HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009 Annual Financial ReportCity of Livonia, Michigan Financial Report with Supplemental Information November 30, 2009 City of Livonia, Michigan Contents Report Letter 1-2 Management's Discussion and Analysis 35 Basic Financial Statements Govemment-wide Financial Statements: 56 Statement of Net Assets 10 Statement of Activities 11-12 Fund Financial Statements: 56 Governmental Funds: 23 Balance Sheet 13 Reconciliation of Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to Net Assets 2655 of Governmental Activities 14 Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances 15 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities 16 Propnetary Funds: Statement of Net Assets 17 Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets 18 Statement of Cash Flows 19-20 Fiduciary Funds: Statement of Net Assets 21 Statement of Changes in Net Assets - Pension and Other Employee Benefits Trust Funds 22 Component Units: 56 Statement of Net Assets 23 Statement of Activities 24-25 Notes to Financial Statements 2655 Required Supplemental Information 56 Budgetary Companson Schedule - General Fund 5759 Budgetary Companson Schedule - Major Special Revenue Funds 60-61 City of Livonia, Michigan Contents (Continued) Required Supplemental Information (Continued) Pension System: Schedule of Funding Progress 62 Schedule of Employer Contributions 62 Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan: Schedule of Funding Progress 63 Schedule of Employer Contributions 63 Actuarial Assumptions 64 Notes to Required Supplemental Informtion 65-66 Other Supplemental Information 67 Nonmajor Governmental Funds: Combining Balance Sheet 68-71 Corbining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) 72-75 Fiduciary Funds: Combining Statement of Net Assets 76-77 Combining Statement of Changes in Net Assets 78 plante °" ""°�°°"` „ I IN o� Moran SnRM], GREG A1A4=7RM{Q°, i.P W,9 p Independent Auditors Report To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Livonia, Michigan We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, the discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Livonia, Michigan (the "City") as of and for the year ended November 30, 2009, which collectively comprise the City's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City of Livonia, Michigan's management Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Gommment Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairy, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the business -type activities, the discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Livonia, Michigan as of November 30, 2009 and the respective charges in financial position and cash flows, where applicable, thereof for the year then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The management's discussion and analysis, pension system schedule of funding progress and employer contributions, postemployment benefit plans schedule of funding progress and employer contributions, and the budgetary comparison schedules, as identified in the table of contents, are not required parts of the basic financial statements but are supplemental information required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. We have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management, regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplemental information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. Praxitr: To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council City of Livonia, Michigan Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the City of Livonia, Michigan's basic financial statements. The accompanying other supplemental information, as identified in the table of contents, is presented for the purpose of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic financial statements. The other supplemental information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated March 30, 2010 our consideration of the City's internal control over financial reporting and on our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants. The purpose of that report is to describe the scope of our testing of internal control over financial reporting and compliance and the results of that testing, and not to provide an opinion on the internal control over financial reporting or on compliance. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be read in conjunction with this report in considering the results of our audit. As discussed in Note 11, the City implemented GASB Statement No. 45, Accounting and Financial Reporting by Employers forPostemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions, during the year. As a result, the government -wide statements and Enterprise Funds now report the cost of those postemployment benefits (i.e., retiree health care and disability) as those benefits are earned by the employees. /qs.& t /Ksu+ri, P44It March 30, 2010 City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis Overview of the Financial Statements The City of Livonia, Michigan's (the "City") 2009 annual report consists of four parts: (1) management's discussion and analysis, (2) basic financial statements, (3) required supplemental information, and (4) other supplemental information that presents combining statements for nonmajor governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds. The basic financial statements include two kinds of statements that present different views of the City. The first two statements are government -wide financial statements that are intended to provide longer- term information about the City's overall financial status. The remaining statements are fund financial statements that focus on individual parts of the City's government, reporting the City's operations in more detail than the government -wide financial statements. Government -wide Financial Statements The government -wide financial statements report information about the City as a whole using accounting methods similar to those used by private sector companies. The statement of net assets includes all of the government's assets and liabilities. All of the current year's revenues and expenses are accounted for in the statement of activities regardless of when cash is received or paid. The two government -wide statements report the City's net assets and how they have changed. Net assets, the difference between the City's assets and liabilities, are one way to measure the Citys financial health or position. The government -wide financial statements of the City are divided into three categories: 0 Government Activities - Most of the City's basic services are included here, such as the police, fire, public works, pads departments, and general administration. Property taxes, state -shared revenue, and charges for services provide most of the funding for these activities. 0 Business -type Activities - The City charges fees to customers to cover the costs of certain services it provides. The City's water and sewer system, golf course operations, and non- federal senior housing are treated as business -type activities. 0 Component Units - The City includes three other entities in its report, the Plymouth Road Development Authority, the Economic Development Corporation, and the Livonia Brownfield Redevelopment Authority. Although legally separate, these "component units" are important because the City is financially accountable for them, including debt, which is issued on behalf of the authorities by the City. City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) Fund Financial Statements The fund financial statements provide more detailed information about the City's most significant funds - not the City as a whole. Funds are accounting tools that the City uses to keep track of specific sources of funding and spending for particular purposes. Some funds are required by state law and bond covenants. Other funds are established to control and manage money for particular purposes. The City has three kinds of funds: 0 Governmental Funds - Most of the City's basic services are included in governmental funds, which focus on him cash and other financial assets that can be converted to cash, flan in and out, and the balance left at year end that is available for spending. The governmental fund statements provide a detailed short-term view that helps you determine if there are more or fewer financial resources available to spend in the near future to finance the City's program. 0 Proprietary Funds - Services that are intended to be entirely self-supporting by customer fees are generally reported in proprietary funds. Proprietary fund statements, like government -wide statements, provide both short- and long-term financial information. 0 Fiduciary Funds - The City is responsible for ensuring that the assets in these funds are used for their intended purposes. We exclude these activities from the government -wide financial statements because the City cannot use these assets to finance its operations. City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) The City as a Whole In a condensed format, the table below shows a comparison of the net assets as of November 30, 2009 to the prior year. Net Assets (in millions of dollars) Summary Condensed Statement of Net Assets Governmental) tivdies BusinesstypePctiHties Total 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Assets Current and other assets $ 58.2 $ 578 $ 325 $ 331 $ 907 $ 909 Carnal assets 1763 1683 780 882 2543 2485 Total assets 2345 2261 1185 1133 345.0 3394 LiaNlities Current liabilities 82 71 32 29 114 180 Longterm hadlities 55.8 476 135 155 693 63.1 Total liabilities 640 547 167 184 887 731 Net Assts Invested in carnal assets - Not ofrelated! debit 1339 1316 659 669 1996 1985 Restricted 249 262 31 31 280 29.3 Unrestricted 117 136 248 249 365 385 Total net assets $ 170.5 $ 171.4 $ 0.8 $ 94.9 $ 264.3 $ 266.3 City of Livonia - Net Assets The City's assets exceed its liabilities at the end of the fiscal year by $264.3 million (net assets). However, a major portion (76 percent) of the City's net assets represents its investments in capital assets (e.g., land, roads, infrastructure, buildings, and equipment) less any related debt used to acquire or construct these assets. The City uses these physical assets to provide services to its citizens. These assets are illiquid and not available for future spending. Uninstdcted net assets of the City's governmental activities decreased from $13.6 million at November 30, 2008 to $11.7 million at the end of this year. The amount represents the part of net assets that can be used to finance day-to-day operations without constraints established by debt covenants, enabling legislation, or other legal requirements. Further, the City is able to report positive balances in all three categories of net assets, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate governmental and business -type activities. 5 City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) The following table shows the changes in net assets during the current year, and as compared to the prior year Changes in Net Assets (in millions of dollars) Summary Condensed Income Statement Gmemmental Activdies Businesstype Activdies Total 2009 2008 2009 20M 2009 2008 Revenue 10.6 112 - - 106 112 Program revenue: 312 38.] - - 312 38.] Charges for services $ 152 $ 160 $ 254 $ 219 $ 406 $ n 9 Operating grants and contributions 87 95 - - 87 95 Capital grants and 162 155 - - 162 155 contributions 03 02 - 02 03 04 Gereral revenue: - - 243 251 243 251 Properly taxes 569 583 - - 569 583 State -shared revenue 17 91 - - 17 91 Rental income and fees 18 17 - - 18 17 Interest 13 28 04 08 V 36 Transfer and (09) 31 Ti 0) 12 (19) 44 miscellaneous 1714 1683 03 04 03 04 Total revenue 919 96.2 261 293 1180 1215 Program alaerees Gereral govemment 10.6 112 - - 106 112 Public safety 312 38.] - - 312 38.] Publicworks 258 268 - - 258 26.8 Community and economic development 11 1 4 - - 11 14 Recreation and culture 162 155 - - 162 155 Interest on longterm debt 19 14 - - 19 1 4 Water and sewer - - 243 251 243 251 Gdfcoum - - 18 19 18 19 Housing 18 11 18 11 Total program expenses 928 95.0 211 281 1199 1231 Chasgein Net Assets (09) 31 Ti 0) 12 (19) 44 Net Assets- Beginning of year 1714 1683 948 936 2662 2619 Net Assets - EM of year $ 170.5 $ 171A $ 93.8 $ 94.8 $ 264.3 $ 266.3 fi City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) Governmental Activities In reviewing the above table, it can be noted that revenues decreased by $6.2 million and expenses decreased by $2.2 million. The significant factors impacting revenue include decreases in property tax revenues of $1.4 million, state -shared revenue of $2.0 million, and investment income of $1.5 million. Expenses were held essentially flat during the year, as increases to employee wages and benefit costs were offset by reduced staffing. Business -type Activities Livonia has three business -type activities. These include the water and sewer system, the operating fund for the Fox Creek, Idyl Wy1d, and Whispering Willows golf courses, and non- federal senior housing at Silver Village and Newburgh Village. The following table shows the operating income (loss) before contributions, transfers, and interest for each of these activities in the current and prior year: (In tWusards a dollars) Water and Sewer Goll Courses Housing 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 Operating Revenue $ 22,762 $ 25,167 $ 1593 $ 1]25 $ 1,336 $ 1317 Operating Expenses (22,932) (24552) (1,812) (1,939) Owl (1,004) Operating Income(Lms) $ (170) $ 615 $ (219) $ (214) $ 443 $ 313 Capital Assets and Debt Distribution At the end of fiscal year 2009, the City has $412.5 million invested, before depreciation, in a wide range of capital assets, including land, buildings, infrastructure, public safety equipment, computer equipment, and water and sewer lines. Debt of $44.0 million related to the construction of the above-mentioned capital assets is reported as a liability in the governmental activities in the statement of net assets. Debt related to the water and sewer system totaling $10.4 million and debt related to the housing and golf course activities of $2.6 million is recorded as a liability in the business -type activities in the statement of net assets. This debt represents construction of and improvements to existing water and sewer lines and improvements to the golf course and the City residential rental facilities. 