January 2, 1964
A meeting of the Election Commission of the City of Livonia was held
on Thursday, January 2, 1964, at 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, at
approximately 10:06 o'clock A. M. by the City Clerk, at which time and place all
members of said Commission:
Harvey W. Moelke - Mayor
Marie W. Clark - City Clerk
Alan Walt - City Attorney
were present.
On motion by Alan Walt, seconded by Harvey W. Moelke and unanimously
carried by the affirmative vote of all three members of the Commission, it was
RESOLVED, that the Chairman of the Election Commission
furnish to the members of said Commission copies of all
minutes of meetings of said Commission; that this
resolution have retroactive effect to April, 1962, and
that copies of the minutes of all meetings held since
that date be furnished to members of said Commission;
and that copies of this resolution be sent to the Mayor,
City Clerk and City Attorney.
Mr. Walt: Now, if I have my dates correct, January 27th is the last
date to name election inspectors for the Primary City Election of February 17,
Mrs. Clark: Correct.
Mr. Walt: I would like to see the people encouraged to apply to be
election inspectors, and perhaps publish an ad in the paper as we did once before.
Mrs. Clark: I see no need to do this - we already have so many. What
would you do, not use those who had applied previously? Unless, of course, you
nave some particular names you would want included.
Mr. Moelke: I have some new names. I think we should go over the
entire list.
Mrs. Clark: You have the list from November, 1962 and also from April,1963.
Mr. Walt: Not April 1963. T think we should encourage new people.
We have a change of population, new areas being built up, etc.
Mrs. Clark: We are always open to accept new applications, and do
accept them daily from any person requesting the forms.
Mr. Moelke: We should have a complete list of all who have filed to date.
Mrs. Clark: I have no objection.
Mr. Walt: I would like to put it into resolution form.
On motion by Alan Walt, seconded by Harvey W. Moelke and unanimously
carried by the affirmative vote of all three members of the Commission, it was:
RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and is hereby requested to submit
to the members of the lection Commission, not later than January 20,
1964, all applications of persons requesting appointment as election
inspectors in the City of Livonia, as well as a proposed list, by
precinct, of election inspectors for the forthcoming City Primary
Election of February 17, 1964; and further, that a meeting of the
Election Commission be and is hereby set for January 27, 1964 at
10:00 A. H. for the purpose of selecting election inspectors to serve
in the Primary City Election to be held on February 17, 1964, and to
consider such other matters as may come before that meeting.
Mr. Moelke: Now about advertising for new election inspectors, I think
this should be done something like we did last time.
Mr. Walt: We'd have to run it in next week's paper - that's January gth.
Do you think it should be run twice?
kr. Moelke: That would be on January 15th and would only leave two more
days on which to apply. I don't think it would he worth it.
On motion by Alan Walt, seconded by Harvey W. Moelke and unanimously
carried by the affirmative vote of all three members of the Commission, it was
RESOLVED, that an advertisement be placed in the January 8, 1964 edition
of The Livonian-Observer advising the citizens of this community as to
the availability of applications for election inspectors at the office
of the City Cleric every day during regular office hours.
Mr. Moelke: Since the coming election is so important to all of us . .
Many requests have been made for complete lists of voters registrations. I
understand there is a private citizen who has compiled such a list.
Mrs. Clark: Yes, it is available, but you can't get it for nothing.
Even if we were to furnish or have available such a list, you would have to
charge for it.
Mr. Walt: Why can't this be brought up to date once every year, or at
least, every two years.
Mrs. Clark: We don't have the facilities, and there are so many changes,
people moving around, cancellation-, etc., that a list is obsolete as soon as it
is completed.
Mr. Walt: What would the facilities entail? - some typists for a
certain period of time, something like that?
Mrs. Clark: But this would be assinine when we have someone who has
worked very diligently to keep a current and accurate list.
