply to divide either the north half or
the north part or the south part separately, it would not require any further
review by the City to terms of either the City planning Commission or the City
Council. It could be handled administratively.
Mr. McCain:
If she did A one at a time, she would be allowed two different splits at different
times, fist the north half and then the south half!
Mr. Taormina:
Yes. That is correct As long as they fully comply with the ordinance. A plan
bas been submitted before us that does show compliance with the ordinance
with respect to the lot dimensions and area fm the two proposed sites as well as
the existing sit.
Mr. McCann:
We really have no way of enforcng the reorientation of the home or any other
part of this project
Mr. Shave:
the worse that could happen is that she simply redirects her driveway. She
could leave her garage where A is and redirect her driveway west.
Mr. McCain:
It is still physically possible. The front facing the side of another home.
Mr. Shane:
I understand what you are trying to accomplish but we really dont have
anyway to enforce her to do that except to take her word that she is going to do
Mr. McCann:
Has there been any contact, Mr. Taormina, regarding the trees in the backyard
Mr. McCain:
or preserving them as some type of barrier between the two homes?
Mr. Taormina:
I am not aware of any further discussions.
Mr. McCann:
This is a rezoning and she is not coming before us on a Condominium Act or
Mr. McCain:
anything else. I am going to ask the petitioner to come up.
Adele. Avolio, 34750 W. Seven Mile Road, Livonia
Mr. McCain:
Have you got any new information for the Planning Comuussion?
Mrs. Avolio:
I tanned all ofthe plans over to Mr. Poppenger. I believe that each one ofyou,
and I have gone by the rules, I will accept whatever comes to me.
Mr. McCann
Have you had any more discussions wrth your next door neighbor regarding
the trees?
Mrs. Avolio:
The trees are beautifiil. I dool see any reason wby, they belong to me, I dolt
have arty reason to cut them down That is what they are afraid of, I think.
Mr. McCain:
But you are going to sell them to somebody else who could cut them down.
Mrs. Avolio:
Right now I have not sold to anybody. I am not ready for it
Mr. McCain:
You are going to leave the trees up in your backyard, no matter what, even if
you sell the other two homes, is what you are saying?
Mrs. Avolio:
It takes so much money to plant the trees and wait for themto grow. I dont see
any reason, me or somebody else will cut the trees down. They most be out of
Poen unnd
Mr. McCain:
Believe me, we've had developers come in and plant trees in the backyard just
to separate the homes from a street and the neighbor comes in and says, "No, I
donklikebeesmmyyard.° lheywillcutdownaUlhebmndnewtrees.
Mrs. Avolio:
The trees, where they are now, they are not m the middle of the yard.
Mr. McCain:
These were behind then yard I am saying, what you lave, other people dont
That is oro concern
Mrs. Avolio:
I am sure everybody likes trees.
Mr. McCain:
I thought so too before I took this job.
Mr. LaPine: Did youjust remove a tree off the island?
Mrs. Avolio: They were almond trees. I was supposed to take them away two years ago but
I didn't have the money. The almond frees hada disease. I did remove itnow
before they go very bad and the weather will knock them down somehow and
damage somebody's house.
Mr. McCann:
I believe there are some people in the audience who would like to speak Is
there any objection from the Commissioners? Hearing none, come on down
and give us your name and address.
Jamie Coobatis,
34730 Seven Mile Road, Livonia. My house and Adele's house are side by
side. the trees border in between both of the homes, to the west ofmy house
and to the east of her home. I have pictures here showing the tree line and
basically all Bre trees on my property. When I moved in. I had a country like
setting in the City. Basically what is happening now is Seven Mile Road was
widened Trees in the front of the home were cut down. I planted another 13
trees in frort of the home for a noise barrier. The home was originally on five
acres and on that five acres there was a nursery, which I have a little land on
that also. The trees were removed because they sold the property to the
subdivision behind us, which half of these people live right behind us. The
trees were picked up and moved to the tree line. When it was staked and
surveyed you can see that half of them or better are over the line by three or
four inches. The other ones are on my side, also. So, these trees are about 30
years old, plus. There areAustrian Pines, Scotch Pines, Blue Spmce and like
Adele says, "Maybe she wool cat them down because she likes the trees." But
she doesn't understand that when she sells the property she has no control over
that This borders my house. This cuts down the noise on Seven Mile Road
and it is a windbreak for my home. Some ofthe trees also were picked up off
the property and were planted in the people's homes behind us. I was under the
impression when I moved in there that the trees thin were existing there were
part of my property. Adele led me to befieve that they were my trees, too.