7 City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) Significant additions to capital assets during fiscal year 2009 include $4.3 million invested in the construction of infrastructure and improvements to roads, $3.3 million invested in equipment and vehicles, and $7.8 million invested in the construction of a new court house and golf course club house. Significant disposals of capital assets during fiscal year 2009 included the disposal of library books and other vehicles and equipment with a total cost of $3.3 million. The City's Funds The fund financial statements begin on page 13 and provide detailed information on the most significant governmental funds - not the City as a whole. Funds are created to help manage money for special purposes, as well as to show accountability for certain activities, such as special property tax millages. The Citys major governmental funds for 2009 include the General Fund, Community Recreation Fund, and Refuse Disposal Fund. The City's governmental funds reported a combined fund balance of $37.6 million. This is a decrease of approximately $1.0 million for the year. The decrease was caused primarily by the use of fund balance to construct a new golf course club house. General Fund Budgetary Highlights Over the course of the year, the City administration and City Council monitor and amend the budget, primarily to prevent expenditures in excess of budget, as required by the State of Michigan Budget Act. The final amended budget included nearly the same total revenues and expenditures as the original adopted budget. Actual General Fund revenues were approximately $4.3 million below the final budget. The deep economic slowdown resulted in all categories of revenue being below budget estimates. Specifically, the biggest shortfalls were seen in licenses and permits ($771,000), state -shared revenue ($1,059,000), interest income ($1,425,000), and court fines ($394,000). Actual General Fund expenditures were approximately $4.4 million below the final budget. All departments held expenditures below the final budget. Current Economic Conditions The City continues to maintain positive fund balances in each of its funds. However, concerns arse when considering the revenues and expenses that the City is facing in upcoming years. The majority of the City's revenue base is constrained by factors outside the City's control. Property taxes, state -shared revenue, and interest income total 77 percent of the City's total governmental activities revenue. Property tax revenue will significantly decrease incoming years as a result of decreased property values. The State of Michigan has experienced budget deficits and has significantly reduced revenue-sharing payments to local governments to help reduce its deficit. Interest rates are at historic lows as a result of rate cuts from the federal reserve. City of Livonia, Michigan Management's Discussion and Analysis (Continued) On the expense side, certain expenses continue to rise at a rate far in excess of inflation. In particular, healthcare expenses have continued their trend of double-digit increases. Hiring and capital outlay freezes, among other measures, have been implemented in previous years to reduce expenses to the level of available revenue. We are committed to living within our means, although the result may be diminished programs and service response capabilities. Contacting the City's Financial Management The financial report is designed to provide our citizens, taxpayers, customers, investors, and creditors with a general overview of the City's finances and to show the City's accountability for the money it receives. If you have questions about this report or need additional financial information, contact the director of finance at the City of Livonia, 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, Michigan 48154. City of Livonia, Michigan Statement of Net Assets November 30, 2009 Governmental Bisineartype Counpunent Activates Acgviges Total Dote s sets Cash atllnvestments(Note 3) a 49,159814 a 1],83],355 a 65,197,169 a 3,319,26! Reconvenes Taxes 237,320 - 237,320 43,183 customers - 9,89915 9,89195 - Bacia assessments 520,991 - 520,991 - Ouehsmdhergwemmedalunis Dueta<shergovrn- 3959,782 - 3959,782 - VEBH 1;159087 - 1;159087 - Other 2.422.924 614,819 743 6,915 Rpaits lmenitecaed; ]94281 ]60,252 1511 18,000 Datenawres.aa - 4,160,714 4,1]8,713 4,160,]14 - do capta arseN (Nile a): Deal NmRae<ade cartel assets 43995,093 6,003,580 09,436,613 474,446 Oeaeciade spta'asets-et N 132935,007 ]2,00],439 200902,446 &,]?2,010 Total mob anctmo,666 110507,3321 3n5,593mo 1z5v,]43 Hataililia Accounts t@ade 6,039250 1455.357 7,494611 79,263 Acauwana other Bandies 1¢9901 159924 1616,825 115,789 Debrodreveme(Nde 13) 673,65(3 53z46o 1259,116 - Duetsdhergwemmentalunits - 820209 820209 - BmdanaRpaits - More 2]],086 - NmmrreniliaNitiesDate 6): Due within we par 4,699520 1911 6614,E31 393,003 Due in more than one year: Bond encounter losses ierade 42543636 11441336 53,980972 3,920,000 cemPemateaa een<esandinsurance aaimm 7316205 133233 7,479438 - NetOPEBsbigatim 494552 20555 515,107 - lanagllclssureliaNity 748906 748906 Total histories 64,o55,632 16,702501 80758,133 5,5m,05r Net !tsars Imostealnsptalasets-Netofrelatea RN 133855]84 65,E57274 1%,59,058 4,ml Restricted commaity recreation 4,]]2995 - 4,]]2995 - Muncite'refuse 636181 - 636181 - dreet,loans, anasidwallis 4523,655 - 4523,655 - il 1X0160 - 1X0160 - Public nobly communication 3,696340 - 3,696340 - Grants 2688]2 - 2688]2 - streethignirg 47,654 - 47,654 - Acluasieabrkiturs 1511,107 - 1511,107 - Commmitytransit 31,894 - 31,894 - CouaWiangimaow^ents 19321,152 - 19321,152 - DrainmeaoFcts 134215 - 134215 - Rsvideabrwanancereryrements - 3136,123 3136,123 - Wderanasexer - 24,893,199 24,893,199 - umsvidea 11690,409 (53,]63, 11636646 z1al Total not riots $ 178,485054 S 93s00sX S 264,329,887 S 7,817,686 The Notes to Financialstatements are an tp Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan The Notes to Financial Statements are an 11 Integral Part of this Statement. Program Revenues Operating Gants Charg¢br and Cartel Granlsantl Brussels Services Contributions Contractors Furction9Programs Prinnrygovernnent Guuernmental actiMies: General government $ 186N205 a 3,]35,]16 a 2,065 a - Nbicsakly 3],162635 5208,31IFF 1,9,15657 - PUNKwwVs 25759,056 1738002 5,8!'£,153 325,837 Community and ecmwnK drelopnent 1.108,320 1883Y ]]3,750 - RecrealimanticulWre 16 194103 0206,6115 96,914 - Interest on Iwgterm cN 193697 T otal godarmrental activities 92614,726 15,101382 8,686903 325,837 6u5ine5stype a4iMies Water and serer 26,336912 225M,fib - 51,132 Goll course 1812,1156 1,sdaw Housing 1003,]53 1}35601 T otal WsitesIl activities 27,1152,831 2538831IFF 51,132 T otal ternary godarnmenl $ 119,99],55] $ 00521,699 $ 8,688903 $ 376,819 congnnem cote: EconomK Development Cwtroca n s ns- PlymonhR®aDevempeemAuthoriry 15]0,666 Total component mile $ 1,510,784 $ $ $ Genera'revenues . Propenytaxes statesharetlrevenue Unrestrdetl %esantl other Interest Miscellaneous Trashars Total general revenues and trarl Greece in Net Isseb Net AssetsBeginningofyear Net Asset-Entlofy r The Notes to Financial Statements are an 11 Integral Part of this Statement. Statement of Activities Year Ended November 30, 2009 Not (Er me) Revenue wd Chages in Net F ek Pri�C wrn"nt mem"dal Bisin�[y AdWi¢ Activities Tdal Cment Unb 8 (6986,82 8 - 8 (6,906,820) 8 - (I,7N,111) (I,M,111) - (17,x36214) (94,119) (194,234) - (194574) (11,442,574) - a9w,4( (19364x7, (174) 1o71 , (62090,714) - (%c)0,714) - - (I,7N,111) (I,M,111) - - (276,119) (94,119) 331818 Mims (1721,382] (1 721,362) I,Maz - (68698,714) (1,721,382) (]11,4120966 - (M) (15706£ (157x,784) w,s53,2ss - 56,x53574 102,610 171619,538 91872933 285,322523 7,62376Ti I,s az - I,Maz - 127272 36+,326 1,612,214 16,291 182sm 250,916 3 ,Uo - (75,00q 75,000 - - 61,726232 693222 %419,462 1,224,7w ry64,476) (1,M,160) (1,992036) (5160x1) 171619,538 91872933 285,322523 7,62376Ti S 172p85,254 $ 93,244,x33 $ 264,329,867 $ 7,OH,686 12 City of Livonia, Michigan Governmental Funds Balance Sheet November 30, 2009 uA-or Special Revenue Fund Other N maaejw TOUT Creaarrunity Rene Diap®I Gavemnental Govemnental General Find Recreation Svstem Find Fund Assess Current assets Cash andinv¢iirents s 0,0)8629 s 5,898296 s 8598,396 s 20965,774 s 40,133,915 Re ivaNes. Tares 126,833 16289 51698 63,388 217328 Stall assessment; - - - 5211,931 '08991 Workels'<wnpzmaiim 9W 9W Due tom other govemarenlal wide 2,211446 - - 1675,256 3,906,782 WBH 1159087 1159087 Other 8]6,828 - 45875 221,359 1146,872 Inventory, prepaid"penes, and tlzpaiU 131,922 274,249 496,171 Total assets $ 9,225,412 $ 5914,495 S 8695,8]1 $ B,683,947 $ 47,519,T15 Hatuililis and Fund Balarca Haiti Accounts pryade a 987585 a 420.982 a 1522,]33 a 3,111 a 6,039254 Hccruedand otherliadlitis 1022302 Muted 42,413 15,201 122827] Detailed revenue (Note 13) 1NO'ere 68],933 45,303 85,910 2,612,112 Total al iiia 2992293 1;155,716 1610449 4,121,125 9,SN,W Fund Balance ReservncIV preleidandinventory 92063 92063 ReservedkeaPUlimprovearents 1570,124 1900124 Dnrserved-Bndsignated-Reported in Genera' Fund 6,141076 - - - 6,141076 Special Revenue Fund - 4,]58,]19 7,085022 12e5155 24,496,006 Carl Preheats Fund - - - 5,3408U 5,340833 Total Fund! Wane 6,23,119 4,]58,]19 7,085022 19,`8,822 37,640082 Total liadlilies and Fund deduces $ 9,225,412 $ 5914,495 $ 8,691 $ 8,683,947 $ 47,519,85 The Notes to Financial Statements are an 13 Integral Part of the Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Governmental Funds Reconciliation of Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to Net Assets of Governmental Activities November 30, 2009 Total Fund Balances of Governmental Funds $ 37,640,082 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of net assets are different because: Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and are not reported in the funds 176,330,100 Certain receivables are expected to be collected over several years relating to special assessments and delinquent personal property taxes 1,938,456 A portion of fines and fees are not available to pay for current year expenditures 1,276,853 The liabilities for accrued interest payable, compensated absences, and general claims are recorded when incurred in the statement of activities: Compensated absences (8,227,149) Accrued interest payable (158,339) Environmental remediation (123,285) Landfill closure and postclosure liability is not due and payable in the current period and is not reported in the funds (748,908) Long-term liabilities are not due and payable in the current period and are not reported in the funds (44,044,440) Net OPEB obligation is not due and payable in the current pedod and is not reported in the funds (494,552) The Internal Service Fund (self-insurance) is included as part of governmental activities 7,096,236 Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 170,485,054 The Notes to Financialstatements are an 14 Integral Part of the Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Governmental Funds Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances Year Ended November 30, 2009 Tota revenue 09570,306 11 12,963502 22,]01]39 91837,288 Expenditures General gwemmem 9,020950 Will sceaal Revenue Fund - - 9,020,950 Pubicskty 33.791852 - Omer 8,735813 02527665 Pubicwwks 2.921 - Nourmjor Total 27}09,706 Recreation andculWre Commumty, Refuge Disp®I Governmental Govnniental 11 General Fina Recreation System Find Find general Fnpgee eeneus, insurance, and other 1642 - - - PrcpeMmrss s 30261,680 s 3898.169 s 11,78!204 s 18894,382 s 56.84,375 F emesanainermm 1575,696 - - - 1575,696 sPecialasessmems - - - 1,168151 1,168151 Intercesurnmental revenue: Excess of general Over!Under! Expenditures 615,937 1E9,860 5,057 (1186496) State sources 7,904,933 - - 51933894 13904893 Federal sources 182352 - - 15 638 1,717,000 Charges M services 3,308,676 3,400,919 112,368 975,950 7,797,913 Interest 370,716 121,040 19531 0.56,152 1105,503 Fines and brkimres 3502,089 - - 978,]0] 0088835 Miselanews revenue 2,050628 01623 11 793,825 3,303,521 Tota revenue 09570,306 11 12,963502 22,]01]39 91837,288 Expenditures General gwemmem 9,020950 - - - 9,020,950 Pubicskty 33.791852 - - 8,735813 02527665 Pubicwwks 2.921 - 12,058,085 12352,317 27}09,706 Recreation andculWre 1521869 6,005,637 - 6206,003 11 Cownmintyana stannic develupnem 622,865 - - 532517 1150.582 Fnpgee eeneus, insurance, and other 1642 - - - 109,738 Cartel outlay 621 - - 3,336927 3,3311 Debt series 2,964658 2,964,658 Tota' expenditures 0899,369 6,005,637 12,058,685 Bihirr 5 101198326 Excess of general Over!Under! Expenditures 615,937 1E9,860 5,057 (1186496) (9,359038, Other Financing sources (Uses) Proceed hoot !sue of new debt - - - 8500000 8500,000 Tramkrs in (Note 5) 490,000 - - 10692365 10,982366 Tramkrs cut (Note 5) Beals) (251914p ff695900( (11057366) Total other financing sourws(uss) (92515) (251914p 11296066 8025000 Net Change in Fund Balances 63622 (853,p87) 5,057 (100030) (93,1,038) Fund Balances- Beginning of year 6,169097 5,621806 7,079,965 19,702852 38570,120 Fund Balance-Endofyear $ 6,233,119 $ 0,]58,]19 $ 7,08582 $ 19,561 $ 37,600,082 The Notes to Financial Statements are an 15 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Governmental Funds Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities Year Ended November 30, 2009 Net Change in FurM Balances - Total Governmental Funds $ (934,038) Amounts reported torgmernmental actiHties in the statement of Goiernmental funds reportemstal outlays as expendiWres; in the statement of actiHties, these costs are allocate! neer Mar estimate! useful liens as @preciatien 15,694 4]3 Depreciation, net of deposals, is recordetl as an expense in the statement of actiHties but not in the gosemmental funds (],339 805) Loss on disposal of Lime! assets is recordetl in the statement of activilies but not in the governmental fins (362,054) Certain reeenue reported in the statement of activilies is recnrd:d in the gosemmental funds as deterred reeenue 234,783 Bund pmoseds pmHd: financial resources to gosemmental funds, but issuing debt increases longterm handles in the statement of net assets (8,500,000) Reinomentof ndnd principal is an expeiWRure in the governmental funds, but not in the statementof activilies (where R retluces hang -term dAt) 11r3,246 Interestexpense is recordetl when incurred in the statement of aaivaies (28,649) Net increase in accumulated employee sick and vacation pay is recorded when incurred in the statement of actiHties (679,313) Increase in landfll Iiadlity is recorded when incurred in the statement Nactisities (34,932) Eneimmental remndiation liability is recordetl when incurred in the statement of actisities (123,285) Increase in net OPEB obligation is recordetl when incurred in the statement of actisities (494,562) The Internal SerHce Fund (selfinsuanni is also inclutled as gmemmental actiHties in the statement of actiHties 439,650 charge i n Net Assets of Govemmental Activities $ (%4,476) The Notes to Financialstatements are an 16 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Proprietary Funds Statement of Net Assets November 30, 2009 The Notes to Financialstatements are an 17 Integral Part of this Statement. Nonrreiw Nuw Enterwise Fund: Enterwise Funs waterana Taal Entemse Internal servace Sewer Hosing CoffCals Fund Finn s>was Current mots Cash andimsMents s 16,118,414 s 250931 s 395) s 17m7355 s 9625,839 naaunts recondite: Cu9oners 989,115 - - 9,859,115 - Other 606,619 - 6,E66 616,819 - Inrzawy, Pe�itl expenaWres.ana Rpcits 18x252 18x.252 Win Taal anent awns 2a,)n32) 250931 1)32) 28305,601 9414,6)8 Noncurrent mots: Reanaedassets (Nae T) 4,160,114 - - 4,16o,114 - Nondeseaiabeaseld 85,1U 1581?48 3582.488 6,0356o - oeaeaabeasets-Net 66,1V3591 6,189282 11M.566 12667,39 Totalnonaurrentaswts 111,9aas 511123) 5n1r6x 82211n3 Total mob 99219169 6,026,161 5301 ma 11D i7334 9414,6o8 bab6nes Current habmes: HcmurAe tetade 1360,162 29,68! 