HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD OF CANVASSERS 1955-04-07 Pae 181B MINUTES OF REEl'ING OF 1'f-L.., BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CI'1'l of LIVONIA Pursuant to Section 12 of Chapter III of the Charter, the members of the City Council of the City of Livord.a met as the Board of Canvassers of such City on Thursday, April 7, 1 i5), ata oro rimateiy 8:u5 P. M., at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia , i icidoan. The meetine was called to order at the above time and place by the .i resident of toe Council , Jo .n T. Doufnertl/, who acted as Chair- man of the Board. The City Cleric read to the board the contents of certified statements of the returns of each precinct, as prepared and certified by the election inspectors of each nrecinct and as filed in her office and these returns were publicly examined and canvassed by the tin u d and were aporoved. !� r Counc lman hleinert, seconded by Councilman Ihitehead, it was #135-55 R ALV_ID, that the fo110 .ing s.,atemaat of votes cast in the Biennial Springy; Election heldon April 4, 1955: O, VC_ rib rES I-Lim Cl2Y OF LIVUNIA ON THE lei LLC'il_;G (1-+ARTszt A•,E`J Disc+,! T: "SHALL SECTIONS 1, 2, 3,6, 8, 11, 12, 13 AND 14 OF C.'APTER III OF I"LE CjIAR'TEH OF THE CIl'Y OF Li VONiA HE AN:ENDED 20 PFI V1DE PRIIAtI nLEC'1'IONS RJR 'TN-! SFTECiiuN OF CA:'IDIDArnS FOR 1+TRCTIVE OFFICES OF Ili L CifY?", WAS TAU 2HOUSAiD TWO HUNDRED FORTY-NIS i VOTES 2,2L9 AND THE ABOVE VOTES CAST FOR "YES" AND "NO" 110 SAL) AMENDMENT ARE AS FELLOWS: PRECINCT N( . 1 - T',\TC HUNDRED SILTY-FIVE "IES" VOl'Es WERE RNCEI,ED 265 FORTY-SEVEN "NO" VOTES vERE tLC.SLVED 47 PRECINCT NO. 2 - 'TUIb , HUNDRED s,iViNTY-T'-IREE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 373 SIXTY-SIX "NO" VOf'-,S WERE RLCE__V.nD 66 PRECINCT NO. 3 - NU HUNDRED NINETI-NIDE "YES" V(. IES WERE RECEIVED 299 ims FIFTY-THREE "NO" VOPES WEJ E RECEIVED 53 Page 1819 PRECINCT NO. 4 - ONE HUNDRED S LXTY-FIVE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 165 imm SIXTEEN "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 16 PRECINCT NO. 5 - ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 167 TWENTY-ONE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 21 PRECINCT NO. 6 - THREE HUNDRED NINETY-ONE "YES" VOTES WIRE RECEIVED 391 SIXTY-SEVEN "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 67 PRECINICT NO. 7 - TGA HUNDRED EIGHTY-SEVEN "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVE) 287 THIRTY-TWO "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 32 TOTAL 2,249 be and hereby is approved and certified in each and every respect. A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES: Jones, Kleinert, Whitehead, Edgar and Daugherty. NA1S: None. impThe President declared the foregoing resolution adopted and directed that certified conies of the same be prepared and signed by each member of the Board. By Councilman Edgar, seconded by Councilman Kleinert, it was #186-55 RESOLvRD that the Board of Canvassers make and sign the following certificate: CERTIFICATE OF DETEHI4INAPION STATh OF MI DELI GAN) ) SS. COUNTY OF i4AYdE ) We, the undersigned members of the City Council, acting as the Board of Canvassers pursuant to Section 12 of Chapter III of the Charter, do hereby meet on this first Thursday following the Biennial Spring Election held on April 4, 1P55, and luolicl_y canvass the returns of such Election, and do hereby determine the result of such canvass and the results of the votes cast within the City of Livonia on the following Charter amendment: "Shall Sections 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13 and 14 of Chapter III of the Charter of the City of Livonia be amended to provide primary elections for the selection of candidates for the elective officers of the City?" imo J and do hereby determine that said Charter Amendment was duly adopted by a vote of 1,947 "!es" votes to 302 "No" votes. Page 1820 vie further certify that this meeting was attended by Councilmen L John T. Daugherty, David L. Jones, hudolf R. Kleinert, John W. Whitehead and Wilson W. Edgar, who constituted a ouorum; that Councilmen Harry Killam and Nettie Carey were absent, and that this meei,ing was held at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, at 8:00 P. M. IN WITNESS LHEREOF, we have hereunto attached our signatures on this 7th day of April, 1955. John T. Daugherty David L. Jones Rudolf H. Kleinert John W. Whitehead Wilson W. Edgar A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: LAYES: Jones, Kleinert, Whitehead, Edgar and Daugherty. NAYS: None. The President stated that the foregoing resolution was adopted and directed that such certificate of determination be prepared and be signed by each member of the board. On motion of Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman Jones and unanimously adopted, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 -'. M. , April 7, 1q 55. ..."2" .A.4_, ----11)".7.--2-1,v7 i / - jia`rT W. Clark, City Clerk Attested: C.----/ 1111 J. augherty, Presiders of the ncil