The 148th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia,Michigan was called to order at 3:05 p.m., Thursday, July 17, 2003 in the 4th floor
conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack Kirksey
Mr. Scott Grace, Chairman
Mr. John Walsh, Vice Chairman
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Marvin Walkon
Members Absent: Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Wes Graff
Mr. Duane Wolfgang
Others Present: Mr. John Nagy, Director
Mr. Michael Slater, Finance Director
Mr. Mark Taormina, Planning Director
Mr. Howard Nauboris,Beckett&Raeder
Mr. Steve Levesque, Commercial Mowing Services
Mr. Antonio Corso, Vieste Builders
Mr. Bill Faris, Custom Stone Works
Mr. Bret Miller, eWave(PRDA Web Site)
Mrs. Robby Williams, Secretary
1. Roll was called.
2. Anton Corso,Vieste Builders gave a presentation to the PRDA Board concerning his
proposal to construct a commercial building at 28780 Plymouth Road on a vacant lot
located between a sewing machine/vacuum cleaner store called"Make it Sew"and a
bakers shop. This small commercial center would be occupied by two tenants. Parking
will be available both in the front and the back. The landscaping complies with the
PRDA landscape scheme. Both the front and back will look exactly the same.
On a motion by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Walkon, and unanimously approved, it was
#2003-20 RESOLVED,that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
support the construction of a commercial building located at 28780 Plymouth
(11101 Road with the condition that it complies with the plans as presented and that it
meets all requirements that may be imposed by the City Planning Commission and/or City Council.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
3. Adoption of 1476 Regular Meeting Minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously adopted, it was
#2003-20 RESOLVED, that the Minutes of the 147th Regular Meeting, held on
June 19, 2003, by the Plymouth Road Development Authority are hereby
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
4. Comments from the Chairman: There were no comments from the Chairman and the
floor was turned over to Mr. Slater for his Financial Report.
5. Finance Report: Mr. Slater presented the financial report. At the end of June the
Total Assets were $1,460,948.02, Total Liabilities were $81,061.93 and the Total
Liabilities and Fund Balance was $1,460,948.02. On the second page of the report
there was a clerical error regarding US Bank for$173,527.89 which Mr. Slater will
have corrected. Mr. Slater commented about his request to Beckett&Raeder for an
estimate from them regarding future services. This information is needed by the City's
Finance Department for budget preparation purposes. Three things that would be
helpful in tracking their costs: (1) Their services for Phase V-B and the construction,
administration and resident inspection fees not to exceed $44, 22,80.00. (2)
Maintenance and on-site services for the next quarter not to exceed $5,720. (3) Costs
for the banner program$3,500.00. The total for these three issues would come to a
total of$53,500. If they exceed these expenditures,the Board will have to approve any
expenses beyond these figures.
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mrs. Mette, and unanimously approved, it was
#2003-21 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority approves the
request by the City's Finance Director to require Plymouth Road
Development Authority Board approval for any expenditures beyond
$53,500.00 for Phase V-B for the next quarter budget.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
Mr. Slater advised the Board that approval for 2004 projects will depend upon the
budget for 2004 and construction documents for Phase VI which will be done at the end
of 2003 in the fall. Before we approve a project we are going to have to see where we
are and if there is enough money in the budget.
6. Bill Faris, Custom Stone Works. Mr. Faris advised the PRDA Board that he bought
the Modern Supply Building. He is in the process of tearing down and remodeling.
The demolition will take about a month. He indicated that he is taking down the sign
on the east side so that the building will only have one sign and also,that he wants to
get rid of any barbed wire.
Mr. Grace moved that this issue should go before the Development Assistance
Committee. He can show the Board what his plans are and get a cost estimate of the
work that he wants the PRDA to pay for. The limits are 50%up to a total of$25,000
for demolition and 75%for loans. We will meet with Mr. Faris on site and see what he
wants to do. Mr. Faris said his other building is for sale and plans on moving into this
newly remodeled building by October 1, 2003.
7. Construction Report-Beckett& Raeder: Howard Nauboris—reported that Peter
Basile said that the decorative fencing and landscaping will be completed within the
next six weeks. Mr. Wordhouse questioned why some areas have not been landscaped.
There are big mud holes and it doesn't look very good when you are driving down
Plymouth Road. Mr.Nauboris advised the Board that the landscaping people were
waiting for the masons to finish their jobs before they started with the landscaping.
Today was the last day for the masons to work. It will take about six weeks to finish
with the sodding. Board members were not happy with this situation and would take
this into consideration in the future before approving projects. Mr.Nauboris says the
contractor was resistant to doing the job any other way. Regarding the brick issue and
the white surfaces that are showing up at some intersections,we met on site with Basile
and everybody involved. Bob Weeks is the representative for the brick manufacturer
and his recommendation is that time is the only thing that is going to get the salt out of
the bricks. Mr. Levesque replied that he is going to try linseed oil and paint thinner.
The problem now is that the salt is crystallizing and the linseed oil is supposed to
resolve the problem. Mr. Nauboris reported that the brick manufacturer has tested the
brick and he has said that it is all fine. Everything meets specs. Salt comes from the
brick and that every brick has this. It will wear off in time.