65,168 10.55,351 - ncaueeandaherhablmw 9),153 14,9W 1661 106,924 - Due toaher9o+emmeaalunik 820269 - - 820,209 - oerarreareenuemore 13) 53246) - - 532360 - Bmdaia@paita 1xa2ae 126881 - 2 oaa - Current portion oflow4ermobgatiom 1694149 414,113 6,479 19153x1 Taal current hatimies 4,4a6p84 sar3as n5 5,107}11 - Noncurrent Ia a It es Lm94emudeb- Netofmrreapoetion(Nae6) 9311,618 2261611 1534 115/4,569 23171!2 Net OaEB obi9amn M555 20,555 Total noncurrent Habits 93319n 2261611 1564 11f95124 23110.2 Total liatelies 13,118,,2/ 280.9,)@ 15,W2 16,71)2A1 23171!2 Net Assets Invested inaptal mots- Netofrelatedaeb 51,40990 3;166230 5291'aer 65e672r4 - R¢Vi<@tlM wanawe reryirerren6 3;133,19 - - 3138,123 - Nnre9(¢tea 24,891193 16929 (61[ E92( 24,839,,36 7036.236 Taal net riots E 85 LC1311 E 3111159 E 5126}62 "M44,833 E 1096216 The Notes to Financialstatements are an 17 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Proprietary Funds Statement of Revenue, Expenses, and Changes in Net Assets Year Ended November 30, 2009 Nouinajor XApFEnterpiso Fun do Enterprise Fund Trial Enterprise Internal Service Mier andSewer Housing Gdf Course Fund Fund Operating Revenue Crstorrer Ishigs 8 21,43,0.59 8 - 8 - 8 21 E3t.459 8 - Finn add forfeitures 100?aw - - 1901650 - SeM<e<onne<liona 36,017 - - 36,01 Greens fees - - 1,E08,137 1,E08,137 - GdfaOk¢ - - 9!520 M526 - CgyconNWtions - - - - 13,935118 Rental income - 1,331,233 4,000 1,330283 Other revenue 290,272 2,030 46,693 33a995 T otal operating revenue 22762,196 1,336,313 1593,3.51 2569?865 13935618 Operating Expenm Cost ofwater 6,55o,811 - - 6550811 - Cmtofsewagemused ],95],196 - - ],95],196 - systemhenlemnreantloperalim 1,639,295 - - 1,639295 - Generalandadministralive 1,101 - - 1;102575 Deprecation 26a?]32 171 11 3,033,822 - Reinsuranceclargesanddinm - - - - 14514,758 S lanes andwages - 391,822 133,11 525,066 suppose - 10,403 210739 221,142 - Otherservi<¢antl<lerges - 318,243 1288,545 16M,]88 - roaloperatingexpenses 22931911 of 1812,166 25,636937 14514,758 Openting(Las) Ircane (169,713) 10.3393 (218912) 5?868 (579,310) Noneperal Revenue(Colone s) Gain (Ing on sale of mob 14,182 - (74814) (60632) - Inlerestincome 355593 8,662 51 35],306 166251 !merest mpzme (522921 (110 H13) - (663125) Foal nonoperaoiny revenue intense) Fro51 (tai (71]63, (356a51) 166251 (Lms)mcane- Belle contrimrions and transfers (349,230) 341,222 1293575) (31 (413959) Capital Contributed iron Developers and Granb 51,132 - - 51,132 - Targets m(IN de5) - - 75,000 75,000 - ChangeinNetAsets (296,096) 341,222 (218575) (15,451) (413,059) Netlseis-Beginnngofyear 85.739,410 2,835,937 5,611937 90.02o284 7509295 Net Aseis-Endofyear $ 8.5A41,312 $ 3,1]],159 S 5,226}62 $ 93,841 $ 7,096,236 Net Change in Net Assets- ToWEnterprise Fund g (15,451) Previously, a worlds of the Internal Service Fund activity was ecwdtlas a Wsnesiypz actedyln the gouemmenlwide fimnoal sta@rrenls. Beginning In fisd year 2009, the variety is entirely repoatedas a governmental actanty. (852,]031 Change inNet Assets d Bminhw-type Activities S (1,028,169) The Notes to Financial Statements are an 18 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Proprietary Funds Statement of Cash Flows Year Ended November 30, 2009 Net ash used In cartel antl related Nonrepr manors activities Won Enterry¢e Fund Enterprise Fmtl (3334,101) - CwM1 Flows From Investing Activities Mterand Total EnterprM1e Internal Service Interest received of investments Sewer Housing GdfCmrse Fund Fund Cal Flows From Otani Audience (6K IN. (61i 2,81],934 Ronnie from customers a 25,011 a 1336313 a 1,599$65 a 27,953,835 $ 13.935E08 PaYmentatosup,ders (16978365) (334989) (1,48,735) (18,8Y,109) (14,510,758) PZYmentstoeV%e¢ (3,980095) (368066) (131 (0081 2,94875 other reaeip9t>9'mema 124,180 4,315 - 11 4,184031 Netash prwidtl s (usetl In) operates $ 16,149,033 $ 186,154 $ 280.3 $ 16}38,0]0 $ 6,588,906 activities 4,183j57 637,603 (62,034) 4,799,126 (514,310) Cal Fbvrs From Norcgital Financing Activities Net $ 16,778674 $ 260,931 $ 3,950 $ 11 a 9,025899 Vaskrs from other fund - - 75,000 75,000 - CmM1 Flows From Carnal am Fell Financing 20679,086 254,931 3,950 2093],96] 9,025099 Andaman 145300531 (68,Imo] (106]( (659389]( (2436993) Contributions Tom customers 51,132 - - 51,132 - PencitelantlInterestMidmlongtermdN (1,929,701 (507,150) - (2,436,858) - NetWrchasesofaPtelasets (93824'1( (10134) (9463]5) Net ash used In cartel antl related manors activities (281681 (507,150) (10,134) (3334,101) - CwM1 Flows From Investing Activities Interest received of investments 358593 8,662 51 36],306 drezi Not(Wrchasa) ales of Investment activities (6K IN. (61i 2,81],934 Not cash (used in) prwidtllry facing activities (278189( s 51 (360035) 2904185 Net Increase in CmM1 and Cal Equivalents 1088551 10l 2883 1192,930 2,94875 CmM1andCad Equivalents-Oeamber1,2008 15,060682 84598 - 15,114,080 4,184031 CmM1andCad Equivalents-Nwemher3020V3 $ 16,149,033 $ 186,154 $ 280.3 $ 16}38,0]0 $ 6,588,906 Balance SM1eet Chimerical of Cal am Fatah Equivalents Cash and Investments $ 16,778674 $ 260,931 $ 3,950 $ 11 a 9,025899 ResVoletl assets (Note 7) 3,900,612 3,900,612 Total ash and investments 20679,086 254,931 3,950 2093],96] 9,025099 L�investments 145300531 (68,Imo] (106]( (659389]( (2436993) Net ash and ash equivalents $ 16,149,033 $ 186,154 $ 288.3 $ 16}38,0]0 $ 6,588,906 The Notes to Financial Statements are an 19 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Proprietary Funds Statement of Cash Flows (Continued) Year Ended November 30, 2009 The Notes to Financial Statements are an 20 Integral Part of this Statement. Nonirejor na-or FNerturise Fund Fmerturse Funs Mteram total Fmerpris Internal Sema Sewer Noising GiNfCourse Fund Fun Reconciliation of Operating (Less) Incase to Net Cash train Operating Activities operating (os) mourns s r6i s 443393 s (318,812) s Mass s (519MO) Mijusnrems to reconcile operating ireonne (ow) to not :ash Born operating activities: oelxeciation 2sBt 732 in3B2 1A,]IIS 3,033182 - ChangeslnasetsantlladlAies: Roseman 1,gauaaa - 3,911 1371,96! - Inventory,pretad,antldpaits (1661E) - - (36,818) - M<wnlsletede 300181 13,193 (23,A5n 36!,631 - Accruedandoteerrouties 91400 4.290 610 gemo - oefanenrevenue (AI,ran - - (50791) - Boards antldpaits - 4315 - 4,345 - Net was pwidd Ly (wed in) operating activities $ 4,183,557 $ 6.37,60.3 $ (620.341 $ 4,7:5,126 $ (99318) The Notes to Financial Statements are an 20 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Fiduciary Funds Statement of Net Assets November 30, 2009 Liabilities Accounts payable Pension and 291,564 Accrued and other liabilities Other Employee 2,534,883 Due to other governmental units Benefits Agency Funds Assets - 728,462 Cash and cash equivalents (Note 3) $ 1,024,466 $ 12,232,809 Investments (Note 3): - U.S. government securities 23,544,387 - Common stock 105,750,596 - Corporate bonds 53,259,984 - Foreign stock 3,327,524 - Mutual funds 39,442,191 - Real estate investment trust 8,989,318 - Secudties lending short-term collateral bank investment pool 3,804,860 - Accounts receivable 236,179 - Due from other governmental units 68,259 - Due from other agency funds 728,462 Total assets 240,176,226 $ 12,232,809 Liabilities Accounts payable 1,538,697 $ 291,564 Accrued and other liabilities - 2,534,883 Due to other governmental units - 8,677,900 Due to other trust funds - 728,462 Amounts due to broker under securities lending agreement 3,999,996 Total liabilities 5,538,693 $ 12,232,809 Net Assets- Held in trust for pension and other employee benefits $ 234,637,533 The Notes to Financial Statements are an 21 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Fiduciary Funds Statement of Changes in Net Assets Pension and Other Employee Benefits Trust Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 The Notes to Financialstatements are an 22 Integral Part of this Statement. Pension and Other Employee Benefits Additions Investment income: Interest and dividends $ 8,594,477 Net change in fair value of investments 43,281,724 Less investment expenses (492,325) Net investment Income 51,383,876 Securities lending income: Interest and fees 83,832 Borrower rebates and bank fees 24,558 Total securities lending income 108,390 Contributions: Employer 5,682,256 Employee 1,430,360 Total contributions 7,112,616 Total additions 58,604,882 Deductions Pension benefit payments 12,161,976 Medical benefit payments 6,627,655 Administrative expenses 193,622 Refunds of contributions 454,927 Total deductions 19,438,180 Net Increase 39,166,702 Net Assets Held in Trust for Pension and Other Employee Benefits Beginning of year 195,470,831 End ofyear $ 234,637,533 The Notes to Financialstatements are an 22 Integral Part of this Statement. City of Livonia, Michigan Component Units Statement of Net Assets November 30, 2009 Assets Cash and cash equivalents A¢ounls receivable Prepaid expeWilures Capital assets (Note 4). Norcepreoable caphal assets Depreciable capital assets- Net Total assets Liadlities &counts payable Accrued andother liabildies Noncurrent liabildies: Dnewdhinoneyear Due in more than one year Total liadlhies Net Assts Inves6:tl in capital assets - Net of related debt Unresincted Total net assets The Notes to Financial3tatements are an 23 Integral Part of this Statement. Economic Plymouth Road Development Development Total Component Corporation Authority Units $ 22,398 $ 3,296,869 $ 3,319,267 - 50,018 50,018 - 18,000 18,000 - 474,448 474,448 8,722,010 8,72 ,olo 22,398 12,561345 12,583,743 - 79,268 79,268 - 1116,789 1,116,789 - 300,000 3,92000 300,0101) 3,92000 5506,057 5,506,057 - 4,886,458 4,886,458 22,398 2,168,836 2,191,228 $ ?2306 $ 7,055,288 $ 7,077,686 City of Livonia, Michigan General rownues: Taxes Interest Total general revenues Change in Net Assets Net Assets- Beginning of year Net Assets- End of year The Notes to Financial Statements are an 24 Integral Part of this Statement. Program Reines Operating Capital Grants Charges for Grants aM aM Expanses Services Conlnbulions Contributions Economic Devebpment Comorabnn -General govem rant $ 118 $ - $ - $ - Plymouth Road Devebpment Authority: Community and economic doWbpment 13]5,8]2 - - - Interest onlongtermdebt 195,594 Total Plymou8i Road Dowlopment Au0ionty 1,570,666 Total gmernnental activdies $ 1,5]0,]&1 $ $ $ General rownues: Taxes Interest Total general revenues Change in Net Assets Net Assets- Beginning of year Net Assets- End of year The Notes to Financial Statements are an 24 Integral Part of this Statement. Not (Expense) Reins ai Changes in Net Assets Economic Ply wffi Road De bpment De bpment Corporation Aothonty Totel $ (118) $ - $ (118) - (13]5,8]2) (1375,072) (195,594) (195,594) (1510,666) (1518,666) (118) (1510,666) (1510,184) - 1008,610 1008,610 417 15,6n 16,094 411 1024,281 1024,104 299 (546,319) (546,080) 22,099 1,601,667 1,623,166 $ 22,398 $ 7,065,288 $ 7,M,686 25 Component Units Statement of Activities Year Ended November 30, 2009 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies The accounting policies of the City of Livonia, Michigan (the "City") conform to accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (GAAP) as applicable to govemmental units. The folloxirg is a summary of the significant accounting policies used by the City of Livonia, Michigan: Reporting Entity The City of Livonia, Michigan's legislative branch is governed by an elected seven - member council. The City's administration operates under the overall direction of an elected mayor. The accompanying financial statements present the City and its component units. The component units are entities for which the City is considered to be financially accountable. Although blended component units are legally separate entities, in substance, they are part of the City's operations. The discretely presented component units are aggregated and reported in a separate column in the government - wide financial statements to emphasize that they are legally separate from the City (see discussion below fordescription). Blended Component Units - The Municipal Building Authority of Livonia is governed by a board that is appointed by the mayor. Although it is legally separate from the City, it is reported as if it were part of the primary government because its primary purpose is to finance and construct the City's public buildings. The operations of the Municipal Building Authority are reported as a nonmajor Debt Service Fund. Discretely Presented Component Units - The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) was created to provide means and methods for the encouragement and assistance of industrial and commercial enterprises in relocating, purchasing, constructing, improving, or expanding within the City so as to provide needed services and facilities of such enterprises to the residents of the City. The EDC's governing body, which consists of eight individuals, is selected by the mayor and approved by the City Council. Internally prepared financial statements for the EDC can be obtained from the City of Livonia finance department at 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, MI 48154. The Plymouth Road Development Authority was created to encourage additional economic activity and growth in the Plymouth Road business district. The Plymouth Road Development Authority's governing body, which consists of 12 individuals, is selected by the mayor and approved by the City Council. Internally prepared financial statements for the Plymouth Road Development Authority can be obtained from the City of Livonia finance department at 33000 Civic Center Drive, Livonia, MI 48154. 26 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority was created, pursuant to Public Act 381 of 1996, to promote revitalization of environmentally distressed areas with the 36 -square mile boundary of the City. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority is funded primarily by property tax revenue captures. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority is governed by a nine -member board that is designated by the mayor and appointed by the City Council. The Brownfield Redevelopment Authority was established in November2008 and had noactivity during the year. The City has excluded the Housing Commission from this report. Even though the City appoints the Housing Commission's directors, it does not have the ability to impose its will. Government -wide and Fund Financial Statements The government -wide financial statements (i.e., the statement of net assets and the statement of activities) report information on all of the nonfiduciary activities of the City (the primary government, which includes the blended component unit) and its discretely presented component units. The effect of interfund activity has been removed from these statements. Governmental activities, normally supported by taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business -type activities, which rely to a significant extent on fees and charges for support Likewise, the primary government is reported separately from certain legally separate component units for which the primary government is financially accountable. The statement of activities demonstrates the degree to which the direct expenses of a given function (governmental activities) or segment (business -type activities) are offset by program revenues. Direct expenses are those that are clearly identifiable with a specific function or segment. Program revenues include (1) charges to customers or applicants who purchase, use, or directly benefit from goods, services, or privileges provided by a given function or segment and (2) grants and contributions that are restricted to meeting the operational or capital requirements of a particular function or segment. Taxes and other items not applicable to specific programs are reported instead as general revenue. Separate financial statements are provided for governmental funds, proprietary funds, and fiduciary funds, even though the latter are excluded from the government -wide financial statements. Major individual governmental funds and major individual Enterprise Funds are reported as separate columns in the fund financial statements. 