Mr. Walt: Nevertheless, I would like to propose the following
Upon motion by Alan Walt, seconded by Harvey 6^T. Meolke, it was
RESOLVED, that it being long recignized that an informed electorate is
the best insurance of obtaining capable and dedicated public officials
at the national, state, county and city levels of government; and
FURTHER, it being the duty of all public officials, elected or appointed,
including the members of this Commission, to encourage political
discussion and participation in elections and election activities; and
FURTHER, only through registration can an individual excercise his
democratic right to vote; and,
FURTHER, it also being recignized that many citizens desiring to aid in
registration activities and drives are hindered because registration
lists are not available from the Office of the City Clerk of Livonia,
such registration voter lists being available in many of our sister
communities in Wayne County,
NOW, 1'1EREM9E, this Election Commission requests that the City
Clerk immediately proceed to prepare lists, by precinct, of those
persons who are registered to vote; that such registered voter
lists be available prior to Jebruary 3, 1964 to all members of
the public at a reasonable cost to cover their proparation, such
cosbs to be fixed by the Council of the City of Livonia; and further,
that in the event it is necessary that an additional expenditure
be made to cover the costs of immediate preparation of such regis-
tered voter lists, the City Clerk forthwith inform the Council of
the City of Livonia of arr, amounts so requi red; and further, that a
copy of this resolution be ent to the members of the Council of the
City of Livonia whose concurrence in the principles and purposes set
forth herein is respectfull:; requested, and further, that this
resolution be published in the January- 3, 1964 edition of the Livonian-
AYES: Moelke and alt.
NAYS: Clark
The Clerk dec declared the motion carried.
Mrs. Clark: Is there any further business?
Mayor Moelke asked Mrs. Clark if certain precinct maps are available
in her office, and she answered that they are.
Mr. Walt brought up for discussion the school precinct designations
in the Clarenceville School area, which are different from the City precincts
and have different polling places.
On motion by Alan Walt, seconded by harvey I. Moelke and unanimously
carried by the affinnative vote of all 1 three members of the Commission, it was
RESOLVED that the Election Commission of the City of Livonia,
recognizing that some confusion exists because of the different
precinct alignment, designations and polling places, hold a
meeting with the representatives of the Clarenceville School
Board in an effort to resolve these differences; and a copy of
this resolution is to be sent to the Superintendent of Clarence-
ville Schools.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on
motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned
at approximately 10:45 o'clock A. 1 ., January 2, 1964.
Marie W. ark, Chairman
53 ita Hillas _
January 27, 1c364
A meeting of the Election Commission of the City of Livonia was held on
Monday, January 27, 1964, at 33001 Five Mile 'Road, Livonia, Michigan, and was
called to order by the City Clerk, as Chairman of the Election Commission, at
approximately 10:35 A. H., at which time and place all members of said Commission:
Harvey W. hoelke - Mayor
Marie W. Clark - City Clerk
Alan Walt - City Attorney
were present.
On motion by Harvey W. loelke, seconded by Alan Walt, it was
RESOLVED that, the Election Commission ssion of the City of Livonia
does hereby approve as Election Tnspectors for the City Primary
Election to be held ;{'ebruary 17, 1964 those persons named in the
list of applicants submitted by the City Clerk on January 20, 1964;
provided, however, that the following names be deleted and removed
from said list of applicants:
Name Political Preference
1. Texie Andrew R
2. Marie Ayres Ti
3. Ida Boland R
4. Flora Clark D
5. Nancy Curtner D
6. Tda DeWulf R
7. Patricia Glynn D
8. Josephine Harte D
9. Frances Iensley R
10. Marie I'organ D
11. Elizabeth Hurston Ti
12. Edna Karkanen R
13. Hattie Kenney D
14. Agens Lambert D
15. Millie "icon D
16. Aletha Phipps R
17. Violet Potok D
IL. Phyllis Robinson D
19. Loretta Rudnicki D
20. Pearl Unger R
21. Ruth Nahra D
22. Evelyn Ziegler R
23. Mildred Vandersloot
( = The name of Charlotte ewstead removed from above list by as endraent
o2 this resolution hL the maker of the resolution.)
and proviued further that the following names be and are hereby
added to the list of aection Tnspectors, to serve as such in said
City Primary Flection on Februay 17, 1p64 in place of those persons
removed fror said list:
Name Political Preference
1. Doris Dachman
2. 1,1ary Drennan
3. 71ondelle Campbell
4. Jacquelyn Dunn
5. Anna Eggleston 17.
6. Ruth Haab 17
7. Tildred tancoc%
8. Dolores : 01:OL; 17
9. Jane Jackson
10. Arthur Jerolaman 17
11. Shirley Karhi
12. Harriett ruger
13. ladeline J. LaDo
14. ...ary Patricia 'AcTver
15. IlarEarita , acy
16. Jeanne ,:and
17. H. Agnes 1,astro
18. Irene :ieyers
19. Virginia ,,urley
20. 1.,(ary Owen
21. Jeanne Roush
22. I,.arie Sifferman
23. :,,argaret SpecK.