Mr.Nagy reported that this installation of brick pavers is different than the other two
installations. We used an asphalt binding coarse over compacted sand with weep holes
and drainage through the weep holes may not be working. The bonding agent is so
tight that the moisture is not escaping in that area and it is not allowing the rock salt to
be flushed out of the brick. There was concern expressed by many of the Board
members about the condition of the brick pavers and how to best resolve the white
substance appearing on the surface. The question was asked if there was information
that could be provided by the brick manufacturer as to weather conditions and the best
time to install the brick pavers. The Board members asked that Mr.Nauboris bring a
representative from the brick supplier to the next meeting regarding this issue.
Mr.Nagy reported that at the last meeting, June 19, 2003,that the PRDA Board
authorized an amount not to exceed$4,000.00 payable to Commercial Mowing
Services to add flowers to three plazas. CMS did install the flowers at all three
locations. Mrs. Mette reported that the flowers and bushes along the strip on
Middlebelt to Wonderland Mall are not looking very good. CMS advised that they
were in the process of tearing out those bushes and working in that area. Mayor
Kirksey reported that on the south side it looks like it is not being maintained. Mr.
Levesque advised that he would check into it. It is an area that should be maintained.
Mr. Anderson suggested that there were some areas where salt had been spread during
the winter that had damaged the sod and that it needed to be replaced. CMS advised
that they do have a lot of places that will be sodded.
9. Bret Miller, a-Wave Digital (Web Site) - I am in the process of updating and putting
the newsletter on the web page. There has been a communication breakdown but things
are better coordinated now. From now on when the PRDA newsletter goes to the
printer a copy of it will be sent to me for the web page. There was much discussion
regarding the web page and how to simplify the search process so that the information
contained on the web is easily accessible. Mr. Miller's e-mail address is:
www.ewavedigital.com. Mrs. Mette suggested that there should be an icon for the
PRDA newsletter. Mr. Grace suggested that the pages should be revised to use more
lie the yellow pages. There also are a lot of businesses that were located in the
Wonderland Mall that are closed and no longer there that are showing up on the web
site. It has been requested that Mr. Miller run a copy of all the information contained
kir on the web site and bring it in for a meeting with some of the board members so they
may look at it and see if there are any revisions that need to be made. Mr. Nagy is
supposed to receive a copy of this information by e-mail from Mr. Miller. Updated
information would include new board members, new buildings and current PRDA
schedule of meetings,etc.
10. Committee Reports:
Great Race—John Walsh reported that the Great Race road rally was a great success.
It was under the Mayor's leadership that all went so well. There were approximately
5,000 in attendance for the Great Race. There was a large turnout for the Mayor's
Friday night invitation and Saturday morning at the Rec Center. It was just a wonderful
day. Mayor Kirksey replied that there were a lot of people who really worked very
hard on a continuing basis. A lot of detail was addressed and the event went off
extremely well. We think it will have an immeasurable impact and exposure on
Livonia. These people were coming in from all over the United States. In August there
will be two shows that will recap the Great Race. The race lasted for 15 days on the
road. We would be hard pressed to raise$180,000 to get that kind of impact for about a
year until the new"start"city is selected. Interviews about the Great Race were done
by local news stations and there was a feature on ESPN about the Great Race.
Public Relations: Stan Anderson—Nothing to report.
Vacant Buildings: Scott Grace—Nothing to report but I would like to add that the
former Lasky Furniture store is now occupied by an office furniture liquidation
Construction Committee: Bill Pike—absent—no report.
Banner Committee: John Nagy—No report.
Inspection: Ms. Mette—already offered her information during the meeting for the
benefit of Beckett &Raeder representative, Mr. Nauboris. Mr. Grace did report that
he thought John's Cleaners needed to be repainted. The paint is peeling off the
Development Assistance: Scott Grace reported that there were a couple of issues that
came before the committee. (1) Phoenix Land Development requested money to
move the light poles out of the right-of-way for the right turn lane and basically our
committee was in agreement that we should support their request. We usually deal
with demolition and grants of other means. We felt the board should discuss this and
vote on it. There was discussion by the board members about the MDOT
requirement for the length of the right-turn lane and what appeals Mr. Schaffer had
gone through to find relief from this requirement before the PRDA acted on this
issue. Mr. Taormina commented that regarding the deceleration and acceleration
lanes and would it help the traffic on Plymouth Road? Would it be a safer situation
once it is installed and for the residents and businesses? These are issues to consider.
There is also a question as to the estimate provided for the replacement of eight(8)
light poles on Plymouth Road. A second estimate was requested and revised. Mr.
Grace suggested the item be tabled until the next meeting.
The second item involved Orchard, Hiltz&McCliment and estimates for demolition
costs. There is documentation of five items. The committee suggested that the third
item regarding the removal of the windows should be removed from this pricing. Mr.
Peterson suggested that OHM clarify the window situation and give us another quote.
The board would like to see more than one bid for each item submitted for the work
that he wants to have done. This information should be submitted to John Nagy.
Mrs. Mette suggested that this item be tabled until the other bids are provided to the
Polling of Board Members:
There were no further comments from the board members and there was a motion to
adjourn the meeting.
10. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the 148th
Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority was adjourned at
5:15 pm.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, August 21, 2003, in the Fourth Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
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Ro bylliams, Secretary