tiv The 144th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:08 PM, Thursday, March 20, 2003 in the 4th
floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack Kirksey
Mr. Scott Grace, Chairman
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mrs. Toni Mette
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. John Walsh
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Members Absent: Mr. Duane Wolfgang (excused)
Mr. Marvin Walkon(excused)
Others Present: Mr. John Nagy,Director
Mr. Rich O'Brien, Beckett&Raeder
Mr. Mark Taormina, Planning Director
Mr. Steve Schafer&Dennis Michaels of Phoenix Dev.
Mr. Ralph Williams, Citizen
Dr. Robert Auth, Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Association
Mr. Christopher Martin, Citizen
Mrs. Robby Williams, Secretary
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of 143rd amended Regular Meeting Minutes: On a motion duly made,
seconded and unanimously adopted, it was
#2003-07 RESOLVED that, the amended Minutes of the 143rd Regular Meeting, held
on February 20, 2003,by the Plymouth Road Development Authority are
hereby approved.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
3. Comments from Chairman: Regarding the P.R.D.A. web site, it needs to be
updated. It was suggested that Susan Lang of F.C.S. should be able to e-mail
a copy of each newsletter to Bret Miller, of eWave Digital,the host of our web
page, so that in May the information can be included on our web page.
4. Finance Report—Michael Slater—For the end of February, 2003, assets were
reported to be in the amount of$2,405,548.69, total liabilities were listed as
$47,453.43 with a total fund balance of$2,358,095.26. There was a nice increase
for the captured taxes of 2.2 million dollars, which will earn interest throughout
the year. There are a couple of invoices from Beckett&Raeder that have not
been paid. A budget from Beckett&Raeder was needed before we commit to any
purchases or loans. We need to know what Beckett &Raeder is going to cost.
Mr. Grace discussed the Wonderland Mall closing and regarding the demolition process
and the time frame to rebuild. It was suggested that the process will probably take about
two years. Schostak has taken back most of the complex. Mayor Kirksey advised the
board that Schostak had purchased the Ward property. Target will buy more land from
Schostak in order to have a bigger store. The K-Mart property is up for sale again.
Congratulations were given to Mr. Wordhouse for a job well done as Chairman of the
5. Phoenix Land Development—George Burns Theater— Steve Schafer reported
that a construction trailer has been brought on to the lot. The Walgreens has
been approved and that demolition of the George Burns Theater will begin in
about two weeks. They will have the same landscape plan going up
Farmington Road that is being installed on Plymouth Road, the wrought iron
and pillars.
Mr. Nagy advised that the development company will have to relocate the existing street
light poles that are now in conflict with the new right turn lane planned for Plymouth
Road. MDOT required a deceleration lane that will extend further than was originally
expected. The Mayor suggested that this item be tabled until there is an opportunity to see
detailed plans and for Phoenix to appeal to MDOT for a reduction in the length of the
deceleration lane. Mr. Schafer advised the board that he could provide a cost per pole
before the next meeting.
On a motion by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Anderson and approved, it was
#2003-08 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve and authorize a grant to be paid to Phoenix Land Development for
asbestos removal and reimbursement up to one-half of the cost with a limit of
$25,000 and approves a total grant amount of$30,000.
Mr. Walsh felt that Mr. Schaefer and his company, in his personal opinion, has shown a lot
of tenacity and stuck with this project. We have new rules now for our grant
program. He will have to bring in the paid invoices after he incurs the cost
before the grant can be awarded.
A roll call vote was taken with the following results:
AYES: Walsh, Anderson, Mette, Mayor Kirksey, Kujawa, Wordhouse,
NAYS: Peterson, Pike
ABSENT: Walkon, Wolfgang
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution is
6. New Car Alternative—Mark Taormina,Planning Director, gave a presentation
on behalf of New Car Alternative's request to construct an addition onto an
existing building and expand the vehicle display area in connection with an
existing automobile dealership located on the south side of Plymouth between
Laurel Avenue and Wayne Road. There have been issues raised from
neighbors on Laurel. The existing building that used to house the party store
and sub shop will be removed from that site. A secondary means of ingress
and egress will be provided west of the Doughboy Donut Shop
On a motion by Mr. Pike, seconded by Mr. Wordhouse and unanimously approved, it was
#2003-09 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does
hereby approve the proposed plan by New Car Alternative, Inc. in concept
to construct an addition onto an existing building and expand the vehicle
display area in connection with an existing automobile dealership located at
34601 Plymouth Road.
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
7. Construction Report—Beckett&Raeder: Rich O'Brien reported that the
budget for 2003 contract services has been submitted for approval. In all
future years the contract will be put forth before the board. The budget year
will be from December 1 through November 30. Phase VB—new
construction for this year covers Middlebelt Road to Sears Drive on the north
side and on the south it will begin at Wonderland Mall area and continue west
to Milburn Avenue. Mr. Nagy reported that this represents a unit price bid.
