The 56th Regular Meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority of the City of
Livonia, Michigan was called to order at 3:05 p.m., Thursday June 5, 1997 in the 4th
Floor Conference Room of City Hall by Vice-chairman Stan Anderson.
Members Present: Mayor Jack E. Kirksey
Mr. Stan Anderson
Mr. Donald Gelinas
Mr. Scott Grace
Mr. Dennis Kujawa
Mr. Bill Pike
Mr. Adelard Raby
Mr. Jerry Wordhouse
Ms. Toni Mette
Mr. Lowell Peterson
Mr. Marvin Walkon
Members Absent: Mr. Mike Polsinelli (excused absence)
Others Present: Mrs. Doris Urbanski, Secretary
Mr. John Nagy,Director
Mr. Dan Piercecchi, Planning Commission
Ms. Julia Stanley
Mr. Dan DiComo
Mr. Joe Durso
Mr. Joe Taylor
Mr. Robert Bennett
1. Roll was called.
2. Adoption of the minutes of May 1, 1997: On a motion duly made, seconded and
unanimously adopted, it was
#97-33 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 54th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on May 1, 1997 are approved.
Mr. Anderson, Vice Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
3. Adoption of the minutes of May 15, 1997: On a motion duly made, seconded
and unanimously adopted, it was
#97-34 RESOLVED that, the minutes of the 55th Regular Meeting held by the
Plymouth Road Development Authority on May 15, 1997 are approved.
4. Comments from Chairman: None
5. Budget Report- Mike Slater: Mr. Slater distributed a Performance Report, the
April 1997 Disbursements and a Balance Sheet through April 30, 1997 showing a balance
of$1,292,688.44. He also informed the committee that two bids for the sale of the
Livonia Auto Parts land were received, one from Al Tanski (owner of New Car
Alternatives) in the amount of$215,000, and a second bid from Livonia Volkswagen in
the amount of$125,000, and will recommend to the Council to accept the bid from Al
Tanski for $215,000. This matter will go before Council in two weeks and we will be
reimbursed upon the completion of the sale. Mr. Pike expressed concern that there would
be parking on both sides of Laurel, and Mr. Nagy informed him that the City would have
to approve a site plan for the property.
6. Beckett& Raeder: In the absence of John Iacoangeli, John Nagy reported to the
board that the ISTEA grant application submitted to the Council at their meeting on May
28, 1997 was approved, and that Mayor Kirksey did not intend to use his veto power
regarding this resolution which allowed for the immediate release of the resolution. The
application was submitted to MDOT by the cut-off date of June 2, 1997.
7. Reports from Committees:
George Burns Theater Committee: Marvin Walkon reported on a recent meeting
with Louis George, Sandy Thomas, and the Theater Committee. Mr. George was asked if
he would postpone the sale of the theatre for six months while the Committee further
investigates possibilities for the theatre, but Mr. George denied the request stating he has
two potential tenants for that site, Walgreen's and McDonalds. Mr. George also
submitted a letter outlining four proposals for consideration for sale or lease of the theatre.
Mayor Kirksey expressed disappointment that there was not a better use submitted for this
prime piece of property, but if the theatre were retained, the continued maintenance would
make it difficult. Ms. Melte and Mr. Grace suggested a smaller building for a community
theatre like the Bentley Center, and Mayor Kirksey told the Committee that land in the
Civic Center has been put aside in the Master Plan for an auditorium. Joe Taylor
suggested making this corner another City Control Area. Mr. Nagy pointed out that
Livonia is out of industrial property and there is a strong market for it. Mr. Anderson
asked if there is a place for apartments or condos in that area,but Mr. Taylor said the
land was too expensive.
On a motion by Mr. Pike, it was
RESOLVED that the George Burns Theatre Committee on June 19, 1997
present to the Board 1)the best use of the property that fits the PRDA's objectives and
goals, and 2)who should market that facility.
The motion failed for lack of support.
Bob Bennett stated that this authority has the means for purchasing this property
L, out of its TIFA if it wishes to do so. His opinion was that we owe it to the City to make a
strong analysis of the property from a professional consultant before making a final
On a motion by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Walkon and unanimously approved, it
#97-35 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
determine to table the matter of the George Burns theatre to the meeting of
June 17, 1997.
Mr. Anderson, Vice Chairman, declared the motion is carried and the foregoing resolution
Public Relations Committee: Stan Anderson reported on a meeting with
Fisher Communications Services and reviewed their proposal. He showed the Board two
masthead possibilities for the proposed newsletter. Fisher Communications suggested that
Board members submit a rough draft for their articles and their professionals would
smooth it out and get the newsletter ready for mailing by the City. Based on this meeting,
Fisher Communications will submit a contract to us for review by our Law Department
and the PRDA board.
On a motion made by Mr. Peterson, seconded by Mr. Pike and unanimously approved, it
#97-36 RESOLVED that the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
authorize the Public Relations Committee to enter into a contract with Fisher
Communications Services for a DDA newsletter.
Vacant Buildings Committee: Scott Grace reported that the vacant Sparton
Tire store on Plymouth and Middlebelt is being torn down today for a new Auto Zone
store. Also, Dennis Kujawa noted that the old Color Tile store has a banner in the
window announcing the arrival of a new video store.
Construction Committee: Nothing to report at this time.
Inspection Committee: Nothing to report at this time. Toni Mette asked how
tall grass has to be before a business is issued a violation notice and was told the ordinance
states 9"and if it is not cut,the City will send out its contractor to cut the grass and then
bill the business for the cost.
8. Update on current Plymouth Road projects: John Nagy reported that he
informed Julia Stanley that it was the Board's opinion that her proposal for the former
Livonia Tire store was not the best use for that property, and even though she was aware
of our attitude towards that, she would like one more presentation to the Board with a
proposal. Dan DiComo, architect,then displayed a plan for a proposed new structure and
answered questions in this regard. Stan Anderson suggested that the empty building next
to the new nursing home on the east side of Middlebelt would be a good place for a flower
shop,but Ms. Stanley was adamant that the Livonia Tire store was the best location for
her business. Scott Grace asked what business would be good for that location if the
building were demolished and that he was in favor of this proposal by Ms. Stanley.
On a motion by Mr. Wordhouse, seconded by Ms. Mette and unanimously approved, it
#97-37 RESOLVED that, the Plymouth Road Development Authority does hereby
request that Julia Stanley submit an offer and detailed architectural plans for a
new commercial building at the former Livonia Tire store location.
9. Polling of Board Members:
Mr. Peterson informed the Board that a Bunk and Trundle Bed shop was
moving into the space behind the Family Buggy restaurant on Plymouth and Middlebelt.
Mr. Woodhouse suggested that in the future the agenda be structured to allow
anyone coming to the meeting with a presentation be allowed to move up in the agenda so
that they would not have to wait through the whole meeting.
Mayor Kirksey announced that there would be a Town Hall meeting June 12 at
7:30 p.m. in the City Hall auditorium regarding the status of the roads in Livonia and a
new plan for restructuring and resurfacing same. Everyone was invited to offer their
10. Public Comment: None.
�rr 11. Adjournment: On a motion duly made, seconded and unanimously adopted,
the 56th Regular Meeting held by the Plymouth Road Development Authority on June 5,
1997 was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.
The next meeting of the Plymouth Road Development Authority will be held
on June 17, 1997 in the 4th Floor Conference Room of City Hall.
Doris Urbanski, Secretary