27 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Measurement Focus, Basis of Accounting, and Financial Statement Presentation The government -wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary fund, fiduciary fund, and component unit financial statements. Revenue is recorded when earned and expenses are recorded when a liability is incurred, regardless ofthe timing of related cash flows. Property taxes are recognized as revenue in the year for which they are levied. Gants and similar items are recognized as revenue as soon as all eligibility requirements imposed by the provider have been met. Governmental fund financial statements are reported using the current financial resources measurement focus and the modified accrual basis of accounting. Revenue is recognized as soon as it is both measurable and available. Revenue is considered to be available if it is collected within the current period or soon enough thereafter to pay liabilities of the current period. For this purpose, the City considers revenues to be available if they are collected within 60 days of the end of the current fiscal period. The following major revenue sources meet the availability criterion: state -shared revenue, state gas and weight tax revenue, district court fines, and interest associated with the current fiscal period. Conversely, special assessments and certain federal grant reirrbursements will be collected after the period of availability; receivables have been recorded forthese, along with a "deferred revenue' liability. Expenditures generally are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, expenditures relating to compensated absences, and claims and judgments are recorded only when payment is due. The City reports the following major governmental funds: General Fund - The General Fund is the City's primary operating fund. It accounts for all financial resources of the general government, except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Refuse Disposal Fund - The Refuse Disposal Fund amounts for the operations of the refuse disposal activities of the City. Funding is provided primarily through a local property tax levy. Community Recreation Fund - The Community Recreation Fund accounts for the activities of the Livonia Community Recreation Center, ice rinks, and certain other recreation activities. Funding is provided primarily by a local property tax levy and user charges. IN City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) The City reports the following major proprietary funds Water and Sewer Fund- The Water and Sewer Fund accounts for the activities of the water distribution system and sewage collection system. Funding is provided primarily through u%rcharges. Housing Fund - The Housing Fund amounts for the Newburgh and Silver Village residential rental facilities. Funding is provided primarily through user charges. Additionally, the City reports the following fund types: Internal Service Fund - The Internal Service Fund is used to fund general, workers' compensation, and employee healthcare liability claims and to purchase insurance that provides excess general liability coverage for City employees and property. The fund is finsnced primarily by charges to the various departments of the City. Pension and Other Employee Benefits Trust Funds - The Pension and Other Employee Benefits Trust Fund amounts for the activities of employee benefit plans that accumulate resources for pension and other postemployment benefit payments to qualified employees. The City of Livonia Employees' Retirement System and the City of Livonia Health and Disability Plan have been blended into the City's financial statements. These systems are governed by a five -member pension board that includes three individuals chosen by the City Council and/or the mayor. The systems are reported as if they were part of the primary government because of the fiduciary responsibility that the City retains relative to the operations of each system. The operations of the Employees' Retirement System and the City of Livonia Health and Disability Plan are reported as a Pension and Other Employee Benefits Fiduciary Fund. Agency Funds - The Agency Funds account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity. Agency Funds are custodial in nature (assets equal liabilities) and do not involve the measurement of results of operations. Private sector standards of accounting issued prior to December 1, 1989 are generally followed in both the government -wide and proprietary fund financial statements to the extent that those standards do not conflict with the standards of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board. The City has elected not to follow private sector standards issued after November 30, 1989 for its business -type activities. As a general rule, the effect of intedund activity has been eliminated from the government -wide financial statements. Exceptions to this general rule are charges between the City's water and sewer function and various other functions of the City. 29 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Eliminations of these charges would distort the direct costs and program revenues reported for the various functions concemed. Amounts reported as program revenue include (1) charges to customers or applicants for goods, services, or privileges provided, (2) operating grants and contributions, and (3) capital grants and contributions, induding special assessments. Internally dedicated resources are reported as general revenue rather than as program revenue. Likewise, general revenue includes all taxes. When an expense is incurred for the purposes for which both restricted and unrestricted net assets are available, the City's policy is to first apply restricted resources. Proprietary funds distinguish operating revenue and expenses from nonoperating items. Operating revenue and expenses generally result from providing services and producing and delivering goods in connection with a proprietary fund's principal ongoing operations. The principal operating revenue of the City's proprietary fund (Water and Sewer Fund) relates to charges to customers for sales and services. The Water and Sewer Fund also recognizes the portion of tap fees intended to recover current costs (e.g., labor and materials to hook up new customers) as operating revenue. The portion intended to recover the cost of the infrastructure is recognized as nonoperating revenue. Operating expenses for proprietary funds include the cost of sales and services, administrative expenses, and depreciation on capital assets. All revenue and expenses not meeting this definition are reported as nonoperating revenue and expenses. 30 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Property Tax Revenue Properties are assessed as of December 31 and the related property taxes become a lien when billed. These taxes are billed on July 1 and December 1 of the following year, and are due on September 14 and February 14, respectively. After the final collection on the last day of February, real property taxes are added to the county tax rolls. The 2008 taxable valuation of the City totaled $5.209 billion (a portion of which is abated and captured by the PRDA). The millages levied by the City and the resulting revenues are as follow: Approximate Revenue Purpose of Millage Millage Rate (in Millions) Operating purposes 4.0447 $ 20.20 Police 0.8088 4.01 Police and fire 1.2134 6.06 Library 0.8088 4.01 Refuse and recycling 2.3746 11.78 Industrial development 0.0100 0.05 Roads, sidewalks, and trees 0.8893 4.41 Recreation 0.7855 3.90 Transit and capital improvement 0.5000 2.48 These amounts are recognized in the respective General, Special Revenue, and Debt Service Funds financial statements as tax revenue. The delinquent real property taxes of the City are purchased by Wayne County (the "County"). The County sells tax notes, the proceeds of which are used to pay the City for these property taxes. Wayne County remitted its purchased delinquent real property taxes in June 2009. Wayne County delinquent real property taxes have been recorded as revenue in the current year. Assets, Liabilities, and Net Assets or Equity Bank Deposits and Investments - Cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, demand deposits, and short -tern investments with a maturity of three months or less when acquired. Investments are stated at fair value. Pooled investment income from the Investment Agency Fund is generally allocated to each fund using a weighted average balance For the principal held for each fund on a daily basis. City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Receivables and Payables - In general, outstanding balances between funds are reported as "due to/from other funds." Any residual balances outstanding between the governmental activities and the business -type activities are reported in the government - wide financial statements as "internal balances." All trade and property tax receivables are shown as net of allowance for uncollectible amounts. Inventories and Prepaid Items - Inventories are valued at cost, on a first -in, first -out basis. Inventories ofgovemmental funds are recorded as expenditures when consumed rather than when purchased. Certain payments to vendors reflect costs applicable to future fiscal years and are recorded as prepaid items in both government -wide and fund financial statements. Restricted Assets - The revenue bonds of the Enterprise Funds require amounts to be set aside for construction, debt service principal and interest, operations and maintenance, and a bond reserve. Unspent bond proceeds have also been set aside for construction. These amounts have been classified as restricted assets, as well as amounts on deposit at the County and the State being held for the construction and debt service. Capital Assets - Capital assets, which indude property, plant, equipment, and infrastructure assets (e.g., roads, bridges, sidewalks, and similar items), are reported in the applicable governmental or business -type activities column in the government -wide financial statements. Capital assets are defined by the City as assets with an initial individual cost of more than $5,000 and an estimated useful life in excess of one year. Such assets are recorded at historical cost or estimated historical cost if purchased or constructed. Donated capital assets are recorded at estimated fair market value at the date of donation. Buildings, equipment, and vehicles are depreciated using the straight-line method over the following useful lives: Infrastructure 33 to 40 years Road rights 33 years Buildings and improvements 20 to 50 years Machinery, equipment, and vehides 2 to 20 years Water and sewer distribution systems 50 years 32 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) Compensated Absences (Vacation and Sick Leave) - It is the City's policy to permit employees to accumulate earned but unused sick and vacation pay benefits. Under the Citys policy, employees earn benefits based on time of service with the City. All vacation and sick pay is accrued when incurred in the government -wide and proprietary fund financial statements. A liability for these amounts is reported in governmental funds only for employee terminations as of year end. Long-term Obligations - In the government -wide financial statements and the proprietary fund types in the fund financial statements, long-term debt and other long- term obligations are reported as liabilities in the applicable governmental activities, business -type activities, or proprietary fund -type statement of net assets. Bond premiums and discounts, as well as issuance costs, are deferred and amortized over the life of the bonds using the effective interest method. Bonds payable are reported net of the applicable bond premium or discount. Bond issuance costs are reported as deferred charges and amortized over the term of the related debt. In the fund financial statements, governmental fund types recognize bond premiums and discounts, as well as bond issuance costs during the current period. The face amount of debt issued is reported as other financing sources. Premiums received on debt issuances are reported as other financing sources while discounts are reported as other financing uses. Issuance costs are reported as debt service expenditures. Pension and Other Postemployment Benefit Costs - The City offers both pension and retiree healthcare benefits to retirees. The City receives an actuarial valuation to compute the annual required contribution (ARC) necessary to fund the obligation over the remaining amortization period. In the governmental funds, pension and other postemployment benefit costs are recognized as contributions are made. For the government -wide statements and proprietary funds, the City reports the full accrual cost equal to the current year required contribution, adjusted for interest and "adjustment to the ARC" on the beginning of year underpaid amount, if any. Fund Equity - In the fund financial statements, governmental funds report reservations of fund balance for amounts that are not available for appropriation or are legally restricted by outside parties for use for a specific purpose. Use of Estimates - The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. 33 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (Continued) In June 2007, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 51, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Intangible Assets, effective for the City's 2010 fiscal year end. This statement requires capitalization of identifiable intangible assets in the statement of net assets and provides guidance for amortization of intangible assets unless they are considered to have an indefinite useful life. This statement also establishes specified conditions upon which internally generated intangible assets should be recognized and amortized, including internally generated computer software. The City is currently evaluating the impact this standard will have on the financial statements when adopted. The City will implement GASB Statement No. 51 beginning with the fiscal year ending November 30, 2010. In March 2009, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) issued Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund -type Definitions. The objective of this statement is to enhance the usefulness of fund balance information by providing clearer fund balance classifications that can be more consistently applied and by darifying the existing governmental fund -type definitions. This statement establishes fund balance classifications that comprise a hierarchy based primarily on the extent to which a government is bound to observe constraints imposed upon the use of the resources reported in governmental funds. Under this standard, the fund balance classifications of reserved, designated, and unreserved will be replaced with five new classifications: nonspendable, restricted, committed, assigned, and unassigned. The City is currently evaluating the impact this standard will have on the financial statements when adopted. The City will implement GASB Statement No. 54 beginning with the fiscal year ending November 30, 2011. 