We can delete certain phases of the work if necessary. We may not do the
work in front of Target because they are going to build a superstore. Mr.
O'Brien reported that for the Walgreens at Middlebelt that it is up to them to
cover the cost. It would be the same way at Farmington Road.
Mr. Anderson reported that 12 or so of the issues he raised previously that needed
attention, we are getting to the point that they can be taken care of. The southeast
corner of Harrison hole has been patched with asphalt and in addition to that there are
unused poles at Cardwell and Deering that can be removed. There is still a pole across
the street.
On a motion by Mayor Kirksey, seconded by Mrs. Melte and unanimously approved, it
#2003-10 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve the contract with Peter A. Basile Sons for Phase V, Part B
Streetscape Middlebelt Road to Sears Drive in the amount of$808,265.00.
A roll call vote was taken with the following result:
AYES: Mayor Kirksey, Mette,Pike, Walsh, Anderson, Peterson,
Kujawa, Grace
C NAYS: Wordhouse
ABSENT: Walkon, Wolfgang
Mr. Grace, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
Mr. O'Brien reported that regarding the maintenance contract for 2002,they are just now
closing out the final figures. There are only punch list items remaining to be
Mr. Pike asked if there was going to be any help with the expense of replacing the ash
trees and the Mayor replied that according to the information he has been
given that there would be no financial help available at the current time.
On a motion by Mr. Walsh, seconded by Mr. Pike and unanimously approved, it was
#2003-11 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve the contract submitted by Beckett &Raeder for their 2003 services
and budget.
Mr. Grace, Chairman,declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution adopted.
8. Committee Reports-
Public Relations: Mr. Anderson reported that he is on his way with the next newsletter.
We hope to have this issue out the week after Easter. There is an article on
the Great Race and we have good information about Roush.
Vacant Buildings: Mr. Grace reported that the VSI building is close to finalizing a deal.
It is east of the Legacy Restaurant. The Auto Zone is now closed—it is near
the new Walgreens.
Construction Committee—Mr. Pike—we are looking at the 2003 schedule and Phase VB
Inspection—Mrs. Mette—regarding the banners and what date will they be changed. She
felt that due to the nice weather that the snowflakes should come down.
Also, there is a sewer pipe that is sticking up out of the ground at the
Crestwood Lounge on the southwest corner. There was some discussion
regarding the positioning of the benches and why they weren't centered. It
was suggested that they are probably set off to the side for esthetic reasons
and moving them now would be a problem because they are anchored into
the cement.
Development Assistance—Mr. Grace—We voted on this earlier.
Banner Committee- Mr. Nagy—We wanted to make sure we had a budget before we
(kw, scheduled a meeting.
Great Race—John Walsh— We continue to raise money. The Mayor has pulled together
a great group of volunteers. There are a variety of indoor and outdoor events
scheduled. It is a great way to show off Plymouth Road. I think there will be a
calendar for the next meeting. Bright House is donating $25,000 to the Great
9. Director's Report-John Nagy—Nothing much to report. The purchasing of
Wonderland Mall. The question of whether we are going to have a parade this
year, probably for this year, yes, but maybe not for future years. We will probably
need a committee to discuss this further. There still is a question. Do we really
want to continue? We need to put some plans together. A building is needed for a
gathering after the parade to hand out the awards and for a visit with Santa Claus.
10. Polling of Board Members—
Mr. Peterson- Would like to see the Brake Shop, at Merriman and Plymouth,
"blue building"color changed.
Mr. Walsh—The new tech center at the college will open soon. The culinary room
—the operation is in place so students will be able to fully use the room by next
tre week. Construction is still on going on the residential site.
Regarding the Chamber—the presidency position was just offered and was
accepted by Wesley Graff, a former resident of Livonia. He has been living in
Goshen, Indiana where he was the president of the Goshen Chamber of
Commerce. The EXPO will be held April 2. We expect to have about 60 booths.
12. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted, the
144th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority was
adjourned at 5:00 pm.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on
Thursday, April 17, 2003.
ibldrXilliams, Secretary