March 25, 1455
A meeting of the Election Comm._ssion of the City of Livonia was held on
Friday, March 25, 1955, at 1:40 P. M. , at 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Mich - n,
at which time oi1 of the members of said commission:
Elbert M. artom - Mayor
Marie vd. Clark - City Clerk
Russell C. Ashmore - City Attorney
were present In person.
Pursuant to Section 5, Chapter IL'_ of the Charter, the City Clerk pre-
sided over the meeting as Chairman of the Commission.
Careful consideration wa 5 given to the matter of appointing a board of
inspectors of election for each election err ciact of the City, pursuant to Section 7,
Clapter 57 of the Michigan Election Law, as mended, (Sec. 6.338, Mich. Stat. Ann.)
to function as such at the Biennial Spring Election. On motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously carried by the af_irmative vote of n11_ three members of the commission,
it was
RE 0LVEU, that the folio ring respective persons are hereby
appointed members of the following r spective election precincts of
the City of Livonia:
1. Chrm. Vivian McVicar 2032u Shadyside Far. 0990
Lucille Schmidt 18321 vdestrnore Far. 2752-W
Isabel Dupbernell 18525 Irving Far. 0958
Vera Chapman 18110 Mayfield Gar. 1-2758
Leona Mae Hease 30861 Puritan Gar. 1-0667
2. Chrm. Lilah Hedden 9805 i3erwick Gar. 1-2739
Grace Girardin 9840 Auburndale Gar. 1-3371
Lorraine C. Geppert 11032 Fairfield Gar. 1-4250
Florence Tilch 11407) Cranston Gar. 1-8324
Ruth Peters 9901 Roseland Gar. 1-7038
3. Chrm. Frances Burns 15785 ddhi t by Gar. 1-0451
law Ruth Schumacher 15500 murrey Gar. 1-8386
Julia Ala gine 31605 Myrna Gar. 1-8476
Aletha Phipps 14931 Farmington Gar. 1-6895
Anna C. Kohn 15745 Stamford Gar. 2-1904
4. Chrm. Winifred Iv ixon 34()o5 Wadsworth Gar, 1-898'7
Florence Crawford 37500 Plrnouth Ply. 152-M
Hattie Taylor 35100 Ann Arbor Trail Gar, 1-8203
Lillian Waters 11327 )tuburndale Gar. 2-3305
5. Chrm. Claudia Burns 19005 Maplewood Far. 0754
A rmel la Richmond l)51) Weyher Far. 1500-J
Margaret D. Latimer 185b0 iloral Ken. 2-8277
Melba Hunter 2')515 Seven mile Road Far. 0702-M
b. Chrm. Ida DeWulf 11000 Haller Oar. 2-3443
Lucille Kaley 8999 Middle Belt Gar. 2-0432
Alledra Barnes 28855 lson Oar. 1-0392
Elsa Ic. Edwards 11280 -Jailer Gar. 1-9213
Mary J. Cutler 2q581 liathaway Oar. 1-4895
7. Chrm. Leona LeBar 15315 Shadyside Gar. 1-6949
Delphine Hartgrove 14947 unbury Gar. 1-9324
Louveni a Oak 16770 Stanmoor Gar. 2-1264
Martha Trauth 10325 Middle Belt Gar. 1-4591
Dorothy Henderson 16535 Hougeway Oar, 1-4288
FURTHER RL,-30LIT..1), that said boards of election inspectors as
above constituted, shall , on the inemb€ rs thereof taking and sub scribing
the constitutional oath of office, nay powers and duties provided
by law as boards of election inspectors at the next election called for
April 4, 1955; and that the salaries for the .nspectors of election who
will s erve on April 4, 1955, be as follows:
Chairmen, 418.00, inspectors, 416.00.
There being no further business to come before the Commission, on motion
duly made, seconded aid unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 1:45 P. M. ,
March 25, 1955.
Wiie-Ird. Clark, Chairman
Attested: (_
E. M. Hartom, Mayor
Russell C. Ashmore, City Attorney