The 134th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia,Michigan was called to order at 3:00 PM, Thursday, April 18, 2002 in the 4th
floor conference room of City Hall.
Members Present: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse, Chairman
Mr. Scott Grace, Vice Chairman
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Members Absent: Mr. Marvin Walkon(excused)
Mr. Duane Wolfgang(excused)
Mrs. Toni Mette (excused)
Mr. Mike Polsinelli(excused)
Mr. Rod Crider(excused)
Mr. John Walsh(excused)
(be Others Present: Mr. John Nagy, Director
Mr. Michael Slater, Finance Director
Mr. Tim Knutsen, Beckett&Raeder
Mr. Bill Hall, Mr. Joe Barts &Ms. Gloria Hollingsworth on behalf
of White Castle(Wonderland)
Mr. Steve Schafer,Phoenix Land Development&Mr. Mark Drain,
Rogvoy Architects on behalf of Walgreens
Mr. Mark Taormina, Livonia Planning Director
Mr. Jeff Bryant, Livonia Economic Director
Dr. Robert Auth, Rosedale Gardens Homeowners Association
Mr. Ralph Williams, Citizen
Mr. Larry O'Connor, Livonia Observer
Mrs. Robby Williams, Secretary
1. Roll was called. Mr. Wordhouse determined that a quorum was present.
2. Adoption of 133rd Regular Meeting minutes: On a motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously adopted, it was
#2002-08 RESOLVED,that the Minutes of the 133rd Regular Meeting held on March
21, 2002 by the Plymouth Road Development Authority are hereby
Mr. Wordhouse, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
kr, adopted.
3. Comments from Chairman: Mr. Wordhouse will make comments latter.
4. Finance Report: Mr. Slater reported the financial status for the PRDA for the
month of March 2002. Total assets were$2,165,781.40, total liabilities were
$39,732.27,total fund balance was $2,126,049.13. There was discussion
regarding the banner company. Their presence is still being requested at the next
5. Walgreen Drug Store proposed to be located at the northeast corner of Plymouth
and Middlebelt. The presentation was made by Mark Drain of Rogvoy
Architects. The building will be the same as the Walgreens at Six Mile and
Farmington Roads. The vacant bank building will be torn down and a new
Livonia standard prototype Walgreens will be constructed on that corner.
The curb cuts will be moved further to the east and a new property line will
be established as shown on the site plan. Mr. Drain has had discussions
with the Planning Department regarding lighting and signage and will
comply with their suggestions. Mr. Schafer advised the Board that this was
not a 24-hour store and the Board was also advised that the trees would be
saved. The question was asked if Walgreens was going to be going in at
the corner of Farmington and Plymouth and Mr. Schafer stated, "yes".
Mayor Kirksey questioned when the demolition was going to begin at the
George Burns theater and was advised by Mr. Schafer that within the next
couple of weeks the asbestos was going to be removed and as soon as that
is done, the building will be coming down. The cars and trucks will be
moved eventually. Bill Brown Ford is on a week-to-week lease basis. Mr.
Anderson reported that there is a"no turn on red" sign at the Plymouth and
Middlebelt corner now and that it should be removed. Mr. Schafer
reported that MDOT would have to be involved with that. There was
discussion concerning the number of pharmacies in Livonia. Some feel that
there are too many. There is much concern that eventually there will be
closures of these pharmacies and many large vacant buildings at prominent
locations. Mr. Taormina stated that this design is unique to Livonia and
that the ordinance has been changed since this plan was originally
submitted. Drive-up facilities are approved only as waiver uses and that
was not the case back when this petition was submitted in 1999. There
will be a Planning Commission public hearing concerning this proposal on
May 7, 2002 followed up by a final decision to be made by the City Council
considering also the landscaping and lighting and continuing that theme up
Middlebelt Road and the Plymouth Road frontage. Mr. Grace didn't know
if he could support the proposal and was concerned about the strip mall
behind the Walgreens. Mayor Kirksey stated that he had a problem with
the proposal and that he may veto it if and when it gets Council approval.
The Mayor said he doesn't wish Walgreens or Mr. Schafer any ill but does
think it is only a matter of time before the market becomes saturated with
drug stores. Mr. Anderson advised the Board that the owner did some
facelifts to that property including parking lot improvements, repair and
striping. There is a party store and office facilities there now and they keep
the property clean and well maintained. It is tidy looking and not an
embarrassment. The retailers are interested in the traffic the Walgreens will
bring into their stores. Mr. Pike suggested that considering the alternatives
that this building makes the most sense. Mr. Bryant asked if Walgreens
couldn't bring in somebody else to the corner. Something that would make
it more palatable to the Mayor. Mr. Kujawa is not a big supporter for a
drug store but when we look at Plymouth Road and look at the vacant
buildings and what we are trying to accomplish here, he thinks this would
be a better alternative than an empty building. He suggested that City
Council and the Planning Commission be relied upon to pass an ordinance
not to have a drug store on every other corner.