The name of Dorothy Durley . as removed from above list by amendment
of this resolution b;/ the maker of the resolution. )
anu provided further, that the Chairman of this aection Commission
may place those individuals added to the list cf .;lection Tnspectors
for said Primary Zaection in sue.' Precincts as nay best meet the needs
of said election, (*List of Election Tnspectors, as amended pursuant to above,
on pages following these minutes. )
and further, It is resolved that said boards of election, on taking and
subscribing the consuitut alai_ oat of off_ce, have all powers and
duties provided by law at the Primary City 5lection of February 17, 1964;
and that the salaries for the inspctors of election who will serve on
February 17, 1964, shall be as follows
Chairmen, 24.00 Tnspecuors„20.00
arie 1?. Clark: cnder uiscussion, I ust ask one -juestIon. '471,1 have you asked that
these people be removed from the list, in view of the fact, that they are all
experienced? (ou, yourself, recommended that Hattie lenney be placed on the list
to work t last time. What is Ue reason? i Leli,:ve the reason for such action
should be given in the resolatdon.
1.,oelke: I don't think we have to give a reason, but w411 be glad to.
Walt: I do not feel the privilage oi wo:k-ing as an election inspector should oe
a closely held thing. I feel JA should be oroadly placed. ,any people have
applied in the last 2 or 5 years - sane have nad e.4erience in government. I feel
they should have the privilage oi serving. We 'lave not jeopardized the processes
of election. The law provide_ that training of inspectors is required, and I know
you do give excellent traininL), .
Clark: Training Is one thing. Actual experience is another. I'm surprised that
you have removed hattie Kenny.
vialt: Lau people want to serve and should se given the opportunity to serve.
Clark: Yes, but do you think you should sbclp the boards of key people - for
instance: Texie Andrew; iharie Ayres, a choirnan; 'anc , Curtner; Tda Devgulf, a
L. chairman; hattie Kenny; Lane 'organ, a chairman, ,lizabeth Tiurston, a chairman;
Aletna Phipps, a chairman; Phyllis Robinson, a chainaba ; Pearl Unger, a chairman;
dvelyn Ziegler, a chairman. IL is absolutely necessary. ,x) have experienced people
to chair these boards. Texie Andrew was not us ed as chairman this time, but is
most competent, and has acted for years as cnairrnan. Due to illness, she was
replaced as chairman, but is valuable to a board as an inspector. Just why are
they removed?
1,oelke: The inference seems to cc that we have sos,ething against these people.
Clark: The inference is that you have not given a reason.
Walt: There is no call to say we have str4pped the boards of experienced people.
I think the record should show your statem3nt that we didn't need these extra
registrations for election inspectors.
Clark: We didn't need them. There were almost 500 applications on file before
40 or so more applied in answer to the ad in the paper. v;e had plently of people
to choose from. I'm all for tradninL, people.
Walt: I move the question.
Clark: Those in favor?
AYES: I-oelke and ,dalt.
NAYS: Clark
Clark: I wish the following to appear in the record in connection with my vote
on the foregoing resolution:
"The Charman rust vote "ho", due to file fact that many of the names to
be removed, included in the Resolution, are key inspectors and have gained
very good reputations as Chairmen and/or Inspectors of Election 'Boards,
and that by removing these Inspectors of slecti_on, we are removing eight (8)
Chairmen who, in effect, are responsible for the proper conduct of the
election in their respective precincts and are likewise cognizant of their
responsibilities under the State Law."
Walt: Are some members shown on your list as members former chairmen?
Clark: Some may have served as chairmen but are not now, due to emergencies.
Iy the way, Pearl Unger used to be Pearl Bunker, for your information.
Loelke: I don't know many of these people. I don't even know who Pearl 'Bunker is.
Walt: Now, regarding the registered elector lists. Council has referred tnis
matter back to the Election Commission. One of the things we were unable to pin
down at the last meeting was the cost of making up such a list. If I were to ask
the cost of a list right now, 1,Irs. Clark, what would you say.
Clark: Just what I would pay - 300.00, less than 1¢ per name.