34 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 2 - Stewardship, Compliance, and Accountability Construction Code Fees - The City oversees building construction, in accordance with the State's Construction Code Act, including inspection of building construction and renovation, to ensure compliance with the building codes. The City charges fees for these services. The law requires that collection of these fees be used only for construction code costs, including an allocation of estimated overhead costs. A summary of the current year activity and the cumulative surplus or shortfall generated since.lanuary 1, 2000 is as follows: Cumulative shortfall at December 1, 2008 $ (850,391) Current year building permit revenue 1,518,132 Related expenses: Direct costs $ 1,329,885 Estimated indirect costs 394,075 Total related expenses (1,723,960) Current year net expenses (205,828) Cumulative shortfall at November 30, 2009 $ (1,056,219) Fund Deficits - The Golf Course Fund had a deficit of $64,692 in unrestricted net assets at November 30, 2009. The Grants Fund had a deficit of $16,940 in unreserved fund balance. The deficit in the Golf Course Fund will be eliminated by cost management over several years. The deficit in the Grants Fund will be eliminated by changing the tirring of grant reimbursement requests in future years. Note 3 - Deposits and Investments Michigan Compiled Laws Section 129.91 (Public Act 20 of 1943, as amended) authorizes local governmental units to make deposits and invest in the accounts of federally insured banks, credit unions, and savings and loan associations that have offices in Midiigan. A local unit is allowed to invest in bonds, securities, and other direct obligations of the United States or any agency or instrumentality of the United States; repurchase agreements; bankers' acceptances of United States banks; commercial paper rated within the two highest classifications, which matures not more than 270 days after the date of purchase; obligations of the State of Michigan or its political subdivisions, which are rated as investment grade; and mutual funds composed of investment vehides that are legal for direct investment by local units ofgovemment in Michigan. 35 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 3 - Deposits and Investments (Continued) The Pension Trust Fund and Retiree Health Care Fund are also authorized by Michigan Public Act 314 of 1965, as amended, to invest in certain reverse repurchase agreements, stocks, diversified investment companies, annuity investment contacts, real estate leased to public entities, mortgages, real estate (if the trust fund's assets exceed $250 million), debt or equity of certain small businesses, certain state and local government obligations, and certain other specified investment vehicles. The City has designated five banks for the deposit of its funds. The investment policy adopted by the Council in accordance with Public Act 196 of 1997 has authorized investment in bonds and securities of the United States government and bank accounts and CDs, but not the remainder of state statutory authority as listed above. The City's deposits and investment policies are in accordance with statutory authority. As permitted by state statutes and under the provisions of a securities lending authorization agreement, the City of Livonia Employees' Retirement System (the "System") (see Note 9) lends securities to broker-dealers and banks for collateral that will be returned for the same securities in the future. The System's custodial bank manages the securities lending program and receives cash as collateral. Borrowers are required to deliver collateral for each loan equal to not less than 100 percent of the market value of the loaned securities. During the year ended November 30, 2009, only United States currency was received as collateral. The City then converts that cash received as collateral into other investments. The market value of one of the investments was deemed impaired during the year ended November 30, 2009, resulting in a recorded loss of $195,136. The System imposes a limit of $7.6 million during the fiscal year on the amount of loans made on its behalf by the custodial bank. There were no failures by any borrowers to return loaned securities or pay distributions thereon during the fiscal year. Moreover, there were no losses during the fiscal year resulting from a default of the borrowers or custodial bank. The City of Livonia Employees' Retirement System and the borrower maintain the right to terminate all securities lending transactions on demand. The cash collateral received on each loan was invested, together with the cash collateral of other lenders, in an investment pool. The average duration of such investment pools as of November 30, 2009 was four days because the loans are terminable on demand; their duration did not generally match the duration of the investments made with cash collateral. On November 30, 2009, the System had no credit risk exposure to borrowers. The collateral held and the fair market value of the underlying securities on loan for the System as of November 30, 2009 was $3,999,996 and $3,804,860, respectively. 36 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 3 - Deposits and Investments (Continued) The City's cash and investments are subject to several types of risk, which are examined in more detail below: Custodial Credit Risk of Bank Deposits Custodial credit risk is the risk that in the event of a bankfailure, the City's deposits may not be returned to it. The City does not have a deposit policy for custodial credit risk. At year end, the City had $31,739,031 of bank deposits (certificates of deposit, checking, and savings accounts) that were uninsured and uncollateralized. The City believes that due to the dollar amounts of cash deposits and the limits of FDIC insurance, it is impractical to insure all deposits. As a result, the City evaluates each financial institution with which it deposits funds and assesses the level of risk of each institution; only those institutions with an acceptable estimated risk level are used as depositories. Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of investments will decrease as a result of a rise in interest rates. The City's investment policy does not restrict investment maturities, other than commercial paper which can only be purchased with a 270 -day maturity. At year end, the average maturities of investments are as follows: Investment Fair Value 0W5 Years 6tolOYears OwrlOYears Primary Government Bank investment pmts $ 25945,761 $ 25,945,761 $ - $ - City of Livonia Employees Refirement System Corporate binds 41949,241 10,767,239 12,647,823 18,534,979 Foreign binds 2,598,827 805,540 185,258 1688,829 US agency secunins 11,091918 - 3,814,669 8,87],249 US Treasury securities 6,196,533 5,938595 265,938 - City of Livonia Retime Health and Disability Benefits Plan Corporate brads 11310,743 2,857,941 3,792,757 4,668,845 Foreign brads 728,697 256,635 53,784 418,278 US agency secunins 3815,317 - 1,105,985 2,789,332 US Treasury securties 2,440,619 2,279,892 63,825 97,782 37 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 3 - Deposits and Investments (Continued) Credit Risk State law limits investments in commercial paper to the top two ratings issued by nationally recognized statistical rating organizations. The City has no investment policy that would further lirrit its investment choices. As of year end, the credit quality ratings of debt securities (other than the U.S. government) are as follows: Inveshnent Fair Value Rating Rating Organization BankinvesMentpods $ 2,937,688 Aaa Mootlys Bankinvestmentpods 46,4]9,66] Al S&P Cerpoate bond 6936,524 AA4 S&P Cerpoate bond 5,193,218 AA S&P Cerpoate bond 18,883,431 A S&P Cerpoate bond 28814,738 BBB S&P Cerpoate bond 87],3]5 BB S&P Cerpoate bond 357,888 B S&P Cerpoate bond 187/.786 NR S&P Foreign bonds 380,929 M S&P Foreign bonds 1,352,909 A S&P Foreign bonds 1593,686 BBB S&P US. agencies securRies 14987,235 NR S&P US- Treasury securities $451,689 AM S&P US. Treasury securi9es 185,463 NR S&P Component Unit- Bank investment pools 3,296,869 Aaa Mondys Concentration of Credit Risk The City places no limit on the amount the City may invest in any one issuer. More than 5 percent of the City's investments are the following: Percent ln%Ament Fair Value Invested City of Livonia Employees Retirement System - Oakmarklntema9onalMmualFund $ 12,55 294 72154% City of Livonia Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan Oakmark lntematmal Mulual Fund 3587,983 678249'0 Foomis Sayles Growth Mulual Fund 5,698,759 1688839'0 Foomis Sayles Small Cap Mutual Fund 5,578,256 16658196 ID City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 4 - Capital Assets Capital asset activity of the City's governmental and business -type activities was as follows: Balance Balance December 1, Diagonals and November30, 2008 Redassifications AcIdgions Pdjustments 2009 Governmental Activities Capital assets not being deprecated Land $ 34908,6]0 $ - $ 6,019 $ - $ 34914,1589 Constmction in progress 1387593 (]44,15515) ],831,415] 8,480,404 Subtotal 36,290263 (]44,15515) 7,8434815 - 43,395093 Capital ase6 beingdegreaated Inketructure 81054359 - 4,012,195 - 84,15156554 Read! nghts 17056,715 - 2805n - 17343292 Building: and i"roreirents s2,181,W 744656 2n,496 (15,000) 93,123239 Ecuipnent and vehcles 31,517,On (57142) 3,2tn.,719 (3,265,W6) 31474,1510 Subtotal 221,409,240 W,514 7850,987 (3,340046) 226,1507695 A nrulated depreciation: Infrastructure 32,559,483 - 2,394,124 - 34,953007 Read! nghts 5,734161 - 517,232 - 6,251393 Buildings and i"rovenents 31,067431 - 2,016,15153 (1749) 33,082,345 Ecuipnentandvehicles 20,006,942 (5].142) 2,411]86 (2,9]0243) 19,385343 Subtotal 89,3158,017 (57142) 7339,815 (2,9]1`,992) 93,61`2,1588 Netcapital asets being deprecated 132,041213 744,655 511,182 (3152054) 132935007 Net governmental capital asets $ 1158,337486 $ $ 8,354,15158 $ (3152054) $ 1]0330,100 39 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 4 - Capital Assets (Continued) Acmnulated depeaation: Balance Balance puddings and building inprovenent December1, - 188,220 Disposalsand Novernser30, Landirrproverrent 2" Bectssirations Addaions Adjustrent 2089 Busimss-type Activities 1,M313 - 169,C98 (218,890) 1,170,581 Capdal asset not being retreaded 1,502541 51,142 216,115 (381,501) 1,388243 Land $ 5,164436 $ - $ - $ - $ 5,164,436 Construction in progress 3,191288 (3,1n,432) 855,288 (626,363) 8]9144 suttotal 8,X1124 (3,1n,432) 855,288 - 6,C43580 Capdal asset bein g depecated $80,194215 E $ (2,Cfi2,153) $ (81043) $ 18,051019 Bulltlings and buildng inprovenent 9,443,484 - - ",953) 9,382,531 Landinpovenent 2,916,044 - - - 2916,044 Vehicles 1,984,429 - - (218,890) 1,165,539 Manhin ery and equiprent 2,452,669 51,142 116,381 (421563) 2198,629 Water and sewer distribution 111055,170 3,1n,432 M,228,602 suttotal 133851196 3,230,514 116,381 (/W,4C6) 1?B,491345 Acmnulated depeaation: puddings and building inprovenent 3,986030 - 188,220 (19,912) 4,504,338 Landirrproverrent 221OW7 - 116,642 - 2326,949 Vehicles 1,M313 - 169,C98 (218,890) 1,170,581 Machin at and equipre nt 1,502541 51,142 216,115 (381,501) 1,388243 Water and sewer distribution 53150098 2343141 55523195 suttotal 82019,?05 51,142 3,033,822 (626,363) 61,483906 Netcapdal asset being depreciated 71,832,491 3173432 (2917441) (81503) 12001439 Net businesstypecapdal asset $80,194215 E $ (2,Cfi2,153) $ (81043) $ 18,051019 40 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 4 - Capital Assets (Continued) Capital asset activity for the City's component units for the year was as follows: Balance Balance December 1, Novennuer 36 2888 AddRions 2889 Campanent units- oevelopnent authority: Capital assets not being depreciated - Land Capital assets being depreciated- Land innorovenents Amu nu laced depreciab on -Land innorovenents Net capital assets being depreciated Net conyonent unit capital assets $ 474,448 $ - $ 474,448 15,434, 4 1ffi&42 15,611146 6,123,818 Maggs 6,895,135 1,322,836 Publicworks 9,311xtt (589,254) 8,722010 1,935,569 Total governmental activities $ $ 9,785,712 $ (589,254) $ 9,196458 Depreciation expense was charged to programs of the pdrmrygovernment as follows: Governmental activities: General government $ 468,986 Public safety 1,322,836 Publicworks 3,612,414 Recreation and culture 1,935,569 Total governmental activities $ 7,339,805 Business -type activities: Water and sewer $ 2,681,732 Housing 172,382 Golf course 179,708 Total business -type activities $ 3,033,822 41 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 4 - Capital Assets (Continued) Construction Commitments - The City has active construction projects at year end. At year end, the Citys commitments with contractors areas follows: Spentto Remaining Date Commitment Street and sidewalk projects $ 9,546,233 $ 1,534,511 Water and sewer projects 3,492,211 875,614 Courthouse construction 6,365,596 1,863,778 Community recreation 707,340 1,193,745 Total $ 20,111,380 $ 5,467,648 Note 5 - Interfund Receivables, Payables, and Transfers The City of Livonia Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan (the "VEBA") has an interfund receivable of $728,462 from the Investment Administration Fund for contributions payable to the VEBA as of the end of the year. Interfund transfers reported in the fund financial statements are comprised of the following: Fund Transferred Free Fund Tanskrred To Amount General Fund Nonmajorgovemmental funds $ 967,315' Goff course Fund 75,000 Total General Fund 1,042,315 Community Recreation Fund Nonmajorgovemmenial funds 2,319,151 " Nonmajorgovemmenial funds General Fund 490,000 .... Nonmajorgovemmental tmWs 7,205,900 ... Total nanmajorgovemmenial funds 7,M5,900 Total $ 11057,366 ' Tanskr of unrestricted resources to finance capital prcaects and general oblgaton debt serHce in accordance with budgetary authonzatims " Tanskr ran the Community Recreation Fund tar debt service ... The majority of transfers are for gas and weight tax revenues Form Me Major Streets Fund to the Local Streets Fund and from these fundslothe Road and Sidewalk Fund in accordaneewith Act51. Most ofthe remaining lmnsfers relate to the Cilys mmmunity transd program. .... Pnmanlytransferfmm the Public Safety Communication Fund to the General Fund to pay tar eligible operating costs 42 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 6 - Long-term Debt The City issues bonds to provide for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities. General obligation bonds are direct obligations and pledge the full faith and credit of the City. Capital lease obligations are also general obligations of the government. Special assessment bonds provide for capital improvements that benefit specific properties and will be repaid from amounts levied against those properties benefited from the construction. In the event that a deficiency exists because of unpaid or delinquent special assessments at the time a debt service payment is due, the City is obligated to provide resources to cover the deficiency until other resources (such as tax sale proceeds or a re -assessment of the district) are received. Revenue bonds involve a pledge of specific income derived from the acquired or constructed assets to pay debt service. Long-term obligation activity can be summarized as follows: Interrst Prlmgal Raa WurltY B%InnI9 Dm Mhn Rani Rarga' Bahns Addmrs ReM61wv Enhlry&lars OneYmr Gorrsnrr ll:nMuea BUIIhIIg AUNohC/ Pont 2000 Rsrintlon Pont Arrwmws.oe-99W9W Wurlmtrro,gh2019 5m% VWM s 2WW9 s - s Ow" s 1m9B9 s 1WW9 2001 Rsrratlon Bon6e. nrrwmms,ue-5B, M Mxorlrgmo,gh2019 599% v5a99 1,32503 - #05M 2mp99 258999 2N3 MBA Refunhlig Boms Arrwm aissue -55130,09 325%- sn5999- Mxorlrgthrough 25 425% L285 DW 3,5`5M - (110p 3,ALp99 115" 2W! MBA Refunhlrg Boms Armunto issue -U(25iM 4 - 5125999- Wurimthrough POP 475% S17'S.999 IDi910 ODO - (1IDiO]11) W790 OD] 12 " 209 MBA CwR CaNricOm Pont ArtomM10issue -SBi%JM 3m%-5195999- - 6 Q9 - 95000 1%" Wi Tri nP thr ough 2m3 525% 5 5mO9 agIGIlisse oblPatlons Elretrud Primer: Arrwmws.oe-W5W9 sssu Naturmthnvgh2911 3P% WM 1NCE1 - #02]4) 1913! sjd TrarsgIXbuon brsa': Arrwntmasue-S 61912 315"M Wurlrgmogh2m1 3m% s1559n 451va - (1"r 3x,30 isnm Taal gwernrrercal aaMtr 6m 9JIFM 35WB99 (11021hj eoMU[I 15mW4 43 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 6 - Long-term Debt (Continued) I Merest Prmtlpel Rote Mewnty Bdadd Dul Parges Ranges deal Meters PeMcnans Ennlry&lance OneV®r Gmremnredal a¢Mties lCmeruml: aver and den oduexem: Genermuadutirdarre workers corde�Ion, and noarcn