Ihere is a tree that I had cut down. It was a Cottonwood, to the lune of $1,500
out of that tree line because it was shuck by fighting and there was no help
from Adele as far as that goes because she didn'trealize that the tree line is like
tree inches on each side of thin border. I anjust wondering if somebody
comes in and wants to put a fence up, can there be a variance where they can't
plant within ten feet of the trees because the lots are plenty deep?
Mr. McCann:
You are only impeding 3"to 6" onto her property, corned?
Mr. Coobatis:
Yes, if that. If you look at the stake line, they are all staggered pretty much
right on down the line.
Mr. McCann:
Even afoot or two fret wouldn't make a difference. You've had no discussions
with her about buying or selling since the last meeting
Mr. Coobatis:
She is definitely going to pat either way. It is notgoing to matterto the
people buying the house. It is 165 feet deep. The lot sizes that you ere
mcommending for that particular area are 80' R 120'. These lots are going to
be 165 fed deep. Where does that put the new homes? Does that put the new
homes right on Gary Lane or can they move them back m be in line with all the
other homes on Gary Lane or would they be right in line?
Mr. McCann:
That would be the ideal situation Mrs. Avolio, you understand yam neighbor's
concem about the trees?
Mrs. Avolio:
Yes, I do.
Mr. McCain:
You want to keep the trees?
Mrs. Avolio:
I want to keep the trees. I love the trees.
Mr. McCain:
But if you sell the two los?
Mrs. Avolio:
I caul control somebody else.
Mr. McCain:
If you sold off the back three feet to your neighbor, then you know the trees
will stay.
Mrs. Avolio:
I am sorry but I cant I promised my husband before he died, the property
work] wmainjust the way it is.
Mr. McCain:
Thatis vkAI am saying. Ifyon sell himthree feet itis going to shay the same.
If you sell to somebody else, you dont know that A will stay the same.
Why dont we do that then? I'll buy three feet from him so he wool have any
problem with the trees.
Mr. McCann:
That is defeating the propose. Is there anybody else in the audience wishing to
speak on this? We did hear from everybody at the public hearing so we are
looking for new information.
Mrs. Koons:
Can I ask a question? The bees are on the lot live. The budding would never
be on the to line.
Mr. McCann:
Mrs. Koons:
We arejust assuming that nobody would ever cut trees down on a to line but
there would never be a need to cut them down.
Mr. McCann:
No. There is no need to cut them down It isjust changing a piece ofRUF
piece of property to a R-3 and the neighbofs concern is that there is a nice
property division with the trees there and he world like to maintain that and if
the developer sells off the two lots, there is no guarantee and we coal condition
Mrs. Koons:
Laveme Mohr, 19160 Laurel. My propertypst touches the Avolio property, my f ince does
and the rest of my backyard does border the freed lot that is in question. I have
lived in this house for 17 years. We belt the home. We were aware it had
been a nursery that had been behind us and we selected that lot because of the
trees. The trees really serve more than a barrier. The property that faces Seven
Mile has been neglected for at least 15 years. I don'trecall when the neighbors
that are there now purchased that land but what they have done to that
particular piece of property is amazing It is beautiful. The trees are beautiful.
The grass is beautiful. I think it is a lot that Livonia can be proud of There are
125 acres sitting facing Seven Mile and then the Avolio property next to it
The trees really do need to be preserved Jamie has taken care of those trees.
He was under the impression that they were his. I thought they were his. I also
have a free in that back comer on the lot line. Unfommately, it is a
cottonwood But I would highly recommend that the trees stay. It would be a
travesty to out them down. They are beautiful. Thank you.
Mr. McCann:
I don't see anybody. I am going to close the hearing Ib you have any last
commeNs Mrs. Avolio?