Walt: And if I were to ask for any part - a precinct - Precinct 18, for instance.
Clark: Probably not too heavy - T would estimate about ,p8.00; no, about
Some precincts would be more, of course. Precinct 16 would be at least $10.00.
But overall, about 4y300.00 for the entire City. 01 course, the records are public,
and any one can copy the names off the books. This is their right.
?daft: I am aware that the State Law imposes a duty to prepare a list of registered
voters at the cost of preparin; such a list. 'iowever, many communities furnish a
list for much less. It has an aspect of public service. The charge in some cases
are as low as 2.00 or :4.00, for a 1,000 nal,,es, for instance.
Clark: I have yet to find a communitr that provides such a list.
Walt: hay I have a few moments - may we recess?
Clark: (While Walt was out of the room). I cannot expend public funds - and
you can't either - unless I expect to receive it back. The records are public
and no one has come down to my orfice to ask to make such a list, or to purchase
(After several minutes, Walt returned).
Walt: I have made a hurried telephone survey Wth the following results:
Grosse Pointe furnishes a list for 2.00 per precinct.
Detroit, for ?4.00 per 1,000 names.
Garden City supplies it by precinct at no charge.
Redford Township, at lO for 2 names
Lincoln Park ,l.00 per precinct.
Wayne, 1.5.00 a set of 9 precincts.
Others take the same position as ,;you (hrs. Clark) take. I believe there is a
public service involved, and the City Should provide and defray part of the cost
of a list. The list should not be freely available, but should be kept and kept
Clark: I, too, made a survey, only mine as of communities of a size comparable
to Livonia. I find that Dearborn has no list, likewise lighland Park and Dearborn
heights. Detr oit did not have one available. They do one up every two years
for the Courts, I understand.
Walt: The answer is not your answer. T think they should be available, policywise.
Your office may not be able to do it budget-wise, however, and that is why I thought
it should go to the Council.
hoelke: Usually people who want it, want it now, and cannot wait for it to be made
Walt: I would propose the following esolution:
On motion by Alan wait, it was
RESOLVED, Lhat, by virtue of the laws of the State of Michigan,
the preparation of registered voter lists bein, the exclusive re-
sponsibility and duty of the City Clerk, and this Election Commission
by resolution adopted Januar 2, 19/4 having raquested that said City
Clerk immediately prepare such lists and inform the Council of the
City of Livonia of any ei,penditures required therefor, and this election
commission being informed by the City Clerk that the cost of such lists
covering the entire City would run approximately ;300.00, this Election
Commission again requests the City Clerk to inform the Council of the
City of Livonia of the manner and cost or preparing of said registration
voter list as requested by Council Resolution /15-64, adopted on
January 8, 1964; and further expresses its belief that the cost of
preparation of such lists should be to some extent defrayed by the City
of Livonia so that such registration voter lists are readily available
to the citizens of this community at a nominal cost and ** that a copy
of this resolution be sent to he members of the City Council.
Clark: Ts there a second to the resolution?
Walt: Does it die for lack of support?
I,ioelke: There is no support yet, but T would support it if the list of costs of
a list in other communities is included, to show precedence. Also that the Ayes
and Nays be noted.
** Amendment to the resolution:
a partial list of other communities supplying such registered voter
lists is as follows: Grosse Pointe - $2.00 per precinct
Detroit - D4.00 per 1,000 names
Garden City - No charge
Redford Township - lO per 2 names
Wayne - -45.00 a set of 9 precincts
Clark: Under discussion, I'd like Lo say that the handling of registration of
voters and compilation of a list is not within the province of a three-man Board
of Election Commissioners; and as Chairman, I find myself wearing two hats, and
I'm not about to tell the City Clerk, as City Clerk, what you ask me to vote for.
I cannot. It is not our duty, either under State Law or under our Charter. I will
have to vote "no", and T don't mind having it so recorded.
Walt: There is no indication that you have not done your duty as City Clerk or as
Chairman of the Election Commission. This is a recoEmendation to the Council - not
to you. If Council indicated they wanted. to see this list available, it would be a
good thing.
Clark: If Council wants to appropriate the money, then I can do it. I'd still have
to charge for it.
Walt: That's right. People have to pa N 300.0O and be refunded the portion unused.
Clark: I question whether Council can appropriate a sum, now knowing the cost,
and whether or not it will ever be repaid.
