HomeMy WebLinkAboutBOARD OF CANVASSERS 1957-10-03 Page 3058 MINUTES OF FETING OF THE BOARD OF CANVASSERS OF THE CITY OF LIVONIA Pursuant to Section 12 of Chapter III of the Charter, the members of the Council of the City of Livonia met as the Board of Canvassers of such City on Thursday, October 3, 1957, at approximately 9:15 P.H., at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan. The meeting was called to order at the above time and place by the President of the Council, who acted as Chairman of the Board. The City Clerk, Marie W. Clark, read to the board the contents of certified state- ments of the returns of each precinct, as prepared and certified by the election inspectors of each precinct and as filed in her office and these returns were publicly examined and canvassed by the board and were approved. By Councilman Ventura, seconded by Councilman Daugherty, it was #755-57 RESOLVED that, the following statement of votes cast in the Special Election held on September 30, 1957: THE WHOLE NUMBER OF VOTES CAST WITHIN THE CITY OF LIVONIA ON THE FOLLOWING STORM SEWER BONDING PROPOSITION: "SHALL THE CITY OF LIVONIA, COUNTY OF WAYNE, MICHIGAN, BORROW THE SUM OF NOT EXCEEDING TEN MILLION ($10,000,000.00) DOLLARS AND ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS OF THE CITY THEREFOR FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING TRUNK STORM SEWERS TO SERVICE PORTIONS OF THE CITY IN IMMEDIATE NEED THEREOF?", WAS FIVE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED THIRTMEN VOTES 5,313 AND THE ABOVE VOTES CAST FOR "YES" AND "N0" TO SAID PROPOSITION ARE AS FOLLOWS: PRECINCT NO. 1 - FIFTY-NINE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 59 TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 226 PRECINCT NO. 2 - TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-EIGHT "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 238 ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-SEVEN "N0" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 167 PRECINCT NO. 3 - SEVENTY-THREE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 73 TWO HUNDRED FIFTY-TWO "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 252 Page 3059 PRECINCT NO. 4 - THIRTY-FOUR "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 34 EIGHTY-NINE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 89 PRECINCT NO. 5 - TWENTY-EIGHT "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 28 TWO HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 237 PRECINCT NO. 6 - THREE HUNDRED NINETY-TWO "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 392 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIvEO 153 PRECINCT NO. 7 - THIRTY-NINE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 39 ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 164 PRECINCT NO. 8 - TWO HUNDRED FORTY-FOUR "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 244 ONE HUNDRED EIGHT "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 108 PRECINCT NO. 9 - ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 127 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIva 141 PRECINCT NO.10 - FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 430 ONE HUNDRED EIGHTEEN "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIv2.) 118 PRECINCT NO.11 - THREE HUNDRED NINETY-EIGHT "YES" VOTES WERE RECEivED 398 TWO HUNDRED THREE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVEU 203 PRECINCT NO.12 - ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 170 ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 129 PRECINCT NO.13 - ONE HUNDRED ELEVEN "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 111 TWO HUNDRED TWENTY-SEVEN "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 227 PRECINCT NO.14 - FORTY-NINE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 49 ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY-NINE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 179 PRECINCT NO.15 - SEVENTY-FIVE "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 75 TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY-ONE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 281 PRECINCT NO.16 - NINETEEN "YES" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 19 ONE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE "NO" VOTES WERE RECEIVED 153 be and hereby is approved and certified in each and every respect. Page 3060 A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES: Kleinert, Ventura, Daugherty aid Grant. NAYS: None. The Chairman declared the foregoing resolution adopted and directed that certified copies of the same be prepared and be signed by each member of the board. Councilman Bagnall arrived at 9:17 P. M. By Councilman Kleinert, seconded by Councilman Ventura, it was ,#,756-57 RESOLVED that, the Board of Canvassers make and sign the following Certificate: CERTIFICATE OF DETERMINATION STATE OF MICHIGAN ) ss COUNTY OF WAYNE ) We, the undersigned members of the City Council, acting as the Board of Canvassers pursuant to Section 12 of Chapter III of the Charter, do hereby meet on the first Thursday following the Special Election held on September 30, 1957, and publicly canvass the returns of such election, and do hereby determine the result of such canvass and the results of the votes cast within the City of Livonia on the following Storm Sewer Bonding Proposition: "Shall the City of Livonia, County of Wayne, Michigan, Borrow the Sum of Not Exceeding Ten Million ($10,000,000.00) Dollars and Issue General Obligation Bonds of the City Therefor for the Purpose of Construct- ing Trunk Storm Sewers to Service Portions of the City in Immediate Need Thereof?", and do hereby determine that said proposition was denied by a vote of 2,486 "Yes" votes to 2,827 "No" votes. We further certify that this meeting was attended by Councilmen Austin T. Grant, Sydney B. Bagnall, Rudolf R. Kleinert, Peter A.Ventura and John T. Daugherty, who constituted a quorum; that Councilmen Frank O'Neill and David L. Jones were absent; and that this meeting was held at the City Hall, 33001 Five Mile Road, at approximately 9:15 P. M. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto attached our signatures on this 3rd day of October, 1957. Austin T. Grant Sydney B. Bagnall Rudolf IL "Kleinert Page 3061 Peter A. Ventura John T. Daugherty A roll call vote was taken on the foregoing resolution with the following result: AYES: Bagnall, Kleinert, Ventura, Daugherty and Grant. NAYS: None. The Chairman stated that the foregoing resolution was adopted and directed that such certificate of determination be pre pared and be signed by each member of the board. On motion of Councilman Bagnall, seconded by Councilman Daugherty and unanimously adopted, the meeting was duly adjourned at 9:19 P. M., October 3, 1957. Mare)W. Clark, City Clerk