Imrsanico rain Mote 9) unam do:ure and pesidmrrelal OPEB lladlllty Cmrpeimled ademes T dal gw er mmiel arrived B ml nesstype adrvpas Buildup AUNonC/ Bonds 2007 MBS. BeNndlrg pence nruMMmne-S33B0,03 Maerldtrron9n2m5 Water Supply and N0e[xda 4ptanEral 209 Water Suppr andN4@M[a 4¢ten Revenue Bond. nrrwMMeeue-c MM Matmlydthuxah2BB9 204Wde5upplyandv twae5ystesn Revenge Rdundlrg Bmd. nrrmlM Mmue-39300mo Wul trunch 2012 Fred dale red arrunamon renedlm all Water supply and vaawde SWtarn Revenue Bond. nrrmlM Msae -IV[ 005,COO Mdund oar man 2020 2005 Water supay and Waetwde 5wmn Revenue Refunding Bond. nrrmlMMmoe-sg11am0 Mdund oar man 2020 Trial palm -type a¢Mty debt Colney mMradual oblaearm: Sidle Reeol.Id Fond loan -N heronm9ep RoureVelley We4euMa Cm[rd 4¢tan Arrunal Ed442047(3 Wurnatnrral cher ad erne obligations General lladllly durawoMen condensation and nevi lremdnco dalrre FN are e) OPEB lladlllty Conpermted adeences Total deed -(roe aFlat es Total gw er nnmel and del nennWe aaties 3240"- 225% YS,W] 207,0] - Q0,(]0 23] all 44 298541 s 2596,e6d s - s 87901) s 2317, s - $K 713976 313Q - To 90 - 150341 1550,142 - d91 urae - d&,S2 - 3 1280 W 3 (650905) S MW2136 7U7M 3614110 (ZiS,t 02E149 33193716 4750,52 12MuSPI (4377 l3r4 url 40$520 s110(m 4m% Y M 3BBgon - (e5M 2�0)] 410" 533% 2125000 125,03 - a25,09m - - 315%- aB50m- 4m% 31 o9,o00 37MM - (l deed 0q 2750000 965m9 P16,m0) - 72 nes (243,654) 359%- lade)" ade) 35u9% 5 (flVC Mai" IMM - a750am 3 000 died" 359%- 3150013- 503% s1lu,om 406503 40603 14MM - (174]5)4) 1295}"5 1 74 3240"- 225% YS,W] 207,0] - Q0,(]0 23] all 44 298541 - Q9 til - all $K 231971 10238 (11]6371 Murat 150341 1550,142 10793 (21837)10 13510/65 1915341 3 0(008 3 1280 W 3 (650905) S MW2136 S 661401 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 6 - Long-term Debt (Continued) I ermn Prmoai Bae rvwnty Bainnim DmMhn Braga' 14 ffi Bahnm MhRom BeM m E diM Nlla s OneYmr Compone unL 1938 ew=M Da9oprt ft Bm6 nrrwm m me-.z7,mq Wurim m wgh tam 4mre $3 s 215M s - s R15" s - s - 2g9eD==e oaaoprren Benamimmma Mw anve-U4 O" 4m smpam- Wuhmtft 9h2019 5e R55i" 1165 (15500 110" TwI mnyw un[a mr s 4se s s p20000l s 4310" s mel] Annual debt service requirements to matunty for the above bonds and note obligations are as follows: $ 390,000 $ 180,400 $ 570,400 2011 410,000 Gowrnmental Mhvilies 164,400 Busimsa type Mhvfts 2012 430,000 Principal Interest Total Pnncipal Interest Total 2010 $ 1,500,804 $ 1857,684 $ 3,358,488 $ 1]33,990 - $ 522,296 $ 2,256,286 2011 1673,636 1]92,18] 3,465,823 1]93,990 - 459,439 2,253,429 2012 1585,000 1]26,484 3,311,484 1844,995 - 393,451 2,238,446 2013 1140,000 1661,084 3,401884 1221645 - 324,246 1545,291 2014 1865,000 1589,840 3,454,840 1211645 - 261,969 1479,034 2015-2019 10,510,000 6,725,213 17,295,213 4,560,224 - 6]5,1]2 5,235,396 2020-2024 10,910800 4,414,128 15,384,128 841,041 - 34,400 815,441 2025-2829 10,420600 2,048,815 12,468,875 - - - 2030-2035 3120,000 266,513 3,986,513 Total $ 44,044,440 $ 22,082,608 $ 66,121,048 $ 13,206,336 $ 2,616,993 $ 15,883,329 -M untisred lhythedeterredcostoftnanam. Totaldekrralintheamountof$2n,664. Component Units Principal Interest Total 2010 $ 390,000 $ 180,400 $ 570,400 2011 410,000 164,400 574,400 2012 430,000 147,600 5A,600 2013 455,000 129,331 584,331 2014 475,000 109,569 584,569 2015-2019 2,150,000 204,163 2,354,163 Total $ 4,310,000 $ 935,463 $ 5,20.5,463 45 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 6 - Long-term Debt (Continued) In prior years, the City defeased certain bonds by placing the proceeds of new bonds in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payments on the old bonds. Accordingly, the trust accounts' assets and liabilities for the defeased bonds are not included in the basic financial statements. At November 30, 2009, $33,395,000 of bonds outstanding are considered defeased. No Commitment Debt - The City has issued Industrial Development Revenue Bonds and Economic Development Corporation Bonds under state law which authorizes municipalities under certain circumstances to acquire and lease industrial sites, buildings, and equipment and lease them to third parties. The revenue bonds issued are payable solely from the net revenue derived from the respective leases and are not a general obligation of the City. After these bonds are issued, all financial activity is taken over by the paying agent. The bonds and related lease contracts are not reflected in the City's financial statements. Information regarding the status of each bond issue, including possible default, must be obtained from the paying agent or other knowledgeable source. The aggregate original issue amount was $81,422,000. Note 7 - Restricted Assets The balances of the restricted asset accounts are as follows: Business -type Activities - Water and Sewer Fund Cash and cash equivalents Revenue bond reserves $ 2,878,021 Bond proceeds 1,022,591 Total cash and cash equivalents 3,900,612 Assets held by Wayne County 260,102 Total restricted assets $ 4,160,714 Business -type Activities - In accordance with the provisions of the Water Supply and Wastewater System Revenue bonds, the City is required to set aside monies in a bond reserve account. At November 30, 2009, the City set aside $2,878,021 to comply with these requirements. 46 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 7 - Restricted Assets (Continued) Bond proceeds held in the amount of $1,022,591 in the Water and Sewer Fund relate to excess funds from the 2006 Water Supply and Wastewater System Revenue bonds to be used for future water and sewer obligations. The City also has assets of $260,102 held at Wayne County that are restricted for future water and sewer obligations. Note 8 - Risk Management The City is exposed to various risks of loss related to property loss, torts, errors and omissions, and employee injuries (workers' compensation), as well as medical benefits provided to employees. The City has purchased commercial insurance for medical benefits and workers' compensation and participates in the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority (the "Authority"). The Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority risk pool program operates as a claims servicing pool for amounts up to member retention limits and operates as a common risk -sharing management program for losses in excess of member retention amounts. Although premiums are paid annually to the Authority that the Authority uses to pay claims up to the retention limits; the ultimate liability for those claims remains with the City. The City estimates the liability for general liability, workerscompensation, and medical claims that have been incurred through the end of the fiscal year, including claims that have been reported as well as those that have not yet been reported. These estimates are recorded in the Self-insurance Internal Service Fund. The estimated liability for property loss, general liability, workers' compensation, and medical claims is recorded within the governmental activities and business -type activities columns of the statement of net assets. Changes in the estimated liability for the past two fiscal years were as follows: General❑abildy Workers' Compensation Medical Claims 2889 2888 2889 2188 2889 2888 Estimated liability Beginning drain $ 1043,454 $ 484,65 $ 981593 $ 1,131580 $ 864,469 $ 873,440 Edimmted daimm incurmc, including on an ges in estimates 1258,9(o` 2280,556 359,009 616,326 1289,842 11824,519 Claim gaynents (i7r3,594) (1n1,769) (Sa5,3n (760,363) (12a13496) ry1 a3a,ss1) Estimated liability - End ofrar $ 528,M $ 10f3 $ 841191 $ W,513 $ 941864[ $ 8B4,488 47 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 9 - Pension Plans Retirement System Plan Description - The City of Livonia Employees' Retirement System (the "System") is a single -employer defined benefit pension plan that is administered by the City of Livonia Employees' Retirement System; this plan covers the following employees of the City unless they elected to transfer to the City's 401(a) defined contribution pension plan (see Note 10): 0 General employee members - All members hired prior to March 17, 1997 and their beneficiaries 0 Police lieutenant and sergeant members - All merrbers hired prior to December 8, 1997 and their beneficiaries 0 Police officer members - All members hired prior to November 24, 1998 and their beneficiaries 0 Firefighter members - All members hired prior to July 1, 1998 and their beneficiaries The System provides retirement, disability, and death benefits to plan members and their beneficiaries. At November 30, 2008, the date of the most recent actuarial valuation, membership consisted of 546 retirees and beneficiaries currently receiving benefits and terminated employees entitled to benefits but not yet receiving them, and 236 current active employees. The System does not issue a separate financial report. Contributions - Plan member contributions are recognized in the period in which the comtributionsaredue. Employer contributions to the plan are recognized when due and the employer has made a formal commitment to provide the contributions. Benefits and refunds are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terms of the plan. Please refer to Note 1 for further significant accounting policies. The obligation to contribute to and maintain the System for these employees was established by negotiation with the City's collective bargaining units and requires a contribution from the employees from 2.55 percent to 5.21 percent. The funding policy provides for periodic employer contributions at actuarially determined rates. Administrative costs of the plan are financed through investment earnings. Em City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 9 - Pension Plans (Continued) Annual Pension Cost - For the year ended November30, 2009, the City was not required to and did not make a contribution. The annual required contribution was determined as part of an actuarial valuation at November 30, 2007 using the aggregate cost method. Significant actuarial assumptions used include (a) an 8.25 percent rate of return and (b) projected salary increases of 4.75 percent to 12.67 percent per year. Both (a) and (b) include an inflation component of 4.75 percent The actuarial value of assets was determined using techniques that smooth the effects of short-term volatility over a five-year period. The unfunded actuarial liability is being amortized as a level percentage of payroll on a closed basis. The remaining amortization period is the expected future working lifetime. The pension cost for the three most recent years is asfollows: Fiscal Year Ended November 30 2007 2008 2009 Annual pension cost (APC) $ - $ - $ - Percent ofAPCcontributed 100% 100% 100% Net pension obligation $ - $ - $ - Reserves - As of November 30, 2009, the plan's reserves have been fully funded as follows: Legally required reserves: Reserve foremployees contributions $ 9,700,622 Reserve for retired benefit payments 52,861,793 Additional reserves - Reserve for employer contributions 119,980,708 Total reserves $ 182,543,123 Three-year trend information is as follows: -Valued usingroe bre-years000roeci Enemy oorWvalue 49 Actuarial Actuarial Funded Dvermnded Actuarial Value of Accrued luabaity Dverrundeci Ratio Covered A asa Valuation Assets` (ADL)Entry Age ADL(UAAL) (Percent) Payroll Percentage of Date (a) (b) (fa) (Nb) (c) Covered 11130M $ 205,101 $ 169,506 $ (35.595) 1210 $ 16,135 (2206) 11130107 215,675 173,486 (42,189) 1243 15,657 (2695) 11130708 210,519 179,096 (31,423) 1175 16,055 (1957) -Valued usingroe bre-years000roeci Enemy oorWvalue 49 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 10 - Defined Contribution Pension Plan The City established a defined contribution pension plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code for the following employees: N General employee merrbers -AII members hired on or after March 17, 1997 B Police lieutenant and sergeant members - All members hired on or after December 8, 1997 B Police officer members - All members hired on or after November 24, 1998 0 Firefighter members - AII members hired on or after July 1, 1998 In addition, the plan covers all employees electing to transfer from the City's defined benefit pension plan (see Note 9). In a defined contribution plan, benefits depend solely on amounts contributed to the plan plus investment earnings. As established by the City through collective bargaining agreements, the City contributes a percentage of employees' earnings as follows: Employees Transferring New Employees HinA from the Definetl Benefit Arierlhe Ef tw Dates Pension Plan NoW Mow Empbyer Employee Empbyer Employee C tntuhon Contntuhon Contribution Contribution General 13% 31%to 3.66% 8% 31%to 366% Police lieutenants and sergeants 13% 521% 11% 521% Police 13% 5% 11% 5% Fire 13% 356% 11% 356% The employee contribution percentages noted above represent the minimum required contribution. Employees are permitted to contribute additional amounts up to the rmlumum allowed by law. The City's contributions for each employee (plus interest allocated to the employee's account) are fully vested after four years of service. In accordance with the above requirements, the City contributed $2,274,273 during the current year and employees contributed $779,541. 50 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 11 -Other Postemployment Benefits New Accounting Standard - In the current year, the City implemented the Governmental Accounting Standards Board's Statement No. 45, Accounting and Reporting by Employers for Postemployment Benefits Other Than Pensions. The new pronouncement provides guidance for local units of government in recognizing the cost of retiree health care, as well as any other postemployment benefits (other than pensions). The new pronouncement causes the government -wide statements and the proprietary funds to recognize the cost of providing retiree healthcare expenses over the worlang life of the employee, rather than at the time the healthcare expenses are paid. This statement was implemented prospectively. GASB Statement No. 45 required an amortization period of 30 years. The City was previously using a 40 -year amortization period. Implementing the statement caused an additional expense to be reported in the governmental activities of $494,552 and the business -type activities of $20,555 in excess of what would have been reported in prior years. The City of Livonia Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan Plan Description - Effective November 4, 1998, the City created the City of Livonia Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan (the'VEBA"). The plan provides medical and healthcare benefits, including hospitalization and disability benefits, for the welfare of all retirees and their spouses and eligible dependents. At November 30, 2008, the date of the most recent actuarial valuation, membership consisted of 665 active participants, 632 retired participants, and 35 inactive vested participants. After November 4, 1998, all contributions related to postemployment benefits for all members of the defined benefit pension plan and defined contribution pension plan and their beneficiaries will be recorded as revenue in the Citys Other Employee Benefits Trust Fund. Eligibility - All retirees of the defined benefit pension plan and the defined contribution pension plan and their beneficiaries and future retirees who complete 10 years or more of credited service are eligible. Contributions - Employer contributions to the trust are recognized when due and the employer has made a formal commitment to provide the contributions. Benefits are recognized when due and payable in