Walt: Oh, yes - we do it all the Lime. They appropriate money for garbage
collection, for instance.
Clark: But the people pay.
Walt: Well, I think it is important what the City Clerk would do if the Council did
appropriate the money for this purpose.
Clark: We made up lists before, and it was out-dated one week after it was prepared.
The people in tnese other communities are being robbed - they aren't getting their
money's worth. Well, I have other things to do. I call for the question.
AYES: Moelke and Walt.
NAYS: Clark * with following statement.
"The Chairman votes "no" in view of the fact that it is not within the province of
the Election Commission, either under provisions of :3-Late Law or our Charter, to
request a compilation of a list of registered voters, inasmuch as the law states
that 'the City Clerk shall deliver a true copy of tie list of registered voters
of any ward or precinct upon payment of the cost thereof. ' "
Upon motion by Moelke, seconded by 'eat and unanimously adopted by all three
members of the Commission, it was
RESOLVED, that all conTunications and publications bear the
names of each member of the Election Commission and that all
resolutions contain the ayes and nayes and that the vote be
Walt: In view of Mrs. Clark's remark regarding the fact that Dorothy Burley is
already suggested as an election inspector on her list, I would like to amend
the first resolution to remove No. 15, Charlotte Newstead, from the list of those
to be removed, and remove No 3, Dorothy Purley, from the list of those to be
included, so that the two lists total 23 names each.
Clark: You mutt also include the rate of salary for the inspectors and chairmen.
Walt and hoelke: Whatever it was before.
Clark ' 20.00 and ', 24.00. O. K.?
Agreed. (*Rate of salary included in original resolution. )
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion
duly made, seconded and unanimousl carried, the meeting was adjourned at
approximately 11:35 o'clock A. h., January 27, 1964.
-" 1.1arie W$ ark, Chairman
Harvey W. hoelke, Mayor
Alan Walt, City Attorney
Following is the list of Election Inspectors for the Primary City Election
L to be held on February 17, 1964, as originally submitted by the City Clerk on
February 20, 1964, and as amended pursuant to the first resolution passed by
the Election Commission at the meeting held on February 27, 1964:
City Primary, February 17, 1964
Pct. #1 Pct. A
Vivian McVicar R Elsa Edwards D
Lucille Schmidt R Alice Forsyth R
Dorothy Allen D Rae Fueslein D
Evelyn VanDenBosch R Virginia Millson D
Betty J. Mlinek D Donna J. Towlerton R
Jacquelyn Dunn D Beverly B. Mayotte R
Pct. #2 Pct. #7
Edna Duncan R Marjorie Engel R
Grace Girardin D Norma Marson D
Eleanor Loveday R Marjorie Birdsall R
Grace Mavretich D Florence Bowen R
Kathryn Miller R C. Jean MacArthur D
Mary Patricia MacTver D Beverly Glaser D
Virginia Murley D Mabel V. Birdsall R
Hildred Hancock R
L Pct. #8
Pct. #3 Jennie Rapp R
Phyllis Lingemann D Virginia Kaminsky D
Mildred Phillips R Maxine Hayes R
Muriel Poval R Bertha Doran D
Irene V. Rzucidlo D Gladys Thompson R
Arthur Jerolamon R Aline LaVier D
Evelyn McCall R
Pct. #4
Leota P. Schramm R 2.2-1122
Laura Larrabee D Doris V. Pratt D
Florence Mahl R Sue E. Griffith R
Edna O. Masiarz R Isabelle V. Baker D
Josephine Crittenden D Mary Spitza D
Ellen Murphy R Rose M. Johnson D