On a motion by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Anderson and approved, it was
#2002-09 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
approve the proposed development plans as submitted by Walgreens to be
located at the northeast corner of Plymouth and Middlebelt as a satellite
building in front of the Office Depot Playa Shopping Center with the
conditions that all trees be saved in place or transplanted on site as installed
by the Plymouth Road Development Authority and that the landscaping as
(vir shown on the landscape plan for the Plymouth Road and Middlebelt Road
frontage be installed at the petitioner's expense.
A roll call vote was taken with the following result:
AYES: Peterson, Anderson, Pike, Kujawa
NAYS: Mayor Kirksey, Grace, Wordhouse
ABSENT: Mette, Wolfgang, Walkon, Polsinelli, Crider, Walsh
Mr. Wordhouse, Chairman, declared the motion carried and the above resolution adopted.
White Castle proposal presented by Joe Barts, with Bill Hall and Gloria Hollingsworth in
attendance on behalf of White Castle. This petition was brought before the
P.R.D.A. earlier at the Sheldon Shopping Center location but was asked to
be put on hold due to discussions with the landlord and Schostak. While that
was under review we were able to work out a new lease and renegotiated a
building design which included drive through capability. We did submit 13
revised plans today and we were advised that the petition would require
waiver use approval. The current White Castle will be demolished and a
smaller White Castle will be constructed. The restaurant will be a 24-hour
operation with part of the operation handling Church's Chicken with a
limited menu. The seating has been reduced from 72 to 25 seats. We expect
about 55%to 60% of our business to be through the drive-through window.
On a motion by Mr. Pike, seconded by Mr. Grace and unanimously approved it was
#2002-10 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
support the reconstruction of a new 1,780 square foot White Castle which
would include two drive-up windows and seating for 25, with the condition
that all development plans related to this proposal shall fully comply with all
applicable rules, regulations and ordinances of the City of Livonia.
Mr. Wordhouse, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
5. Construction Report—Beckett &Raeder: Tim Knutsen reported that he drove
the corridor before coming to the meeting. Last week Ameritech fiber optic lines
were hit by the installer of mast arms. The location was the southwest corner of
Plymouth and Merriman Roads. To avoid similar problems at the other corners a
proposal has been submitted for an additional$1,150 to vacuum pump those holes.
Mr. Knutsen had a discussion with Steve of Peter Basile regarding some items that
need to be corrected in connection with our Phase IV project. Rust is starting to
appear at the base of the light bases and fences. They will be touched up and
repainted. Mowing was discussed and Mr. Pike reiterated that mowing should be
at a height of 3" due to the cost of water and the survival of the grass. A reminder
was also stated that mowing is not to be done next to the bases of the light poles.
That area should be trimmed. Spring clean up is almost done. Still working on the
first mowing. Irrigation is 50%done and should be fully operating by next week.
The sod repair will be taken care of and determination of who is responsible will be
determined at a later date. The people from the banner company could not make
this meeting due to a conflict in their schedule. The Board members were
disappointed to hear this because there is concern regarding the quality of the
product. There was mention also of disappointment that payments had been made
to Banner Sign Company in light of concerns with their product.
On a motion by Mr. Pike, seconded by Mr. Grace and unanimously approved it was
#2002-11 RESOLVED,that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
determine to withhold any further payments to Banner Sign Company until we
have had an opportunity to meet and formulate a new program for the banner
Mr. Wordhouse, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
Board members voiced concern that the pavers showing the effervescence staining
of the brick needs to be cleaned up. Mr. Anderson feels the bus stop sign needs to
be moved at the corner of Middlebelt and Plymouth. It is still 50 feet east of our
plaza(at the southeast corner). A question was raised if there are street
designation signs on Farmington and Middlebelt on the west bound one. Mr,
Knutsen didn't have any information on this.
Mr. Nagy reported that there would be a meeting on the bid received for Phase V. Only two
bids were submitted for Phase V landscaping proposal for the plazas and the walls.
Twenty sets of bids were picked up. The two bids received were from Peter Basile
Sons and Huron Landscaping. Basile was the low bidder. The project was
estimated to come to be bid at around$1,000,000. Basile's bid was$955,000.