accordance with the terns of the plan. The obligation to contribute to and maintain the System for these employees was established by negotiation with certain bargaining units, including general and administrative employees. These employees are required to make a contribution of 2 percent beginning December 1, 2006. The funding policy provides for periodic employer contributions at actuarially determined rates. Administrative costs of the plan are financed through investment earnings. City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 11 - Other Postemployment Benefits (Continued) Funding Progress - For the year ended November 30, 2009, the City has estimated the cost of providing retiree healthcare benefits through an actuarial valuation as of November 30, 2007. The valuation computes an annual required contribution, which represents a level of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected to cover normal cost each year and amortize any unfunded actuarial liabilities over a period not to exceed 30 years. This valuation's computed contribution and actual funding are summarized as follows: Annual required contribution (recommended) $ 6,197,363 Amounts contributed- Contribution to VERA (5,682,256) Increase in net OPEB obligation 515,107 OPEB obligation - Beginning of year OPEB obligation - End ofyear $ 515,107 The annual OPEB costs, the percentage contributed to the plan, and the net OPEB obligation for the current and two preceding years were as follows: Fiscal Year Ended November 30 2007 2008 2009 Annual OPEB cost $ 6,455,607 $ 6,218,636 $ 6,197,363 Percent of OPEB cost contributed 100% 100% 92 Net OPEB obligation $ - $ - $ 515,107 The funding progress of the plan as of the most recent valuation date is as follows: .Valuedusingroe Wn yearsmoroed Ending nrerbavalue 52 Actuarial Actuarial Funded UAAL as Actuanal Value of Accrued Uabildy Unfunded Ratio Covered Percentage of Valuation Assets` (AAL)Entry Age P (DAAL) (Percent) Payroll Covered Date (a) (b) (s a) (db) (c) Payroll 11130106 $ 47,673 $ 122,267 $ 74,59s 390 $ 3x,373 2170 11130107 62,802 115,sas 62,333 u6 as,3sa 1179 11130103 w,a61 122,117 66,780 u3 37,aoa M5 .Valuedusingroe Wn yearsmoroed Ending nrerbavalue 52 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 11 - Other Postemployment Benefits (Continued) Reserves - As of November 30, 2009, the plan's reserves have been fully funded as follows: Reserve for health insurance $ 50,049,046 Reserve for disability insurance 2,045,364 Total reserves $ 52,094,410 Actuarial Methods and Assumptions- Actuarial valuations of an ongoing plan involve estimates of the value of reported amounts and assumptions about the probability of occurrence of events far into the future. Examples include assumptions about future employment, mortality, and the healthcare cost trend. Amounts determined regarding the funded status of the plan and the annual required contributions of the employer are subject to continual revision as actual results are compared with past expectations and new estimates are made about the future. The schedule of funding progress, presented as required supplemental information following the notes to financial statements, presents multiyear trend information about whether the actuarial value of plan assets is increasing or decreasing overtime relative to the actuarial accrued liabilities for benefits. Projections of benefits for financial reporting purposes are based on the substantive plan (the plan as understood by the employer and the plan members) and include the types of benefits provided at the time of each valuation and the historical pattern of sharing of benefit costs between the employer and plan members to that point. The actuarial methods and assumptions used include techniques that are designed to reduce the effects of short-term volatility in actuarial accrued liabilities and the actuarial value of assets, consistent with the long -tern perspective of the calculations. In the November 30, 2008 actuarial valuation, the entry age actuarial cost method was used. The actuarial assumptions included an 8.25 percent investment rate of return (net of adrrinistrative expenses), which is a blended rate of the expected long-term investment returns on plan assets and on the employer's own investments calculated based on the funded level ofthe plan at the valuation date, and an annual healthcare cost rate of 6 percent for fiscal year 2009, 5.5 percent for the following year, and 4.75 percent thereafter. Both rates included a 4.75 percent inflation assumption. The actuarial value of assets was determined using techniques that spread the effects of short-term volatility in the market value of investments over a five-year period. The IJAAL is being amortized as a level percentage of projected payroll on an open bass, over 30 years. 53 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 12 - Pension and Other Postemployment Benefits The following are condensed financial statements for the City's defined benefit plan (see Note 9) and the postemployment healthcare plan (see Note 11). The plans do not issue separate financial statements. 54 Employees' Retirement System VEBA Statement of Net Assets Assets Cash and investments $ 186,592,838 $ 52,550,488 Other assets 304,438 728,462 Total assets 186,897,276 53,278,950 Liabilities 4,354,153 1,184,540 Net Assets $ 182,543,123 $ 52,094,410 Statement of Changes in Net Assets Investment income $ 40,390,782 $ 11,101,484 Contributions 540,733 6,571,883 Benefit payments (12,136,697) (6,652,934) Other decreases (631,761) (16,788) Change in Net Assets $ 28,163,057 $ 11,003,645 54 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Financial Statements November 30, 2009 Note 13 - Deferred Revenue Governmental funds report deferred revenue in connection with revenue that is not considered to be available to liquidate liabilities of the current period. Governmental funds and Enterprise Funds also defer revenue recognition in connection with resources that have been received but not yet earned. At the end of the current fiscal year, the various components of deferred revenue are as follows: Property taX spedal assessamnt, and other receivables comrunTy recreation renter annual paves Interest renderable on sewer ections Assets held A Wayne County Grant revenue not renewed! within 60 days Total Govemimntal businesstype Governimntal Funds xtivaies xtivaies Unavailable Unearned Total Unearned Unearned $ 1,02,M $ - $ 1632,6A5 $ - $ 673,656 6736:5 673,656 212,358 260102 305,811 305,811 $ 1938,456 $ 613,656 $ 2,612,112 $ 613,656 $ 532,460 55 Required Supplemental Information 56 City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Budgetary Comparison Schedule - General Fund Year Ended November 30, 2009 Expenditures Generali mment Variance w0h Finel Legislative: Original Budget Final Bucket Muni Budget Rearnmem $ 383,996 $ 382,996 $ 370,977 $ 10,021 PrcgerlyReal8 385'x,863 8 38552,063 8 38261,682 8 (260.383) Licemes and Permits 329,78 329,798 25857! 79,221 Business 162,500 1'3,500 128514 (01,956) Nonwsiness zlaip0o 2183.400 ifigrai (716810) Total themes and Permits z3as,g0o 23,15,900 1575,098 Ino,BN) Intergw'emmental Revenue Shale and loal 8,981 $i5 8,981555 7,900,993 (1,076,556) Federal 164FS72 161,512 182362 17,790 Total intergovernmental revenue 9.146.127 g,165,12] 8,081361 (1,058766) Charges br Seri 3507,461 3,518,218 3}08,676 (209,542) Interest 1,803,030 1,803,000 3]0,7]6 (1025220) Fines and Forfeitures 3,856,000 3,895,000 3502089 (393,911) Miscellaneous Revenue Rent and rganies 1,517,032 1,511892 1501,291 241lN sale of fixed assets 90,000 90,000 rel (3075) Other maaelanenes 1523,987 1523,987 1,316,412 (2107575) Taal mscelanema revenue 3134,019 316,073 2,91 1786751 Total revenue $ 50,378,630 $ 541392,387 S 50,060}06 $ (4,332,081) Expenditures Generali mment Legislative: City Cannon $ 383,996 $ 382,996 $ 370,977 $ 10,021 City Clerk 531,228 531,223 075,862 58,35 Flectom 329,78 329,798 25857! 79,221 Total legislative 1253,020 1'253,020 1,101416 151,608 Ltical 3,15,731 3,195,731 3,186876 8,882 Executive-K"i office 518822 510,852 471,742 39,110 Havre HwregRel9iewa Counsel 6,482 6,082 0,244 220 Labor relations 142,000 142,000 70,031 mi Civil service 70150 701681 622901 118,743 Total human resources 890;166 890,15 701,219 188,9,17 57 City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Budgetary Comparison Schedule - General Fund (Continued) Year Ended November 30, 2009 variance with Finel Original Budget Final Budget Actual Budget Exo nditw§s i Ccut III IFI General Gocel h (Continued Fimndalad-niaraonn s 481,015 s 481,015 s 4128W s 74,215 h.=nnnon: eviiy 65,897 601,897 579,488 29,409 Finance z5,062 z5,01? 248,350 18665 Independent audit 62,048 61,018 63,891 3,15 Board of Review 4,44 6,85 5,161 1,689 Treasurer 581,630 581,638 523,8ffi 526v Inbrifirstim systems 700,582 700,581 543,209 157,293 Total bamial adnnistratim 2,711,018 2711,818 2,381,971 329,039 Other activities: Legal ]483]6 ]483]6 699,407 48,916 IIIiIAi¢ atl supplies ]45,]02 ]45,]01 721,375 25301 lac46iton of land 9,000 9,00 - 9,007 Research and Investigation II II 18,007 - Dueaandsumcngions 53,000 53,000 42918 notes Total other affil 1518,078 1575,078 1,481,75 93322 Total general government 10,135 E61 10,135,861 9324,950 810,911 Public Safely Police Tragic bureau ]91,71] 1,2]7,]0 12]4,3]1 3,346 Administration 2+`95.951 25®,451 2,45,014 114,0.31 Debates bureau 2600,211 2812,271 2807,241 6,030 Antnmctaa aervi<e 646750 518,750 486,272 324]8 Commin�tiordRecwd bureau 793,959 ]14,95 768,993 5,907 Crowns guard 54,'05 54,525 49,445 5,039 &Md liaison 501,215 501,275 515,107 23175 Reserve pais 210,00 335030 331,9T] 3,10 Patrol bureau 11,853,931 11,161937 11,131,90 38091 Intelligence bureau 1,450,076 1,465,0766 1461,950 3,126 Total pare 21,533j1 21,515,061 21282223 232824 Fire Amniasmation 1012,54 1002,564 848,354 15,210 Firefghing 9,592936 10,006,693 9,932501 14,192 Fire pevention 486199 496,193 490,339 5,861 Total fire 11,491,689 1155"045 11}31193 174,263 Protective inspectinn Balding Code Board ofAgal %I %1 1% 662 Inspection 1349,310 1349,370 1222684 126,686 Total protective inspection 1350231 135,231 1222883 127,348 Omer protedw Office of emerg ency preparedness 16158 li 154,641 5,417 TraRiccommsion 5,833 5,683 5,55 130 Total other Protedive 67241 165741 160,191 5,547 Total Pisal 14,521,]21 0,535,40 33,936,493 539,986 I City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Budgetary Comparison Schedule - General Fund (Continued) Year Ended November 30, 2009 59 Nonan with Final Original Budget Final Budget Actual Budget Expenditures (Continuant wah wark Pudicservss- H;ghwars, streets, and neuntenance Engineering 8 658,661 8 658,661 8 099641 8 159,828 Park rhardemns 1;163263 1;163263 982886 188,3n Administration 21,812 31,812 13,056 18,756 Egc;prent naunlenance 182,9E0 182,9E0 (518983) 621,847 Bunning nuintemnce 1755,98) 1635989 1026,EE5 289jM Sheet lighting 319,129 359,129 Bell 1826! Maintenance Reels 15l 76151 61692 8,152 Tramcsi 151806 151886 11 27,100 Forestry 23;155 23,155 638 22ju Tonal who work 6,193,913 1,199913 2,912,818 1257,895 Park and Recreation and Cultural Paris and recreation: Administration 411,481 10.5081 WsBs 588 Recreation halides 0.3;121 33,121 31687 1511 Recreation athletic 128,819 181,819 182,16] 1552 T ohl perk antl recreatm 582 582,624 578978 3,651 Cultural: Historic Predemtion Commisim 5,484 5,484 2,666 2,818 Historical Commission 93255 93255 W507 6,718 Libary Commission 0.56888 0.56888 0.56888 - AreConmision 21586 21586 23661 822 Conoid resources 971219 971219 girt'm 69267 Youth Coral 18,M8 18,M8 18,928 7,128 Camn;s;on on Aging 18555 18555 8,118 2,408 T ohl culWrsi 1576,898 1576,898 1686987 89,191 Tonal perk antl recreation antlNtural 2,158,]22 2,158,]22 2,86587] 92815 Coa.nunity and Easel He.elap,mem Cdr Planning Conm;eeon 697,962 Bel W512 153 Q58 Zoning Board ofAlatxals ib,ll6 131,116 rFr 5 56,893 Total commurelyand economh devekPnem 832,403 832,403 622,065 210,313 5nP1%ee 9enelR; Insurance, and other 2523,316 2523,316 180.5231 1,483,835 Total wgencHurs $ 51,371912 $ 51,391,699 $ 19,996631 $ 1,395,815 59 City of Livonia, Michigan community Recreation Orginal Fnal Variance with Bunter Budget &teal Fnal Budget Rownues PropzByta m 8 3939,N5 8 3939,N5 8 3,E18109 8 (41.3%) charges Mservic¢ 3575538 3575538 3,400,919 (1 11) Interest 258888 258888 121,00 (12895v� Miscellaneous revenue 1,088 1,088 41,629 08,629 T otal revenum ],]65995 ],]65995 ],E61]81 (30,294) Expenditures Sanitation - - - - Recreationandcunure 6,421922 8,481 6,885,637 2,482249 Trani out 2,320,024 2,320,024 2,319,151 sit Tuul expenmuris 8,741950 10,807,914 5324,]84 2,413,126 Excess of Revenues (under) Own Expenditures (975955) (3019195 (853,06 2,11 FUN Balanceherringofyear 5,621806 5,621806 5,621806 - Fula Balance -End ofyear $ 4,645851 $ 25N,88) $ 4,]58,]19 52,1]$832 60 Required Supplemental Information Budgetary Comparison Schedule Major Special Revenue Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 Reuse oiapoml 6yalem Orginal Fiml 5,Q Vmiance with Bud3e1 Budget Mival Fiml Bute1 S 6,7,10,324 $ 519651931 $ 7,081 $ 1,118491 8 11,9D1,170 8 111909,170 8 11,781,2W 8 (124.9%) 135AB 135500 112383 (23,1321 350,W0 350,000 153,531 (11 25,W0 251000 13,0.39 (11561( 120N,610 12019,6]0 12,0635!2 (3561281 12]A,311 11 12,058,015 1676,619 11 13532,706 12,058,015 1676,619 (339611) (1,113,034) 5,Q 1118,091 7M,19 7,0]9965 7,0]9915 - S 6,7,10,324 $ 519651931 $ 7,081 $ 1,118491 61 City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Pension System Schedule of Funding Progress (000s omitted) Aduanal Aduanal Funded Overfunded Actuanal Value of Accrued Liability overfunded Ratio Covered AAL as Valuation Assets (A )EntryAge AALRJA ) (Percent) Payroll Percentage of Date (a) (b) (ba) (Nb) (c) Covered Payroll 11130103 S 293505 E 159,9W E (43,605) 1273 E 17103 (2549) 1113054 199578 104,3]8 (35.200) 1214 16,0n0 (2190) 11/30M 200,005 167226 (32,7]9) 1196 15,88.5 (25.4) 11/30M 295,191 169,506 (36595) 1210 16,135 (zm6) 11/30IW 215,675 173,486 (42,189) 1243 15,65/ (2695) 11130108 210,519 179,996 (31,423) 1175 16,055 (1957) `Valued min groa We -year smooth ed funding market value Schedule of Employer Contributions Annual Year Ended Actuarial Required Percentage November 30 Valuation Date Contribution Contributed 2004 11/30/02 $ 392,639 100 2005 11/30/03 - 100 2006 11/30/04 - 100 2007 11/30/05 - 100 2008 11/30/06 - 100 2009 11/30/07 100 The schedule of funding progress presented above was determined as part of the actuarial valuations at the dates indicated. Additional information as of November 30, 2008, the latest actuarial valuation, follows: PCWanal cost methetl Aggregate(emplover contribution) Entry age nominal (sdnetlule of fuiWing progress) Amortization melhatl Level percent, dosed Remaining amortization pend Exixi future working lifetime Asset valuation melhotl Five: }ear smoothed market PCWanal assumptions: Investment rate of rehim 825% Projected salary increases, including inflation at 475% 475% 1267% 62 City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan Schedule of Funding Progress (000s omitted) . Valued usin g roafiue- year ^amour ed mndin gnerlret value Schedule of Employer Contributions Year Ended November 30 Actuarial Actuarial Contribution Funded 2004 11/30/02 Actuanal Value of Accrued Liability Unfunded Ratio Covered UAOL as Valuation Asseh- (AAL)EntryAge AAL(UA ) (Percent) Payroll Percentage of nate (a) (b) (ba) left (c) Covered Payroll 6,218,639 100 2009 11/30/07 6,197,363 5,682,256 92" 11130103 $ 30,475 $ 104,386 $ 73,911 292 $ 34084 2168 11130101 37690 110,1Y 72,466 342 33,355 2173 11130105 41,981 122,019 80,032 34.4 33,312 2403 11130106 47673 122,264' 74,591 390 34373 2170 11130W 52,802 115,685 62,883 456 35,351 lH9 11130= 55361 122117 66756 453 37403 1785 . Valued usin g roafiue- year ^amour ed mndin gnerlret value Schedule of Employer Contributions Year Ended November 30 Actuarial Valuation Date Annual Required Contribution ` Contribution Percentage Contributed 2004 11/30/02 $ 5,859,287 $ 5,859,287 100 2005 11/30/03 5,534,608 5,534,608 100 2006 11/30/04 7,755,379 7,755,379 100 2007 11/30/05 6,455,607 6,455,607 100 2008 11/30/06 6,218,636 6,218,639 100 2009 11/30/07 6,197,363 5,682,256 92" ` The required contribution is expressed to the City as a percentage of payroll " The fiscal year ended November 30, 2009 was the first year of implementation of GASB No. 45. As such, it was the first year the annual required contribution was calculated using the GASB No.45 required 30-yearamortiatim. Previously, the City used 40 or 50 years. 