Mrs. Avolio:
Yes. He gives me so much trouble now. Why when he bought the house,
didn't he have it surveyed, so then they would know what belonged to him and
wind belonged to me? Now, because I have the survey, the stake is on his side.
All the trees are mine and only one tree is his. Those frees are going to stay
Mr. McCann
When he bought the property, he boughtit next to an RUE home. Heknew
there would only be one home next to him. Now you warn to put in three
homes next to him So,therefore, he needs to maintain the barrier of the trees.
Mrs. Avolio:
If they were smart, they could buy a house on a comer too of instead being in
the middle. I took all the trouble on the comer and I know how hard I worked.
Everybody knows. I took good care of my property so it would look good for
everybody. I am nota young woman buil do my best I krve allunry
neighbors, everyone of them. I want to please everybody.
Mr. McCain:
I understand.
Mrs. Avolio:
Idon't like it wben they do things to put me in ajam Nobody knows what is
going to happento myope of us today, tomorrow, who knows. We have to
Eve for today and let go for tomorrow.
Mr. Alaaskas:
Ifyou say you try to get along with your neighbors, would ithurtyou m sell
him one or two feet so that those trees in his mind would stay there and he
would be happy and you would possibly get this approval and you would be
Mrs. Avolio:
I'm sorry but I can't.
Mr. LaPme: Is there a reason why you want these lots split? You coal take care of the
property anymore?
Mrs. Avolio: Exactly. I passed 70 and I am not getting any younger. It is hard for me. I am
not a lazy person to let the property go. I care about the property.
Mr. LaPine: Then the next statement you made was that you are not going to sell these lots
right away.
Mrs. Avolio: No, not right away.
Mr. LaPine: Well then what is the reason why you are doing A this way?
Alfiedo Baldass m. 20260 Shadyside, Livonia. (Inaudible) She is complaining because she
lost the right lane because she was able to drive in the right lane before
somebody hither in the back She complained that she got the road
Everybody gets the road sometime and she says the bigger truck came up
behind her she got only has the single lane to go in and out right in the middle
of the road. She does not have the right lane like she used to be because they
used the 32 feet and make the mad wide and when she put in the single the
truck came up behind her she is afraid The only reason I told her to come in to
the City and do something about it because you have the other street, you can
make an entrance on the other street and nobody could kill you. That is why I
gave her the idea. Now she has to change the number of the house to go on in
the other street because she is afraid She is getting old and she is afraid of the
traffic. What do you have to do? She has had it for sale for 10 years and
nobody wanted to buy. The only thing was I told her to tum the house the
other way, explain to those on the street and keep the one that you want and the
others put them up for sale. That is the only way. She is not trying to make the
neighborhood look bad or traffic on one sbxA I know (inaudible). The
property is hers. You coal force her to sell. You cool force her to do
anything. If you go around to the neighbors and say (inaudible).
Mr. McCain: I doral think that is the case, sir. Nobody is trying to hold anybody up.
Mr. Baldassarra:The trees can remain there forever and nobody talks. We dual ask for
anything. We don't ask for anything illegal. We want to follow the City
ordinance. EveryPomg will be done in order and nobody will do anything
Mr. McCann: O.K. A motion is in order.
Mr. Baldassar m You ve got to talk to the neighbors and see what they wart to do, if they warn
Z work things out because you cannot count on the City to fill you what is
wrong We all have problems but we work things out
Mrs. Avolio: Pm sure if God gives me health, I am going to build a house on Poe back myself
and remodel where I am now. Nobody is going to build a big house over there
and those trees are going to stay, believe me. Why are they so crazy? they've
got so many trees over there.
Mr. McCain: A motion is in order.
Mr. Piercecchi: Mr. Chaimvw, we all warn those trees to stay. We want them to live for 100
years but unfortunately we arem terntary we have no nghtto be is We
cannot condition zo mg.