Our problem now is to work out an agreement with ISTEA people in Lansing. We
are still up in the air because of that technically. Mr. Knutsen advised that the
issue is that if you have less than three bids,we have to justify why that bid was
accepted. Our justifications will be that we have worked with Basile before and
that we know this company. The company has been consistently the low bidder
and they are located in the City of Livonia.
7. Reports from Committees:
Public Relations Committee: Mr. Anderson reported that the 2002 Spring
newsletter was in the mail and copies were distributed to the board members.
There are about 1900 addresses that receive the newsletter. Mr. Anderson pointed
out that Leone Enterprises was on the front page and what a nice improvement it
is to the area. There was also a picture of the Olympic torch carrier on the front
page. Emphasis was placed on the inside where the businesses will be able to
obtain and submit information relative to their web page. They will fill out the
card that is enclosed and send it to the PRDA for input into the system. Other
issues covered in the newsletter were summer construction,upcoming events,
Wilson Barn and welcoming John Walsh to the PRDA board.
Vacant Buildings Committee: Mr. Grace—The Pastor building is not on the list.
They demolished part of their building in the back. Comerica has a deal pending.
The building at 38950 Plymouth Road, I called that company a couple of times but
I haven't been able to get any information. They have a large sign in front.
Mayor Kirksey advised that he has talked to somebody who is interested in the
building once occupied by Allstate Insurance and later by the Social Security
Administration. The building is located east of the Legacy Restaurant. He
thought it was used by Human Services and asked if it was still occupied. Mr.
Grace advised that it was. Mr. Grace feels that there is something going on at the
Lasky store but nobody knows anything about it. Mr.Nagy stated that the
Building Inspection Department has been asked to look into that matter.
Construction Committee: Mr. Pike—We have had a couple of meetings. When
the contract is finally awarded there will be a pre-construction meeting to go over
some guidelines so we don't have so many problems as we have had in the past
and take a closer look at who their subcontractors are.
Inspection Committee: No report.
Development Assistance: Mr. Grace - No report at this time.
Web Site: Currently Mike is inputting the business information into the web page.
7. Chairman's Comments: Regarding the web site and the fact that we need to
have John hooked up to the Internet. Mike sent me a proposal to present to you to
purchase for John a laptop computer. I am presenting this information to the
Board for their consideration. A description of compac computer and related
components was circulated.
On a motion by Mr. Pike, seconded by Mr. Grace and unanimously approved, it was
#2002-12 RESOLVED, that the Plymouth Road Development Authority approved the
purchase of computer equipment in the amount of$2,098.00 consisting of:
Compaq Evo N180 1Ghz 470024-824
Windows XP
Mr. Wordhouse, Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the g
fore oin resolution
8. Director's Report: Another one of the light poles located at Wayne and
Plymouth on the southeast corner has been hit. I have asked for an accident
report. The cost is probably going to be about $4,000 to replace. Phase V
landscape—we are under the estimate. The bad news is that we only had two bids.
It involves federal money it due to the City of Livonia and the ISTEA grant
money. The City Council will have to authorize a resolution so that the Mayor can
sign the contract.
Mr. Anderson asked about the status of his 21 items that needed attention. Have
they been addressed at all? Mr. Nagy advised that items are absolutely being
addressed. The poles have been taken care of except the Ameritech in front of
Roush Industries. We contacted Ameritech as well as Roush. The sidewalks are
being addressed as well. The sod replacement is underway and will be completed
by May 3rd.
Mr. Pike suggested that Mr. O'Brien and Mr. Knutsen both did not have to be on
the job site. We have been asking them for a breakdown on what their cost would
be on the site. We need a breakdown and what they expect to do.
9. Polling of Board Members: Mr. Nagy informed and reminded everybody about
the Mayor's Ball to be held on April 26t. We will be represented.
Mr. Bryant talked to Gary Ward, Manager for Quality Inn. He gave me three lead
sources for residents. John is going to put me on the agenda for the next meeting
to transmit resources for some of these vacancies.
Mr. Grace—Regarding the right turn at Middlebelt and the right turn lane at
Merriman, Middlebelt has the lane but there is no arrow. We should provide a
right turn arrow at that intersection. We might want to make the effort to go up
and down and make a list of all the things that are lacking or that need to be
reinstalled. We need consistency.
10. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted,the
134`h Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority was
adjourned at 5:00 pm.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held on Thursday,
May 16, 2002.
obby illiams, Secretary