63 City of Livonia, Michigan Required Supplemental Information Retiree Health and Disability Benefits Plan Actuarial Assumptions (000s omitted) The information presented on the previous page was determined as part of the actuarial valuations at the dates indicated. Additional information as of November 30, 2008, the latest actuarial valuation, follows: Amortization method Remaining amortization period Asset valuation method Actuarial assumptions: Investment ate of return Projected annual premium increases 64 Level percent, open 30 years Five-year smoothed market 8.25% 6% for this year, 5.5% for next year, and 4.75% thereafter City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Required Supplemental Information November 30, 2009 Note 1 - Reconciliation of Budgeted Amounts to Basic Financial Statements The budgetary comparison schedules for the General and Major Special Revenue Funds are presented on the same basis of accounting used in preparing the adopted budget. The following is a reconciliation of the budgetary comparison schedule to the governmental funds (statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances): Amounts per operating statement $ 49,570,306 $ 48,954,369 $ 6,005,637 Operating transfers budgeted as revenue and expenditures 490,000 1,042,315 2,319,151 Amounts per budget statement $ 50,060,306 $ 49,996,684 $ 8,324,788 Note 2 - Budgetary Information Budgetary Information - Annual budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America for the General Fund and all Special Revenue Funds except that operating transfers and debt proceeds have been included in the "revenue" and "expenditures" categories, rather than as 'other financing sources (uses)." All annual appropriations lapse at fiscal year end; encumbrances are not included as expenditures. During the year, the budget was amended in a legally permissible manner. The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. On or before September 15, the mayor submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following December 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain citizen comments. 3. As provided for by the City Charter, not later than November 1, the City Council shall adopt the budget through the passage of a budget resolution and transmit the budget to the mayor. Not later than November 15, the mayor shall either approve or disapprove the adopted budget, in whole or in part. 65 Community General Fund Recreation Total Total Total Revenue Expenditures Expenditures Amounts per operating statement $ 49,570,306 $ 48,954,369 $ 6,005,637 Operating transfers budgeted as revenue and expenditures 490,000 1,042,315 2,319,151 Amounts per budget statement $ 50,060,306 $ 49,996,684 $ 8,324,788 Note 2 - Budgetary Information Budgetary Information - Annual budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America for the General Fund and all Special Revenue Funds except that operating transfers and debt proceeds have been included in the "revenue" and "expenditures" categories, rather than as 'other financing sources (uses)." All annual appropriations lapse at fiscal year end; encumbrances are not included as expenditures. During the year, the budget was amended in a legally permissible manner. The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the financial statements: 1. On or before September 15, the mayor submits to the City Council a proposed operating budget for the fiscal year commencing the following December 1. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them 2. Public hearings are conducted to obtain citizen comments. 3. As provided for by the City Charter, not later than November 1, the City Council shall adopt the budget through the passage of a budget resolution and transmit the budget to the mayor. Not later than November 15, the mayor shall either approve or disapprove the adopted budget, in whole or in part. 65 City of Livonia, Michigan Notes to Required Supplemental Information November 30, 2009 Note 2 - Budgetary Information (Continued) 4. The legislative budget is adopted at a functional level for the General Fund and at the fund level for other governmental and proprietary funds. The budget document presents information by fund, function, department, and line items. Management may amend the budget at the detail level within the legislative summary constraints. Appropriations that exceed the summary budget constraints require City Council approval. Excess of Expenditures Over Appropriations in Budgeted Funds - The City did not have significant expenditure budget variances. 0 Other Supplemental Information 67 City of Livonia, Michigan Spada Revenue Find 68 MD street Myon Streets Local Streets Gats ligfiting Qua Television lili Assess Gsfi andinvest5mnts 8 I.01 8 [55.709 8 22.250 8 41 1 8 1293,702 8 1,560,800 Rec Ivabas. Tares i6,T12 Specal assessment; - - - - - - Other 6,99E - 0,515 - - - Duefrwnothergovemmentaluiits tdDOm 246345 601 - - - Inventwy,lxeteiderpenss,addother 274,249 Tablasets S 1,702,81 S 702,050 S 9116,033 $ 47,E54 $ 1,2A3,702 S 1585,660 Debilities and Fund Balarca (Oeficii Liabilities Hccouls pumbe $ 250,452 $ 24,142 $ 601 $ - $ ],955 $ li ncaued and other habpoes - - 15,326 - 7,960 li Deferred revenue 301 14,699 Total tables uo452 24,142 922973 - 15,915 270199 Fund Balances IBeficii Reserved Nr aI*taLamanaements - - - - - - Unreserved,undesigmted 1,452019 6 ,908 (16,910) 411 1271 1,315,461 Total Nntl balances(dfiat) 1452419 (iR 908 Fi 411 1271 1,315461 Total hablities and Nntl balanced (deficit) $ 170281 S 702,050 S 906,033 $ 47E5N $ 12,702 S 158560 68 Other Supplemental Information Combining Balance Sheet Nonmajor Governmental Funds November 30, 2009 Tramii and MuniaMl Buildng PUNC Sa%y A4u ated Communl R®datl Captal 205 WA 2007 MBA Mhwiiyand Cwnmmiaion FO11eRules Tramii sckwAks Impwemmnt ReNndng ReNndiing Other 8 3,086,'88 8 1.5b.Yd 8 152286 8 2,995,09E 8 52 8 - 8 - 8 - - - 20,06] 2,069 - - 211,860 - - - - - - - - 175,661 - - - - $ 3,698058 $ 1,:50,060 $ 327,953 $ 3,819,161 $ ],]23 $ $ $ 8 2,118 8 83.357 8 10,059 8 615,907- 9,886 5559 21,93 2,160 2,118 83,357 10,059 606926 ],]23 3,696300 1511,107 317,890 2,3]2235 3,696300 1511107 317,890 2,3]2235 $ 3,698058 $ 1,:50,060 $ 327,953 $ 3,819,161 $ ],]23 $ $ $ 69 City of Livonia, Michigan 70 Caonal Protects Fund: Cd(Course Drainage Protects Cal*tal Cal*tal Swal Court euiang Construction lmora+eaem lmora+eaem Asesaents lmora+eaeas Assets Cash adinvestments $ 104,215 $ 380,M9 $ 2225,073 $ Fd2730 8 1,9,17N2 ReswHes Taxes aPe easessments - - - 520,99, - Other Due aomadergawmnentamms - - - - - Imentwy, tested extenses, and other Taal assets S t3a.215 $ 380.0679 S 222.073 S 1,10,721 S 1547.042 Liabilities and Fund Balsams (Dace) HabiliUs Accounts terede $ - $ 8582 $ 8,495 $ 6,IP $ 12890 ncauedandaherhadmies - - - - - Derarredrevenue 473,20 Total liaellies - 8582 8,495 679,32➢ 12890 Funs Balances (Der n) Reserved or mptallmteaeements - - - - - Unrservedundeagnated 1311,215 371,487 2216578 681,601 193,152 Taal and talances(ceficit) 134.215 371,487 2216578 681601 193152 Taal Iiadlitis and Nnd roan aes(tlzem) S 13215 $ 380.00 S 22Z.073 S 4763,721 $ lyn o@ 70 Other Supplemental Information Combining Balance Sheet (Continued) Nonmajor Governmental Funds November 30, 2009 Cap1ai argee: Fu� Taal Nwn jar Cannaae �wrnmenui Co trxtbn Fm� s 2,9as,M s 20,W,n4 x3308 go,991 223,369 614256 210209 S 2,9x8,098 $ 23,603,9x7 8 1,321,970 8 3,W,94x 116201 8169]0 1,321,970 0,Vlj1 1570,124 i 4ro,124 17,9 CR 1570124 19,462822 S 2,948,098 $ 23,603,9x7 City of Livonia, Michigan 72 Stever Revenue Funds Special Oaae WjmStreets load streets cranes Assessments Teledsion riway Revenue Propenythxes s - s - s - s - s - s 4,010,aa1 Specialaesessmeas - 9(1 - Intergovernmental revenue State andlorel 4,244,490 1616no 50,1id - - - Federal - - 1,087,994 - - - ClersesMservic¢ 1%,489 Interest 41,245 3270 586 - 21989 30,109 Finn and MkAures - - - - - 87$95 Miscellaneous revenue 118 714,772 Total revenue 4,285]15 1614,040 1;138841 909,252 ]36,]61 4,326,334 Expenditures Puticsaky - - 436(792 - - - Put icwwks x706,653 2,319M - 9iv['ffi0 - - Reaeationandcu8ure - - 4,458 - 5]5,]19 4610,053 Communiy and ecmwnic dnrelopnent - - 532517 - - - CaptalouRay - - - - - - oea- Principal retirement - - - - - - oea-Intermtandaeer Total espendthres 2,705,653 2,319M 673061' 9iv['850 5]5,]19 4610,053 Excess of Revenue Over(Under) Expenditures 1559,032 (705,512) 165324 (45598) 161,042 (283,719) OIM1er Flnarcing Sources (Ilses) Proceeds nom Issue of long-term deal - - - - - - Thaddeus in - 2,423,000 - - - 450,000 3ransfars out (x621000) agz3000) (40000) Total other financing sources(useg (x623000) 500,000 (40000) 00000 Net change in Fund Balance. (1o43,9t8) (205512) 16s,n4 (45riB) 121,042 166281 FundBalances(Belwil) Beenringofyear x496,37 883E50 Fri 93,252 111 1149,180 FmMBalances(Belwil) Endofyear $ 1(74,419 $ 6)],908 $ (16948) $ 47,654 $ 1,W7,]8] $ 1}15461 72 Other Supplemental Information Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) Nonmajor Governmental Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 Stacal Revenue Fund oe516eMce Funds Transit and Municipal Building Pudi<Skiy PQudated cwnminty Road antl Captal Z05MBA M7 MBH HulhwAyand communaiim Fow(eiWles Transit Sidewalks Imawemenl Refindm ReNndm Other (45000 (sr'D 1633,67 6,47,810 8 26]6,12] (45000 (sr'D 1,033,64 - - K1,91 - - - - - - 646,FA6 - - - - - - 489,983 - 81907 69268 36,98 %'Z51 ]865] 296,225 572 1 613 5,825 159231 7811613 191832 6,483096 26]6,12] ]8,]33 1,885516 6,381232 - - 1,055773 - - - - - - - - - - 110,000 120,000 M,000 161,951 1292275 606,923 ]8,]33 1,08551(i 1,055,773 6,381232 251,951 1012275 1129,923 480098 (33,10) (461,331) (1,89],]36) 20]6,12] (251,951) (1012275) (1;121,923) (45000 (sr'D 1633,67 2,123,000 - 251,951 1012275 1129,923 910]6127) (45000 (sr'D 1,033,64 2,123,000 (20]612]( 251,951 1612275 1129,923 30098 3,658!2 (31 1,863,210 1®753 148'%1 225 2,146971 $ 3,696,340 $ 1511,107 $ 317,894 $ 2372D5 5 5 $ $ 73 City of Livonia, Michigan 74 Carta Projects Funds orange Cefcomse Projects Capel Centel specie Cour Bunning Comvucton Impro+emem Impro+ement Impro+emente Revenue Propenytaan- specialasessmems - - - 193,399 Intergovernmental revenue State andloml - - - - - Federal - - - - - ClargesforseMces - 205571 - - - inherent 2,439 6,800 70491 30,033 35,503 Finn audfcefimules - - - - 595,227 Miscellaneous revenue 15,303 57,250 Total revenue 2,439 211 35,491 236233 630,730 Expenditures Pudicsakly - - - - 353,0.6 Pudi<wwb - - - - - ReaeationandcuAure - - - - - Communlyand economic Rvelopnem Capta outlay - 209,049 Uri 241,099 - oed- Principal retirement - - - - - oed-mterestandotder Total erpentlWres 209,049 Uri 241,099 353,0.6 Frans of Revenue O er(dnler) Expenditures 2,439 3,322 (230i2e3) 45,123 276,934 Other Financing Sources (Li Proceeds from !nue of long-term Rd - - - - - Trauskrsh - - I,F53,533 - - Traustere oul (133 7!3) Total other financing sources (uses) 19x9533 (1337!3) Net Change in Fund Baances 2,43) 3, (1,132706) 45,124 10.3,161 FUNBalances(I)i- Beginningofyear M131,726 369.165 3,349,233 639.273 1,793991 FUNBalances(oefiicil) Endofyear $ 134,215 $ 371,43) $ 2216578 $ 684p01 $ "34,152 74 Other Supplemental Information Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances (Deficit) (Continued) Nonmajor Governmental Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 Carnal argees Fun Cannase Taal Nwn pr Cotrxtbn Gwrnmenui Fums s - s 10,8w,3a2 11%151 5,93],594 9w % 9r �0 22,369 0.56152 - 10,492366 MM' ]93 %L5 22,309 22701 T39 6,]816]6 8,735,813 1238 317 1510,124 6,265,W3 5 2517 S 1,90,124 $ 3,33697 955 WD 170509 20%,658 6952,185 N,1Td,M (6,929876) (110.%,496) 8500,000 8,500,%0 - 10,492366 (1cn W0) 8500,000 11296466 1510,124 (1ag00) 19,102352 S 1,90,124 $ 19562,822 75 City of Livonia, Michigan 76 Trott Fundi Pension andOtherEmp'gree Benefit Plans Fgenc Funtl Investment Emliryeet Amiiastratem Retirement System v BA Tmd Fund Assets Cash antlash call 8 812,XF 8 212,199 8 I.024,4E6 8 965.093 Investments: IIS. government securities P,2d6,651 6,255936 23,5110367 Common stock 83,17I,732 P,5]SSM 105,Fu0596 - Corpsrmebal 01,919,201 11,310,703 53,259,960 Foreign bonds 2,5s8,827 ]2669] 3,327520 Mutual funds 22,9]6,962 16,16,1109 39,M2,191 - RealesUieinvestment trust 8,909,318 - 8,969,318 - Semriiieslendngshdi-iermcdlateral bank investment p».' 3,13(b,860 - 3,30,1 E60 Accountsrecehede 236,119 - 236,179 - DueTommhergovemaemalLnd 66y'9 - 66y'9 - DueTommengfind ]26,462 ]26,462 Tota' aceta 186,891 16 53,2]8,950 200176 ne6 S 985,093 Lia lilian Accounts parade 35,1,157 1160500 1536697 8 161 Accrued and other fialvfines - - - 66,766 Due to othergoemnentil condi - - - - DuemwstLnd; - - - ]26,462 Amounts die to broker under securities lending agreement 3,9 ,996 - 3,9 ,SY96 - Total realities 0,35,1,153 1'180,X0 5,536693 S 985,093 Nei -Reserved Emporees Retirement System 18ii'W'ID - 181 Emporees postempbral hea6hma and disaaoty beneOs - 52.034,418 52,034p18 Total net aceta $ 182.5,13.123 $ s.04,410 $ 230.637.533 76 Other Supplemental Information Combining Statement of Net Assets Fiduciary Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 r9enq Fuld H¢iwial SWiA Trust LitraryTrust Cmmwim MCmrrww Cmmsswan UntlsViWledTaa Fina Fina Fina Funs mina Furst Fina Taal $ 17U,4'J $ 15$63 $ 6 321(3 $ 183,89 $ Z7% $ 8,6n,900 $ 12,M.869 $ 1,781AM $ 15563 $ 663,306 $ 183,699 $ 2,758 $ 8,6HI W $ 12,232,8119 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 1¢3,89 8 - 8 - 8 D15Fi3 1,188 15553 663}w - 278 - 2,5 ,M - - - - - 8,5/],900 8,6!],900 M b2 $ 1,781AM $ 15551 $ 663,306 $ 183,699 $ 2758 $ 8,6HI W $ 12232809 T7 City of Livonia, Michigan Other Supplemental Information Combining Statement of Changes in Net Assets Fiduciary Funds Year Ended November 30, 2009 Additions Imesfrnentinxnme: InterestanddiH@iWs Net change in fair value of investments Less invesfnent expenses Netimesfrnentireame Secunfes lemming inxnme: Interestanalkes Borrower rebates and bank fees Total secunfes lending inxnme C ntnbutions: Emplo}er EmploWe Total contnbufans Total addfons - Net Deductions Pension bereft payments Medical bereft payments Administrative expenses Refunds ofcontnbutions Total deductions Net Increase Net Assets Held in Trustfor Pension and Other 5nploWar Benefits Beginning of year End! of }ear IN Empkryee5 Retirement System WBA Total $ 6,925,424 $ 1,669,053 $ 8,594,471 33,162541 9,519,183 43,281]24 (405513) (86,152) (492325) 454 921 - 454 921 40,282392 11,101484 51383816 83 832 - 83 832 24 558 24 558 1118360 - 1118360 - 5,6[32,256 5,682,256 540,733 869,621 1,430,360 540,733 6,511883 1,112,616 40,931,515 11,6]336] 58,604862 12,136,691 25,219 12,161 916 - 6,621,655 6,621,655 116,834 16,186 193,622 454 921 - 454 921 i Rxia.311 141W: WAS 1.11] 28,163,051 11,003,645 39,166,102 154,38066 41,09 165 195,41 831 $ 182,50.1,123 $ 52,094,410 $ 234,63],54]