On a motion by Mr. Piercecchi, seconded by Mr. LaPine and approved it was
RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held by the City
Planning Commission on April 3, 2001, on Petition 2001-01-01-01 by Adele
Avolio requesting to rezone property located on the north side of Seven Mile
Road between Gary Lane and Fairlane Court in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 4 from
RUF to R-3, the Planning Cormnission does hereby recommend to the City
Council that Petition 2001-01-01-01 be approved for the following reasons:
1. That the proposed change of zoning is compatible to and in harmony with
the surrounding zoning districts and uses in the area;
2. ILatthe proposed change of zoning is consistentwith the developing
character of the area;
3. That the proposed zoning district will provide for residential lot sizes wbich
will compliment the existing residential development m the area; and
4. That the proposed change of zoning represents an extension of an existing
zo mg district ocaming immediately to the north and west of the subject
Mr. McCann: Is there any discussion?
Mr. Shane: I am going to vote against this resolution and the reason I am is because of the
petitioners statement that she has no intention ofulilizing the property at this
time and I feel that when the time comes and she does intend to use e, that she
come back before us and request the rezo mg then.
Mr. McCann: Is there any other discussion? Hearing none, I have a cormnent I am going to
have to vote against it because I don't think A is in harmony with the neighbors.
I think it is dehacting fromthe existing neighbors. I don't think it hunts; the R-3
next toit Ithink it will have a detrimental effect w the RUF to the east
Iherefore, I have to vote against R It is not in harmony with the existing
zoning to its sides. Please call the roll.
A roll call was taken with the fdlowmg result:
AYES: Piercecchi, LaPine
NAYS: Shane, Alanskas, Koons, McCann
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion the motion fails. Is there an alternate motion?
On a motion by Mr. Shane, seconded by Mr. Alawkas and approved it was
#469-2001 RESOLVED that, pursuant to a Public Hearing having been held by the City
Planning Comoussion on April 3, 2001, on Petition 2001-01-01-01 by Adele
Avcho requesting to rezone property located on the north side of Seven Mile
Road between Gary Lane and Fairlme Court in the S.W. 1/4 of Section 4 from
RUE to R-3, the Planning Coumtission does hereby recommend to the City
Council dig Petition 2001-01-01-01 be denied for the following reasons:
1. TLatthe proposed rezoning is not compatible with the surmundmg zoning
districts and uses m the area;
2. That there is no current use proposed for the sites to be split off if the
zoning is approved;
3. Ihat the way the hoose is oriented now was mean to be that way and to
utilize the Seven Mile Road as its frontage.
Mr. McCain: Before we vote on it just a point of clarification. Mr.Taormina,canshenot
A roll call vote was taken with the following result
AYES: Shane, Alanskas, Koons, Piemecchi, McCain
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above bearing was given m
accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of Zoning Ordinance
#543, as amended.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
The petition has been denied Since A is a zoning change, it will automatically
go to ZBA to get a driveway off of Grill Road?
Mr. Taormina:
I am not sure that she would need to, go before the Zoning Board to modify her
driveway. Weil check into that but I am not aware that she will need to go to
the ZBA for that
Mr. McCann:
That she can enter and exit right now as it is off of Gary Lane.
Mr. Taormina:
It wouldnI change her address.
Mr. McCain:
That would work If there is no further discussion, will the Secretary please
dl Poe roll?
A roll call vote was taken with the following result
AYES: Shane, Alanskas, Koons, Piemecchi, McCain
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of the above bearing was given m
accordance with the provisions of Section 23.05 of Zoning Ordinance
#543, as amended.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
The petition has been denied Since A is a zoning change, it will automatically
ITEM #6 Motion to Hold a Public Hearing (Dousing for the Elderly Districts)
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced the nest item on the agenda is Motion to Hold a Public
Hearing to determine whether or not to sound Section 29.04, uses permitted in
the R-9, housing for the elderly districts.
Mr. Mc Cam: Is there a motion?
On a motion by Mr. LaPme, seconded by Mr. Shane and unanimously approved, it was
#470-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, Pursuant to Section 23.01
(b) of Ordinance 4543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia, as
amended, does hereby establish and order that a public hearing be held to
determine whether or not to amend Section 29.04, of Article = of the
Zoning Ordinance, uses permitted in the R-9, housing for the elderly districts.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of such hearing be given as promiled an
Section 23.05 of Ordinance 4543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia,
as amended, and that thereafter there shat be a report and recommendation
submitted to the City Cound.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is tamed and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #7 Approval of Minutes 384' Special Meeting
Mr. Piercerchi, Secretary, announced the nest item m the agenda is Approval of the Manes of
the 384" Special Meeting held on February 20, 2001.