HarrietA. Mastro D Irene A. Gray R
Irene G. Meyers R
Pct. / 5
Armella Richmond R Pct. 1/10
Genevieve Hayes D K. Joan Wiljanen D
Emma Nicholas D Frances Erxleben R
Betty Hoffmeyer R Anna B. Lietzow R
Audrey Newlon D Margaret Sell R
Mary Baldie R Charlotte Newstead D
Martha J. Roush D
Pct. #11 Pct. #17
L Frances R. Mulkiten D Leota Martin D
Helen M. Bryan D Eva Theiven R
Enid Harsha R Ruth S. Foor R
Lorene Greene R Mae Baker D
Julie J. Beamish D Florence Adamson D
Harold Henderson R
Pct. #12 Harriett Kruger D
Leonore LaPyrne D Pct. #18
Leone Bruce D Fern Johnson D
Mary G. DeWitt R Martha Wohlgemuth R
Verna Hanson R Martha Unveniros D
Mae B. Wagner R Hugh 0. Martin D
Evelyn Brooks D Vira E. Turner R
Dolores G. Hobbs R Helen West D
Pct. #13 Pct. #19
Maureen Crowley D Marion L. Faff D
Ruth Marie Peters R Berniece Lloyd D
Barbara Medland R Reva S. Taylor R
June Standish D Margaret Speck R
Arlene J. Baugh D Freda Thomas D
Dorothy J. Burley R Esta McKenzie R
Shirley P. Karhi D
Pct. #20
Pct. #14 Ruth E. Taylor R
Gene M. Loucks R Pearl Monkiewicz D
Elizabeth J. Keller D Margaret U. Pirschel D
Helen Potter R Anna Eggleston R
Elsa Hammond D Lewis F. Witt R
Lillian M. Knapp R
Mary M. Brennan D Pct. #21
Marion Yadlosky D
Pct. #15 Marie Horgan D
Stella E. Hanlon D Esther Mepyans R
Ada H. Holden D Lillian Waters D
Anna M. Pine R Dorothy I. Day R
Hyldah Jerolamon R Jean Shaughnessy R
Mary Schafer R
Pct. #22
Pct. #16 Isabel Dubpernell D
Irene Apel R Miriam King D
Pauline H. Petrie D Kathleen C. Hanks R
Elizabeth S. Esch R Jane Jackson D
Louvenia Oak D Mary Owen R
Bessie Graney D
Rosemary Jones D Pct. #23
Jean Proctor R Anna C. Kohn R
L Doris Bachman R Margaret Still D
Julia H. Alagine D
Anita R. Sheriff R
Mary Shu ring D
Marjorie Lockey R
Pct. #24 Pct. #31
L Leona LeBar
Martha Peal D Katherine Newall D
Lillian F. Thomas R Octie V. Gregory
D Margaret Grimm R
Betty J. Handyside R Patricia Mulroy R
Dorothy M. Cotner R Sara Wittrup D
Blondelle Campbell D
Pct. #32
Pct. #25 Rose Evans D
Lucille Kaley D Meta Wakeman D
Jennie Austin D Agnes L. Lewis R
Mildred Zopff R Phyllis Coleman D
Bertha Perkins R Arline Marshall R
Ivy E. Woods R
Frances V. Sakal D Pct. #33
Hazel Thompson R
Pct. #26 Mildred L. Kamin R
Kathleen M. Huck R Marion Passage D
Mary A. Brooks D Kathryn Valentine D
Winnifred Rooke R Helen Hay D
Rita E. Plant D Gladys Eschels R
William J. Newton R Helen V. Soho D
Geraldine Joyner D Phyllis Wilson n
Pct. #27 Pct, #34
L Myrtle Ouellette
D Ada Coates
Elizabeth Barnstable
Josephine Hoffman R
Gloria L. Kinast D
Mabel Ault R
Edna Jean Day R Frances Hendrickson R
Dorothy Melvin D Madeline J. LaBo D
Ruth E. Haab R
Pct. #35
Pct. #28 Ruth Hatt a
Eleanor Borland R Audrey L. Reed D
Wanda halaski D Mamie Daggett D
Mildred Gault R Betty Frederick R
Nettie Broida D Shirley E. Lorenz D
Barbara Lysett R Josephine Wykoff R
Lois E. Getts D
Pct. j_36
Pct. #29 Jean Liner D
Frances VanGorp R Lillian Winsor R
Gladys I. Edwards D Marie S. Iatrow D
Ellen P. Shuster R Marie Livrance R
Marjorie Sponenburgh D Leona M. Hoffman D
Rosemary J. Urban D
Pct. #37
Pct. #30 Helene Albrecht R
Sophie Taday D Yvonne Lamond R
Jeannette Willmont R Carolyn E. Law R
L Helen Rickert
R Mary T. Godfrey
Helen E. Baker
Margarita Z. Macy D
Vera Chapman D
Curt C. Kofahl D Pct. #38
Mareeta A. English R
Christine Morris D
Marian I. Roshirt R
Lorraine Harrington D
Marie E. Sifferman R