On a motion by Mrs. Koons, seconded by Mr. Alahskas and approved, it was
#471-2001 RESOLVED that, the Minutes of the 384a Special Meeting held by the City
Planning Commission on February 20, 2001, are hereby approved.
go to City Council but with the dmymg recommendation. They will send you
a notice of when A is going to be heard again.
Mr. Alanskas:
The process will start all over again.
Mrs. Avolio:
Do I have to be there?
Mr. McCann:
Mrs. Avolio:
I cant My daughter is going to have a baby in California. She doesn't have
anybody there.
Mr. McCann:
You can let the City Council know that you are going to be out of town and
they will adjoum A until you are ready.
ITEM #6 Motion to Hold a Public Hearing (Dousing for the Elderly Districts)
Mr. Piemecchi, Secretary, announced the nest item on the agenda is Motion to Hold a Public
Hearing to determine whether or not to sound Section 29.04, uses permitted in
the R-9, housing for the elderly districts.
Mr. Mc Cam: Is there a motion?
On a motion by Mr. LaPme, seconded by Mr. Shane and unanimously approved, it was
#470-2001 RESOLVED that, the City Planning Commission, Pursuant to Section 23.01
(b) of Ordinance 4543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia, as
amended, does hereby establish and order that a public hearing be held to
determine whether or not to amend Section 29.04, of Article = of the
Zoning Ordinance, uses permitted in the R-9, housing for the elderly districts.
FURTHER RESOLVED that, notice of such hearing be given as promiled an
Section 23.05 of Ordinance 4543, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Livonia,
as amended, and that thereafter there shat be a report and recommendation
submitted to the City Cound.
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is tamed and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #7 Approval of Minutes 384' Special Meeting
Mr. Piercerchi, Secretary, announced the nest item m the agenda is Approval of the Manes of
the 384" Special Meeting held on February 20, 2001.
On a motion by Mrs. Koons, seconded by Mr. Alahskas and approved, it was
#471-2001 RESOLVED that, the Minutes of the 384a Special Meeting held by the City
Planning Commission on February 20, 2001, are hereby approved.
Aroll callvolewas tal® with the following result
AYES: LaPine, Sbane, Alanskas, Koons, McCam, Piercecchi
NAYS: None
Mr. McCain, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #S Approval of Minutes 820" Public Hearings & Regular Meeting
Mr. Piercecvhi,. Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Approval of the Minutes
of the 820" Public Hearings and Regular Meeting held on February 27,200 1.
On a motion by Mr. Sbane, seconded by Mrs. Koons and unanimously approved, it was
#472-2001 RESOLVED that, the Minutes of the 820" Public Hea ags and Regular
Meeting held by the City Plar mrg Commesinn on February 27,200 1, are
hereby approved.
A roll call vote was tal® with the following result
LaPine, Koons, Shane, Alanskas, McCam, Piercecchi
Mr. McCain, Chairman, declared the motion is carred and the foregoing resolution adopted
ITEM #9 Approval of Minutes 821't Regular Meeting
Mr. Piercecchi,. Secretary, announced the next item on the agenda is Approval of the Minutes
of the 821' Regula Meeting held on March 20,200 1.
On a motive by Mrs. Koons, seconded by Mr. Almakas and unanimously approved, it was
#473-2001 RESOLVED that, Poe Minds ofthe 821" Regula Meeting hell by the City
Planning Commission on March 20, 2001, are hereby approved
Aroll callvom was tal® with the following result
IaPi ne, Koons, Shane, Alanekas, McCann
Mr. McCann, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted
On a motion duly made, seconded and umaunmusly adopted the 82P Regular Meeting held on
April 24, 2001, was adj owned at 8:53 PM.
R6 .""W $0101.. IJ
Dan Piercecchi, Secretary
James C. McCann, Chairman